 * Data core class, used to set, retrieve the TreeLeafDO information.
 * @version $Revision: 1.4 $
 * @author studer
 * @since jobmatch
public abstract class TreeLeafDO extends com.lutris.dods.builder.generator.dataobject.GenericDO
    implements java.io.Serializable {

   * static final data members name the table and columns for this DO. By using these members with
   * an instance of the QueryBuilder class, an application can perform straight SQL queries while
   * retaining compile-time checking of table and column usage.
   * <p>Example: List the Cities containing Persons named Bob:
   * <p>Using straight SQL with QueryBuilder: Pro: code runs faster because you create fewer objects
   * Con: code is less clear
   * <p>Vector fields = new Vector(); fields.addElement( AddressDO.City ); QueryBuilder qb = new
   * QueryBuilder( fields ); qb.addWhere( PersonDO.FirstName, "Bob" ); qb.addWhere(
   * PersonDO.PrimaryKey, AddressDO.Person ); RDBRow row; while ( null != ( row = qb.getNextRow() )
   * ) { String city = row.get( AddressDO.City ).getString(); }
   * <p>Using Query/DO classes: Pro: code is (often) clearer Con: code runs slower because you
   * create more objects
   * <p>PersonQuery pq = new PersonQuery(); pq.setQueryFirstName( "Bob" ); PersonDO[] bobs =
   * pq.getDOArray(); for ( int i = 0; i < bobs.length; i++ ) { AddressQuery aq = new
   * AddressQuery(); aq.setQueryPerson( bobs[i] ); AddressDO addr = aq.getNextDO(); String city =
   * addr.getCity(); }
  public static final RDBTable table = new RDBTable("NewDBTable");

   * Return NewDBTable as the name of the table in the database which contains TreeLeafDO objects.
   * This method overrides CoreDO.getTableName() and is used by CoreDO.executeUpdate() during error
   * handling.
   * @return the database table name
   * @see CoreDO
   * @author Jay Gunter
  protected String getTableName() {
    return "NewDBTable";

  public static final RDBColumn PrimaryKey = new RDBColumn(table, GenericDO.getPrimaryKeyName());
  /* RDBColumns for TreeLeafDO attributes are defined below. */

  /* Using a DO (and its Query class) to access a VIEW instead of a TABLE:
   * A DO (and its Query class) can be used to access a VIEW
   * instead of a TABLE.  The Data Object is created as usual in DODS,
   * but the "create table" SQL command for that DO is not used.
   * Instead, you substitute a "create view" command to create a
   * virtual table in the database; this is often done to provide
   * convenient access to a collection of tables joined together.
   * A VIEW usually does not return "oid" and "version" columns;
   * often (but now always) a VIEW is defined to return the "oid" column
   * for one of the tables joined together in the definition of the VIEW.
   * If the isView flag is true, TreeLeafDO.createExisting(ResultSet)
   * will NOT invoke the GenericDO(ResultSet) constructor
   * so to avoid attempting to extract the "oid" and "version" columns
   * from the ResultSet.
   * A future release of DODS will allow this flag to be set from the GUI.
   * In the meantime, if this DO class represents a VIEW,
   * change the isView flag to true.
  protected static final boolean isView = false;

   * A DO class contains a reference to a DataStruct class. This reference can be null (when the
   * data for the DO has not yet been retrieved from the database), allowing a DO object to be a
   * lightweight placeholder until its data is needed.
  private TreeLeafDataStruct data = null;

  /** isReadOnly() Returns true if the data for this object has been marked read-only. */
  public boolean isReadOnly() {
    if (null == data) return false;
    return data.readOnly;

   * Protected constructor. Only derived classes should call it.
   * @exception DatabaseManagerException If a connection to the database cannot be established, etc.
   * @exception com.lutris.appserver.server.sql.ObjectIdException If an object id can't be allocated
   *     for this object.
  protected TreeLeafDO(boolean is_view) throws ObjectIdException, DatabaseManagerException {

   * Protected constructor. Only derived classes should call it.
   * @exception DatabaseManagerException If a connection to the database cannot be established, etc.
   * @exception com.lutris.appserver.server.sql.ObjectIdException If an object id can't be allocated
   *     for this object.
  protected TreeLeafDO() throws ObjectIdException, DatabaseManagerException {

  /** isLoaded() Returns true if the data for this objects has been retrieved from the database. */
  public boolean isLoaded() {
    return (null != data);

   * loadData() Load the fields for the DO from the database.
   * @exception com.lutris.appserver.server.sql.ObjectIdException If an object id can't be allocated
   *     for this object.
   * @exception DataObjectException If the object is not found in the database.
   * @exception SQLException If the database rejects the SQL generated to retrieve data for this
   *     object, or if the table contains a bad foreign key, etc.
  public void loadData() throws SQLException, ObjectIdException, DataObjectException {
    if (null == data) {

      data = new TreeLeafDataStruct();
   * Load the actual DO data if necessary. Called by get/set methods.
   * @exception DataObjectException If a data access error occurs.
  private void checkLoad() throws DataObjectException {
    if (null == data)
      try {
      } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new DataObjectException(
            "Unable to load data for TreeLeafDO id=" + getOId() + ", error = " + e.getMessage());

   * The developer of a Business Object that derives from this class can override the methods:<CODE>
   *     beforeAnyGet
   *     beforeAnySet
   *     afterAnySet
   * </CODE> to handle any general assertions or cleanup needed for <CODE>get</CODE> and <CODE>set
   * </CODE> methods.
  protected void beforeAnyGet() {}
  // beforeAnySet throws plain Exception to allow overriding implementations
  // to throw any flavor needed.
  protected void beforeAnySet() throws Exception {
    if (isReadOnly()) throw new DataObjectException(this + " is read-only.");

  protected void afterAnySet() {}

   * Protected constructor used by createExisting(ObjectId) above.
   * <p>Historical note (delete at will): Formerly, createExisting(ObjectId) invoked the no-args
   * GenericDO ctor, which allocated a new ObjectId. Then, createExisting(ObjectId) would call
   * setOId(id), discarding the newly allocated ObjectId; this resulted in an ObjectId "leak"
   * (needless consumption of oid's.)
   * @param id The ObjectId for the object.
   * @exception DataObjectException If the object is not found in the database.
   * @exception com.lutris.appserver.server.sql.ObjectIdException If an object id can't be allocated
   *     for this object.
   * @exception DatabaseManagerException If a connection to the database cannot be established, etc.
   * @exception SQLException Should never see this exception since GenericDO.ctor(ObjectId) never
   *     accesses the database.
  protected TreeLeafDO(ObjectId id)
      throws SQLException, ObjectIdException, DataObjectException, DatabaseManagerException {

   * makeIdentical()
   * <p>Assigns the DataStruct of an existing DO to this DO. Does not duplicate data. Just assigns
   * the reference.
   * @param orig The original DO.
  protected void makeIdentical(TreeLeafDO orig) {
    data = orig.data;

  ////////////////////////// data member LeafNumber

  /* static final RDBColumn LeafNumber for use with QueryBuilder.
   * See RDBColumn PrimaryKey at the top of this file for usage example.
  public static final RDBColumn LeafNumber = new RDBColumn(table, "LeafNumber");

   * Get LeafNumber of the NewDBTable
   * @return LeafNumber of the NewDBTable
   * @exception DataObjectException If the object is not found in the database.
  public int getLeafNumber() throws DataObjectException {
    beforeAnyGet(); // business actions/assertions prior to data return
    return data.LeafNumber;

   * Set LeafNumber of the NewDBTable
   * @param LeafNumber of the NewDBTable
   * @exception DataObjectException If the object is not found in the database.
  public void setLeafNumber(int LeafNumber) throws DataObjectException {
    try {
      // business actions/assertions prior to data assignment
    } catch (Exception e) {
      throw new DataObjectException("beforeAnySet: " + e.getMessage());
    data.LeafNumber = markNewValue(data.LeafNumber, LeafNumber);
    afterAnySet(); // business actions/assertions after data assignment

  ////////////////////////// data member Profile

  /* static final RDBColumn Profile for use with QueryBuilder.
   * See RDBColumn PrimaryKey at the top of this file for usage example.
  public static final RDBColumn Profile = new RDBColumn(table, "Profile");

   * Get Profile of the NewDBTable
   * @return Profile of the NewDBTable
   * @exception DataObjectException If the object is not found in the database.
  public jobmatch.data.ProfileDO getProfile() throws DataObjectException {
    beforeAnyGet(); // business actions/assertions prior to data return
    return data.Profile;

   * Set Profile of the NewDBTable
   * @param Profile of the NewDBTable
   * @exception DataObjectException If the object is not found in the database.
  public void setProfile(jobmatch.data.ProfileDO Profile) throws DataObjectException {
    try {
      // business actions/assertions prior to data assignment
    } catch (Exception e) {
      throw new DataObjectException("beforeAnySet: " + e.getMessage());
    data.Profile = (jobmatch.data.ProfileDO) markNewValue(data.Profile, Profile);
    afterAnySet(); // business actions/assertions after data assignment

  ////////////////////////// data member Mandatory

  /* static final RDBColumn Mandatory for use with QueryBuilder.
   * See RDBColumn PrimaryKey at the top of this file for usage example.
  public static final RDBColumn Mandatory = new RDBColumn(table, "Mandatory");

   * Get Mandatory of the NewDBTable
   * @return Mandatory of the NewDBTable
   * @exception DataObjectException If the object is not found in the database.
  public boolean getMandatory() throws DataObjectException {
    beforeAnyGet(); // business actions/assertions prior to data return
    return data.Mandatory;

   * Set Mandatory of the NewDBTable
   * @param Mandatory of the NewDBTable
   * @exception DataObjectException If the object is not found in the database.
  public void setMandatory(boolean Mandatory) throws DataObjectException {
    try {
      // business actions/assertions prior to data assignment
    } catch (Exception e) {
      throw new DataObjectException("beforeAnySet: " + e.getMessage());
    data.Mandatory = markNewValue(data.Mandatory, Mandatory);
    afterAnySet(); // business actions/assertions after data assignment

   * Protected constructor.
   * @param rs Result set from which to obtain product data.
   * @exception DataObjectException If the object is not found in the database.
   * @exception com.lutris.appserver.server.sql.ObjectIdException If an object id can't be allocated
   *     for this object.
   * @exception DatabaseManagerException If a connection to the database cannot be established, etc.
   * @exception SQLException If the database rejects the SQL generated to retrieve data for this
   *     object, or if the table contains a bad foreign key, etc.
  protected TreeLeafDO(ResultSet rs)
      throws SQLException, ObjectIdException, DataObjectException, DatabaseManagerException {

   * initFromResultSet initializes the data members from NewDBTable. This code was separated from
   * the ResultSet constructor so that createExisting(ResultSet) could handle VIEWs.
  private void initFromResultSet(ResultSet rs)
      throws SQLException, ObjectIdException, DataObjectException, DatabaseManagerException {
    // Constructing a DO from a ResultSet means we definitely need the
    // DataStruct ready for the setXxx methods invoked below.
    data = new TreeLeafDataStruct();

    // writeMemberStuff uses the ResultSetExtraction.template
    // to build up the value for this tag:
    // the value is a series of calls to the DO set methods.


    setProfile(jobmatch.data.ProfileDO.createExisting(rs.getBigDecimal("Profile", 0)));



   * toString - for debugging
      public String toString(){
  	String str = "TreeLeafDO:";
  	ObjectId oid = getOId();
  	String id = "virgin";
  	if ( null != oid )
  	    id = oid.toString();
  	str += " OID=" + id;
  	if ( null != data )
  	    str = str + "\n" + indent + "LeafNumber=" + data.LeafNumber
  + "\n" + indent + "Profile=" + ( null == data.Profile ? null  : data.Profile.toString( indentCount + 1 ) )
  + "\n" + indent + "Mandatory=" + data.Mandatory
          return str + "; " + super.toString();

   * toString - for debugging
  public String toString() {
    return toString(1);

  public String toString(int indentCount) {
    String indent = "";
    for (int i = 0; i < indentCount; i++) {
      indent += ". ";
    String str = indent + "TreeLeafDO:";
    ObjectId oid = getOId();
    String id = "virgin";
    if (null != oid) id = oid.toString();
    str += " OID=" + id;
    if (null != data)
      str =
              + "\n"
              + indent
              + "LeafNumber="
              + data.LeafNumber
              + "\n"
              + indent
              + "Profile="
              + (null == data.Profile ? null : data.Profile.toString(indentCount + 1))
              + "\n"
              + indent
              + "Mandatory="
              + data.Mandatory;
    return str + "\n" + indent + "SUPER=" + super.toString(indentCount);
    // return str;

   * A stub method for implementing pre-commit assertions for this TreeLeafDO. Implement this stub
   * to throw an RefAssertionException for cases where this object is not valid for writing to the
   * database.
  protected void okToCommit() throws RefAssertionException {}

   * A stub method for implementing pre-delete assertions for this TreeLeafDO. Implement this stub
   * to throw an RefAssertionException for cases where this object is not valid for deletion from
   * the database.
  protected void okToDelete() throws RefAssertionException {}

   * Inserts/Updates the DO into its table.
   * @exception com.lutris.appserver.server.sql.DatabaseManagerException if a Transaction can not be
   *     created.
   * @exception RefAssertionException thrown by okTo method.
   * @exception java.sql.SQLException if any SQL errors occur.
  public void commit()
      throws SQLException, DatabaseManagerException, DataObjectException, RefAssertionException,
          DBRowUpdateException, QueryException {
    modifyDO(null, false);

   * Inserts/Updates the DO into its table. The transaction is likely provided by the commit()
   * method of another DO which references this DO.
   * @param dbt The transaction object to use for this operation.
   * @exception com.lutris.appserver.server.sql.DatabaseManagerException if a Transaction can not be
   *     created.
   * @exception com.lutris.appserver.server.sql.DBRowUpdateException if a version error occurs.
   * @exception RefAssertionException thrown by okTo method.
   * @exception java.sql.SQLException if any SQL errors occur.
  public void commit(DBTransaction dbt)
      throws SQLException, DatabaseManagerException, DataObjectException, RefAssertionException,
          DBRowUpdateException, QueryException {
    modifyDO(dbt, false);

   * Deletes the DO from its table.
   * @exception com.lutris.appserver.server.sql.DatabaseManagerException if a Transaction can not be
   *     created.
   * @exception RefAssertionException thrown by okTo method.
   * @exception java.sql.SQLException if any SQL errors occur.
  public void delete()
      throws SQLException, DatabaseManagerException, DataObjectException, RefAssertionException,
          DBRowUpdateException, QueryException {
    modifyDO(null, true);

   * Deletes the DO from its table. The transaction is likely provided by the delete() method of
   * another DO which references this DO.
   * @param dbt The transaction object to use for this operation.
   * @exception com.lutris.appserver.server.sql.DatabaseManagerException if a Transaction can not be
   *     created.
   * @exception com.lutris.appserver.server.sql.DBRowUpdateException if a version error occurs.
   * @exception RefAssertionException thrown by okTo method.
   * @exception java.sql.SQLException if any SQL errors occur.
  public void delete(DBTransaction dbt)
      throws SQLException, DatabaseManagerException, DataObjectException, RefAssertionException,
          DBRowUpdateException, QueryException {
    modifyDO(dbt, true);

   * A stub method for implementing pre-commit assertions for the Profile data member. Implement
   * this stub to throw an RefAssertionException for cases where Profile is not valid for writing to
   * the database.
  protected void okToCommitProfile(jobmatch.data.ProfileDO member) throws RefAssertionException {}

   * A stub method for implementing pre-delete assertions for the Profile data member. Implement
   * this stub to throw an RefAssertionException for cases where Profile is not valid for deletion
   * from the database.
  protected void okToDeleteProfile(jobmatch.data.ProfileDO member) throws RefAssertionException {}

   * Modifies the DO within its table. Performs recursive commit/delete on referenced DOs; all
   * operations occur within a single transaction to allow rollback in the event of error. Only the
   * creator of the transaction releases it.
   * @param dbt The transaction object to use for this operation.
   * @param delete True if doing a delete, otherwise doing insert/update.
   * @exception com.lutris.appserver.server.sql.DatabaseManagerException if a Transaction can not be
   *     created.
   * @exception com.lutris.appserver.server.sql.DBRowUpdateException if a version error occurs.
   * @exception RefAssertionException thrown by okTo method.
   * @exception java.sql.SQLException if any SQL errors occur.
  protected void modifyDO(DBTransaction dbt, boolean delete)
      throws SQLException, DatabaseManagerException, DataObjectException, RefAssertionException,
          DBRowUpdateException, QueryException {
    if (delete) okToDelete();
    else okToCommit();
    boolean ownTransaction = false;
    try {
      if (null == dbt) {
        DatabaseManager dbm = Enhydra.getDatabaseManager();
        dbt = dbm.createTransaction(); // create a transaction
        ownTransaction = true;
      if (null == dbt)
        throw new DatabaseManagerException("DatabaseManager.createTransaction returned null.");
      if (delete) {
        // Code to perform cascading deletes is generated here
        // if cascading deletes are not supported by the database.

        // The following line keeps the compiler happy
        // when the CASCADING_DELETES tag is empty.
        if (false) throw new QueryException("XXX");
      } else {
        // commit referenced DOs.
        jobmatch.data.ProfileDO Profile_DO = getProfile();
        if (null != Profile_DO) {
          if (Profile_DO.isLoaded()) {
          } else {
            // since the referenced DO is not loaded,
            // it cannot be dirty, so there is no need to commit it.
        } else {
          if (!false)
            throw new RefAssertionException(
                "Cannot commit TreeLeafDO ( "
                    + toString()
                    + " ) because Profile is not allowed to be null.");
      if (false) {
        // This throw is here to keep the compiler happy
        // in the case of a DO that does not refer to other DOs.
        // In that case, the above delete/commit code blocks will be empty
        // and throw nothing.
        throw new DataObjectException("foo");
      if (delete) {
      } else {
        if (isLoaded()) dbt.insert(this); // dbt.insert() handles insertions and updates
      if (ownTransaction) {
        dbt.commit(); // commit the transaction
    } catch (SQLException sqle) {
      StringBuffer message = new StringBuffer("Failed to insert/update DO: ");

      // rollback, if necessary
      if (ownTransaction) {
        try {
        } catch (SQLException sqle2) {
          message.insert(0, "\n");
          message.insert(0, sqle2.getMessage());
          message.insert(0, "Rollback failed: ");
      throw new SQLException(message.toString());
    } finally {
      // release the transaction, if any
      if (ownTransaction) {
 * Data core class, used to set, retrieve the PersonalProfileDO information.
 * @version $Revision: 1.3 $
 * @author studer
 * @since jobmatch
public class PersonalProfileDO extends jobmatch.data.TreeLeafDO implements java.io.Serializable {

   * static final data members name the table and columns for this DO. By using these members with
   * an instance of the QueryBuilder class, an application can perform straight SQL queries while
   * retaining compile-time checking of table and column usage.
   * <p>Example: List the Cities containing Persons named Bob:
   * <p>Using straight SQL with QueryBuilder: Pro: code runs faster because you create fewer objects
   * Con: code is less clear
   * <p>Vector fields = new Vector(); fields.addElement( AddressDO.City ); QueryBuilder qb = new
   * QueryBuilder( fields ); qb.addWhere( PersonDO.FirstName, "Bob" ); qb.addWhere(
   * PersonDO.PrimaryKey, AddressDO.Person ); RDBRow row; while ( null != ( row = qb.getNextRow() )
   * ) { String city = row.get( AddressDO.City ).getString(); }
   * <p>Using Query/DO classes: Pro: code is (often) clearer Con: code runs slower because you
   * create more objects
   * <p>PersonQuery pq = new PersonQuery(); pq.setQueryFirstName( "Bob" ); PersonDO[] bobs =
   * pq.getDOArray(); for ( int i = 0; i < bobs.length; i++ ) { AddressQuery aq = new
   * AddressQuery(); aq.setQueryPerson( bobs[i] ); AddressDO addr = aq.getNextDO(); String city =
   * addr.getCity(); }
  public static final RDBTable table = new RDBTable("PersonalProfile");

   * Return PersonalProfile as the name of the table in the database which contains
   * PersonalProfileDO objects. This method overrides CoreDO.getTableName() and is used by
   * CoreDO.executeUpdate() during error handling.
   * @return the database table name
   * @see CoreDO
   * @author Jay Gunter
  protected String getTableName() {
    return "PersonalProfile";

  public static final RDBColumn PrimaryKey = new RDBColumn(table, GenericDO.getPrimaryKeyName());
  /* RDBColumns for PersonalProfileDO attributes are defined below. */

  /* Using a DO (and its Query class) to access a VIEW instead of a TABLE:
   * A DO (and its Query class) can be used to access a VIEW
   * instead of a TABLE.  The Data Object is created as usual in DODS,
   * but the "create table" SQL command for that DO is not used.
   * Instead, you substitute a "create view" command to create a
   * virtual table in the database; this is often done to provide
   * convenient access to a collection of tables joined together.
   * A VIEW usually does not return "oid" and "version" columns;
   * often (but now always) a VIEW is defined to return the "oid" column
   * for one of the tables joined together in the definition of the VIEW.
   * If the isView flag is true, PersonalProfileDO.createExisting(ResultSet)
   * will NOT invoke the GenericDO(ResultSet) constructor
   * so to avoid attempting to extract the "oid" and "version" columns
   * from the ResultSet.
   * A future release of DODS will allow this flag to be set from the GUI.
   * In the meantime, if this DO class represents a VIEW,
   * change the isView flag to true.
  protected static final boolean isView = false;

   * A DO class contains a reference to a DataStruct class. This reference can be null (when the
   * data for the DO has not yet been retrieved from the database), allowing a DO object to be a
   * lightweight placeholder until its data is needed.
  private PersonalProfileDataStruct data = null;

  /** isReadOnly() Returns true if the data for this object has been marked read-only. */
  public boolean isReadOnly() {
    if (null == data) return false;
    return data.readOnly;

   * Protected constructor. Only derived classes should call it.
   * @exception DatabaseManagerException If a connection to the database cannot be established, etc.
   * @exception com.lutris.appserver.server.sql.ObjectIdException If an object id can't be allocated
   *     for this object.
  protected PersonalProfileDO(boolean is_view) throws ObjectIdException, DatabaseManagerException {

   * Protected constructor. Only derived classes should call it.
   * @exception DatabaseManagerException If a connection to the database cannot be established, etc.
   * @exception com.lutris.appserver.server.sql.ObjectIdException If an object id can't be allocated
   *     for this object.
  protected PersonalProfileDO() throws ObjectIdException, DatabaseManagerException {

  /** isLoaded() Returns true if the data for this objects has been retrieved from the database. */
  public boolean isLoaded() {
    return (null != data);

   * loadData() Load the fields for the DO from the database.
   * @exception com.lutris.appserver.server.sql.ObjectIdException If an object id can't be allocated
   *     for this object.
   * @exception DataObjectException If the object is not found in the database.
   * @exception SQLException If the database rejects the SQL generated to retrieve data for this
   *     object, or if the table contains a bad foreign key, etc.
  public void loadData() throws SQLException, ObjectIdException, DataObjectException {
    if (null == data) {
      data = new PersonalProfileDataStruct();

    ObjectId id = getOId();
    if (null == id) return;
    if (!isPersistent()) // DO from createVirgin

    // DO from createExisting.  Complain if no record in database.
    PersonalProfileQuery query = new PersonalProfileQuery();
    PersonalProfileDO obj;
    try {
      obj = query.getNextDO();
      if (null == obj) throw new DataObjectException("PersonalProfileDO DO not found for id=" + id);

    } catch (NonUniqueQueryException e) {
      throw new ObjectIdException("Duplicate ObjectId");
   * Load the actual DO data if necessary. Called by get/set methods.
   * @exception DataObjectException If a data access error occurs.
  private void checkLoad() throws DataObjectException {
    if (null == data)
      try {
      } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new DataObjectException(
            "Unable to load data for PersonalProfileDO id="
                + getOId()
                + ", error = "
                + e.getMessage());

   * The developer of a Business Object that derives from this class can override the methods:<CODE>
   *     beforeAnyGet
   *     beforeAnySet
   *     afterAnySet
   * </CODE> to handle any general assertions or cleanup needed for <CODE>get</CODE> and <CODE>set
   * </CODE> methods.
  protected void beforeAnyGet() {}
  // beforeAnySet throws plain Exception to allow overriding implementations
  // to throw any flavor needed.
  protected void beforeAnySet() throws Exception {
    if (isReadOnly()) throw new DataObjectException(this + " is read-only.");

  protected void afterAnySet() {}

   * Protected constructor used by createExisting(ObjectId) above.
   * <p>Historical note (delete at will): Formerly, createExisting(ObjectId) invoked the no-args
   * GenericDO ctor, which allocated a new ObjectId. Then, createExisting(ObjectId) would call
   * setOId(id), discarding the newly allocated ObjectId; this resulted in an ObjectId "leak"
   * (needless consumption of oid's.)
   * @param id The ObjectId for the object.
   * @exception DataObjectException If the object is not found in the database.
   * @exception com.lutris.appserver.server.sql.ObjectIdException If an object id can't be allocated
   *     for this object.
   * @exception DatabaseManagerException If a connection to the database cannot be established, etc.
   * @exception SQLException Should never see this exception since GenericDO.ctor(ObjectId) never
   *     accesses the database.
  protected PersonalProfileDO(ObjectId id)
      throws SQLException, ObjectIdException, DataObjectException, DatabaseManagerException {

   * createVirgin() Creates a DO that has no ObjectId or data. Such a DO is used to insert a new
   * database entry after its data has been set.
   * @exception com.lutris.appserver.server.sql.ObjectIdException If an object id can't be allocated
   *     for this object.
   * @exception DatabaseManagerException If a connection to the database cannot be established, etc.
  public static PersonalProfileDO createVirgin()
      throws DatabaseManagerException, ObjectIdException {
    return new PersonalProfileDO();

   * createExisting( BigDecimal )
   * <p>Factory method creates a PersonalProfileDO object by searching for it in the database using
   * the passed BigDecimal value as the primary key.
   * <p>Creates a DO that represents an existing entry in the database. Such a DO is used to examine
   * and possibly update such an entry. createExisting() is called only from the code that retrieves
   * an ObjectId from a ResultSet (database query result). createExisting() is protected because no
   * other DO or BO should ever need to call it. FIX unfortunately the createExisting(BigDecimal)
   * form *does* need to be public because it is called by the public ctors of other DOs. For
   * example, AaaDO contains a ref to a BbbDO, so there is a method AaaDO.setBbb(BbbDO). In the ctor
   * AaaDO(ResultSet), we have the call setBbb( BbbDO.createExisting( rs.getBigDecimal( "bbb", 0
   * ))); Since AaaDO is not in the same package as BbbDO, BbbDO.createExisting(BigDecimal) must be
   * public, not protected. Java needs the C++ 'friend' idea.
   * @param bd The BigDecimal representation of the ObjectId for the object.
   * @exception DataObjectException If the object is not found in the database.
   * @exception com.lutris.appserver.server.sql.ObjectIdException If an object id can't be allocated
   *     for this object.
   * @exception DatabaseManagerException If a connection to the database cannot be established, etc.
   * @exception SQLException If the database rejects the SQL generated to retrieve data for this
   *     object, or if the table contains a bad foreign key, etc.
  public static PersonalProfileDO createExisting(BigDecimal bd)
      throws SQLException, ObjectIdException, DataObjectException, DatabaseManagerException {
    if (null == bd) return null;
    return createExisting(new ObjectId(bd));

   * The createExisting method is used to create a <CODE>PersonalProfileDO</CODE> from a string
   * handle.
  public static PersonalProfileDO createExisting(String handle) {
    PersonalProfileDO ret = null;
    try {
      BigDecimal bd = new BigDecimal(handle);
      ret = createExisting(bd);
    } catch (Exception e) {
    return ret;

   * createExisting( ObjectId )
   * <p>Factory method creates a PersonalProfileDO object by searching for it in the database using
   * the passed ObjectID value as the primary key.
   * @param id The ObjectId for the object.
   * @exception DataObjectException If the object is not found in the database.
   * @exception com.lutris.appserver.server.sql.ObjectIdException If an object id can't be allocated
   *     for this object.
   * @exception DatabaseManagerException If a connection to the database cannot be established, etc.
   * @exception SQLException If the database rejects the SQL generated to retrieve data for this
   *     object, or if the table contains a bad foreign key, etc.
  protected static PersonalProfileDO createExisting(ObjectId id)
      throws SQLException, ObjectIdException, DataObjectException, DatabaseManagerException {
    if (null == id) return null;
    PersonalProfileDO ret = null;
    ret = new PersonalProfileDO(id);
    ret.setPersistent(true); // mark DO as persistent (preexisting)
    if (!false) // If not lazy-loading, fetch DO data now.
    // unset the GenericDO.dirty flag.
    return ret;

   * createExisting( ResultSet )
   * <p>Factory method used to create an instance of this class to represent a Data Object already
   * existing in the database.
   * @param rs The ResultSet returned by the Query class for an existing Data Object stored in the
   *     database.
   * @exception DataObjectException If the object is not found in the database.
   * @exception com.lutris.appserver.server.sql.ObjectIdException If an object id can't be allocated
   *     for this object.
   * @exception DatabaseManagerException If a connection to the database cannot be established, etc.
   * @exception SQLException If the database rejects the SQL generated to retrieve data for this
   *     object, or if the table contains a bad foreign key, etc.
  protected static PersonalProfileDO createExisting(ResultSet rs)
      throws SQLException, ObjectIdException, DataObjectException, DatabaseManagerException {
    if (null == rs) return null;
    PersonalProfileDO ret = null;
    if (isView) {
      ret = new PersonalProfileDO();
    } else {
      ret = new PersonalProfileDO(rs);
    return ret;

   * createExisting( RDBRow )
   * <p>Factory method creates a PersonalProfileDO object by searching for it in the database using
   * the PersonalProfileDO.PrimaryKey value in the passed RDBRow.
   * @param RDBRow A row returned by QueryBuilder.getNextRow().
   * @exception DataObjectException If the RDBRow does not contain a PersonalProfileDO.PrimaryKey.
   *     If the object is not found in the database.
   * @exception com.lutris.appserver.server.sql.ObjectIdException If an object id can't be allocated
   *     for this object.
   * @exception DatabaseManagerException If a connection to the database cannot be established, etc.
   * @exception SQLException If the database rejects the SQL generated to retrieve data for this
   *     object, or if the table contains a bad foreign key, etc.
  protected static PersonalProfileDO createExisting(RDBRow row)
      throws SQLException, ObjectIdException, DataObjectException, DatabaseManagerException {
    if (null == row) return null;
    RDBColumnValue pk = null;
    try {
      pk = row.get(PersonalProfileDO.PrimaryKey);
      return createExisting(pk);
    } catch (Exception e) {
      throw new DataObjectException(
          "Cannot create PersonalProfileDO, row does not "
              + "contain PersonalProfileDO primary key.");

   * createExisting( RDBColumnValue )
   * <p>Factory method creates a PersonalProfileDO object by searching for it in the database using
   * the passed PersonalProfileDO.PrimaryKey.
   * @param RDBColumnValue a PrimaryKey column value from a row that was returned by
   *     QueryBuilder.getNextRow().
   * @exception DataObjectException If the RDBColumnValue does not contain a
   *     PersonalProfileDO.PrimaryKey. If the object is not found in the database.
   * @exception com.lutris.appserver.server.sql.ObjectIdException If an object id can't be allocated
   *     for this object.
   * @exception DatabaseManagerException If a connection to the database cannot be established, etc.
   * @exception SQLException If the database rejects the SQL generated to retrieve data for this
   *     object, or if the table contains a bad foreign key, etc.
  protected static PersonalProfileDO createExisting(RDBColumnValue pk)
      throws SQLException, ObjectIdException, DataObjectException, DatabaseManagerException {
    if (null == pk) return null;
    if (!pk.equals(PersonalProfileDO.PrimaryKey))
      throw new DataObjectException(
          "Cannot create PersonalProfileDO, "
              + "RDBColumnValue is not PersonalProfileDO.PrimaryKey.");
    BigDecimal bd = null;
    try {
      bd = pk.getBigDecimal();
    } catch (Exception e) {
      throw new DataObjectException("Cannot create PersonalProfileDO, bad primary key.");
    if (null == bd) return null;
    return createExisting(bd);

   * createCopy() Creates a DO that has no ObjectId but has a copy of an existing DO's data. Such a
   * DO is used to insert a new database entry that is largely similar to an existing entry.
   * @param data The data struct to copy values from.
   * @exception com.lutris.appserver.server.sql.ObjectIdException If an object id can't be allocated
   *     for this object.
   * @exception DatabaseManagerException If a connection to the database cannot be established, etc.
  public static PersonalProfileDO createCopy(PersonalProfileDataStruct data)
      throws DatabaseManagerException, ObjectIdException {
    PersonalProfileDO ret = new PersonalProfileDO();
    ret.data = (PersonalProfileDataStruct) data.duplicate();
    return ret;

   * createCopy() Creates a DO that has no ObjectId but has a copy of an existing DO's data. Such a
   * DO is used to insert a new database entry that is largely similar to an existing entry.
   * @param orig The original DO to copy.
   * @exception com.lutris.appserver.server.sql.ObjectIdException If an object id can't be allocated
   *     for this object.
   * @exception DatabaseManagerException If a connection to the database cannot be established, etc.
  public static PersonalProfileDO createCopy(PersonalProfileDO orig)
      throws DatabaseManagerException, ObjectIdException {
    PersonalProfileDO ret = new PersonalProfileDO();
    if (null != orig.data) {
      ret.data = (PersonalProfileDataStruct) orig.data.duplicate();
    return ret;

   * reload() Causes the DO to refresh itself from the database the next time a set or get method is
   * called.
  public void reload() {
    data = null;

   * The methods <CODE>
   *     getHandle
   *     hasMatchingHandle
   * </CODE> are used by Presentation Objects that need to populate
   * HTML select lists with Data Objects as options.
   * The <CODE>getHandle()</CODE> method is used
   * to set the value for each option,
   * and the <CODE>hasMatchingHandle()<CODE>
   * methods are used to lookup the Data Object when the selection has
   * been made.
   * @exception DatabaseManagerException
   *   If a connection to the database cannot be established, etc.
   * @return id of this DO as a string
   *   If an object id can't be allocated for this object.
  public String getHandle() throws DatabaseManagerException {
    String ret = null;
    if (null == getOId()) throw new DatabaseManagerException("ID not set");
    ret = getOId().toString();
    return ret;

   * hasMatchingHandle
   * @param handle <CODE>String</CODE> version of DO id
   * @return boolean True if the string version of the id of this DO matches passed handle
   * @see getHandle
  public boolean hasMatchingHandle(String handle) {
    boolean ret = false;
    if (null == getOId()) ret = false;
    else ret = getOId().toString().equals(handle);
    return ret;

   * makeIdentical()
   * <p>Assigns the DataStruct of an existing DO to this DO. Does not duplicate data. Just assigns
   * the reference.
   * @param orig The original DO.
  protected void makeIdentical(PersonalProfileDO orig) {
    data = orig.data;

  ////////////////////////// data member MinAge

  /* static final RDBColumn MinAge for use with QueryBuilder.
   * See RDBColumn PrimaryKey at the top of this file for usage example.
  public static final RDBColumn MinAge = new RDBColumn(table, "MinAge");

   * Get MinAge of the PersonalProfile
   * @return MinAge of the PersonalProfile
   * @exception DataObjectException If the object is not found in the database.
  public int getMinAge() throws DataObjectException {
    beforeAnyGet(); // business actions/assertions prior to data return
    return data.MinAge;

   * Set MinAge of the PersonalProfile
   * @param MinAge of the PersonalProfile
   * @exception DataObjectException If the object is not found in the database.
  public void setMinAge(int MinAge) throws DataObjectException {
    try {
      // business actions/assertions prior to data assignment
    } catch (Exception e) {
      throw new DataObjectException("beforeAnySet: " + e.getMessage());
    data.MinAge = markNewValue(data.MinAge, MinAge);
    afterAnySet(); // business actions/assertions after data assignment

  ////////////////////////// data member MaxAge

  /* static final RDBColumn MaxAge for use with QueryBuilder.
   * See RDBColumn PrimaryKey at the top of this file for usage example.
  public static final RDBColumn MaxAge = new RDBColumn(table, "MaxAge");

   * Get MaxAge of the PersonalProfile
   * @return MaxAge of the PersonalProfile
   * @exception DataObjectException If the object is not found in the database.
  public int getMaxAge() throws DataObjectException {
    beforeAnyGet(); // business actions/assertions prior to data return
    return data.MaxAge;

   * Set MaxAge of the PersonalProfile
   * @param MaxAge of the PersonalProfile
   * @exception DataObjectException If the object is not found in the database.
  public void setMaxAge(int MaxAge) throws DataObjectException {
    try {
      // business actions/assertions prior to data assignment
    } catch (Exception e) {
      throw new DataObjectException("beforeAnySet: " + e.getMessage());
    data.MaxAge = markNewValue(data.MaxAge, MaxAge);
    afterAnySet(); // business actions/assertions after data assignment

  ////////////////////////// data member Nationality

  /* static final RDBColumn Nationality for use with QueryBuilder.
   * See RDBColumn PrimaryKey at the top of this file for usage example.
  public static final RDBColumn Nationality = new RDBColumn(table, "Nationality");

   * Get Nationality of the PersonalProfile
   * @return Nationality of the PersonalProfile
   * @exception DataObjectException If the object is not found in the database.
  public jobmatch.data.CountryDO getNationality() throws DataObjectException {
    beforeAnyGet(); // business actions/assertions prior to data return
    return data.Nationality;

   * Set Nationality of the PersonalProfile
   * @param Nationality of the PersonalProfile
   * @exception DataObjectException If the object is not found in the database.
  public void setNationality(jobmatch.data.CountryDO Nationality) throws DataObjectException {
    try {
      // business actions/assertions prior to data assignment
    } catch (Exception e) {
      throw new DataObjectException("beforeAnySet: " + e.getMessage());
    data.Nationality = (jobmatch.data.CountryDO) markNewValue(data.Nationality, Nationality);
    afterAnySet(); // business actions/assertions after data assignment

  ////////////////////////// data member Sex

  /* static final RDBColumn Sex for use with QueryBuilder.
   * See RDBColumn PrimaryKey at the top of this file for usage example.
  public static final RDBColumn Sex = new RDBColumn(table, "Sex");

   * Get Sex of the PersonalProfile
   * @return Sex of the PersonalProfile
   * @exception DataObjectException If the object is not found in the database.
  public String getSex() throws DataObjectException {
    beforeAnyGet(); // business actions/assertions prior to data return
    return data.Sex;

   * Set Sex of the PersonalProfile
   * @param Sex of the PersonalProfile
   * @exception DataObjectException If the object is not found in the database.
  public void setSex(String Sex) throws DataObjectException {
    try {
      // business actions/assertions prior to data assignment
    } catch (Exception e) {
      throw new DataObjectException("beforeAnySet: " + e.getMessage());
    data.Sex = markNewValue(data.Sex, Sex, 0, 32, true);
    afterAnySet(); // business actions/assertions after data assignment

   * Protected constructor.
   * @param rs Result set from which to obtain product data.
   * @exception DataObjectException If the object is not found in the database.
   * @exception com.lutris.appserver.server.sql.ObjectIdException If an object id can't be allocated
   *     for this object.
   * @exception DatabaseManagerException If a connection to the database cannot be established, etc.
   * @exception SQLException If the database rejects the SQL generated to retrieve data for this
   *     object, or if the table contains a bad foreign key, etc.
  protected PersonalProfileDO(ResultSet rs)
      throws SQLException, ObjectIdException, DataObjectException, DatabaseManagerException {

   * initFromResultSet initializes the data members from PersonalProfile. This code was separated
   * from the ResultSet constructor so that createExisting(ResultSet) could handle VIEWs.
  private void initFromResultSet(ResultSet rs)
      throws SQLException, ObjectIdException, DataObjectException, DatabaseManagerException {
    // Constructing a DO from a ResultSet means we definitely need the
    // DataStruct ready for the setXxx methods invoked below.
    data = new PersonalProfileDataStruct();

    // writeMemberStuff uses the ResultSetExtraction.template
    // to build up the value for this tag:
    // the value is a series of calls to the DO set methods.



    setNationality(jobmatch.data.CountryDO.createExisting(rs.getBigDecimal("Nationality", 0)));



  private int[] param = null;

   * Prepares the statement used to insert this object into the database.
   * @param conn the database connection.
   * @return the insert statement.
   * @exception java.sql.SQLException if an error occurs.
  public PreparedStatement getInsertStatement(DBConnection conn) throws SQLException {
     * It would probably be better to have CoreDO implement
     * 	void addToCache(CoreDO DO) {}
     * and have each DO that has caching enabled override it as
     *      void addToCache(CoreDO DO) { cache.put( DO.getOId(), DO ); }
     * and change CoreDO to invoke addToCache()
     * when it invokes getInsertStatement().

    ObjectId oid;

    PreparedStatement stmt =
            "insert into PersonalProfile ( LeafNumber, Profile, Mandatory, MinAge, MaxAge, Nationality, Sex, "
                + getOIdColumnName()
                + ", "
                + getVersionColumnName()
                + " ) values ( ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ? )");

    param = new int[1];
    param[0] = 1;
    // writeMemberStuff uses the JDBCsetCalls.template
    // to build up the value for this tag:
    // the value is a series of calls to setPrepStmtParam_TYPE methods.
    // Those methods are defined in GenericDO.
    try {
      setPrepStmtParam_int(stmt, param, getLeafNumber());
      setPrepStmtParam_DO(stmt, param, getProfile());
      setPrepStmtParam_boolean(stmt, param, getMandatory());
      setPrepStmtParam_int(stmt, param, getMinAge());
      setPrepStmtParam_int(stmt, param, getMaxAge());
      setPrepStmtParam_DO(stmt, param, getNationality());
      setPrepStmtParam_String(stmt, param, getSex());

      /* The order of the values being inserted must match
       * the order of the columns listed in the CREATE TABLE command
       * that appears in the .sql file for this DO.
       * Since the id and version number are always the last columns
       * listed in the CREATE TABLE command, their values are added
       * to the PreparedStatement after all other values.
      setPrepStmtParam_BigDecimal(stmt, param, getOId().toBigDecimal());
      setPrepStmtParam_int(stmt, param, getNewVersion());

    } catch (Exception e) {
      throw new SQLException("Data Object error: " + e.getMessage());

    return stmt;

   * Prepares the statement used to update this object in the database.
   * @param conn the database connection
   * @return the update statement.
   * @exception java.sql.SQLException if an error occurs.
  public PreparedStatement getUpdateStatement(DBConnection conn) throws SQLException {

    ObjectId oid;

    PreparedStatement stmt =
            "update PersonalProfile set "
                + getVersionColumnName()
                + " = ?, LeafNumber = ?, Profile = ?, Mandatory = ?, MinAge = ?, MaxAge = ?, Nationality = ?, Sex = ? "
                + "where "
                + getOIdColumnName()
                + " = ? and "
                + getVersionColumnName()
                + " = ?");

    param = new int[1];
    param[0] = 1;
    // int[] param = {1};
    // writeMemberStuff builds up the value for this tag:
    // the value is a series of calls to setPrepStmtParam_TYPE methods.
    // Those methods are defined below.
    try {
      setPrepStmtParam_int(stmt, param, getNewVersion());
      setPrepStmtParam_int(stmt, param, getLeafNumber());
      setPrepStmtParam_DO(stmt, param, getProfile());
      setPrepStmtParam_boolean(stmt, param, getMandatory());
      setPrepStmtParam_int(stmt, param, getMinAge());
      setPrepStmtParam_int(stmt, param, getMaxAge());
      setPrepStmtParam_DO(stmt, param, getNationality());
      setPrepStmtParam_String(stmt, param, getSex());

      /* When updating a persistent object, the UPDATE_WHERE_CLAUSE tag
       * used to build the SQL WHERE clause (above) uses the
       * DO's id and version number to locate the correct row in
       * the database table.
      setPrepStmtParam_BigDecimal(stmt, param, getOId().toBigDecimal());
      setPrepStmtParam_int(stmt, param, getVersion());

    } catch (Exception e) {
      throw new SQLException("Data Object error: " + e.getMessage());

    return stmt;

   * Prepares the statement used to delete this object from the database.
   * @param conn the database connection
   * @return the delete statement.
   * @exception java.sql.SQLException if an error occurs.
  public PreparedStatement getDeleteStatement(DBConnection conn) throws SQLException {

    String sql = "delete from PersonalProfile \n" + "where " + getOIdColumnName() + " = ?";
    PreparedStatement stmt = conn.prepareStatement(sql);
    stmt.setBigDecimal(1, getOId().toBigDecimal());
    return stmt;

   * toString - for debugging
      public String toString(){
  	String str = "PersonalProfileDO:";
  	ObjectId oid = getOId();
  	String id = "virgin";
  	if ( null != oid )
  	    id = oid.toString();
  	str += " OID=" + id;
  	if ( null != data )
  	    str = str + "\n" + indent + "MinAge=" + data.MinAge
  + "\n" + indent + "MaxAge=" + data.MaxAge
  + "\n" + indent + "Nationality=" + ( null == data.Nationality ? null  : data.Nationality.toString( indentCount + 1 ) )
  + "\n" + indent + "Sex=" + data.Sex
          return str + "; " + super.toString();

   * toString - for debugging
  public String toString() {
    return toString(1);

  public String toString(int indentCount) {
    String indent = "";
    for (int i = 0; i < indentCount; i++) {
      indent += ". ";
    String str = indent + "PersonalProfileDO:";
    ObjectId oid = getOId();
    String id = "virgin";
    if (null != oid) id = oid.toString();
    str += " OID=" + id;
    if (null != data)
      str =
              + "\n"
              + indent
              + "MinAge="
              + data.MinAge
              + "\n"
              + indent
              + "MaxAge="
              + data.MaxAge
              + "\n"
              + indent
              + "Nationality="
              + (null == data.Nationality ? null : data.Nationality.toString(indentCount + 1))
              + "\n"
              + indent
              + "Sex="
              + data.Sex;
    return str + "\n" + indent + "SUPER=" + super.toString(indentCount);
    // return str;

   * A stub method for implementing pre-commit assertions for this PersonalProfileDO. Implement this
   * stub to throw an RefAssertionException for cases where this object is not valid for writing to
   * the database.
  protected void okToCommit() throws RefAssertionException {}

   * A stub method for implementing pre-delete assertions for this PersonalProfileDO. Implement this
   * stub to throw an RefAssertionException for cases where this object is not valid for deletion
   * from the database.
  protected void okToDelete() throws RefAssertionException {}

   * Inserts/Updates the DO into its table.
   * @exception com.lutris.appserver.server.sql.DatabaseManagerException if a Transaction can not be
   *     created.
   * @exception RefAssertionException thrown by okTo method.
   * @exception java.sql.SQLException if any SQL errors occur.
  public void commit()
      throws SQLException, DatabaseManagerException, DataObjectException, RefAssertionException,
          DBRowUpdateException, QueryException {
    modifyDO(null, false);

   * Inserts/Updates the DO into its table. The transaction is likely provided by the commit()
   * method of another DO which references this DO.
   * @param dbt The transaction object to use for this operation.
   * @exception com.lutris.appserver.server.sql.DatabaseManagerException if a Transaction can not be
   *     created.
   * @exception com.lutris.appserver.server.sql.DBRowUpdateException if a version error occurs.
   * @exception RefAssertionException thrown by okTo method.
   * @exception java.sql.SQLException if any SQL errors occur.
  public void commit(DBTransaction dbt)
      throws SQLException, DatabaseManagerException, DataObjectException, RefAssertionException,
          DBRowUpdateException, QueryException {
    modifyDO(dbt, false);

   * Deletes the DO from its table.
   * @exception com.lutris.appserver.server.sql.DatabaseManagerException if a Transaction can not be
   *     created.
   * @exception RefAssertionException thrown by okTo method.
   * @exception java.sql.SQLException if any SQL errors occur.
  public void delete()
      throws SQLException, DatabaseManagerException, DataObjectException, RefAssertionException,
          DBRowUpdateException, QueryException {
    modifyDO(null, true);

   * Deletes the DO from its table. The transaction is likely provided by the delete() method of
   * another DO which references this DO.
   * @param dbt The transaction object to use for this operation.
   * @exception com.lutris.appserver.server.sql.DatabaseManagerException if a Transaction can not be
   *     created.
   * @exception com.lutris.appserver.server.sql.DBRowUpdateException if a version error occurs.
   * @exception RefAssertionException thrown by okTo method.
   * @exception java.sql.SQLException if any SQL errors occur.
  public void delete(DBTransaction dbt)
      throws SQLException, DatabaseManagerException, DataObjectException, RefAssertionException,
          DBRowUpdateException, QueryException {
    modifyDO(dbt, true);

   * A stub method for implementing pre-commit assertions for the Profile data member. Implement
   * this stub to throw an RefAssertionException for cases where Profile is not valid for writing to
   * the database.
  protected void okToCommitProfile(jobmatch.data.ProfileDO member) throws RefAssertionException {}

   * A stub method for implementing pre-delete assertions for the Profile data member. Implement
   * this stub to throw an RefAssertionException for cases where Profile is not valid for deletion
   * from the database.
  protected void okToDeleteProfile(jobmatch.data.ProfileDO member) throws RefAssertionException {}

   * A stub method for implementing pre-commit assertions for the Nationality data member. Implement
   * this stub to throw an RefAssertionException for cases where Nationality is not valid for
   * writing to the database.
  protected void okToCommitNationality(jobmatch.data.CountryDO member)
      throws RefAssertionException {}

   * A stub method for implementing pre-delete assertions for the Nationality data member. Implement
   * this stub to throw an RefAssertionException for cases where Nationality is not valid for
   * deletion from the database.
  protected void okToDeleteNationality(jobmatch.data.CountryDO member)
      throws RefAssertionException {}

   * Modifies the DO within its table. Performs recursive commit/delete on referenced DOs; all
   * operations occur within a single transaction to allow rollback in the event of error. Only the
   * creator of the transaction releases it.
   * @param dbt The transaction object to use for this operation.
   * @param delete True if doing a delete, otherwise doing insert/update.
   * @exception com.lutris.appserver.server.sql.DatabaseManagerException if a Transaction can not be
   *     created.
   * @exception com.lutris.appserver.server.sql.DBRowUpdateException if a version error occurs.
   * @exception RefAssertionException thrown by okTo method.
   * @exception java.sql.SQLException if any SQL errors occur.
  protected void modifyDO(DBTransaction dbt, boolean delete)
      throws SQLException, DatabaseManagerException, DataObjectException, RefAssertionException,
          DBRowUpdateException, QueryException {
    if (delete) okToDelete();
    else okToCommit();
    boolean ownTransaction = false;
    try {
      if (null == dbt) {
        DatabaseManager dbm = Enhydra.getDatabaseManager();
        dbt = dbm.createTransaction(); // create a transaction
        ownTransaction = true;
      if (null == dbt)
        throw new DatabaseManagerException("DatabaseManager.createTransaction returned null.");
      if (delete) {
        // Code to perform cascading deletes is generated here
        // if cascading deletes are not supported by the database.

        // The following line keeps the compiler happy
        // when the CASCADING_DELETES tag is empty.
        if (false) throw new QueryException("XXX");
      } else {
        // commit referenced DOs.
        jobmatch.data.ProfileDO Profile_DO = getProfile();
        if (null != Profile_DO) {
          if (Profile_DO.isLoaded()) {
          } else {
            // since the referenced DO is not loaded,
            // it cannot be dirty, so there is no need to commit it.
        } else {
          if (!false)
            throw new RefAssertionException(
                "Cannot commit PersonalProfileDO ( "
                    + toString()
                    + " ) because Profile is not allowed to be null.");
        jobmatch.data.CountryDO Nationality_DO = getNationality();
        if (null != Nationality_DO) {
          if (Nationality_DO.isLoaded()) {
          } else {
            // since the referenced DO is not loaded,
            // it cannot be dirty, so there is no need to commit it.
        } else {
          if (!true)
            throw new RefAssertionException(
                "Cannot commit PersonalProfileDO ( "
                    + toString()
                    + " ) because Nationality is not allowed to be null.");
      if (false) {
        // This throw is here to keep the compiler happy
        // in the case of a DO that does not refer to other DOs.
        // In that case, the above delete/commit code blocks will be empty
        // and throw nothing.
        throw new DataObjectException("foo");
      if (delete) {
      } else {
        if (isLoaded()) dbt.insert(this); // dbt.insert() handles insertions and updates
      if (ownTransaction) {
        dbt.commit(); // commit the transaction
    } catch (SQLException sqle) {
      StringBuffer message = new StringBuffer("Failed to insert/update DO: ");

      // rollback, if necessary
      if (ownTransaction) {
        try {
        } catch (SQLException sqle2) {
          message.insert(0, "\n");
          message.insert(0, sqle2.getMessage());
          message.insert(0, "Rollback failed: ");
      throw new SQLException(message.toString());
    } finally {
      // release the transaction, if any
      if (ownTransaction) {