public void releaseSchemaWriteLock(final boolean iSave) { try { if (modificationCounter.get().intValue() == 1) { // if it is embedded storage modification of schema is done by internal methods otherwise it // is done by // by sql commands and we need to reload local replica if (iSave) if (getDatabase().getStorage().getUnderlying() instanceof OAbstractPaginatedStorage) saveInternal(); else reload(); else snapshot = new OImmutableSchema(this); version++; } } finally { rwSpinLock.releaseWriteLock(); modificationCounter.get().decrement(); } assert modificationCounter.get().intValue() >= 0; if (modificationCounter.get().intValue() == 0 && getDatabase().getStorage().getUnderlying() instanceof OStorageProxy) { getDatabase().getStorage().reload(); } }
public OSchemaShared setDirty() { rwSpinLock.acquireWriteLock(); try { document.setDirty(); return this; } finally { rwSpinLock.releaseWriteLock(); } }
/** Reloads the schema inside a storage's shared lock. */ @Override public <RET extends ODocumentWrapper> RET reload() { rwSpinLock.acquireWriteLock(); try { reload(null); snapshot = new OImmutableSchema(this); return (RET) this; } finally { rwSpinLock.releaseWriteLock(); } }
public void create() { rwSpinLock.acquireWriteLock(); try { final ODatabaseDocumentInternal db = getDatabase();; db.getStorage().getConfiguration().schemaRecordId = document.getIdentity().toString(); db.getStorage().getConfiguration().update(); snapshot = new OImmutableSchema(this); } finally { rwSpinLock.releaseWriteLock(); } }
@Override public OSchemaShared load() { rwSpinLock.acquireWriteLock(); try { getDatabase(); ((ORecordId) document.getIdentity()) .fromString(getDatabase().getStorage().getConfiguration().schemaRecordId); reload("*:-1 index:0"); snapshot = new OImmutableSchema(this); return this; } finally { rwSpinLock.releaseWriteLock(); } }
/** Binds ODocument to POJO. */ @Override public void fromStream() { rwSpinLock.acquireWriteLock(); modificationCounter.get().increment(); try { // READ CURRENT SCHEMA VERSION final Integer schemaVersion = (Integer) document.field("schemaVersion"); if (schemaVersion == null) { OLogManager.instance() .error( this, "Database's schema is empty! Recreating the system classes and allow the opening of the database but double check the integrity of the database"); return; } else if (schemaVersion != CURRENT_VERSION_NUMBER && VERSION_NUMBER_V5 != schemaVersion) { // VERSION_NUMBER_V5 is needed for guarantee the compatibility to 2.0-M1 and 2.0-M2 no // changed associated with it // HANDLE SCHEMA UPGRADE throw new OConfigurationException( "Database schema is different. Please export your old database with the previous version of OrientDB and reimport it using the current one."); } properties.clear(); propertiesByNameType.clear(); List<ODocument> globalProperties = document.field("globalProperties"); boolean hasGlobalProperties = false; if (globalProperties != null) { hasGlobalProperties = true; for (ODocument oDocument : globalProperties) { OGlobalPropertyImpl prop = new OGlobalPropertyImpl(); prop.fromDocument(oDocument); ensurePropertiesSize(prop.getId()); properties.set(prop.getId(), prop); propertiesByNameType.put(prop.getName() + "|" + prop.getType().name(), prop); } } // REGISTER ALL THE CLASSES clustersToClasses.clear(); final Map<String, OClass> newClasses = new HashMap<String, OClass>(); OClassImpl cls; Collection<ODocument> storedClasses = document.field("classes"); for (ODocument c : storedClasses) { cls = new OClassImpl(this, c); cls.fromStream(); if (classes.containsKey(cls.getName().toLowerCase())) { cls = (OClassImpl) classes.get(cls.getName().toLowerCase()); cls.fromStream(c); } newClasses.put(cls.getName().toLowerCase(), cls); if (cls.getShortName() != null) newClasses.put(cls.getShortName().toLowerCase(), cls); addClusterClassMap(cls); } classes.clear(); classes.putAll(newClasses); // REBUILD THE INHERITANCE TREE List<String> superClassNames; String legacySuperClassName; List<OClass> superClasses; OClass superClass; for (ODocument c : storedClasses) { superClassNames = c.field("superClasses"); legacySuperClassName = c.field("superClass"); if (superClassNames == null) superClassNames = new ArrayList<String>(); if (legacySuperClassName != null && !superClassNames.contains(legacySuperClassName)) superClassNames.add(legacySuperClassName); if (!superClassNames.isEmpty()) { // HAS A SUPER CLASS or CLASSES cls = (OClassImpl) classes.get(((String) c.field("name")).toLowerCase()); superClasses = new ArrayList<OClass>(superClassNames.size()); for (String superClassName : superClassNames) { superClass = classes.get(superClassName.toLowerCase()); if (superClass == null) throw new OConfigurationException( "Super class '" + superClassName + "' was declared in class '" + cls.getName() + "' but was not found in schema. Remove the dependency or create the class to continue."); superClasses.add(superClass); } cls.setSuperClassesInternal(superClasses); } } if (!hasGlobalProperties) { if (getDatabase().getStorage().getUnderlying() instanceof OAbstractPaginatedStorage) saveInternal(); } } finally { version++; modificationCounter.get().decrement(); rwSpinLock.releaseWriteLock(); } }