 public String takeAction(Interaction interaction, String bonusName)
     throws GeneralInteractionError {
   // if a valid skill has been selected, create a default bonus based on that skill,
   // put the skill in the 'currentSkill' context, and
   // then user gets passed onto 'groupModifyBonus'
   SkillType selected = SkillType.valueOf(bonusName);
   if (selected == null)
     throw new GeneralInteractionError(
         "Unable to determine a skill type based on \"" + bonusName + "\"");
   GroupHelper helper = new GroupHelper(interaction);
   try {
         helper.record, selected, MMOGroup.instance.config.defaultSkillBonusMultiplier);
     interaction.context.put(Constants.SELECTED_GROUP_SKILL, bonusName);
   } catch (PluginNotEnabled error) {
   return "New bonus to " + bonusName.toLowerCase() + " created for " + helper.record.getName();