private void createJobs() { // method to generate synthetic jobs" Generating base year jobs"); TableDataSet jobs = SiloUtil.readCSVfile( ResourceUtil.getProperty(rb, JobDataManager.PROPERTIES_JOB_CONTROL_TOTAL)); new JobType(rb); // jobInventory by [industry][taz] float[][] jobInventory = new float[JobType.getNumberOfJobTypes()][geoData.getHighestZonalId() + 1]; tazByWorkZonePuma = new HashMap<>(); // this HashMap has same content as "HashMap tazByPuma", though is kept // separately in case external workzones will be defined // read employment data // For reasons that are not explained in the documentation, some of the PUMA work zones were // aggregated to the // next higher level. Keep this information. for (int row = 1; row <= jobs.getRowCount(); row++) { int taz = (int) jobs.getValueAt(row, "SMZ"); int pumaOfWorkZone = geoData.getSimplifiedPUMAofZone(taz); if (tazByWorkZonePuma.containsKey(pumaOfWorkZone)) { int[] list = tazByWorkZonePuma.get(pumaOfWorkZone); int[] newList = SiloUtil.expandArrayByOneElement(list, taz); tazByWorkZonePuma.put(pumaOfWorkZone, newList); } else { tazByWorkZonePuma.put(pumaOfWorkZone, new int[] {taz}); } for (int jobTp = 0; jobTp < JobType.getNumberOfJobTypes(); jobTp++) { jobInventory[jobTp][taz] = jobs.getValueAt(row, JobType.getJobType(jobTp) + "00"); } } // create base year employment for (int zone : geoData.getZones()) { for (int jobTp = 0; jobTp < JobType.getNumberOfJobTypes(); jobTp++) { if (jobInventory[jobTp][zone] > 0) { for (int i = 1; i <= jobInventory[jobTp][zone]; i++) { int id = JobDataManager.getNextJobId(); new Job(id, zone, -1, JobType.getJobType(jobTp)); if (id == SiloUtil.trackJj) { SiloUtil.trackWriter.println("Generated job with following attributes:"); Job.getJobFromId(id).logAttributes(SiloUtil.trackWriter); } } } } } identifyVacantJobsByZone(); }
private void readControlTotals() { // read control totals of households by size and dwellings" Reading control total data for households and dwellings"); TableDataSet pop = SiloUtil.readCSVfile( SiloUtil.baseDirectory + ResourceUtil.getProperty(rb, PROPERTIES_HOUSEHOLD_CONTROL_TOTAL)); householdTarget = new HashMap<>(); for (int row = 1; row <= pop.getRowCount(); row++) { String fips = String.valueOf(pop.getValueAt(row, "Fips")); // note: doesn't make much sense to store these data in a HashMap. It's legacy code. householdTarget.put(fips, (int) pop.getValueAt(row, "TotalHouseholds")); } hhDistribution = SiloUtil.readCSVfile( SiloUtil.baseDirectory + ResourceUtil.getProperty(rb, PROPERTIES_HOUSEHOLD_DISTRIBUTION)); hhDistribution.buildIndex(hhDistribution.getColumnPosition(";SMZ_N")); }
private void processPums() { // read PUMS data" Reading PUMS data"); String partlyCovered = SiloUtil.baseDirectory + ResourceUtil.getProperty(rb, PROPERTIES_PARTLY_COVERED_PUMAS); TableDataSet partlyCoveredPumas = SiloUtil.readCSVfile(partlyCovered); int highestPUMA = 5500000; float[] pumaScaler = SiloUtil.createArrayWithValue((highestPUMA), 1f); for (int row = 1; row <= partlyCoveredPumas.getRowCount(); row++) { pumaScaler[(int) partlyCoveredPumas.getValueAt(row, "fullPumaCode")] = partlyCoveredPumas.getValueAt(row, "mstmPop2000") / partlyCoveredPumas.getValueAt(row, "fullPop2000"); } String age90plusFile = SiloUtil.baseDirectory + ResourceUtil.getProperty(rb, PROPERTIES_AGE_DISTRIBUTION_90PLUS); TableDataSet age90plus = SiloUtil.readCSVfile(age90plusFile); float[] probAge90plusMale = age90plus.getColumnAsFloat("male"); float[] probAge90plusFemale = age90plus.getColumnAsFloat("female"); String[] states = {"MD", "DC", "DE", "PA", "VA", "WV"}; int[] stateNumber = {24, 11, 10, 42, 51, 54}; // FIPS code of String states[] jobErrorCounter = new HashMap<>(); new Accessibility( rb, SiloUtil.getBaseYear()); // read in travel times and trip length frequency distribution for (int st = 0; st < states.length; st++) { String pumsFileName = SiloUtil.baseDirectory + ResourceUtil.getProperty(rb, PROPERTIES_PUMS_FILES) + states[st] + "/REVISEDPUMS5_" + stateNumber[st] + ".TXT";" Creating synthetic population for " + states[st]); String recString = ""; int recCount = 0; int hhCount = 0; int recInStudyAreaCount = 0; try { BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(pumsFileName)); int hhSize = 0; int personCounter = 0; // define variables int pumaZone = 0; int weight = 0; int ddType = 0; int bedRooms = 0; int autos = 0; int rent = 0; int mortgage = 0; int quality = 0; int yearBuilt = 0; int[] relShp = new int[100]; int[] gender = new int[100]; int[] age = new int[100]; Race[] race = new Race[100]; int[] occupation = new int[100]; int[] workPumaZone = new int[100]; int[] workState = new int[100]; int[] income = new int[100]; // boolean[] fullTime = new boolean[100]; while ((recString = in.readLine()) != null) { recCount++; String recType = recString.substring(0, 1); switch (recType) { case "H": if (hhSize != personCounter) logger.error( "Inconsistent PUMS data: Found " + personCounter + " person(s) in dwelling with " + hhSize + " residents (Record " + (recCount - 1) + ")."); hhCount++; hhSize = convertToInteger(recString.substring(105, 107)); int vacancy = convertToInteger(recString.substring(110, 111)); if ((hhSize != 0 && vacancy != 0) || (hhSize == 0 && vacancy == 0)) logger.error( "Inconsistent PUMS " + "data: Found hhSize " + hhSize + " in dwelling with vacancy code " + vacancy + " (rec " + recCount + ")"); pumaZone = convertToInteger(recString.substring(9, 11) + recString.substring(13, 18)); weight = convertToInteger(recString.substring(101, 105)); // some PUMA zones are only partly covered by MSTM study area. Therefore, weight needs // to be reduced by the share of population in this PUMA that is covered by MSTM weight = (int) ((weight * 1f) * pumaScaler[pumaZone] + 0.5); ddType = convertToInteger(recString.substring(114, 116)); bedRooms = convertToInteger(recString.substring(123, 124)); autos = convertToInteger(recString.substring(133, 134)); rent = convertToInteger(recString.substring(161, 165)); mortgage = convertToInteger(recString.substring(170, 175)); yearBuilt = convertToInteger(recString.substring(117, 118)); int completePlumbing = convertToInteger(recString.substring(126, 127)); int completeKitchen = convertToInteger(recString.substring(127, 128)); quality = guessQuality(completePlumbing, completeKitchen, yearBuilt); personCounter = 0; for (int i = 0; i < gender[i]; i++) gender[i] = 0; // set gender variable to zero which practically erases previous household break; case "P": relShp[personCounter] = convertToInteger(recString.substring(16, 18)); gender[personCounter] = convertToInteger(recString.substring(22, 23)); age[personCounter] = convertToInteger(recString.substring(24, 26)); if (age[personCounter] >= 90) { if (gender[personCounter] == 1) age[personCounter] = 90 +; else age[personCounter] = 90 +; } int hispanic = convertToInteger(recString.substring(27, 29)); int singleRace = convertToInteger(recString.substring(37, 38)); race[personCounter] = defineRace(hispanic, singleRace); // int school = convertToInteger(recString.substring(48, // 49)); occupation[personCounter] = convertToInteger(recString.substring(153, 154)); workPumaZone[personCounter] = convertToInteger(recString.substring(160, 165)); workState[personCounter] = convertToInteger(recString.substring(156, 159)); // fullTime[personCounter] = false; // int hoursWorked = // convertToInteger(recString.substring(240, 242)); // if (hoursWorked > 34) fullTime[personCounter] = true; income[personCounter] = Math.max( convertToInteger(recString.substring(296, 303)), 0); // PUMS reports negative income for loss, which cannot be long-term income personCounter++; break; default: logger.error("Wrong record type in PUMS data in line " + recCount); break; } // "personCounter == hhSize" after all person records for this household have been read if (personCounter == hhSize && checkIfPumaInStudyArea(pumaZone)) { recInStudyAreaCount++; savePumsRecord( pumaZone, weight, hhSize, ddType, bedRooms, autos, rent, mortgage, quality, yearBuilt, gender, age, race, relShp, occupation, workPumaZone, workState, income); } }" Read " + hhCount + " PUMS household records from file: " + pumsFileName);" " + recInStudyAreaCount + " thereof located in study area"); } catch (IOException e) { logger.fatal("IO Exception caught reading synpop household file: " + pumsFileName); logger.fatal("recCount = " + recCount + ", recString = <" + recString + ">"); } } }