/** * @param Cost of action * @param because Mark did x * @param UPlayer * @return boolean */ public static boolean doFinanceCrap(double cost, String sinceDidX, UPlayer player) { if (!Config._economy.isHooked() || !UConf.get(player).econEnabled || Utilities.getOnlinePlayerExact(player) == null || cost == 0.0) { return true; } if (UConf.get(player).bankEnabled && UConf.get(player).bankFactionPaysCosts && player.hasFaction()) { return Econ.modifyMoney(player.getFaction(), -cost, sinceDidX); } else { return Econ.modifyMoney(player, -cost, sinceDidX); } }
public static boolean isDisabled(Object universe, Object inform) { UConf uconf = UConf.get(universe); if (uconf.enabled) return false; if (inform instanceof CommandSender) { ((CommandSender) inform).sendMessage(getDisabledMessage(universe)); } else if (inform instanceof SenderEntity) { ((SenderEntity<?>) inform).sendMessage(getDisabledMessage(universe)); } return true; }
public static String getDisabledMessage(Object universe) { UConf uconf = UConf.get(universe); return Txt.parse("<i>Factions are disabled in the <h>%s <i>universe.", uconf.getUniverse()); }