public double f1(Vector3f point, Vector3f A, Vector3f B) { // ****** basic parameters ****** Vector3f vec_b = B; Vector3f vec_a = A.subtract(vec_b); Vector3f vec_r = point; double L = vec_a.length(); Vector3f vec_d = vec_r.subtract(vec_b); double d = vec_d.length(); double h =; // terms double s2 = s * s; double h2 = h * h; double lmh = L - h; double d2 = d * d; double p2 = 1 + s2 * (d2 - h2); double p = Math.sqrt(p2); double ww = p2 + s2 * h2; double qq = p2 + s2 * lmh * lmh; double sdp = s / p; double tpp = 2.0 * p2; double sp = s * p; double term = Math.atan(sdp * h) + Math.atan(sdp * lmh); return (h / ww + lmh / qq) / tpp + term / (tpp * sp); }
public void setDirection(Vector3f dir) { // Ensure that direction is normalized this.direction = dir.normalize(); // restrict direction to x-y axis this.direction.z = 0.0f; this.direction = this.direction.normalize(); }
public Vector3f calculateForce( Vector3f location, Vector3f velocity, float collisionRadius, float speed, float turnSpeed, float tpf, List<Obstacle> obstacles) { float cautionRange = speed * 1.5f / turnSpeed; Line line = new Line(location, velocity.normalize()); Plane plane = new Plane(velocity, 1); Vector3f closest = Vector3f.ZERO; float shortestDistance = -1; for (Obstacle obs : obstacles) { Vector3f target = obs.getLocation(); Vector3f loc = target.subtract(location); // If the obstacle isn't ahead of him, just ignore it if (plane.whichSide(loc) != Side.Positive) { continue; } // Check if the target is inside the check range if (location.distance(target) <= collisionRadius + cautionRange + obs.getRadius()) { // Check if the target will collide with the source if (obs.distance(line) < collisionRadius) { float newDistance = obs.distance(location); // Store the closest target if (shortestDistance == -1 || newDistance < shortestDistance) shortestDistance = newDistance; closest = target; } } } // If any target was found if (shortestDistance != -1) { // Find in wich side the target is // To do that, we do a signed distance by // subtracing the location from the target // and the dot product between the line's normal float dot = closest.subtract(location).dot(line.getDirection().cross(Vector3f.UNIT_Y)); if (dot <= 0) return velocity.cross(Vector3f.UNIT_Y); else return velocity.cross(Vector3f.UNIT_Y).negate(); } // No target found, just return a zero value return Vector3f.ZERO; }
/** * Method for calculating new velocity of agent based on steering vector. * * @see AbstractSteeringBehavior#calculateSteering() * @return The new velocity for this agent based on steering vector */ protected Vector3f calculateNewVelocity() { agent.setAcceleration(calculateSteering().mult(1 / agentTotalMass())); velocity = velocity.add(agent.getAcceleration()); agent.setVelocity(velocity); if (velocity.length() > agent.getMaxMoveSpeed()) { velocity = velocity.normalize().mult(agent.getMaxMoveSpeed()); } return velocity; }
void lookAt(Vector3f pos) { Vector3f location = spatial.getLocalTranslation(); Vector3f target = pos.clone(); Vector3f distance = target.subtract(location); if (distance.length() < 0.3f) { return; } Vector3f newVel = distance.normalize(); Quaternion q = new Quaternion(); q.lookAt(newVel, Vector3f.UNIT_Y); // q.addLocal(playerInfo.initalRot); spatial.setLocalRotation(q); }
void moveTo(Vector3f pos) { float speed = playerInfo.getRealSpeed(); Vector3f location = spatial.getLocalTranslation(); Vector3f target = pos.clone(); Vector3f distance = target.subtract(location); if (distance.length() < 0.3f) { return; } Vector3f newVel = distance.normalize().mult(speed); // Vector3f steering = desierdVel.subtract(velocity).negate(); spatial.setLocalTranslation(location.add(newVel)); }
private void applyGravity(Spatial blackHole, Spatial target, float tpf) { Vector3f difference = blackHole.getLocalTranslation().subtract(target.getLocalTranslation()); Vector3f gravity = difference.normalize().multLocal(tpf); float distance = difference.length(); if (target.getName().equals("Player")) { gravity.multLocal(250f / distance); target.getControl(PlayerControl.class).applyGravity(gravity.mult(80f)); } else if (target.getName().equals("Bullet")) { gravity.multLocal(250f / distance); target.getControl(BulletControl.class).applyGravity(gravity.mult(-0.8f)); } else if (target.getName().equals("Seeker")) { target.getControl(SeekerControl.class).applyGravity(gravity.mult(150000)); } else if (target.getName().equals("Wanderer")) { target.getControl(WandererControl.class).applyGravity(gravity.mult(150000)); } else if (target.getName().equals("Laser") || target.getName().equals("Glow")) { target.getControl(ParticleControl.class).applyGravity(gravity.mult(15000), distance); } }
public double ft(Vector3f point, Vector3f A, Vector3f B) { // ****** basic parameters ****** Vector3f vec_b = B; Vector3f vec_a = A.subtract(vec_b); Vector3f vec_r = point; double L = vec_a.length(); Vector3f vec_d = vec_r.subtract(vec_b); double d = vec_d.length(); double h =; // terms double s2 = s * s; double h2 = h * h; double lmh = L - h; double d2 = d * d; double p2 = 1 + s2 * (d2 - h2); double ww = p2 + s2 * h2; double qq = p2 + s2 * lmh * lmh; double ts2 = 2.0 * s2; return h * f1(point, A, B) + (1.0 / ww - 1.0 / qq) / ts2; }
@Override public void simpleUpdate(float lastTimePerFrame) { float playerMoveSpeed = ((cubesSettings.getBlockSize() * 6.5f) * lastTimePerFrame); Vector3f camDir = cam.getDirection().mult(playerMoveSpeed); Vector3f camLeft = cam.getLeft().mult(playerMoveSpeed); walkDirection.set(0, 0, 0); if (arrowKeys[0]) { walkDirection.addLocal(camDir); } if (arrowKeys[1]) { walkDirection.addLocal(camLeft.negate()); } if (arrowKeys[2]) { walkDirection.addLocal(camDir.negate()); } if (arrowKeys[3]) { walkDirection.addLocal(camLeft); } walkDirection.setY(0); walkDirection.normalize(); walkDirection.multLocal(lastTimePerFrame * 10); playerControl.setWalkDirection(walkDirection); cam.setLocation(playerControl.getPhysicsLocation()); }
@Override public void simpleUpdate(float tpf) { for (Planet planet : planets) { planet.getGeom().rotate(0, 0, planet.getRotationSpeed() * tpf); planet.getPivot().rotate(0, planet.getTranslationSpeed() * tpf, 0); } for (Spatial spatial : explosions.getChildren()) { ParticleEmitter explosion = (ParticleEmitter) spatial; if (explosion.getNumVisibleParticles() < 1) { explosion.removeFromParent(); } } Vector3f rotation = new Vector3f(0, 0, 0); if (left) { rotation.addLocal(0, 1, 0); } if (right) { rotation.addLocal(0, -1, 0); } if (up) { rotation.addLocal(1, 0, 0); } if (down) { rotation.addLocal(-1, 0, 0); } if (leftSide) { rotation.addLocal(0, 0, 1); } if (rightSide) { rotation.addLocal(0, 0, -1); } Vector3f transformed = new Vector3f(0, 0, 0); spaceship.getLocalRotation().mult(rotation, transformed); spaceship.getControl().setAngularVelocity(transformed); Vector3f movement = new Vector3f(0, 0, 0); if (moving) { spaceship.getWorldRotation().mult(new Vector3f(0, 0, -6), movement); } spaceship.getControl().setLinearVelocity(movement); bloom.setBloomIntensity(bloom.getBloomIntensity() + (bloomDirection * tpf / 8)); if (bloom.getBloomIntensity() > 4) { bloomDirection = -1; } if (bloom.getBloomIntensity() < 2) { bloomDirection = 1; } Vector3f direction = spaceship.getRear().getWorldTranslation().subtract(cam.getLocation()); float magnitude = direction.length(); if (magnitude > 0) { cam.setLocation( cam.getLocation().add(direction.normalize().mult(tpf * magnitude * magnitude / 2))); } cam.lookAt(spaceship.getFront().getWorldTranslation(), Vector3f.UNIT_Y); for (Spatial spatial : asteroids.getChildren()) { if (spatial.getWorldTranslation().subtract(Vector3f.ZERO).length() > 200) { spatial.removeFromParent(); } } if (Math.random() < 0.01 && asteroids.getChildren().size() < MAX_ASTEROIDS) { generateRandomAsteroid(); } for (Spatial spatial : lasers.getChildren()) { Laser laser = (Laser) spatial; if (laser.getWorldTranslation().subtract(Vector3f.ZERO).length() > 200) { bap.getPhysicsSpace().remove(laser.getControl()); laser.removeFromParent(); continue; } laser.move(laser.getDirection().mult(laser.getSpeed())); } scoreText.setText("Score: " + score); }