private void sendNotification(ArrayList<Integer> idlist) { userDAO = new UserDao(); emailnotification = new EmailNotification(); for (Integer i : idlist) { try { User u = userDAO.find(i); emailnotification.sendVIPStatusNotification(u.getEmail(), u.getName(), true); } catch (MyException e) { e .printStackTrace(); // To change body of catch statement use File | Settings | File // Templates. } } }
@Override public String execute(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception { // If User is not Sales Manager or Administrator if (request.getSession().getAttribute("utype") == null || (request.getSession().getAttribute("utype").toString()).equals("1")) { return "home"; } try { SMDAO smDao = new SMDAO(); PromoCodeDAO pcdao = new PromoCodeDAO(); int idSm = smDao.getSmanagerId(request.getSession().getAttribute("email").toString()); List<PromoCode> pclist = pcdao.getAllPCbySMid(idSm); request.setAttribute("allpromocodes", pclist); } catch (MyException ex) { request.setAttribute("error_message", ex.getMessage()); return "exception"; } return "smsettings"; }