  public void upsertTraceStats(Document key, Document doc) {

    try {
      traceStatsColl.updateOne(key, doc, options);
    } catch (MongoWriteException e) {
      if (e.getCode() == 11000) {
        traceStatsColl.updateOne(key, doc, options);
  public boolean passBooking(User currentUserBooking, User nextUserInQueue) {
    try {
      final MongoDatabase mdb = MongoDBConnManager.getInstance().getConnection();
      final MongoCollection<Document> coll = mdb.getCollection(DBConstants.COLL_BOOKING);
      final Document findCr = new Document();
      findCr.put(DBConstants.BOOKING_ID, nextUserInQueue.getBookingId());
      final ArrayList<Document> lstBkngs = coll.find(findCr).into(new ArrayList<Document>());

      for (final Document document : lstBkngs) {
        java.util.Date nextUserBookingTime = document.getDate(DBConstants.BOOKED_DATE_N_TIME);
        nextUserBookingTime.setSeconds(nextUserBookingTime.getSeconds() + 1);

      // update current user booking time
      final Document filterQuery = new Document();
      filterQuery.put(DBConstants.BOOKING_ID, currentUserBooking.getBookingId());
      final Document updateQuery = new Document();
      final Document updateSet = new Document();
      updateSet.put(DBConstants.BOOKED_DATE_N_TIME, currentUserBooking.getBookedDateNTime());
      updateQuery.put("$set", updateSet);
      coll.updateOne(filterQuery, updateQuery);
    } catch (Exception e) {
      if (e instanceof com.mongodb.MongoTimeoutException) {
        throw new ApplicationException(MessagesEnum.MONGODB_IS_DOWN.getMessage(), e);
      throw new ApplicationException(MessagesEnum.PASSING_BOOKING_FAILED.getMessage(), e);
    return true;
  public void saveOrUpdate(Document widgetDoc) {
    logger.debug("--> to be save widget -->");
    String tableName = "Widget";
    MongoDatabase db = mongoClient.getDatabase(widgetDoc.getString("appId"));
    MongoCollection<Document> collection = db.getCollection(tableName);

    if (!widgetDoc.containsKey("_id")) {
      ObjectId objId = new ObjectId();
      widgetDoc.put("_id", objId);
      logger.debug("--> to insert " + tableName + " with " + widgetDoc.toJson());
      collection.insertOne(widgetDoc); // 没有数据就执行添加操作

    String objectId = widgetDoc.get("_id").toString();
    Document matchFields = new Document();
    matchFields.put("_id", new ObjectId(objectId));
    if (collection.find(matchFields).iterator().hasNext()) { // 有数据就执行更新操作
      logger.debug("--> to update " + tableName + " with " + widgetDoc.toJson());
      collection.updateOne(matchFields, new Document("$set", widgetDoc));
    } else {
      logger.debug("--> to save " + tableName + " with " + widgetDoc.toJson());
      collection.insertOne(widgetDoc); // 没有数据就执行添加操作
 public UpdateResult updateOne(Bson arg0, Bson arg1, UpdateOptions arg2) {
   if (tx.started()) {
     tx.beforeUpdateOne(coll, arg0);
     return tx.getTxCollection().updateOne(modifyQuery(arg0), arg1, arg2);
   } else {
     return coll.updateOne(arg0, arg1, arg2);
  public void addPostComment(
      final String name, final String email, final String body, final String permalink) {

    BasicDBObject comment = new BasicDBObject("author", name).append("body", body);
    if (email != null && !email.equals("")) {
      comment.append("email", email);
        new BasicDBObject("permalink", permalink),
        new BasicDBObject("$push", new BasicDBObject("comments", comment)));
  * Update status of feature.
  * @param uid feature id
  * @param enable enabler
 private void updateStatus(String uid, boolean enable) {
   if (uid == null || uid.isEmpty()) {
     throw new IllegalArgumentException("Feature identifier cannot be null nor empty");
   if (!exist(uid)) {
     throw new FeatureNotFoundException(uid);
   Document target = BUILDER.getFeatUid(uid);
   Object enabledd = BUILDER.getEnable(enable);
   collection.updateOne(target, new Document(MONGO_SET, enabledd));
  public void push(String id, Comment comment) {
    MongoCollection<Document> commentCollection = mongoDatabase.getCollection("posts");

    Document document = new Document();
    document.put("user", comment.getUser());
    document.put("text", comment.getText());
    document.put("date", comment.getDate());

        new Document("_id", new ObjectId(id)),
        new Document("$push", new Document("comments", document)),
        new UpdateOptions().upsert(false));
 /** {@inheritDoc} */
 public void disableGroup(String groupName) {
   if (groupName == null || groupName.isEmpty()) {
     throw new IllegalArgumentException("Groupname cannot be null nor empty");
   if (!existGroup(groupName)) {
     throw new GroupNotFoundException(groupName);
   for (Document document : collection.find(BUILDER.getGroupName(groupName))) {
     Object enabled = BUILDER.getEnable(false);
     collection.updateOne(document, new Document(MONGO_SET, enabled));
 /** {@inheritDoc} */
 public void removeRoleFromFeature(String uid, String roleName) {
   if (uid == null || uid.isEmpty()) {
     throw new IllegalArgumentException("Feature identifier cannot be null nor empty");
   if (roleName == null || roleName.isEmpty()) {
     throw new IllegalArgumentException("roleName cannot be null nor empty");
   if (!exist(uid)) {
     throw new FeatureNotFoundException(uid);
       BUILDER.getFeatUid(uid), new Document("$pull", BUILDER.getRoles(roleName)));
   * Update a directory name
   * @param u The owner
   * @param UID The UID
  public static void updateDirectoryDate(User u, String UID) {
    if (UID == null) return; // Nothing to update

    MongoCollection<Document> collection = DataBase.getInstance().getCollection("directories");
    Date now = new Date();

    BasicDBObject query = new BasicDBObject();
    query.put("owner", new ObjectId(u.UID));
    query.put("_id", new ObjectId(UID));

    BasicDBObject update = new BasicDBObject();
    update.append("$set", new BasicDBObject().append("edit", now));

    collection.updateOne(query, update);
 /** {@inheritDoc} */
 public void addToGroup(String uid, String groupName) {
   if (uid == null || uid.isEmpty()) {
     throw new IllegalArgumentException("Feature identifier cannot be null nor empty");
   if (groupName == null || groupName.isEmpty()) {
     throw new IllegalArgumentException("Groupname cannot be null nor empty");
   if (!exist(uid)) {
     throw new FeatureNotFoundException(uid);
   Document target = BUILDER.getFeatUid(uid);
   Document nGroupName = BUILDER.getGroupName(groupName);
   collection.updateOne(target, new Document(MONGO_SET, nGroupName));
 /** {@inheritDoc} */
 public void update(Feature fp) {
   if (fp == null) {
     throw new IllegalArgumentException("Feature cannot be null nor empty");
   Feature fpExist = read(fp.getUid());
       BUILDER.getFeatUid(fp.getUid()), new Document(MONGO_SET, MAPPER.toDocument(fp)));
   // enable/disable
   if (fp.isEnable() != fpExist.isEnable()) {
     if (fp.isEnable()) {
     } else {
 public void updateBooking(String bookingId) {
   try {
     final MongoDatabase mdb = MongoDBConnManager.getInstance().getConnection();
     final MongoCollection<Document> coll = mdb.getCollection(DBConstants.COLL_BOOKING);
     // update user booking time
     final Document filterQuery = new Document();
     filterQuery.put(DBConstants.BOOKING_ID, bookingId);
     final Document updateQuery = new Document();
     final Document updateSet = new Document();
     updateSet.put(DBConstants.DATE_N_TIME, new Date());
     updateQuery.put("$set", updateSet);
     coll.updateOne(filterQuery, updateQuery);
   } catch (Exception e) {
     if (e instanceof com.mongodb.MongoTimeoutException) {
       throw new ApplicationException(MessagesEnum.MONGODB_IS_DOWN.getMessage(), e);
     throw new ApplicationException(MessagesEnum.UPDATE_USER_FAILED.getMessage(), e);
   * Move a directory
   * @param u
   * @param d
   * @param newContainer
   * @return
  public static Directory moveDirectory(User u, Directory d, Directory newContainer) {

    if (d.UID == null) return d;

    MongoCollection<Document> collection = DataBase.getInstance().getCollection("directories");
    MongoCollection<Document> collectionFiles = DataBase.getInstance().getCollection("files.files");
    Date now = new Date();

    // Change path
    BasicDBObject query = new BasicDBObject();
    query.put("_id", new ObjectId(d.UID));
    query.put("owner", new ObjectId(u.UID));

    String oldPath = d.path;
    String newPath = newContainer.name == null ? "/" : newContainer.path + newContainer.name + "/";

    BasicDBObject update = new BasicDBObject();
    update.append("$set", new BasicDBObject().append("path", newPath).append("edit", now));

    collection.updateOne(query, update);

    // Update paths
    query = new BasicDBObject();
    query.put("owner", new ObjectId(u.UID));

    if (d.getPathList().size() > 0) {
      String pathRegex = "^/" + String.join("/", d.getPathList()) + "/" + d.name + "/";
      query.put("path", new BasicDBObject("$regex", pathRegex));
    } else {
      String pathRegex = "^/" + d.name + "/";
      query.put("path", new BasicDBObject("$regex", pathRegex));

    // Update directories
    for (Document doc : collection.find(query)) {
      BasicDBObject dirQuery = new BasicDBObject();
      dirQuery.put("_id", doc.getObjectId("_id"));

      update = new BasicDBObject();
          new BasicDBObject()
              .append("path", newPath + doc.getString("path").substring(oldPath.length()))
              .append("edit", now));

      collection.updateOne(dirQuery, update);

    // Update files
    for (Document doc : collectionFiles.find(query)) {
      BasicDBObject fileQuery = new BasicDBObject();
      fileQuery.put("_id", doc.getObjectId("_id"));

      update = new BasicDBObject();
          new BasicDBObject()
              .append("path", newPath + doc.getString("path").substring(oldPath.length()))
              .append("edit", now));

      collectionFiles.updateOne(fileQuery, update);

    updateDirectoryDate(u, newContainer);

    // Update local version
    d.path = newPath;

    return d;
   * Rename a directory
   * @param u The owner
   * @param d The directory
   * @param newName The new name
   * @return The renamed directory
  public static Directory renameDirectory(User u, Directory d, String newName) {

    if (d.name == null) // Root can't be renamed
    return d;

    MongoCollection<Document> collection = DataBase.getInstance().getCollection("directories");
    MongoCollection<Document> collectionFiles = DataBase.getInstance().getCollection("files.files");
    Date now = new Date();
    String newPath = d.path + newName;
    String oldPath = d.path + d.name;

    // Change name
    BasicDBObject query = new BasicDBObject();
    query.put("_id", new ObjectId(d.UID));
    query.put("owner", new ObjectId(u.UID));

    BasicDBObject update = new BasicDBObject();
    update.append("$set", new BasicDBObject().append("name", newName).append("edit", now));

    collection.updateOne(query, update);

    // Update paths
    query = new BasicDBObject();
    query.put("owner", new ObjectId(u.UID));

    if (d.getPathList().size() > 0) {
      String pathRegex = "^/" + String.join("/", d.getPathList()) + "/" + d.name + "/";
      query.put("path", new BasicDBObject("$regex", pathRegex));
    } else {
      String pathRegex = "^/" + d.name + "/";
      query.put("path", new BasicDBObject("$regex", pathRegex));

    // Update directories
    for (Document doc : collection.find(query)) {
      BasicDBObject dirQuery = new BasicDBObject();
      dirQuery.put("_id", doc.getObjectId("_id"));

      update = new BasicDBObject();
          new BasicDBObject()
              .append("path", newPath + doc.getString("path").substring(oldPath.length()))
              .append("edit", now));

      collection.updateOne(dirQuery, update);

    // Update files
    for (Document doc : collectionFiles.find(query)) {
      BasicDBObject fileQuery = new BasicDBObject();
      fileQuery.put("_id", doc.getObjectId("_id"));

      update = new BasicDBObject();
          new BasicDBObject()
              .append("path", newPath + doc.getString("path").substring(oldPath.length()))
              .append("edit", now));

      collectionFiles.updateOne(fileQuery, update);

    // Return the modified element
    d.name = newName;
    return d;