protected String transform(String sql) { sql = PortalUtil.transformCustomSQL(sql); StringBundler sb = new StringBundler(); try { UnsyncBufferedReader unsyncBufferedReader = new UnsyncBufferedReader(new UnsyncStringReader(sql)); String line = null; while ((line = unsyncBufferedReader.readLine()) != null) { sb.append(line.trim()); sb.append(StringPool.SPACE); } unsyncBufferedReader.close(); } catch (IOException ioe) { return sql; } return sb.toString(); }
private SQLQuery buildSearchQuery( Session session, long companyId, String keywords, Boolean configured, Long paymentMethodId, OrderByComparator obc, boolean count, boolean withPermissionCheck) throws PortalException, SystemException { String sql = "SELECT " + (count ? "count(*) as COUNT_VALUE" : " {Payment_PaymentPlugin.*}") + " FROM Payment_PaymentPlugin"; if (Validator.isNotNull(paymentMethodId)) sql += " INNER JOIN Payment_PaymentPlugin_PaymentMethod ON (Payment_PaymentPlugin.paymentPluginId = Payment_PaymentPlugin_PaymentMethod.paymentPluginId)"; sql += " WHERE (Payment_PaymentPlugin.companyId = ?)"; if (Validator.isNotNull(keywords)) { sql += " AND ( LIKE ?)"; } if (Validator.isNotNull(configured)) { sql += " AND (Payment_PaymentPlugin.configured = ?)"; } if (Validator.isNotNull(paymentMethodId)) { sql += " AND (Payment_PaymentPlugin_PaymentMethod.paymentMethodId = ?)"; } if (!count) sql += " ORDER BY ASC"; sql = PortalUtil.transformCustomSQL(sql); sql = CustomSQLUtil.replaceIsNull(sql); if (!count) sql = CustomSQLUtil.replaceOrderBy(sql, obc); if (withPermissionCheck) { Group guestGroup = GroupLocalServiceUtil.getGroup(companyId, GroupConstants.GUEST); sql = InlineSQLHelperUtil.replacePermissionCheck( sql, PaymentPlugin.class.getName(), "Payment_PaymentPlugin.paymentPluginId", guestGroup.getGroupId()); } SQLQuery q = session.createSQLQuery(sql); if (!count) q.addEntity("Payment_PaymentPlugin", PaymentPluginImpl.class); else q.addScalar(COUNT_COLUMN_NAME, Type.LONG); QueryPos qPos = QueryPos.getInstance(q); qPos.add(companyId); if (Validator.isNotNull(keywords)) { qPos.add("%" + keywords + "%"); } if (Validator.isNotNull(configured)) { qPos.add(configured); } if (Validator.isNotNull(paymentMethodId)) { qPos.add(paymentMethodId); } return q; }