@Override public boolean execute(final OHttpRequest iRequest, OHttpResponse iResponse) throws Exception { String[] urlParts = checkSyntax( iRequest.url, 3, "Syntax error: cluster/<database>/<cluster-name>[/<limit>]<br>Limit is optional and is setted to 20 by default. Set expressely to 0 to have no limits."); iRequest.data.commandInfo = "Browse cluster"; iRequest.data.commandDetail = urlParts[2]; ODatabaseDocument db = null; try { db = getProfiledDatabaseInstance(iRequest); if (db.getClusterIdByName(urlParts[2]) > -1) { final int limit = urlParts.length > 3 ? Integer.parseInt(urlParts[3]) : 20; final List<OIdentifiable> response = new ArrayList<OIdentifiable>(); for (ORecord rec : db.browseCluster(urlParts[2])) { if (limit > 0 && response.size() >= limit) break; response.add(rec); } iResponse.writeRecords(response); } else iResponse.send(OHttpUtils.STATUS_NOTFOUND_CODE, null, null, null, null); } finally { if (db != null) db.close(); } return false; }
private List<OClusterPosition> getValidPositions(int clusterId) { final List<OClusterPosition> positions = new ArrayList<OClusterPosition>(); final ORecordIteratorCluster<?> iteratorCluster = database.browseCluster(database.getClusterNameById(clusterId)); for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { if (!iteratorCluster.hasNext()) break; ORecord<?> doc = iteratorCluster.next(); positions.add(doc.getIdentity().getClusterPosition()); } return positions; }