private void checkPage(String page, CommandSender sender) { requestList.clear(); requestList.addAll(plugin.requestMap.entrySet()); int pageNumber = Integer.parseInt(page); if (pageNumber < 0) pageNumber = 0; int a = pageNumber * plugin.requestsPerPage; sender.sendMessage( ChatColor.AQUA + "--------- " + plugin.requestMap.size() + " Requests -" + ChatColor.YELLOW + " Open " + ChatColor.AQUA + "---------"); if (plugin.requestMap.size() == 0) sender.sendMessage(Message.parse("checkNoRequests")); for (int i = (pageNumber * plugin.requestsPerPage) - plugin.requestsPerPage; i < a && i < requestList.size(); i++) { HelpRequest currentRequest = requestList.get(i).getValue(); if (plugin.hideWhenOffline && !RTSFunctions.isUserOnline(currentRequest.getName())) { a++; continue; } substring = RTSFunctions.shortenMessage(currentRequest.getMessage()); date = sdf.format(new java.util.Date(currentRequest.getTimestamp() * 1000)); ChatColor online = (RTSFunctions.isUserOnline(currentRequest.getName())) ? ChatColor.GREEN : ChatColor.RED; substring = (currentRequest.getStatus() == 1) ? ChatColor.LIGHT_PURPLE + "Claimed by " + currentRequest.getModName() : ChatColor.GRAY + substring; String bungeeServer = (currentRequest.getBungeeCordServer().equals(BungeeCord.getServer()) ? "" : "[" + ChatColor.GREEN + currentRequest.getBungeeCordServer() + ChatColor.RESET + "] "); sender.sendMessage( bungeeServer + ChatColor.GOLD + "#" + currentRequest.getId() + " " + date + " by " + online + currentRequest.getName() + ChatColor.GOLD + " - " + substring); } }
private void checkSelf(CommandSender sender) { int openRequests = 0; for (Map.Entry<Integer, HelpRequest> entry : plugin.requestMap.entrySet()) { if (entry.getValue().getName().equals(sender.getName())) openRequests++; } int i = 0; sender.sendMessage( ChatColor.AQUA + "--------- " + ChatColor.YELLOW + " You have " + openRequests + " open requests " + ChatColor.AQUA + "----------"); if (openRequests == 0) sender.sendMessage(ChatColor.GOLD + "You have no open requests at this time."); for (Map.Entry<Integer, HelpRequest> entry : plugin.requestMap.entrySet()) { if (entry.getValue().getName().equals(sender.getName())) { i++; if (i > 5) break; HelpRequest currentRequest = entry.getValue(); substring = RTSFunctions.shortenMessage(currentRequest.getMessage()); date = sdf.format(new java.util.Date(currentRequest.getTimestamp() * 1000)); ChatColor online = (RTSFunctions.isUserOnline(currentRequest.getName())) ? ChatColor.GREEN : ChatColor.RED; substring = (currentRequest.getStatus() == 1) ? ChatColor.LIGHT_PURPLE + "Claimed by " + currentRequest.getModName() : ChatColor.GRAY + substring; String bungeeServer = (currentRequest.getBungeeCordServer().equals(BungeeCord.getServer()) ? "" : "[" + ChatColor.GREEN + currentRequest.getBungeeCordServer() + ChatColor.RESET + "] "); sender.sendMessage( bungeeServer + ChatColor.GOLD + "#" + currentRequest.getId() + " " + date + " by " + online + currentRequest.getName() + ChatColor.GOLD + " - " + substring); } } }
private void checkClosed(String page, CommandSender sender) { int pageNumber = Integer.parseInt(page); int i = (pageNumber * plugin.requestsPerPage) - plugin.requestsPerPage; ResultSet rs = dbManager.getClosedRequests(i, plugin.requestsPerPage); try { int closedRequests = dbManager.countRequests(3); sender.sendMessage( ChatColor.AQUA + "--------- " + closedRequests + " Requests -" + ChatColor.YELLOW + " Closed " + ChatColor.AQUA + "--------- "); if (closedRequests == 0) sender.sendMessage(Message.parse("closedNoRequests")); while ( { substring = RTSFunctions.shortenMessage(rs.getString("text")); date = sdf.format(new java.util.Date(rs.getLong("tstamp") * 1000)); ChatColor online = (RTSFunctions.isUserOnline(rs.getString("name"))) ? ChatColor.GREEN : ChatColor.RED; String bServer = rs.getString("bc_server"); String bungeeServer = (bServer.equals(BungeeCord.getServer()) ? "" : "[" + ChatColor.GREEN + bServer + ChatColor.RESET + "] "); sender.sendMessage( bungeeServer + ChatColor.GOLD + "#" + rs.getInt(1) + " " + date + " by " + online + rs.getString("name") + ChatColor.GOLD + " - " + ChatColor.GRAY + substring); } rs.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { sender.sendMessage( Message.parse( "generalInternalError", "Cannot check closed requests, see console for errors.")); e.printStackTrace(); } }
/** * Initial handling of the comment sub-command. * * @param sender player that sent the command * @param args arguments * @return true if command handled correctly */ public static boolean handleCommand(CommandSender sender, String[] args) { if (!RTSPermissions.canComment(sender)) return true; if (args.length < 3) return false; if (!RTSFunctions.isNumber(args[1])) { sender.sendMessage(Message.errorTicketNaN(args[1])); return true; } int ticketId = Integer.parseInt(args[1]); // Ticket has to be open in order for us to comment on it. if (! { sender.sendMessage(Message.ticketNotOpen(ticketId)); return true; } User user = sender instanceof Player ? data.getUser(((Player) sender).getUniqueId(), 0, true) : data.getConsole(); if (user.getUsername() == null) { sender.sendMessage( Message.error( "user.getUsername() returned NULL! Are you using plugins to modify names?")); return true; } if (sender instanceof Player && != ((Player) sender).getUniqueId() && !RTSPermissions.isStaff((Player) sender)) { sender.sendMessage(Message.errorTicketOwner()); return true; } Ticket ticket =; TreeSet<Comment> comments = ticket.getComments(); // Clean up arguments before combining the remaining into a comment. args[0] = null; args[1] = null; String comment = RTSFunctions.implode(args, " ").trim(); String name = sender instanceof Player ? plugin.staff.contains(user.getUuid()) ? sender.getName() + " - Staff" : sender.getName() : sender.getName(); long timestamp = System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000; // Create a comment and store the comment ID. int commentId = data.createComment(name, timestamp, comment, ticketId); // If less than 1, then the creation of the comment failed. if (commentId < 1) { sender.sendMessage(Message.error("Comment could not be created.")); return true; } sender.sendMessage(Message.ticketCommentUser(Integer.toString(ticketId))); // Notify staff members about the new comment. try { // Attempt to notify all servers connected to BungeeCord that run ReportRTS. BungeeCord.globalNotify( Message.ticketComment(Integer.toString(ticketId), user.getUsername()), ticketId, NotificationType.NOTIFYONLY); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } RTSFunctions.messageStaff( Message.ticketComment(Integer.toString(ticketId), user.getUsername()), true); // Add a comment to the comment set. comments.add(new Comment(timestamp, ticketId, commentId, sender.getName(), comment)); // Update the comments on the ticket. ticket.setComments(comments);, ticket); plugin .getServer() .getPluginManager() .callEvent(new TicketCommentEvent(, sender, comment)); return true; }
public boolean onCommand(CommandSender sender, Command cmd, String label, String[] args) { double start = 0; if (plugin.debugMode) start = System.nanoTime(); if (!RTSPermissions.canCheckAllRequests(sender)) { if (!RTSPermissions.canCheckOwnRequests(sender)) { sender.sendMessage( Message.parse( "generalPermissionError", "reportrts.command.check or reportrts.command.check.self")); return true; } if (args.length > 0) { sender.sendMessage( ChatColor.RED + "You may only use /check to check the status of your requests."); return true; } checkSelf(sender); if (plugin.debugMode) Message.debug( sender.getName(), this.getClass().getSimpleName(), start, cmd.getName(), args); return true; } if (args.length == 0) { checkPage("1", sender); if (plugin.debugMode) Message.debug( sender.getName(), this.getClass().getSimpleName(), start, cmd.getName(), args); return true; } if (!RTSFunctions.isParsableToInt(args[0])) { switch (args[0].toUpperCase()) { case "P": case "PAGE": try { checkPage(args[1], sender); } catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e) { checkPage("1", sender); } break; case "H": case "HELD": try { checkHeld(args[1], sender); } catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e) { checkHeld("1", sender); } break; case "C": case "CLOSED": try { checkClosed(args[1], sender); } catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e) { checkClosed("1", sender); } break; case "S": case "SERVER": try { checkServer((args.length > 1 ? args[2] : "1"), args[1], sender); } catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e) { checkServer("1", BungeeCord.getServer(), sender); } break; default: if (plugin.debugMode) Message.debug( sender.getName(), this.getClass().getSimpleName(), start, cmd.getName(), args); return false; } if (plugin.debugMode) Message.debug( sender.getName(), this.getClass().getSimpleName(), start, cmd.getName(), args); return true; } checkId(Integer.parseInt(args[0]), sender); if (plugin.debugMode) Message.debug(sender.getName(), this.getClass().getSimpleName(), start, cmd.getName(), args); return true; }
private void checkId(int id, CommandSender sender) { HelpRequest currentRequest = plugin.requestMap.get(id); if (currentRequest == null) { ResultSet rs = dbManager.getTicketById(id); ChatColor online; try { if (plugin.storageType.equalsIgnoreCase("mysql")) { if (rs.isBeforeFirst()) rs.first(); } online = (RTSFunctions.isUserOnline(rs.getString("name"))) ? ChatColor.GREEN : ChatColor.RED; date = sdf.format(new java.util.Date(rs.getLong("tstamp") * 1000)); String status = null; ChatColor statusColor = null; if (rs.getInt("status") == 0) { status = "Open"; statusColor = ChatColor.YELLOW; } if (rs.getInt("status") == 1) { status = "Claimed"; statusColor = ChatColor.RED; } if (rs.getInt("status") == 2) { status = "On Hold"; statusColor = ChatColor.LIGHT_PURPLE; } if (rs.getInt("status") == 3) { status = "Closed"; statusColor = ChatColor.GREEN; } String text = rs.getString("text"); String bungeeServer = rs.getString("bc_server"); String modComment = rs.getString("mod_comment"); sender.sendMessage( ChatColor.AQUA + "--------- " + "Request #" + rs.getInt(1) + " - " + statusColor + status + ChatColor.AQUA + " ---------"); sender.sendMessage( ChatColor.YELLOW + "Filed by" + online + " " + rs.getString("name") + ChatColor.YELLOW + " at " + ChatColor.GREEN + date + ChatColor.YELLOW + " at X:" + ChatColor.GREEN + rs.getInt("x") + ChatColor.YELLOW + ", Y:" + ChatColor.GREEN + rs.getInt("y") + ChatColor.YELLOW + ", Z:" + ChatColor.GREEN + rs.getInt("z")); if (rs.getInt("status") == 3) { int modId = rs.getInt("mod_id"); sender.sendMessage( ChatColor.LIGHT_PURPLE + "Handled by " + dbManager.getUserName(modId) + "."); int Millis = (rs.getInt("mod_timestamp") - rs.getInt("tstamp")) * 1000; sender.sendMessage( ChatColor.LIGHT_PURPLE + String.format( "Time spent: %d hours, %d minutes, %d seconds", Millis / (1000 * 60 * 60), (Millis % (1000 * 60 * 60)) / (1000 * 60), ((Millis % (1000 * 60 * 60)) % (1000 * 60)) / 1000)); } else if (rs.getInt("status") > 0) { int modId = rs.getInt("mod_id"); sender.sendMessage( ChatColor.LIGHT_PURPLE + "Claimed by " + dbManager.getUserName(modId) + "."); } if (!bungeeServer.equals(BungeeCord.getServer())) sender.sendMessage( ChatColor.YELLOW + "BungeeCord Server: " + ChatColor.GREEN + bungeeServer); if (modComment != null) sender.sendMessage(ChatColor.YELLOW + "Comment: " + ChatColor.DARK_GREEN + modComment); sender.sendMessage(ChatColor.GRAY + text); rs.close(); return; } catch (SQLException e) { sender.sendMessage(Message.parse("generalRequestNotFound", id)); return; } } ChatColor online = (RTSFunctions.isUserOnline(currentRequest.getName())) ? ChatColor.GREEN : ChatColor.RED; date = sdf.format(new java.util.Date(currentRequest.getTimestamp() * 1000)); String status; if (currentRequest.getStatus() == 1) { status = ChatColor.RED + "Claimed"; } else { status = ChatColor.YELLOW + "Open"; } sender.sendMessage( ChatColor.AQUA + "--------- " + " Request #" + currentRequest.getId() + " -" + ChatColor.YELLOW + " " + status + " " + ChatColor.AQUA + "---------"); sender.sendMessage( ChatColor.YELLOW + "Filed by" + online + " " + currentRequest.getName() + ChatColor.YELLOW + " at " + ChatColor.GREEN + date + ChatColor.YELLOW + " at X:" + ChatColor.GREEN + currentRequest.getX() + ChatColor.YELLOW + ", Y:" + ChatColor.GREEN + currentRequest.getY() + ChatColor.YELLOW + ", Z:" + ChatColor.GREEN + currentRequest.getZ()); sender.sendMessage(ChatColor.GRAY + currentRequest.getMessage()); if (currentRequest.getStatus() == 1) { long Millis = (System.currentTimeMillis() - (currentRequest.getModTimestamp()) * 1000); sender.sendMessage( ChatColor.LIGHT_PURPLE + String.format( "Claimed for: %d hours, %d minutes, %d seconds", Millis / (1000 * 60 * 60), (Millis % (1000 * 60 * 60)) / (1000 * 60), ((Millis % (1000 * 60 * 60)) % (1000 * 60)) / 1000)); } }
public boolean onCommand(CommandSender sender, Command cmd, String label, String[] args) { if (args.length == 0) return false; if (!(sender instanceof Player)) { sender.sendMessage("[ReportRTS] Some information will not be correct, such as location."); int userId = dbManager.getUserId("CONSOLE", true); String message = RTSFunctions.implode(args, " "); Location location = plugin.getServer().getWorlds().get(0).getSpawnLocation(); String world = plugin.getServer().getWorlds().get(0).getName(); if (!dbManager.fileRequest("CONSOLE", world, location, message, userId)) { sender.sendMessage(Message.parse("generalInternalError", "Request could not be filed.")); return true; } int ticketId = dbManager.getLatestTicketIdByUser(userId); HelpRequest request = new HelpRequest( "CONSOLE", ticketId, System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000, message, 0, location.getBlockX(), location.getBlockY(), location.getBlockZ(), location.getYaw(), location.getPitch(), world, BungeeCord.getServer(), ""); plugin.getServer().getPluginManager().callEvent(new ReportCreateEvent(request)); plugin.requestMap.put(ticketId, request); if (plugin.notifyStaffOnNewRequest) { try { BungeeCord.globalNotify( Message.parse("modreqFiledMod", "CONSOLE", ticketId), ticketId, NotificationType.NEW); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } RTSFunctions.messageMods(Message.parse("modreqFiledMod", "CONSOLE", ticketId), true); } return true; } if (!RTSPermissions.canFileRequest(sender)) return true; if (plugin.requestMinimumWords > args.length) { sender.sendMessage(Message.parse("modreqTooShort", plugin.requestMinimumWords)); return true; } if (RTSFunctions.getOpenRequestsByUser(sender) >= plugin.maxRequests && !(ReportRTS.permission != null ? ReportRTS.permission.has(sender, "reportrts.command.modreq.unlimited") : sender.hasPermission("reportrts.command.modreq.unlimited"))) { sender.sendMessage(Message.parse("modreqTooManyOpen")); return true; } if (plugin.requestDelay > 0) { if (!(ReportRTS.permission != null ? ReportRTS.permission.has(sender, "reportrts.command.modreq.unlimited") : sender.hasPermission("reportrts.command.modreq.unlimited"))) { long timeBetweenRequest = RTSFunctions.checkTimeBetweenRequests(sender); if (timeBetweenRequest > 0) { sender.sendMessage(Message.parse("modreqTooFast", timeBetweenRequest)); return true; } } } double start = 0; if (plugin.debugMode) start = System.nanoTime(); Player player = (Player) sender; String message = RTSFunctions.implode(args, " "); int userId = dbManager.getUserId(player.getName(), true); if (!dbManager.fileRequest( player.getName(), player.getWorld().getName(), player.getLocation(), message, userId)) { sender.sendMessage(Message.parse("generalInternalError", "Request could not be filed.")); return true; } int ticketId = dbManager.getLatestTicketIdByUser(userId); Location location = player.getLocation(); sender.sendMessage(Message.parse("modreqFiledUser")); plugin.getLogger().log(Level.INFO, "" + player.getName() + " filed a request."); if (plugin.notifyStaffOnNewRequest) { try { BungeeCord.globalNotify( Message.parse("modreqFiledMod", player.getName(), ticketId), ticketId, NotificationType.NEW); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } RTSFunctions.messageMods(Message.parse("modreqFiledMod", player.getName(), ticketId), true); } HelpRequest request = new HelpRequest( player.getName(), ticketId, System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000, message, 0, location.getBlockX(), location.getBlockY(), location.getBlockZ(), location.getYaw(), location.getPitch(), player.getWorld().getName(), BungeeCord.getServer(), ""); plugin.getServer().getPluginManager().callEvent(new ReportCreateEvent(request)); plugin.requestMap.put(ticketId, request); if (plugin.debugMode) Message.debug(sender.getName(), this.getClass().getSimpleName(), start, cmd.getName(), args); return true; }