private void announce(long time) { if (time >= 3600 && time % 3600 == 0) { if (TvTEvent.isParticipating()) { Announcements.getInstance() .announceToAll( "TvT Event: " + (time / 60 / 60) + " hour(s) until registration is closed!"); } else if (TvTEvent.isStarted()) { TvTEvent.sysMsgToAllParticipants( "TvT Event: " + (time / 60 / 60) + " hour(s) until event is finished!"); } } else if (time >= 60) { if (TvTEvent.isParticipating()) { Announcements.getInstance() .announceToAll( "TvT Event: " + (time / 60) + " minute(s) until registration is closed!"); } else if (TvTEvent.isStarted()) { TvTEvent.sysMsgToAllParticipants( "TvT Event: " + (time / 60) + " minute(s) until the event is finished!"); } } else { if (TvTEvent.isParticipating()) { Announcements.getInstance() .announceToAll("TvT Event: " + time + " second(s) until registration is closed!"); } else if (TvTEvent.isStarted()) { TvTEvent.sysMsgToAllParticipants( "TvT Event: " + time + " second(s) until the event is finished!"); } } }
/** Method to start participation */ public void startReg() { if (!TvTEvent.startParticipation()) { Announcements.getInstance().announceToAll("TvT Event: Event was cancelled."); _log.warning("TvTEventEngine[]: Error spawning event npc for participation."); this.scheduleEventStart(); } else { Announcements.getInstance() .announceToAll( "TvT Event: Registration opened for " + Config.TVT_EVENT_PARTICIPATION_TIME + " minute(s)."); // schedule registration end _task.setStartTime(System.currentTimeMillis() + 60000L * Config.TVT_EVENT_PARTICIPATION_TIME); ThreadPoolManager.getInstance().executeTask(_task); } }
/** Method to end the event and reward */ public void endEvent() { Announcements.getInstance().announceToAll(TvTEvent.calculateRewards()); TvTEvent.sysMsgToAllParticipants( "TvT Event: Teleporting back to the registration npc in " + Config.TVT_EVENT_START_LEAVE_TELEPORT_DELAY + " second(s)."); TvTEvent.stopFight(); this.scheduleEventStart(); }
/** Method to start the fight */ public void startEvent() { if (!TvTEvent.startFight()) { Announcements.getInstance() .announceToAll("TvT Event: Event cancelled due to lack of Participation.");"TvTEventEngine[]: Lack of registration, abort event."); this.scheduleEventStart(); } else { TvTEvent.sysMsgToAllParticipants( "TvT Event: Teleporting participants to an arena in " + Config.TVT_EVENT_START_LEAVE_TELEPORT_DELAY + " second(s)."); _task.setStartTime(System.currentTimeMillis() + 60000L * Config.TVT_EVENT_RUNNING_TIME); ThreadPoolManager.getInstance().executeTask(_task); } }