  * Create a Netflix {@link RestClient} integrated with Ribbon if none already exists in the
  * application context. It is not required for Ribbon to work properly and is therefore created
  * lazily if ever another component requires it.
  * @param config the configuration to use by the underlying Ribbon instance
  * @param loadBalancer the load balancer to use by the underlying Ribbon instance
  * @return a {@link RestClient} instances backed by Ribbon
 public RestClient ribbonRestClient(
     IClientConfig config, ILoadBalancer loadBalancer, ServerIntrospector serverIntrospector) {
   RestClient client = new OverrideRestClient(config, serverIntrospector);
   Monitors.registerObject("Client_" + this.name, client);
   return client;
  protected String run() {
    try {
      // The named client param must match the prefix for the ribbon
      // configuration specified in the edge.properties file
      RestClient client = (RestClient) ClientFactory.getNamedClient("middletier-client");

      // MultivaluedMap<String, String> headers = new MultivaluedMapImpl();
      // headers.putSingle("Content-Type", "text/plain");

      // Note: If running locally on MacOS, you'll need to make sure your
      // /etc/hosts file contains the following entry:
      // <hostname>.local
      // or else this will likely fail.
      HttpClientRequest request =
                  new URI(
                          + FluxConstants.MIDDLETIER_WEB_RESOURCE_ROOT_PATH
                          + "/"
                          + FluxConstants.MIDDLETIER_WEB_RESOURCE_VERSION
                          + "/"
                          + FluxConstants.MIDDLETIER_WEB_RESOURCE_GET_PATH
                          + "/"
                          + key))
              // .setHeaders(headers)

      HttpClientResponse response = client.executeWithLoadBalancer(request);

      if (response.getStatus() != 200) {
        logger.error("error status: {}", response.getStatus());
        throw new Exception("error status: " + response.getStatus());

      return IOUtils.toString(response.getRawEntity(), Charsets.UTF_8);
    } catch (Exception exc) {
      logger.error("Exception calling middletier while retrieving logs.", exc);
      throw new RuntimeException("Exception", exc);
  HttpClientResponse forward() throws Exception {

    NFRequestContext context = NFRequestContext.getCurrentContext();
    HttpClientRequest httpClientRequest =

    HttpClientResponse response = restClient.executeWithLoadBalancer(httpClientRequest);
    return response;