private void publishArchiveModule( String jarURI, Properties p, List status, IProgressMonitor monitor) { IPath path = server.getModuleDeployDirectory(module[0]); boolean moving = false; // Get URI used for previous publish, if known String oldURI = (String) p.get(module[1].getId()); if (oldURI != null) { // If old URI found, detect if jar is moving or changing its name if (jarURI != null) { moving = !oldURI.equals(jarURI); } } // If we don't have a jar URI, make a guess so we have one if we need it if (jarURI == null) { jarURI = "WEB-INF/lib/" + module[1].getName(); // $NON-NLS-1$ } IPath jarPath = path.append(jarURI); // Make our best determination of the path to the old jar IPath oldJarPath = jarPath; if (oldURI != null) { oldJarPath = path.append(oldURI); } // Establish the destination directory path = jarPath.removeLastSegments(1); // Remove if requested or if previously published and are now serving without publishing if (moving || kind == IServer.PUBLISH_CLEAN || deltaKind == ServerBehaviourDelegate.REMOVED || server.getTomcatServer().isServeModulesWithoutPublish()) { File file = oldJarPath.toFile(); if (file.exists()) { file.delete(); } p.remove(module[1].getId()); if (deltaKind == ServerBehaviourDelegate.REMOVED || server.getTomcatServer().isServeModulesWithoutPublish()) return; } if (!moving && kind != IServer.PUBLISH_CLEAN && kind != IServer.PUBLISH_FULL) { // avoid changes if no changes to module since last publish IModuleResourceDelta[] delta = server.getPublishedResourceDelta(module); if (delta == null || delta.length == 0) return; } // make directory if it doesn't exist if (!path.toFile().exists()) path.toFile().mkdirs(); IModuleResource[] mr = server.getResources(module); IStatus[] stat = helper.publishToPath(mr, jarPath, monitor); addArrayToList(status, stat); p.put(module[1].getId(), jarURI); }
/** @see PublishOperation#execute(IProgressMonitor, IAdaptable) */ public void execute(IProgressMonitor monitor, IAdaptable info) throws CoreException { List status = new ArrayList(); // If parent web module if (module.length == 1) { if (!ServerUtil.isExtProject(module[0].getProject())) { publishDir(module[0], status, monitor); } } // Else a child module else { Properties p = server.loadModulePublishLocations(); // Try to determine the URI for the child module IWebModule webModule = (IWebModule) module[0].loadAdapter(IWebModule.class, monitor); String childURI = null; if (webModule != null) { childURI = webModule.getURI(module[1]); } // Try to determine if child is binary IJ2EEModule childModule = (IJ2EEModule) module[1].loadAdapter(IJ2EEModule.class, monitor); boolean isBinary = false; if (childModule != null) { isBinary = childModule.isBinary(); } if (isBinary) { publishArchiveModule(childURI, p, status, monitor); } else { publishJar(childURI, p, status, monitor); } server.saveModulePublishLocations(p); } throwException(status); server.setModulePublishState2(module, IServer.PUBLISH_STATE_NONE); }
/** * Construct the operation object to publish the specified module to the specified server. * * @param server server to which the module will be published * @param kind kind of publish * @param module module to publish * @param deltaKind kind of change */ public LiferayPublishOperation( LiferayTomcatServerBehavior server, int kind, IModule[] module, int deltaKind) { super(Msgs.publishServer, Msgs.publishWebModule); this.server = server; this.module = module; this.kind = kind; this.deltaKind = deltaKind; IPath base = server.getRuntimeBaseDirectory(); if (base != null) { helper = new PublishHelper(base.append("temp").toFile()); // $NON-NLS-1$ } else { // We are doomed without a base directory. However, allow the catastrophe // to occur elsewhere and hope for a useful error message. helper = new PublishHelper(null); } }
private void publishDir(IModule module2, List status, IProgressMonitor monitor) throws CoreException { IPath path = server.getModuleDeployDirectory(module2); // Remove if requested or if previously published and are now serving without publishing if (kind == IServer.PUBLISH_CLEAN || deltaKind == ServerBehaviourDelegate.REMOVED || server.getTomcatServer().isServeModulesWithoutPublish()) { File f = path.toFile(); if (f.exists()) { try { IPath baseDir = server.getRuntimeBaseDirectory(); IPath serverXml = baseDir.append("conf").append("server.xml"); // $NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ ServerInstance oldInstance = TomcatVersionHelper.getCatalinaServerInstance(serverXml, null, null); IPath contextDir = oldInstance.getContextXmlDirectory(baseDir.append("conf")); // $NON-NLS-1$ String contextFileName = path.lastSegment() + ".xml"; // $NON-NLS-1$ File contextFile = contextDir.append(contextFileName).toFile(); if (contextFile.exists()) { contextFile.delete(); } File autoDeployDir = baseDir.append(server.getLiferayTomcatServer().getAutoDeployDirectory()).toFile(); File autoDeployFile = new File(autoDeployDir, contextFileName); if (autoDeployFile.exists()) { autoDeployFile.delete(); } } catch (Exception e) { LiferayTomcatPlugin.logError("Could not delete context xml file.", e); // $NON-NLS-1$ } IStatus[] stat = PublishHelper.deleteDirectory(f, monitor); addArrayToList(status, stat); } if (deltaKind == ServerBehaviourDelegate.REMOVED || server.getTomcatServer().isServeModulesWithoutPublish()) return; } IPath baseDir = server.getTomcatServer().getRuntimeBaseDirectory(); IPath autoDeployDir = new Path(server.getLiferayTomcatServer().getAutoDeployDirectory()); boolean serverStopped = server.getServer().getServerState() == IServer.STATE_STOPPED; if (kind == IServer.PUBLISH_CLEAN || kind == IServer.PUBLISH_FULL) { IModuleResource[] mr = server.getResources(module); IStatus[] stat = helper.publishFull(mr, path, monitor); addArrayToList(status, stat); clearWebXmlDescriptors(module2.getProject(), path, monitor); server.moveContextToAutoDeployDir(module2, path, baseDir, autoDeployDir, true, serverStopped); return; } IModuleResourceDelta[] delta = server.getPublishedResourceDelta(module); int size = delta.length; for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { IStatus[] stat = helper.publishDelta(delta[i], path, monitor); addArrayToList(status, stat); } // check to see if we need to re-invoke the liferay plugin deployer String[] paths = new String[] { WEB_XML_PATH, "WEB-INF/portlet.xml", "WEB-INF/liferay-portlet.xml", //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ "WEB-INF/liferay-display.xml", "WEB-INF/liferay-look-and-feel.xml", "WEB-INF/liferay-hook.xml", //$NON-NLS-1$//$NON-NLS-2$ //$NON-NLS-3$ "WEB-INF/liferay-layout-templates.xml", "WEB-INF/", //$NON-NLS-1$//$NON-NLS-2$ "WEB-INF/liferay-plugin-package.xml", "WEB-INF/server-config.wsdd", }; //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ for (IModuleResourceDelta del : delta) { if (CoreUtil.containsMember(del, paths) || isHookProjectDelta(del)) { clearWebXmlDescriptors(module2.getProject(), path, monitor); server.moveContextToAutoDeployDir( module2, path, baseDir, autoDeployDir, true, serverStopped); break; } } }