@Override public void executeMsg(final Environmental myHost, final CMMsg msg) { if ((msg.tool() == this) && (msg.targetMinor() == CMMsg.TYP_WEAPONATTACK) && (weaponClassification() == Weapon.CLASS_THROWN)) return; // msg.addTrailerMsg(CMClass.getMsg(msg.source(),this,CMMsg.MSG_DROP,null)); else if ((msg.tool() == this) && (msg.targetMinor() == CMMsg.TYP_DAMAGE) && (msg.target() != null) && (msg.target() instanceof MOB) && (weaponClassification() == Weapon.CLASS_THROWN)) { unWear(); msg.addTrailerMsg( CMClass.getMsg(msg.source(), this, CMMsg.MASK_ALWAYS | CMMsg.MSG_DROP, null)); msg.addTrailerMsg( CMClass.getMsg((MOB) msg.target(), this, CMMsg.MASK_ALWAYS | CMMsg.MSG_GET, null)); msg.addTrailerMsg( CMClass.getMsg( msg.source(), msg.target(), this, CMMsg.MASK_ALWAYS | CMMsg.TYP_GENERAL, null)); } else if ((msg.tool() == this) && (msg.target() instanceof MOB) && (msg.targetMinor() == CMMsg.TYP_GENERAL) && (((MOB) msg.target()).isMine(this)) && (msg.sourceMessage() == null)) { final Ability A = CMClass.getAbility("Thief_Bind"); if (A != null) { A.setAffectedOne(this); A.invoke(msg.source(), (MOB) msg.target(), true, phyStats().level()); } } else super.executeMsg(myHost, msg); }
@Override public boolean okMessage(final Environmental myHost, final CMMsg msg) { if ((affected instanceof MOB) && (msg.amISource((MOB) affected)) && (msg.targetMinor() == CMMsg.TYP_DAMAGE) && (msg.tool() instanceof Weapon) && (msg.value() > 0) && (msg.target() instanceof MOB) && (((Weapon) msg.tool()).weaponClassification() == Weapon.CLASS_THROWN)) { if (CMLib.dice().rollPercentage() < 25) helpProficiency((MOB) affected, 0); final CMMsg msg2 = CMClass.getMsg( (MOB) msg.target(), msg.tool(), this, CMMsg.MSG_OK_VISUAL, L("^F^<FIGHT^><T-NAME> fragment(s) in <S-NAME>!^</FIGHT^>^?")); CMLib.color().fixSourceFightColor(msg2); msg.addTrailerMsg(msg2); msg.setValue( msg.value() + (int) Math.round( CMath.mul( 3.0 * msg.value(), CMath.div(proficiency(), 100.0 - (10.0 * getXLEVELLevel(invoker())))))); } return super.okMessage(myHost, msg); }
@Override public void executeMsg(Environmental affecting, CMMsg msg) { super.executeMsg(affecting, msg); final MOB source = msg.source(); if (!canFreelyBehaveNormal(affecting)) return; final MOB observer = (MOB) affecting; if ((source != observer) && (msg.amITarget(observer)) && (msg.targetMinor() == CMMsg.TYP_GIVE) && (msg.tool() instanceof Coins)) { if ((CMLib.flags().canBeSeenBy(source, observer)) && (CMLib.flags().canBeSeenBy(observer, source))) { double value = ((Coins) msg.tool()).getTotalValue(); final String currency = ((Coins) msg.tool()).getCurrency().toUpperCase(); double takeCut = getMyCut(affecting, currency); double amountToTake = CMLib.beanCounter().abbreviatedRePrice(observer, value * takeCut); if ((amountToTake > 0.0) && (amountToTake < CMLib.beanCounter() .getLowestDenomination(CMLib.beanCounter().getCurrency(observer)))) amountToTake = CMLib.beanCounter().getLowestDenomination(CMLib.beanCounter().getCurrency(observer)); value -= amountToTake; observer.recoverPhyStats(); final Coins C = CMLib.beanCounter().makeBestCurrency(observer, value); if ((value > 0.0) && (C != null)) { // this message will actually end up triggering the hand-over. final CMMsg newMsg = CMClass.getMsg( observer, source, C, CMMsg.MSG_SPEAK, L("^T<S-NAME> say(s) 'Thank you for your business' to <T-NAMESELF>.^?")); C.setOwner(observer); final long num = C.getNumberOfCoins(); final String curr = C.getCurrency(); final double denom = C.getDenomination(); C.destroy(); C.setNumberOfCoins(num); C.setCurrency(curr); C.setDenomination(denom); msg.addTrailerMsg(newMsg); } else CMLib.commands().postSay(observer, source, L("Gee, thanks. :)"), true, false); ((Coins) msg.tool()).destroy(); } else if (!CMLib.flags().canBeSeenBy(source, observer)) CMLib.commands() .postSay(observer, null, L("Wha? Where did this come from? Cool!"), true, false); } else if ((msg.source() == observer) && (msg.target() instanceof MOB) && (msg.targetMinor() == CMMsg.TYP_SPEAK) && (msg.tool() instanceof Coins) && (((Coins) msg.tool()).amDestroyed()) && (!msg.source().isMine(msg.tool())) && (!((MOB) msg.target()).isMine(msg.tool()))) CMLib.beanCounter() .giveSomeoneMoney(msg.source(), (MOB) msg.target(), ((Coins) msg.tool()).getTotalValue()); }
@Override public void executeMsg(final Environmental myHost, final CMMsg msg) { super.executeMsg(myHost, msg); if ((msg.source().location() != null) && (msg.targetMinor() == CMMsg.TYP_DAMAGE) && ((msg.value()) > 0) && (msg.tool() == this) && (msg.target() instanceof MOB) && (!((MOB) msg.target()).amDead()) && (CMLib.flags().isEvil((MOB) msg.target()))) { final CMMsg msg2 = CMClass.getMsg( msg.source(), msg.target(), new HolyAvenger(), CMMsg.MSG_OK_ACTION, CMMsg.MSK_MALICIOUS_MOVE | CMMsg.TYP_UNDEAD, CMMsg.MSG_NOISYMOVEMENT, null); if (msg.source().location().okMessage(msg.source(), msg2)) { msg.source().location().send(msg.source(), msg2); int damage = CMLib.dice().roll(1, 15, 0); if (msg.value() > 0) damage = damage / 2; msg.addTrailerMsg( CMClass.getMsg( msg.source(), msg.target(), CMMsg.MSG_OK_ACTION, L( "@x1 dispels evil within <T-NAME> and @x2 <T-HIM-HER>>!", name(), CMLib.combat().standardHitWord(Weapon.TYPE_BURSTING, damage)))); final CMMsg msg3 = CMClass.getMsg( msg.source(), msg.target(), null, CMMsg.MSG_OK_VISUAL, CMMsg.MSG_DAMAGE, CMMsg.NO_EFFECT, null); msg3.setValue(damage); msg.addTrailerMsg(msg3); } } }
@Override public boolean okMessage(final Environmental myHost, final CMMsg msg) { if (!(affected instanceof MOB)) return true; final MOB mob = (MOB) affected; if ((msg.amITarget(mob)) && (CMath.bset(msg.targetMajor(), CMMsg.MASK_MALICIOUS)) && (msg.tool() instanceof Ability) && (!mob.amDead())) { final Ability A = (Ability) msg.tool(); if (CMath.bset(A.flags(), Ability.FLAG_PARALYZING)) { msg.addTrailerMsg( CMClass.getMsg( mob, null, CMMsg.MSG_OK_VISUAL, L("The uninhibiting barrier around <S-NAME> repels the @x1.", A.name()))); return false; } final MOB newMOB = CMClass.getFactoryMOB(); final CMMsg msg2 = CMClass.getMsg(newMOB, null, null, CMMsg.MSG_SIT, null); newMOB.recoverPhyStats(); try { A.affectPhyStats(newMOB, newMOB.phyStats()); if ((!CMLib.flags().aliveAwakeMobileUnbound(newMOB, true)) || (CMath.bset(A.flags(), Ability.FLAG_PARALYZING)) || (!A.okMessage(newMOB, msg2))) { msg.addTrailerMsg( CMClass.getMsg( mob, null, CMMsg.MSG_OK_VISUAL, L("The uninhibiting barrier around <S-NAME> repels the @x1.", A.name()))); newMOB.destroy(); return false; } } catch (final Exception e) { } newMOB.destroy(); } return true; }
@Override public void executeMsg(final Environmental myHost, final CMMsg msg) { if ((System.currentTimeMillis() - lastClanCheck) > TimeManager.MILI_HOUR) { lastClanCheck = System.currentTimeMillis(); if ((clanID().length() > 0) && (CMLib.clans().getClan(clanID()) == null)) { destroy(); return; } } if (StdClanItem.stdExecuteMsg(this, msg)) { super.executeMsg(myHost, msg); if ((msg.amITarget(this)) && (clanID().length() > 0) && (msg.source().getClanRole(clanID()) != null)) { final Room R = msg.source().location(); if (R == null) return; if ((msg.targetMinor() == CMMsg.TYP_DROP) && (msg.trailerMsgs() == null)) { msg.addTrailerMsg(CMClass.getMsg(msg.source(), this, CMMsg.MSG_LOOK, null)); setRightfulOwner(R); } else if ((msg.targetMinor() == CMMsg.TYP_LOOK) || (msg.targetMinor() == CMMsg.TYP_EXAMINE)) { final LegalBehavior B = CMLib.law().getLegalBehavior(R); String s = ""; if (B != null) s = B.conquestInfo(CMLib.law().getLegalObject(R)); if (s.length() > 0) msg.source().tell(s); else msg.source().tell(L("This area is under the control of the Archons.")); return; } else if ((msg.targetMinor() == CMMsg.TYP_SPEAK) && (CMSecurity.isAllowed(msg.source(), R, CMSecurity.SecFlag.CMDROOMS)) && (msg.targetMessage() != null)) { final String msgStr = CMStrings.getSayFromMessage(msg.targetMessage().toUpperCase()); final String alert = "I HEREBY DECLARE THIS AREA"; final int msgIndex = msgStr.indexOf(alert); if (msgIndex >= 0) { final LegalBehavior B = CMLib.law().getLegalBehavior(R); if (B != null) B.setControlPoints(clanID(), B.controlPoints() + 1); } } } } }
@Override public void executeMsg(final Environmental myHost, final CMMsg msg) { final MOB mob = msg.source(); switch (msg.targetMinor()) { case CMMsg.TYP_WAND_USE: if (msg.amITarget(this) && ((msg.tool() == null) || (msg.tool() instanceof Physical))) waveIfAble(mob, (Physical) msg.tool(), msg.targetMessage()); break; case CMMsg.TYP_SPEAK: if ((msg.sourceMinor() == CMMsg.TYP_SPEAK) && (!amWearingAt(Wearable.IN_INVENTORY))) { boolean alreadyWanding = false; final List<CMMsg> trailers = msg.trailerMsgs(); if (trailers != null) for (final CMMsg msg2 : trailers) if (msg2.targetMinor() == CMMsg.TYP_WAND_USE) alreadyWanding = true; final String said = CMStrings.getSayFromMessage(msg.sourceMessage()); if ((!alreadyWanding) && (checkWave(mob, said))) msg.addTrailerMsg( CMClass.getMsg( msg.source(), this, msg.target(), CMMsg.NO_EFFECT, null, CMMsg.MASK_ALWAYS | CMMsg.TYP_WAND_USE, said, CMMsg.NO_EFFECT, null)); } break; default: break; } super.executeMsg(myHost, msg); }
@Override public void executeMsg(final Environmental myHost, final CMMsg msg) { super.executeMsg(myHost, msg); if ((myHost == null) || (!(myHost instanceof MOB))) return; final MOB mob = (MOB) myHost; if (msg.amISource(mob)) { if (((msg.sourceMinor() == CMMsg.TYP_LOOK) || (msg.sourceMinor() == CMMsg.TYP_EXAMINE)) && (msg.target() instanceof Wand) && (mob.charStats().getClassLevel(this) >= 30)) { final String message = "<O-NAME> has " + ((Wand) msg.target()).usesRemaining() + " charges remaining."; msg.addTrailerMsg( CMClass.getMsg( mob, null, msg.target(), CMMsg.MSG_OK_VISUAL, CMMsg.NO_EFFECT, CMMsg.NO_EFFECT, message)); } else if (msg.tool() != null) { if (msg.tool().ID().equals("Skill_Spellcraft")) { if ((msg.tool().text().length() > 0) && (msg.target() instanceof MOB)) { Ability A = ((MOB) msg.target()).fetchAbility(msg.tool().text()); if (A == null) return; final Ability myA = mob.fetchAbility(A.ID()); if (myA != null) { if ((!A.isSavable()) && ((A.classificationCode() & Ability.ALL_ACODES) == Ability.ACODE_SPELL) && (CMLib.ableMapper().lowestQualifyingLevel(A.ID()) < 30)) addAbilityToSpellcraftList(mob, A); } else if (CMLib.ableMapper().lowestQualifyingLevel(A.ID()) < 30) { final Vector<Ability> otherChoices = new Vector<Ability>(); for (int a = 0; a < mob.numAbilities(); a++) { final Ability A2 = mob.fetchAbility(a); if ((A2 != null) && (!A2.isSavable()) && ((A2.classificationCode() & Ability.ALL_ACODES) == Ability.ACODE_SPELL)) otherChoices.addElement(A2); } A = (Ability) A.copyOf(); A.setProficiency(0); A.setSavable(false); if (otherChoices.size() > (mob.charStats().getClassLevel(this) / 3)) { final Ability A2 = otherChoices.elementAt(CMLib.dice().roll(1, otherChoices.size(), -1)); clearAbilityFromSpellcraftList(mob, A2); } addAbilityToSpellcraftList(mob, A); } } } else if (msg.tool().ID().equals("Spell_Scribe") || msg.tool().ID().equals("Spell_EnchantWand") || msg.tool().ID().equals("Spell_MagicItem") || msg.tool().ID().equals("Spell_StoreSpell") || msg.tool().ID().equals("Spell_WardArea")) { final Ability A = mob.fetchAbility(msg.tool().text()); if ((A != null) && (!A.isSavable())) clearAbilityFromSpellcraftList(mob, A); } else if (msg.tool() instanceof Ability) { final Ability A = mob.fetchAbility(msg.tool().ID()); if ((A != null) && (!A.isSavable()) && ((A.classificationCode() & Ability.ALL_ACODES) == Ability.ACODE_SPELL)) clearAbilityFromSpellcraftList(mob, A); } } } }
@Override public boolean execute(MOB mob, Vector commands, int metaFlags) throws java.io.IOException { final Room R = mob.location(); boolean quiet = false; if ((commands != null) && (commands.size() > 1) && (((String) commands.lastElement()).equalsIgnoreCase("UNOBTRUSIVELY"))) { commands.remove(commands.size() - 1); quiet = true; } final String textMsg = "<S-NAME> look(s) "; if (R == null) return false; if ((commands != null) && (commands.size() > 1)) { Environmental thisThang = null; if ((commands.size() > 2) && (((String) commands.get(1)).equalsIgnoreCase("at"))) commands.remove(1); else if ((commands.size() > 2) && (((String) commands.get(1)).equalsIgnoreCase("to"))) commands.remove(1); final String ID = CMParms.combine(commands, 1); if ((ID.toUpperCase().startsWith("EXIT") && (commands.size() == 2)) && (CMProps.getIntVar(CMProps.Int.EXVIEW) != 1)) { final CMMsg exitMsg = CMClass.getMsg(mob, R, null, CMMsg.MSG_LOOK_EXITS, null); if ((CMProps.getIntVar(CMProps.Int.EXVIEW) >= 2) != mob.isAttribute(MOB.Attrib.BRIEF)) exitMsg.setValue(CMMsg.MASK_OPTIMIZE); if (R.okMessage(mob, exitMsg)) R.send(mob, exitMsg); return false; } if (ID.equalsIgnoreCase("SELF") || ID.equalsIgnoreCase("ME")) thisThang = mob; if (thisThang == null) thisThang = R.fetchFromMOBRoomFavorsItems(mob, null, ID, noCoinFilter); if (thisThang == null) thisThang = R.fetchFromMOBRoomFavorsItems(mob, null, ID, Wearable.FILTER_ANY); if ((thisThang == null) && (commands.size() > 2) && (((String) commands.get(1)).equalsIgnoreCase("in"))) { commands.remove(1); final String ID2 = CMParms.combine(commands, 1); thisThang = R.fetchFromMOBRoomFavorsItems(mob, null, ID2, Wearable.FILTER_ANY); if ((thisThang != null) && ((!(thisThang instanceof Container)) || (((Container) thisThang).capacity() == 0))) { mob.tell(L("That's not a container.")); return false; } } int dirCode = -1; Environmental lookingTool = null; if (thisThang == null) { dirCode = Directions.getGoodDirectionCode(ID); if (dirCode >= 0) { final Room room = R.getRoomInDir(dirCode); final Exit exit = R.getExitInDir(dirCode); if ((room != null) && (exit != null)) { thisThang = exit; lookingTool = room; } else { mob.tell(L("You don't see anything that way.")); return false; } } } if (thisThang != null) { String name = "at <T-NAMESELF>"; if ((thisThang instanceof Room) || (thisThang instanceof Exit)) { if (thisThang == R) name = "around"; else if (dirCode >= 0) name = ((R instanceof BoardableShip) || (R.getArea() instanceof BoardableShip)) ? Directions.getShipDirectionName(dirCode) : Directions.getDirectionName(dirCode); } final CMMsg msg = CMClass.getMsg(mob, thisThang, lookingTool, CMMsg.MSG_LOOK, textMsg + name + "."); if ((thisThang instanceof Room) && (mob.isAttribute(MOB.Attrib.AUTOEXITS)) && (CMProps.getIntVar(CMProps.Int.EXVIEW) != 1)) { final CMMsg exitMsg = CMClass.getMsg(mob, thisThang, lookingTool, CMMsg.MSG_LOOK_EXITS, null); if ((CMProps.getIntVar(CMProps.Int.EXVIEW) >= 2) != mob.isAttribute(MOB.Attrib.BRIEF)) exitMsg.setValue(CMMsg.MASK_OPTIMIZE); msg.addTrailerMsg(exitMsg); } if (R.okMessage(mob, msg)) R.send(mob, msg); } else mob.tell(L("You don't see that here!")); } else { if ((commands != null) && (commands.size() > 0)) if (((String) commands.get(0)).toUpperCase().startsWith("E")) { mob.tell(L("Examine what?")); return false; } final CMMsg msg = CMClass.getMsg( mob, R, null, CMMsg.MSG_LOOK, (quiet ? null : textMsg + "around."), CMMsg.MSG_LOOK, (quiet ? null : textMsg + "at you."), CMMsg.MSG_LOOK, (quiet ? null : textMsg + "around.")); if ((mob.isAttribute(MOB.Attrib.AUTOEXITS)) && (CMProps.getIntVar(CMProps.Int.EXVIEW) != 1) && (CMLib.flags().canBeSeenBy(R, mob))) { final CMMsg exitMsg = CMClass.getMsg(mob, R, null, CMMsg.MSG_LOOK_EXITS, null); if ((CMProps.getIntVar(CMProps.Int.EXVIEW) >= 2) != mob.isAttribute(MOB.Attrib.BRIEF)) exitMsg.setValue(CMMsg.MASK_OPTIMIZE); msg.addTrailerMsg(exitMsg); } if (R.okMessage(mob, msg)) R.send(mob, msg); } return false; }