@Nullable private PyType resolveQualifierType( @NotNull List<Token<PyElementType>> tokens, @NotNull PyFile file, @NotNull TypeEvalContext context, @NotNull Map<TextRange, PyType> types, @NotNull Map<PyType, TextRange> fullRanges, @NotNull Map<PyType, PyImportElement> imports) { if (tokens.isEmpty()) { return null; } final Token<PyElementType> firstToken = tokens.get(0); final String firstText = firstToken.getText().toString(); final TextRange firstRange = firstToken.getRange(); final List<RatedResolveResult> resolveResults = file.multiResolveName(firstText); if (resolveResults.isEmpty()) { return getImplicitlyResolvedType(tokens, context, types, fullRanges, firstRange); } final List<PyType> members = Lists.newArrayList(); for (RatedResolveResult result : resolveResults) { final PsiElement resolved = result.getElement(); PyType type = null; if (resolved instanceof PyTargetExpression) { type = PyTypingTypeProvider.getTypeFromTargetExpression( (PyTargetExpression) resolved, context); } if (type == null && resolved instanceof PyTypedElement) { type = context.getType((PyTypedElement) resolved); } if (type != null) { if (!allowResolveToType(type)) { continue; } if (type instanceof PyClassLikeType) { type = ((PyClassLikeType) type).toInstance(); } types.put(firstRange, type); fullRanges.put(type, firstRange); for (PyFromImportStatement fromImportStatement : file.getFromImports()) { for (PyImportElement importElement : fromImportStatement.getImportElements()) { if (firstText.equals(importElement.getVisibleName())) { imports.put(type, importElement); } } } for (PyImportElement importElement : file.getImportTargets()) { if (firstText.equals(importElement.getVisibleName())) { imports.put(type, importElement); } } } members.add(type); } if (!members.isEmpty()) { tokens.remove(0); } return PyUnionType.union(members); }
@Override public Collection<AbstractTreeNode> getChildrenImpl() { PyFile value = (PyFile) getValue(); List<AbstractTreeNode> children = new ArrayList<AbstractTreeNode>(); for (PyClass child : value.getTopLevelClasses()) { children.add(new PyElementNode(myProject, child, getSettings())); } for (PyFunction function : value.getTopLevelFunctions()) { children.add(new PyElementNode(myProject, function, getSettings())); } return children; }
public static boolean isAbsoluteImportEnabledFor(PsiElement foothold) { if (foothold != null) { PsiFile file = foothold.getContainingFile(); if (file instanceof PyFile) { final PyFile pyFile = (PyFile) file; if (pyFile.getLanguageLevel().isPy3K()) { return true; } return pyFile.hasImportFromFuture(ABSOLUTE_IMPORT); } } // if the relevant import is below the foothold, it is either legal or we've detected the // offending statement already return false; }
@Nullable @Override public List<? extends RatedResolveResult> resolveMember( @NotNull String name, @Nullable PyExpression location, @NotNull AccessDirection direction, @NotNull PyResolveContext resolveContext) { final PsiElement resolved = myImportedModule.resolve(); if (resolved != null) { final PsiFile containingFile = location != null ? location.getContainingFile() : null; List<PsiElement> elements = Collections.singletonList( ResolveImportUtil.resolveChild(resolved, name, containingFile, false, true)); final PyImportElement importElement = myImportedModule.getImportElement(); final PyFile resolvedFile = PyUtil.as(resolved, PyFile.class); if (location != null && importElement != null && PyUtil.inSameFile(location, importElement) && ResolveImportUtil.getPointInImport(location) == PointInImport.NONE && resolved instanceof PsiFileSystemItem && (resolvedFile == null || !PyUtil.isPackage(resolvedFile) || resolvedFile.getElementNamed(name) == null)) { final List<PsiElement> importedSubmodules = PyModuleType.collectImportedSubmodules((PsiFileSystemItem) resolved, location); if (importedSubmodules != null) { final Set<PsiElement> imported = Sets.newHashSet(importedSubmodules); elements = ContainerUtil.filter( elements, new Condition<PsiElement>() { @Override public boolean value(PsiElement element) { return imported.contains(element); } }); } } return ResolveImportUtil.rateResults(elements); } return null; }
private void addModulePath(PyFile followed) { // what to prepend to a module description? final VirtualFile file = followed.getVirtualFile(); if (file == null) { myProlog.addWith(TagSmall, $(PyBundle.message("QDOC.module.path.unknown"))); } else { final String path = file.getPath(); RootFinder finder = new RootFinder(path); RootVisitorHost.visitRoots(followed, finder); final String rootPath = finder.getResult(); if (rootPath != null) { String afterPart = path.substring(rootPath.length()); myProlog.addWith(TagSmall, $(rootPath).addWith(TagBold, $(afterPart))); } else { myProlog.addWith(TagSmall, $(path)); } } }