   * Returns a stopwatch that has been started and will automatically record its result to the
   * dynamic timer specified by the given name, and sequence of (key, value) pairs. The timer uses a
   * TimeUnit of milliseconds.
  public static Stopwatch start(String name, String... tags) {
    final MonitorConfig.Builder configBuilder = MonitorConfig.builder(name);
        tags.length % 2 == 0,
        "The sequence of (key, value) pairs must have even size: one key, one value");
    for (int i = 0; i < tags.length; i += 2) {
      configBuilder.withTag(tags[i], tags[i + 1]);

    return INSTANCE.get(configBuilder.build(), TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS).start();
  * Returns a stopwatch that has been started and will automatically record its result to the
  * dynamic timer specified by the given config. The timer uses a TimeUnit of milliseconds.
 public static Stopwatch start(String name, TagList list, TimeUnit unit) {
   final MonitorConfig config = new MonitorConfig.Builder(name).withTags(list).build();
   return INSTANCE.get(config, unit).start();
  * Record a duration to the dynamic timer indicated by the provided config/reportUnit.
  * @param config Config to identify a particular timer instance to update.
  * @param reportUnit The unit to use when reporting values to observers. For example if sent to a
  *     typical time series graphing system this would be the unit for the y-axis. It is generally
  *     recommended to use base units for reporting, so {@link TimeUnit#SECONDS} is the preferred
  *     value.
  * @param duration Measured duration to record.
  * @param durationUnit Unit for the measured duration. This should typically be the unit used for
  *     timing source. For example if using {@link System#nanoTime()} the unit would be
  *     nanoseconds.
 public static void record(
     MonitorConfig config, TimeUnit reportUnit, long duration, TimeUnit durationUnit) {
   INSTANCE.get(config, reportUnit).record(duration, durationUnit);
  * Record a duration to the dynamic timer indicated by the provided config. The units in which the
  * timer is reported and the duration unit are the same.
  * @deprecated Use {@link DynamicTimer#record(MonitorConfig, java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit, long,
  *     java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit)} instead. The new method allows you to be specific about the
  *     units used for reporting the timer and the units in which the duration is measured.
 public static void record(MonitorConfig config, long duration, TimeUnit unit) {
   INSTANCE.get(config, unit).record(duration, unit);
  * Record result to the dynamic timer indicated by the provided config with a TimeUnit of
  * milliseconds.
 public static void record(MonitorConfig config, long duration) {
   INSTANCE.get(config, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS).record(duration, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
  * Returns a stopwatch that has been started and will automatically record its result to the
  * dynamic timer specified by the given config. The timer will report the times in milliseconds to
  * observers.
  * @see #start(MonitorConfig, TimeUnit)
 public static Stopwatch start(MonitorConfig config) {
   return INSTANCE.get(config, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS).start();
  * Returns a stopwatch that has been started and will automatically record its result to the
  * dynamic timer specified by the given config.
  * @param config Config to identify a particular timer instance to update.
  * @param unit The unit to use when reporting values to observers. For example if sent to a
  *     typical time series graphing system this would be the unit for the y-axis. It is generally
  *     recommended to use base units for reporting, so {@link TimeUnit#SECONDS} is the preferred
  *     value.
 public static Stopwatch start(MonitorConfig config, TimeUnit unit) {
   return INSTANCE.get(config, unit).start();