public static com.liferay.portlet.messageboards.model.MBMessageSoap addMessage( long groupId, long categoryId, java.lang.String subject, java.lang.String body, java.lang.String format, java.util.List< com.liferay.portal.kernel.util.ObjectValuePair<java.lang.String,>> inputStreamOVPs, boolean anonymous, double priority, boolean allowPingbacks, com.liferay.portal.service.ServiceContext serviceContext) throws RemoteException { try { com.liferay.portlet.messageboards.model.MBMessage returnValue = MBMessageServiceUtil.addMessage( groupId, categoryId, subject, body, format, inputStreamOVPs, anonymous, priority, allowPingbacks, serviceContext); return com.liferay.portlet.messageboards.model.MBMessageSoap.toSoapModel(returnValue); } catch (Exception e) { _log.error(e, e); throw new RemoteException(e.getMessage()); } }
public void deliver(String from, String recipient, Message message) throws MessageListenerException { try { StopWatch stopWatch = null; if (_log.isDebugEnabled()) { stopWatch = new StopWatch(); stopWatch.start(); _log.debug("Deliver message from " + from + " to " + recipient); } String messageId = getMessageId(recipient, message); Company company = getCompany(messageId); if (_log.isDebugEnabled()) { _log.debug("Message id " + messageId); } long groupId = 0; long categoryId = getCategoryId(messageId); try { MBCategory category = MBCategoryLocalServiceUtil.getCategory(categoryId); groupId = category.getGroupId(); } catch (NoSuchCategoryException nsce) { groupId = categoryId; categoryId = MBCategoryConstants.DEFAULT_PARENT_CATEGORY_ID; } if (_log.isDebugEnabled()) { _log.debug("Group id " + groupId); _log.debug("Category id " + categoryId); } User user = UserLocalServiceUtil.getUserByEmailAddress(company.getCompanyId(), from); long parentMessageId = getParentMessageId(recipient, message); if (_log.isDebugEnabled()) { _log.debug("Parent message id " + parentMessageId); } MBMessage parentMessage = null; try { if (parentMessageId > 0) { parentMessage = MBMessageLocalServiceUtil.getMessage(parentMessageId); } } catch (NoSuchMessageException nsme) { // If the parent message does not exist we ignore it and post // the message as a new thread. } if (_log.isDebugEnabled()) { _log.debug("Parent message " + parentMessage); } String subject = MBUtil.getSubjectWithoutMessageId(message); MBMailMessage collector = new MBMailMessage(); MBUtil.collectPartContent(message, collector); PermissionCheckerUtil.setThreadValues(user); ServiceContext serviceContext = new ServiceContext(); serviceContext.setAddGroupPermissions(true); serviceContext.setAddGuestPermissions(true); serviceContext.setLayoutFullURL( PortalUtil.getLayoutFullURL(groupId, PortletKeys.MESSAGE_BOARDS)); serviceContext.setScopeGroupId(groupId); if (parentMessage == null) { MBMessageServiceUtil.addMessage( groupId, categoryId, subject, collector.getBody(), MBMessageConstants.DEFAULT_FORMAT, collector.getFiles(), false, 0.0, true, serviceContext); } else { MBMessageServiceUtil.addMessage( groupId, categoryId, parentMessage.getThreadId(), parentMessage.getMessageId(), subject, collector.getBody(), MBMessageConstants.DEFAULT_FORMAT, collector.getFiles(), false, 0.0, true, serviceContext); } if (_log.isDebugEnabled()) { _log.debug("Delivering message takes " + stopWatch.getTime() + " ms"); } } catch (PrincipalException pe) { if (_log.isDebugEnabled()) { _log.debug("Prevented unauthorized post from " + from); } throw new MessageListenerException(pe); } catch (Exception e) { _log.error(e, e); throw new MessageListenerException(e); } finally { PermissionCheckerUtil.setThreadValues(null); } }