public static Stamp intToLong(IntegerStamp intStamp) { long mask; if (intStamp.isPositive()) { mask = intStamp.mask(); } else { mask = 0xffffffff00000000L | intStamp.mask(); } return StampFactory.forInteger(Kind.Long, intStamp.lowerBound(), intStamp.upperBound(), mask); }
public static Stamp div(IntegerStamp stamp1, IntegerStamp stamp2) { Kind kind = stamp1.kind(); if (stamp2.isStrictlyPositive()) { long lowerBound = stamp1.lowerBound() / stamp2.lowerBound(); long upperBound = stamp1.upperBound() / stamp2.lowerBound(); return StampFactory.forInteger( kind, lowerBound, upperBound, IntegerStamp.maskFor(kind, lowerBound, upperBound)); } return StampFactory.forKind(kind); }
private static Stamp narrowingKindConvertion(IntegerStamp fromStamp, Kind toKind) { long mask = fromStamp.mask() & IntegerStamp.defaultMask(toKind); long lowerBound = saturate(fromStamp.lowerBound(), toKind); long upperBound = saturate(fromStamp.upperBound(), toKind); if (fromStamp.lowerBound() < toKind.getMinValue()) { upperBound = toKind.getMaxValue(); } if (fromStamp.upperBound() > toKind.getMaxValue()) { lowerBound = toKind.getMinValue(); } return StampFactory.forInteger(toKind.getStackKind(), lowerBound, upperBound, mask); }
public static Stamp add(IntegerStamp stamp1, IntegerStamp stamp2) { Kind kind = stamp1.kind(); assert kind == stamp2.kind(); if (addOverflow(stamp1.lowerBound(), stamp2.lowerBound(), kind)) { return StampFactory.forKind(kind); } if (addOverflow(stamp1.upperBound(), stamp2.upperBound(), kind)) { return StampFactory.forKind(kind); } long lowerBound = stamp1.lowerBound() + stamp2.lowerBound(); long upperBound = stamp1.upperBound() + stamp2.upperBound(); long mask = IntegerStamp.maskFor(kind, lowerBound, upperBound); return StampFactory.forInteger(kind, lowerBound, upperBound, mask); }
private static Stamp stampForMask(Kind kind, long mask, long alwaysSetBits) { long lowerBound; long upperBound; if (kind == Kind.Int && (mask & INTEGER_SIGN_BIT) != 0) { // the mask is negative lowerBound = Integer.MIN_VALUE; upperBound = mask ^ INTEGER_SIGN_BIT; } else if (kind == Kind.Long && (mask & LONG_SIGN_BIT) != 0) { // the mask is negative lowerBound = Long.MIN_VALUE; upperBound = mask ^ LONG_SIGN_BIT; } else { lowerBound = alwaysSetBits; upperBound = mask; } return StampFactory.forInteger(kind, lowerBound, upperBound, mask); }
public static Stamp unsignedRightShift(IntegerStamp value, IntegerStamp shift) { Kind kind = value.kind(); if (shift.lowerBound() == shift.upperBound()) { long shiftMask = kind == Kind.Int ? 0x1FL : 0x3FL; long shiftCount = shift.lowerBound() & shiftMask; if (shiftCount != 0) { long lowerBound; long upperBound; if (value.lowerBound() < 0) { lowerBound = 0; upperBound = IntegerStamp.defaultMask(kind) >>> shiftCount; } else { lowerBound = value.lowerBound() >>> shiftCount; upperBound = value.upperBound() >>> shiftCount; } long mask = value.mask() >>> shiftCount; return StampFactory.forInteger(kind, lowerBound, upperBound, mask); } } long mask = IntegerStamp.maskFor(kind, value.lowerBound(), value.upperBound()); return stampForMask(kind, mask); }