@Override protected void onCreate(Bundle icicle) { super.onCreate(icicle); addPreferencesFromResource(R.xml.apn_settings); getListView().setItemsCanFocus(true); mExt = Utils.getMiscPlugin(this); mRcseExt = Utils.getRcseApnPlugin(this); if (mRcseExt != null) { mRcseExt.addRcseOnlyApnStateChanged(mListener); } else { Xlog.d(TAG, "mApnPlugin is null"); } initSimState(); mMobileStateFilter = getIntentFilter(); mReceiver = getBroadcastReceiver(); mTelephonyManager = (TelephonyManager) getSystemService(Context.TELEPHONY_SERVICE); mTelephonyManager.listen(mPhoneStateListener, PhoneStateListener.LISTEN_SERVICE_STATE); if (FeatureOption.MTK_MVNO_SUPPORT) { setSpn(); setIMSI(); setPnn(); } }
@Override protected void onDestroy() { super.onDestroy(); mTelephonyManager.listen(mPhoneStateListener, PhoneStateListener.LISTEN_NONE); Xlog.d(TAG, "onDestroy set PhoneStateListener.LISTEN_NONE!"); if (mRestoreDefaultApnThread != null) { mRestoreDefaultApnThread.quit(); } if (mRcseExt != null) { mRcseExt.removeRcseOnlyApnStateChanged(mListener); } }
private void fillList(int simId) { String where = getFillListQuery(); Xlog.e(TAG, "fillList where: " + where); if (mUri == null) { Xlog.e(TAG, "fillList, mUri null !"); finish(); return; } Cursor cursor = getContentResolver() .query( mUri, new String[] {"_id", "name", "apn", "type", "sourcetype"}, where, null, null); PreferenceGroup apnList = (PreferenceGroup) findPreference("apn_list"); apnList.removeAll(); ArrayList<Preference> mmsApnList = new ArrayList<Preference>(); boolean keySetChecked = false; mSelectedKey = getSelectedApnKey(); Xlog.d(TAG, "fillList : mSelectedKey = " + mSelectedKey); cursor.moveToFirst(); while (!cursor.isAfterLast()) { String type = cursor.getString(TYPES_INDEX); if (mIsTetherApn && !TETHER_TYPE.equals(type)) { cursor.moveToNext(); continue; } String name = cursor.getString(NAME_INDEX); String apn = cursor.getString(APN_INDEX); String key = cursor.getString(ID_INDEX); int sourcetype = cursor.getInt(SOURCE_TYPE_INDEX); if ("cmmail".equals(apn) && sourcetype == 0) { cursor.moveToNext(); continue; } if (RCSE_TYPE.equals(type) && mRcseExt != null) { if (!mRcseExt.isRcseOnlyApnEnabled()) { cursor.moveToNext(); Xlog.d(TAG, "Vodafone not matched"); continue; } else { Xlog.d(TAG, "Vodafone matched"); } } ApnPreference pref = new ApnPreference(this); pref.setSimId(simId); // set pre sim id info to the ApnEditor pref.setKey(key); pref.setTitle(name); pref.setSummary(apn); pref.setPersistent(false); pref.setSourceType(sourcetype); pref.setOnPreferenceChangeListener(this); boolean isEditable = mExt.isAllowEditPresetApn(type, apn, mNumeric); pref.setApnEditable((sourcetype != 0) || isEditable); // All tether apn will be selectable for otthers , mms will not be selectable. boolean selectable = true; if (TETHER_TYPE.equals(type)) { selectable = mIsTetherApn; } else { selectable = !"mms".equals(type); } pref.setSelectable(selectable); if (selectable) { if ((mSelectedKey != null) && mSelectedKey.equals(key)) { pref.setChecked(); keySetChecked = true; Xlog.d(TAG, "apn key: " + key + " set."); } apnList.addPreference(pref); Xlog.i(TAG, "key: " + key + " added!"); } else { mmsApnList.add(pref); } cursor.moveToNext(); } cursor.close(); mSelectableApnCount = apnList.getPreferenceCount(); // if no key selected, choose the 1st one. if (!keySetChecked && mSelectableApnCount > 0) { int[] sourceTypeArray = new int[mSelectableApnCount]; for (int i = 0; i < mSelectableApnCount; i++) { sourceTypeArray[i] = ((ApnPreference) apnList.getPreference(i)).getSourceType(); } ApnPreference apnPref = (ApnPreference) mExt.getApnPref(apnList, mSelectableApnCount, sourceTypeArray); if (apnPref != null) { setSelectedApnKey(apnPref.getKey()); apnPref.setChecked(); Xlog.i(TAG, "Key does not match.Set key: " + apnPref.getKey() + "."); } } if (!mIsTetherApn) { for (Preference preference : mmsApnList) { apnList.addPreference(preference); } } getPreferenceScreen().setEnabled(getScreenEnableState()); }