protected String getThemeId() { String themeId = null; try { Layout layout = getLayout(); Theme theme = layout.getTheme(); if (theme != null) { themeId = theme.getThemeId(); } else { themeId = layout.getThemeId(); } } catch (Exception e) { _log.error(e, e); } return themeId; }
public List<Theme> getThemes(long companyId, long groupId, long userId, boolean wapTheme) throws SystemException { List<Theme> themes = getThemes(companyId); themes = PluginUtil.restrictPlugins(themes, companyId, userId); Iterator<Theme> itr = themes.iterator(); while (itr.hasNext()) { Theme theme =; if (theme.getThemeId().equals("controlpanel") || !theme.isGroupAvailable(groupId) || (theme.isWapTheme() != wapTheme)) { itr.remove(); } } return themes; }
@Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (obj == null) { return false; } Theme theme = null; try { theme = (Theme) obj; } catch (ClassCastException cce) { return false; } String themeId = theme.getThemeId(); if (getThemeId().equals(themeId)) { return true; } else { return false; } }
protected void exportTheme(LayoutSet layoutSet, ZipWriter zipWriter) throws Exception { Theme theme = layoutSet.getTheme(); String lookAndFeelXML = ContentUtil.get("com/liferay/portal/dependencies/liferay-look-and-feel.xml.tmpl"); lookAndFeelXML = StringUtil.replace( lookAndFeelXML, new String[] {"[$TEMPLATE_EXTENSION$]", "[$VIRTUAL_PATH$]"}, new String[] {theme.getTemplateExtension(), theme.getVirtualPath()}); String servletContextName = theme.getServletContextName(); ServletContext servletContext = ServletContextPool.get(servletContextName); if (servletContext == null) { if (_log.isWarnEnabled()) { _log.warn("Servlet context not found for theme " + theme.getThemeId()); } return; } File themeZip = new File(zipWriter.getPath() + "/"); ZipWriter themeZipWriter = ZipWriterFactoryUtil.getZipWriter(themeZip); themeZipWriter.addEntry("liferay-look-and-feel.xml", lookAndFeelXML); File cssPath = null; File imagesPath = null; File javaScriptPath = null; File templatesPath = null; if (!theme.isLoadFromServletContext()) { ThemeLoader themeLoader = ThemeLoaderFactory.getThemeLoader(servletContextName); if (themeLoader == null) { _log.error(servletContextName + " does not map to a theme loader"); } else { String realPath = themeLoader.getFileStorage().getPath() + StringPool.SLASH + theme.getName(); cssPath = new File(realPath + "/css"); imagesPath = new File(realPath + "/images"); javaScriptPath = new File(realPath + "/javascript"); templatesPath = new File(realPath + "/templates"); } } else { cssPath = new File(servletContext.getRealPath(theme.getCssPath())); imagesPath = new File(servletContext.getRealPath(theme.getImagesPath())); javaScriptPath = new File(servletContext.getRealPath(theme.getJavaScriptPath())); templatesPath = new File(servletContext.getRealPath(theme.getTemplatesPath())); } exportThemeFiles("css", cssPath, themeZipWriter); exportThemeFiles("images", imagesPath, themeZipWriter); exportThemeFiles("javascript", javaScriptPath, themeZipWriter); exportThemeFiles("templates", templatesPath, themeZipWriter); }
@Override public void run(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ActionException { try { // Do not randomize look and feel unless the user is logged in ThemeDisplay themeDisplay = (ThemeDisplay) request.getAttribute(WebKeys.THEME_DISPLAY); if (!themeDisplay.isSignedIn()) { return; } // Do not randomize look and feel unless the user is accessing the // portal String requestURI = GetterUtil.getString(request.getRequestURI()); if (!requestURI.endsWith("/portal/layout")) { return; } // Do not randomize look and feel unless the user is accessing a // personal layout Layout layout = themeDisplay.getLayout(); if (layout == null) { return; } boolean wapTheme = BrowserSnifferUtil.isWap(request); List<Theme> themes = ThemeLocalServiceUtil.getPageThemes( themeDisplay.getCompanyId(), themeDisplay.getScopeGroupId(), themeDisplay.getUserId(), wapTheme); if (!themes.isEmpty()) { Theme theme = themes.get(RandomUtil.nextInt(themes.size())); List<ColorScheme> colorSchemes = theme.getColorSchemes(); ColorScheme colorScheme = colorSchemes.get(RandomUtil.nextInt(colorSchemes.size())); LayoutServiceUtil.updateLookAndFeel( layout.getGroupId(), layout.isPrivateLayout(), layout.getPlid(), theme.getThemeId(), colorScheme.getColorSchemeId(), layout.getCss(), wapTheme); themeDisplay.setLookAndFeel(theme, colorScheme); request.setAttribute(WebKeys.THEME, theme); request.setAttribute(WebKeys.COLOR_SCHEME, colorScheme); } } catch (Exception e) { _log.error(e, e); throw new ActionException(e); } }