  public String doIntercept(ActionInvocation invocation) throws Exception {
    Object action = invocation.getAction();
    if (!(action instanceof NoParameters)) {
      ActionContext ac = invocation.getInvocationContext();
      final Map<String, Object> parameters = retrieveParameters(ac);

      if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
        LOG.debug("Setting params " + getParameterLogMap(parameters));

      if (parameters != null) {
        Map<String, Object> contextMap = ac.getContextMap();
        try {
          ReflectionContextState.setCreatingNullObjects(contextMap, true);
          ReflectionContextState.setDenyMethodExecution(contextMap, true);
          ReflectionContextState.setReportingConversionErrors(contextMap, true);

          ValueStack stack = ac.getValueStack();
          setParameters(action, stack, parameters);
        } finally {
          ReflectionContextState.setCreatingNullObjects(contextMap, false);
          ReflectionContextState.setDenyMethodExecution(contextMap, false);
          ReflectionContextState.setReportingConversionErrors(contextMap, false);
    return invocation.invoke();
  public Object getProperty(Map context, Object target, Object name) throws OgnlException {

    if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
      LOG.debug("Entering getProperty (" + context + "," + target + "," + name + ")");

    ReflectionContextState.updateCurrentPropertyPath(context, name);
    // if this is one of the regular index access
    // properties then just let the superclass deal with the
    // get.
    if (name instanceof String && contains(INDEX_ACCESS_PROPS, (String) name)) {
      return super.getProperty(context, target, name);

    Object result = null;

    try {
      result = super.getProperty(context, target, name);
    } catch (ClassCastException ex) {

    if (result == null) {
      // find the key class and convert the name to that class
      Class lastClass = (Class) context.get(XWorkConverter.LAST_BEAN_CLASS_ACCESSED);

      String lastProperty = (String) context.get(XWorkConverter.LAST_BEAN_PROPERTY_ACCESSED);
      if (lastClass == null || lastProperty == null) {
        return null;
      Object key = getKey(context, name);
      Map map = (Map) target;
      result = map.get(key);

      if (result == null
          && context.get(ReflectionContextState.CREATE_NULL_OBJECTS) != null
          && objectTypeDeterminer.shouldCreateIfNew(lastClass, lastProperty, target, null, false)) {
        Class valueClass = objectTypeDeterminer.getElementClass(lastClass, lastProperty, key);

        try {
          result = objectFactory.buildBean(valueClass, context);
          map.put(key, result);
        } catch (Exception exc) {

    return result;
  public String intercept(ActionInvocation invocation) throws Exception {

    ActionConfig config = invocation.getProxy().getConfig();
    ActionContext ac = invocation.getInvocationContext();
    Object action = invocation.getAction();

    // get the action's parameters
    final Map<String, String> parameters = config.getParams();

    if (parameters.containsKey(aliasesKey)) {

      String aliasExpression = parameters.get(aliasesKey);
      ValueStack stack = ac.getValueStack();
      Object obj = stack.findValue(aliasExpression);

      if (obj != null && obj instanceof Map) {
        // get secure stack
        ValueStack newStack = valueStackFactory.createValueStack(stack);
        boolean clearableStack = newStack instanceof ClearableValueStack;
        if (clearableStack) {
          // if the stack's context can be cleared, do that to prevent OGNL
          // from having access to objects in the stack, see XW-641
          ((ClearableValueStack) newStack).clearContextValues();
          Map<String, Object> context = newStack.getContext();
          ReflectionContextState.setCreatingNullObjects(context, true);
          ReflectionContextState.setDenyMethodExecution(context, true);
          ReflectionContextState.setReportingConversionErrors(context, true);

          // keep locale from original context
          context.put(ActionContext.LOCALE, stack.getContext().get(ActionContext.LOCALE));

        // override
        Map aliases = (Map) obj;
        for (Object o : aliases.entrySet()) {
          Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry) o;
          String name = entry.getKey().toString();
          String alias = (String) entry.getValue();
          Object value = stack.findValue(name);
          if (null == value) {
            // workaround
            Map<String, Object> contextParameters = ActionContext.getContext().getParameters();

            if (null != contextParameters) {
              value = contextParameters.get(name);
          if (null != value) {
            try {
              newStack.setValue(alias, value);
            } catch (RuntimeException e) {
              if (devMode) {
                String developerNotification =
                        "Developer Notification:\n{0}",
                        new Object[] {
                          "Unexpected Exception caught setting '"
                              + entry.getKey()
                              + "' on '"
                              + action.getClass()
                              + ": "
                              + e.getMessage()
                if (action instanceof ValidationAware) {
                  ((ValidationAware) action).addActionMessage(developerNotification);

        if (clearableStack && (stack.getContext() != null) && (newStack.getContext() != null))
      } else {
        LOG.debug("invalid alias expression:" + aliasesKey);

    return invocation.invoke();
  protected void setParameters(
      Object action, ValueStack stack, final Map<String, Object> parameters) {
    ParameterNameAware parameterNameAware =
        (action instanceof ParameterNameAware) ? (ParameterNameAware) action : null;

    Map<String, Object> params;
    Map<String, Object> acceptableParameters;
    if (ordered) {
      params = new TreeMap<String, Object>(getOrderedComparator());
      acceptableParameters = new TreeMap<String, Object>(getOrderedComparator());
    } else {
      params = new TreeMap<String, Object>(parameters);
      acceptableParameters = new TreeMap<String, Object>();

    for (Map.Entry<String, Object> entry : params.entrySet()) {
      String name = entry.getKey();

      boolean acceptableName =
              && (parameterNameAware == null || parameterNameAware.acceptableParameterName(name));

      if (acceptableName) {
        acceptableParameters.put(name, entry.getValue());

    ValueStack newStack = valueStackFactory.createValueStack(stack);
    boolean clearableStack = newStack instanceof ClearableValueStack;
    if (clearableStack) {
      // if the stack's context can be cleared, do that to prevent OGNL
      // from having access to objects in the stack, see XW-641
      ((ClearableValueStack) newStack).clearContextValues();
      Map<String, Object> context = newStack.getContext();
      ReflectionContextState.setCreatingNullObjects(context, true);
      ReflectionContextState.setDenyMethodExecution(context, true);
      ReflectionContextState.setReportingConversionErrors(context, true);

      // keep locale from original context
      context.put(ActionContext.LOCALE, stack.getContext().get(ActionContext.LOCALE));

    boolean memberAccessStack = newStack instanceof MemberAccessValueStack;
    if (memberAccessStack) {
      // block or allow access to properties
      // see WW-2761 for more details
      MemberAccessValueStack accessValueStack = (MemberAccessValueStack) newStack;

    for (Map.Entry<String, Object> entry : acceptableParameters.entrySet()) {
      String name = entry.getKey();
      Object value = entry.getValue();
      try {
        newStack.setValue(name, value);
      } catch (RuntimeException e) {
        if (devMode) {
          String developerNotification =
                  "Developer Notification:\n{0}",
                  new Object[] {
                    "Unexpected Exception caught setting '"
                        + name
                        + "' on '"
                        + action.getClass()
                        + ": "
                        + e.getMessage()
          if (action instanceof ValidationAware) {
            ((ValidationAware) action).addActionMessage(developerNotification);

    if (clearableStack && (stack.getContext() != null) && (newStack.getContext() != null))

    addParametersToContext(ActionContext.getContext(), acceptableParameters);