private void printInput() { MethodParameter inputParameter = method.getInputParameter(); if (inputParameter == null) return; open("dt"); around("b", "Input:"); close("dt"); if (inputParameter.isWrapped()) { open("dd"); String typeName = inputParameter.getWrappedType(); JaxType returnType = null; try { returnType = Utils.parseType(typeName, method.getJavaDoc().containingClass(), doclet); } catch (InvalidJaxTypeException e) { doclet.warn("Invalid @returnWrapped type: " + typeName); e.printStackTrace(); } if (returnType != null) printOutputType(returnType); else around("tt", escape(typeName)); } else { open("dd"); Type returnType = inputParameter.getType(); printOutputType(returnType); } String doc = inputParameter.getDoc(); if (!Utils.isEmptyOrNull(doc)) { print(" - "); print(doc); } close("dd"); }
private void setupPath() { final AnnotationDesc pathAnnotation = Utils.findMethodAnnotation(declaringClass, method, Path.class); final String rootPath = resource.getPath(); if (pathAnnotation != null) { String path = (String) Utils.getAnnotationValue(pathAnnotation); path = Utils.removeFragmentRegexes(path, regexFragments); this.path = Utils.appendURLFragments(rootPath, path); } else this.path = rootPath; }
public void setOptions() { super.setOptions(); String[][] options = parentConfiguration.root.options(); jaxrscontext = Utils.getOption(options, "-jaxrscontext"); enableHTTPExample = !Utils.hasOption(options, "-disablehttpexample"); enableJavaScriptExample = !Utils.hasOption(options, "-disablejavascriptexample"); List<String> excludeFilters = Utils.getOptions(options, "-pathexcludefilter"); for (String excludeFilter : excludeFilters) { pathExcludeFilters.add(Pattern.compile(excludeFilter)); } }
private void setupMIMEs() { producesAnnotation = Utils.findMethodAnnotation(declaringClass, method, Utils.getProducesClass()); consumesAnnotation = Utils.findMethodAnnotation(declaringClass, method, Utils.getConsumesClass()); if (producesAnnotation == null) { producesAnnotation = resource.getProducesAnnotation(); } if (consumesAnnotation == null) { consumesAnnotation = resource.getConsumesAnnotation(); } }
private void start() { final ClassDoc[] classes = conf.parentConfiguration.root.classes(); for (final ClassDoc klass : classes) { if (Utils.findAnnotatedClass(klass, jpaAnnotations) != null) { handleJPAClass(klass); } } for (final JPAClass klass : jpaClasses) { klass.write(conf); } new PackageListWriter(conf, registry).write(); new SummaryWriter(conf, registry).write(); Utils.copyResources(conf); }
private void printIncludes() { MethodDoc javaDoc = method.getJavaDoc(); Tag[] includes = Utils.getTags(javaDoc, "include"); if (includes == null) return; File relativeTo = javaDoc.containingClass().position().file().getParentFile(); for (Tag include : includes) { String fileName = include.text(); File file = new File(relativeTo, fileName); if (!file.exists()) { doclet.printError(include.position(), "Missing included file: " + fileName); continue; } String text = Utils.readResource(file); print(text); } }
private void printOutputGenericType(JaxType type) { String link = null; if (type.getType() == null) { doclet.warn("Type information not found: " + type.getTypeName()); print(type.getTypeName()); return; } if (!type.getType().isPrimitive()) { link = Utils.getExternalLink(configuration.parentConfiguration, type.getType(), writer); } if (link == null) { print(type.getType().qualifiedTypeName()); } else { around("a href='" + link + "'", type.getType().typeName()); } if (type.hasParameters()) { boolean first = true; print("<"); for (JaxType genericType : type.getParameters()) { if (first) { first = false; } else { print(","); } printOutputGenericType(genericType); } print(">"); } print(type.getDimension()); }
private void setupMethods() { for (Class<?> methodAnnotation : MethodAnnotations) { final AnnotationDesc annotation = Utils.findMethodAnnotation(declaringClass, method, methodAnnotation); if (annotation != null) methods.add(annotation); } }
private void printOutputGenericType(Type type) { String link = null; if (!type.isPrimitive()) { link = Utils.getExternalLink(configuration.parentConfiguration, type, writer); } if (link == null) { print(type.qualifiedTypeName()); } else { around("a href='" + link + "'", type.typeName()); } ParameterizedType pType = type.asParameterizedType(); if (pType != null) { boolean first = true; print("<"); for (Type genericType : pType.typeArguments()) { if (first) { first = false; } else { print(","); } printOutputGenericType(genericType); } print(">"); } print(type.dimension()); }
public List<String> getConsumes() { AnnotationDesc consumes = getConsumesAnnotation(); if (consumes == null) { return Collections.emptyList(); } else { return Arrays.asList(Utils.getAnnotationValues(consumes)); } }
private void printHTTPExample(String httpMethod) { around("b", "HTTP Example:"); open("pre"); String absPath = Utils.getAbsolutePath(this, resource); print(httpMethod + " " + absPath); Map<String, MethodParameter> matrixParameters = method.getMatrixParameters(); if (!matrixParameters.isEmpty()) { for (String name : matrixParameters.keySet()) { print(";"); print(name); print("=…"); } } Map<String, MethodParameter> queryParameters = method.getQueryParameters(); if (!queryParameters.isEmpty()) { print("?"); boolean first = true; for (String name : queryParameters.keySet()) { if (!first) print("&"); print(name); print("=…"); first = false; } } print("\n"); Map<String, MethodParameter> headerParameters = method.getHeaderParameters(); if (!headerParameters.isEmpty()) { for (String name : headerParameters.keySet()) { print(name); print(": …\n"); } } Map<String, MethodParameter> cookieParameters = method.getCookieParameters(); if (!cookieParameters.isEmpty()) { for (String name : cookieParameters.keySet()) { print("Cookie: "); print(name); print("=…\n"); } } Map<String, MethodParameter> formParameters = method.getFormParameters(); if (!formParameters.isEmpty()) { print("\n"); boolean first = true; for (String name : formParameters.keySet()) { if (!first) print("&"); print(name); print("=…"); first = false; } } print("\n"); close("pre"); }
public static Type getCollectionType(Type type, JAXDoclet<?> doclet) { Type collectionType = Utils.findSuperType(type, "java.util.Collection"); // FIXME: this is dodgy at best if (collectionType != null) { ParameterizedType parameterizedType = type.asParameterizedType(); Type[] types = parameterizedType == null ? null : parameterizedType.typeArguments(); if (types != null && types.length == 1) return types[0]; return doclet.forName("java.lang.Object"); } return type; }
private void printParameters(Map<String, MethodParameter> parameters, String header) { if (parameters.isEmpty()) return; open("dt"); around("b", header + " parameters:"); close("dt"); for (MethodParameter param : parameters.values()) { open("dd"); around("b", param.getName()); String doc = param.getDoc(); if (!Utils.isEmptyOrNull(doc)) print(" - " + param.getDoc()); close("dd"); } }
/* * Path won't be to jaxb class private void printSees() { MethodDoc javaDoc = * method.getJavaDoc(); TagletOutputImpl output = new TagletOutputImpl(""); * Set<String> tagletsSet = new HashSet<String>(); tagletsSet.add("see"); * Utils.genTagOuput(configuration.tagletManager, javaDoc, * configuration.tagletManager.getCustomTags(javaDoc), writer * .getTagletWriterInstance(false), output, tagletsSet); * writer.print(output.toString()); } */ private void printTaglets(String tagletName) { MethodDoc javaDoc = method.getJavaDoc(); TagletOutputImpl output = new TagletOutputImpl(""); Set<String> tagletsSet = new HashSet<String>(); tagletsSet.add(tagletName); Utils.genTagOuput( configuration.parentConfiguration.tagletManager, javaDoc, configuration.parentConfiguration.tagletManager.getCustomTags(javaDoc), writer.getTagletWriterInstance(false), output, tagletsSet); writer.print(output.toString()); }
private void printMethod(String httpMethod) { around("a name='" + httpMethod + "'", ""); if (getJAXRSConfiguration().enableHTTPExample || getJAXRSConfiguration().enableJavaScriptExample) { open("table class='examples'", "tr"); if (getJAXRSConfiguration().enableHTTPExample) { open("td"); printHTTPExample(httpMethod); close("td"); } if (getJAXRSConfiguration().enableJavaScriptExample) { open("td"); printAPIExample(); close("td"); } close("tr", "table"); } if (!Utils.isEmptyOrNull(method.getDoc())) { open("p"); print(method.getDoc()); close("p"); } printIncludes(); open("dl"); printInput(); printOutput(); printParameters(method.getQueryParameters(), "Query"); // done on resource // printParameters(method.getPathParameters(), "Path"); printParameters(method.getMatrixParameters(), "Matrix"); printParameters(method.getFormParameters(), "Form"); printParameters(method.getCookieParameters(), "Cookie"); printParameters(method.getHeaderParameters(), "Header"); printMIMEs(method.getProduces(), "Produces"); printMIMEs(method.getConsumes(), "Consumes"); printHTTPCodes(); printHTTPRequestHeaders(); printHTTPResponseHeaders(); // printSees(); close("dl"); }
private void handleJPAClass(final ClassDoc klass) { ClassDoc superDoc = klass.superclass(); if (!registry.isJPAClass(klass.qualifiedTypeName()) && !klass.isPrimitive() && !klass.qualifiedTypeName().startsWith("java.") && !klass.isEnum()) { String fqName = klass.qualifiedTypeName(); JPAClass jpaClass = new JPAClass(klass, registry, this); jpaClasses.add(jpaClass); registry.addJPAClass(jpaClass); // load all used types List<JPAMember> members = jpaClass.getMembers(); for (JPAMember member : members) { Type type = member.getJavaType(); ClassDoc doc = type.asClassDoc(); if (doc != null && Utils.findAnnotatedClass(doc, jpaAnnotations) != null) { handleJPAClass(doc); } } } }
private void printOutput() { open("dt"); around("b", "Output:"); close("dt"); MethodOutput output = method.getOutput(); if (output.isOutputWrapped()) { for (int i = 0; i < output.getOutputWrappedCount(); i++) { open("dd"); String typeName = output.getWrappedOutputType(i); JaxType returnType = null; try { returnType = Utils.parseType(typeName, method.getJavaDoc().containingClass(), doclet); } catch (InvalidJaxTypeException e) { doclet.warn("Invalid @returnWrapped type: " + typeName); e.printStackTrace(); } if (returnType != null) printOutputType(returnType); else around("tt", escape(typeName)); if (output.getOutputDoc(i) != null) { print(" - "); print(output.getOutputDoc(i)); } close("dd"); } } else { open("dd"); Type returnType = output.getOutputType(); printOutputType(returnType); if (output.getOutputDoc() != null) { print(" - "); print(output.getOutputDoc()); } close("dd"); } }
public static boolean isCollection(Type type) { Type collectionType = Utils.findSuperType(type, "java.util.Collection"); // FIXME: this is dodgy at best return collectionType != null; }
private void setupParameters() { int i = -1; for (final Parameter parameter : method.parameters()) { i++; final AnnotationDesc pathParamAnnotation = Utils.findParameterAnnotation(declaringMethod, parameter, i, PathParam.class); if (pathParamAnnotation != null) { String name = (String) Utils.getAnnotationValue(pathParamAnnotation); pathParameters.add( new RealMethodParameter( parameter, i, pathParamAnnotation, MethodParameterType.Path, declaringMethod)); continue; } final AnnotationDesc matrixParamAnnotation = Utils.findParameterAnnotation(declaringMethod, parameter, i, MatrixParam.class); if (matrixParamAnnotation != null) { String name = (String) Utils.getAnnotationValue(matrixParamAnnotation); matrixParameters.add( new RealMethodParameter( parameter, i, matrixParamAnnotation, MethodParameterType.Matrix, declaringMethod)); continue; } final AnnotationDesc queryParamAnnotation = Utils.findParameterAnnotation(declaringMethod, parameter, i, QueryParam.class); if (queryParamAnnotation != null) { String name = (String) Utils.getAnnotationValue(queryParamAnnotation); queryParameters.add( new RealMethodParameter( parameter, i, queryParamAnnotation, MethodParameterType.Query, declaringMethod)); continue; } final AnnotationDesc cookieParamAnnotation = Utils.findParameterAnnotation(declaringMethod, parameter, i, CookieParam.class); if (cookieParamAnnotation != null) { String name = (String) Utils.getAnnotationValue(cookieParamAnnotation); cookieParameters.add( new RealMethodParameter( parameter, i, cookieParamAnnotation, MethodParameterType.Cookie, declaringMethod)); continue; } final AnnotationDesc formParamAnnotation = Utils.findParameterAnnotation(declaringMethod, parameter, i, FormParam.class); if (formParamAnnotation != null) { String name = (String) Utils.getAnnotationValue(formParamAnnotation); formParameters.add( new RealMethodParameter( parameter, i, formParamAnnotation, MethodParameterType.Form, declaringMethod)); continue; } final AnnotationDesc headerParamAnnotation = Utils.findParameterAnnotation(declaringMethod, parameter, i, HeaderParam.class); if (headerParamAnnotation != null) { String name = (String) Utils.getAnnotationValue(headerParamAnnotation); headerParameters.add( new RealMethodParameter( parameter, i, headerParamAnnotation, MethodParameterType.Header, declaringMethod)); continue; } if (formClass != null) { final AnnotationDesc formAnnotation = Utils.findParameterAnnotation(declaringMethod, parameter, i, formClass); if (formAnnotation != null) { walkFormParameter(parameter.type().asClassDoc()); continue; } } final AnnotationDesc contextAnnotation = Utils.findParameterAnnotation(declaringMethod, parameter, i, Context.class); if (contextAnnotation == null) { this.inputParameter = new RealMethodParameter(parameter, i, null, MethodParameterType.Input, declaringMethod); } } }
private void walkFormParameter(ClassDoc formDoc) { // walk all fields for (FieldDoc field : formDoc.fields(false)) { final AnnotationDesc pathParamAnnotation = Utils.findAnnotation(field, PathParam.class); if (pathParamAnnotation != null) { String name = (String) Utils.getAnnotationValue(pathParamAnnotation); pathParameters.add( new FormFieldParameter(field, pathParamAnnotation, MethodParameterType.Path)); continue; } final AnnotationDesc matrixParamAnnotation = Utils.findAnnotation(field, MatrixParam.class); if (matrixParamAnnotation != null) { matrixParameters.add( new FormFieldParameter(field, matrixParamAnnotation, MethodParameterType.Matrix)); continue; } final AnnotationDesc queryParamAnnotation = Utils.findAnnotation(field, QueryParam.class); if (queryParamAnnotation != null) { String name = (String) Utils.getAnnotationValue(queryParamAnnotation); queryParameters.add( new FormFieldParameter(field, queryParamAnnotation, MethodParameterType.Query)); continue; } final AnnotationDesc headerParamAnnotation = Utils.findAnnotation(field, HeaderParam.class); if (headerParamAnnotation != null) { String name = (String) Utils.getAnnotationValue(headerParamAnnotation); headerParameters.add( new FormFieldParameter(field, headerParamAnnotation, MethodParameterType.Header)); continue; } final AnnotationDesc cookieParamAnnotation = Utils.findAnnotation(field, CookieParam.class); if (cookieParamAnnotation != null) { String name = (String) Utils.getAnnotationValue(cookieParamAnnotation); cookieParameters.add( new FormFieldParameter(field, cookieParamAnnotation, MethodParameterType.Cookie)); continue; } final AnnotationDesc formParamAnnotation = Utils.findAnnotation(field, FormParam.class); if (formParamAnnotation != null) { formParameters.add( new FormFieldParameter(field, formParamAnnotation, MethodParameterType.Form)); continue; } // Recurse into the embedded @Form field if (formClass != null) { final AnnotationDesc formAnnotation = Utils.findAnnotation(field, formClass); if (formAnnotation != null) { walkFormParameter(field.type().asClassDoc()); continue; } } final AnnotationDesc contextAnnotation = Utils.findAnnotation(field, Context.class); if (contextAnnotation == null) { this.inputParameter = new FormFieldParameter(field, null, MethodParameterType.Input); continue; } } // and methods for (MethodDoc method : formDoc.methods(false)) { if (!method.returnType().qualifiedTypeName().equals("void") || method.parameters().length != 1 || !"set")) continue; Parameter parameter = method.parameters()[0]; final AnnotationDesc pathParamAnnotation = Utils.findParameterAnnotation(method, parameter, 0, PathParam.class); if (pathParamAnnotation != null) { String name = (String) Utils.getAnnotationValue(pathParamAnnotation); pathParameters.add( new FormMethodParameter(method, pathParamAnnotation, MethodParameterType.Path)); continue; } final AnnotationDesc matrixParamAnnotation = Utils.findParameterAnnotation(method, parameter, 0, MatrixParam.class); if (matrixParamAnnotation != null) { String name = (String) Utils.getAnnotationValue(matrixParamAnnotation); matrixParameters.add( new FormMethodParameter(method, matrixParamAnnotation, MethodParameterType.Matrix)); continue; } final AnnotationDesc queryParamAnnotation = Utils.findParameterAnnotation(method, parameter, 0, QueryParam.class); if (queryParamAnnotation != null) { String name = (String) Utils.getAnnotationValue(queryParamAnnotation); queryParameters.add( new FormMethodParameter(method, queryParamAnnotation, MethodParameterType.Query)); continue; } final AnnotationDesc headerParamAnnotation = Utils.findParameterAnnotation(method, parameter, 0, HeaderParam.class); if (headerParamAnnotation != null) { String name = (String) Utils.getAnnotationValue(headerParamAnnotation); headerParameters.add( new FormMethodParameter(method, headerParamAnnotation, MethodParameterType.Header)); continue; } final AnnotationDesc cookieParamAnnotation = Utils.findParameterAnnotation(method, parameter, 0, CookieParam.class); if (cookieParamAnnotation != null) { String name = (String) Utils.getAnnotationValue(cookieParamAnnotation); cookieParameters.add( new FormMethodParameter(method, cookieParamAnnotation, MethodParameterType.Cookie)); continue; } final AnnotationDesc formParamAnnotation = Utils.findParameterAnnotation(method, parameter, 0, FormParam.class); if (formParamAnnotation != null) { String name = (String) Utils.getAnnotationValue(formParamAnnotation); formParameters.add( new FormMethodParameter(method, formParamAnnotation, MethodParameterType.Form)); continue; } // I'm not sure if @Form can be used on setter methods on an @Form field, but just in case... if (formClass != null) { // recurse into @Form parameters final AnnotationDesc formAnnotation = Utils.findParameterAnnotation(method, parameter, 0, formClass); if (formAnnotation != null) { walkFormParameter(parameter.type().asClassDoc()); continue; } } final AnnotationDesc contextAnnotation = Utils.findParameterAnnotation(method, parameter, 0, Context.class); if (contextAnnotation == null) { this.inputParameter = new FormMethodParameter(method, null, MethodParameterType.Input); } } }
public boolean hasHTTPMethod(Class<? extends Annotation> method) { return Utils.findAnnotation(methods.toArray(new AnnotationDesc[0]), method) != null; }