private String buildLabelText( @NotNull final String text, @NotNull final Map<TextRange, ParameterInfoUIContextEx.Flag> flagsMap) { final StringBuilder labelText = new StringBuilder(text); final String disabledTag = FLAG_TO_TAG.get(ParameterInfoUIContextEx.Flag.DISABLE); final Map<Integer, Integer> faultMap = new HashMap<>(); if (isDisabledBeforeHighlight) { final String tag = getTag(disabledTag); labelText.insert(0, tag); faultMap.put(0, tag.length()); } for (Map.Entry<TextRange, ParameterInfoUIContextEx.Flag> entry : flagsMap.entrySet()) { final TextRange highlightRange = entry.getKey(); final ParameterInfoUIContextEx.Flag flag = entry.getValue(); final String tagValue = FLAG_TO_TAG.get(flag); final String tag = getTag(tagValue); int startOffset = highlightRange.getStartOffset(); int endOffset = highlightRange.getEndOffset() + tag.length(); for (Map.Entry<Integer, Integer> entry1 : faultMap.entrySet()) { if (entry1.getKey() < highlightRange.getStartOffset()) { startOffset += entry1.getValue(); } if (entry1.getKey() < highlightRange.getEndOffset()) { endOffset += entry1.getValue(); } } if (flag == ParameterInfoUIContextEx.Flag.HIGHLIGHT && isDisabledBeforeHighlight) { final String disableCloseTag = getClosingTag(disabledTag); labelText.insert(startOffset, disableCloseTag); faultMap.put(highlightRange.getStartOffset(), disableCloseTag.length()); } labelText.insert(startOffset, tag); faultMap.put(highlightRange.getStartOffset(), tag.length()); final String endTag = getClosingTag(tagValue); labelText.insert(endOffset, endTag); faultMap.put(highlightRange.getEndOffset(), endTag.length()); } return XmlStringUtil.wrapInHtml(labelText); }
public void showDescription(InspectionTool tool) { if (tool.getShortName().length() == 0) { showEmpty(); return; } @NonNls StringBuffer page = new StringBuffer(); page.append("<table border='0' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0' width='100%'>"); page.append("<tr><td colspan='2'>"); HTMLComposer.appendHeading( page, InspectionsBundle.message("")); page.append("</td></tr>"); page.append("<tr><td width='37'></td>" + "<td>"); page.append(tool.getShortName()); page.append("</td></tr>"); page.append("<tr height='10'></tr>"); page.append("<tr><td colspan='2'>"); HTMLComposer.appendHeading( page, InspectionsBundle.message("")); page.append("</td></tr>"); page.append("<tr><td width='37'></td>" + "<td>"); @NonNls final String underConstruction = "<b>" + UNDER_CONSTRUCTION + "</b></html>"; try { @NonNls String description = tool.loadDescription(); if (description == null) { description = underConstruction; } page.append(UIUtil.getHtmlBody(description)); page.append("</td></tr></table>"); myHTMLViewer.setText(XmlStringUtil.wrapInHtml(page)); setupStyle(); } finally { myCurrentEntity = null; } }
@Nullable @NonNls private static String htmlEscapeToolTip(@Nullable String unescapedTooltip) { return unescapedTooltip == null ? null : XmlStringUtil.wrapInHtml(XmlStringUtil.escapeString(unescapedTooltip)); }
public String getToolTip() { String toolTip = this.toolTip; String description = this.description; if (toolTip == null || description == null || !toolTip.contains(DESCRIPTION_PLACEHOLDER)) return toolTip; String decoded = StringUtil.replace( toolTip, DESCRIPTION_PLACEHOLDER, XmlStringUtil.escapeString(description)); return XmlStringUtil.wrapInHtml(decoded); }
protected void setup( final AnAction action, JPanel root, final JLabel name, final JLabel description, JLabel icon) { name.setText(action.getTemplatePresentation().getText()); name.setUI(DarculaWelcomeScreenLabelUI.createUI(name)); name.setForeground(UIUtil.getPanelBackground()); description.setUI(DarculaWelcomeScreenLabelUI.createUI(description)); // icon.setIcon(action.getTemplatePresentation().getIcon()); final String text = action.getTemplatePresentation().getDescription(); final String html = XmlStringUtil.wrapInHtml( MessageFormat.format(text, ApplicationNamesInfo.getInstance().getFullProductName())); root.setCursor(Cursor.getPredefinedCursor(Cursor.HAND_CURSOR)); description.setText(html); description.setForeground(Gray._200); description.setEnabled(false); root.addMouseListener( new MouseAdapter() { @Override public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent e) { description.setEnabled(true); name.setForeground(new Color(0xE09600)); } @Override public void mouseExited(MouseEvent e) { description.setEnabled(false); name.setForeground(UIUtil.getPanelBackground()); } @Override public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) { final ActionManager actionManager = ActionManager.getInstance(); AnActionEvent evt = new AnActionEvent( null, DataManager.getInstance().getDataContext(e.getComponent()), ActionPlaces.WELCOME_SCREEN, action.getTemplatePresentation(), actionManager, 0); action.beforeActionPerformedUpdate(evt); if (evt.getPresentation().isEnabled()) { action.actionPerformed(evt); } } }); }
private ReturnResult warnAboutDetachedHeadIfNeeded() { // Warning: commit on a detached HEAD DetachedRoot detachedRoot = getDetachedRoot(); if (detachedRoot == null) { return ReturnResult.COMMIT; } final String title; final String message; final CharSequence rootPath = StringUtil.last(detachedRoot.myRoot.getPresentableUrl(), 50, true); final String messageCommonStart = "The Git repository <code>" + rootPath + "</code>"; if (detachedRoot.myRebase) { title = "Unfinished rebase process"; message = messageCommonStart + " <br/> has an <b>unfinished rebase</b> process. <br/>" + "You probably want to <b>continue rebase</b> instead of committing. <br/>" + "Committing during rebase may lead to the commit loss. <br/>" + readMore( "", "Read more about Git rebase"); } else { title = "Commit in detached HEAD may be dangerous"; message = messageCommonStart + " is in the <b>detached HEAD</b> state. <br/>" + "You can look around, make experimental changes and commit them, but be sure to checkout a branch not to lose your work. <br/>" + "Otherwise you risk losing your changes. <br/>" + readMore( "", "Read more about detached HEAD"); } final int choice = Messages.showOkCancelDialog( myPanel.getComponent(), XmlStringUtil.wrapInHtml(message), title, "Cancel", "Commit", Messages.getWarningIcon()); if (choice != Messages.OK) { return ReturnResult.COMMIT; } else { return ReturnResult.CLOSE_WINDOW; } }
private String setup( @NotNull String text, @NotNull Map<TextRange, ParameterInfoUIContextEx.Flag> flagsMap, @NotNull Color background) { myLabel.setBackground(background); setBackground(background); myLabel.setForeground(JBColor.foreground()); if (flagsMap.isEmpty()) { myLabel.setText(XmlStringUtil.wrapInHtml(text)); } else { String labelText = buildLabelText(text, flagsMap); myLabel.setText(labelText); } // IDEA-95904 Darcula parameter info pop-up colors hard to read if (UIUtil.isUnderDarcula()) { myLabel.setText(myLabel.getText().replace("<b>", "<b color=ffC800>")); } return myLabel.getText(); }
private void explainTrailingSpaces( @NotNull @EditorSettingsExternalizable.StripTrailingSpaces String stripTrailingSpaces) { if (EditorSettingsExternalizable.STRIP_TRAILING_SPACES_NONE.equals(stripTrailingSpaces)) { myStripTrailingSpacesExplanationLabel.setVisible(false); return; } myStripTrailingSpacesExplanationLabel.setVisible(true); boolean isVirtualSpace = myCbVirtualSpace.isSelected(); String text; String virtSpaceText = myCbVirtualSpace.getText(); if (isVirtualSpace) { text = "Trailing spaces will be trimmed even in the line under caret.<br>To disable trimming in that line uncheck the '<b>" + virtSpaceText + "</b>' above."; } else { text = "Trailing spaces will <b><font color=red>NOT</font></b> be trimmed in the line under caret.<br>To enable trimming in that line too check the '<b>" + virtSpaceText + "</b>' above."; } myStripTrailingSpacesExplanationLabel.setText(XmlStringUtil.wrapInHtml(text)); }
// return true if panel needs to be rebuilt boolean updatePanel(@NotNull DaemonCodeAnalyzerStatus status, Project project) { progressBarsEnabled = false; progressBarsCompleted = null; statistics = ""; passStatusesVisible = false; statusLabel = null; statusExtraLine = null; boolean result = false; if (!status.passStati.equals(new ArrayList<>(passes.keySet()))) { // passes set has changed rebuildPassesMap(status); result = true; } if (PowerSaveMode.isEnabled()) { statusLabel = "Code analysis is disabled in power save mode"; status.errorAnalyzingFinished = true; icon = AllIcons.General.SafeMode; return result; } if (status.reasonWhyDisabled != null) { statusLabel = "No analysis has been performed"; statusExtraLine = "(" + status.reasonWhyDisabled + ")"; passStatusesVisible = true; progressBarsCompleted = Boolean.FALSE; icon = AllIcons.General.InspectionsTrafficOff; return result; } if (status.reasonWhySuspended != null) { statusLabel = "Code analysis has been suspended"; statusExtraLine = "(" + status.reasonWhySuspended + ")"; passStatusesVisible = true; progressBarsCompleted = Boolean.FALSE; icon = AllIcons.General.InspectionsPause; return result; } Icon icon = AllIcons.General.InspectionsOK; for (int i = status.errorCount.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (status.errorCount[i] != 0) { icon = SeverityRegistrar.getSeverityRegistrar(project).getRendererIconByIndex(i); break; } } if (status.errorAnalyzingFinished) { boolean isDumb = project != null && DumbService.isDumb(project); if (isDumb) { statusLabel = "Shallow analysis completed"; statusExtraLine = "Complete results will be available after indexing"; } else { statusLabel = DaemonBundle.message("analysis.completed"); } progressBarsCompleted = Boolean.TRUE; } else { statusLabel = DaemonBundle.message("performing.code.analysis"); passStatusesVisible = true; progressBarsEnabled = true; progressBarsCompleted = null; } int currentSeverityErrors = 0; @org.intellij.lang.annotations.Language("HTML") String text = ""; for (int i = status.errorCount.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (status.errorCount[i] > 0) { final HighlightSeverity severity = SeverityRegistrar.getSeverityRegistrar(project).getSeverityByIndex(i); String name = status.errorCount[i] > 1 ? StringUtil.pluralize(severity.getName().toLowerCase()) : severity.getName().toLowerCase(); text += status.errorAnalyzingFinished ? DaemonBundle.message("errors.found", status.errorCount[i], name) : DaemonBundle.message("", status.errorCount[i], name); text += "<br>"; currentSeverityErrors += status.errorCount[i]; } } if (currentSeverityErrors == 0) { text += status.errorAnalyzingFinished ? DaemonBundle.message("no.errors.or.warnings.found") : DaemonBundle.message("") + "<br>"; } statistics = XmlStringUtil.wrapInHtml(text); this.icon = icon; return result; }
private static boolean suggestToEnableInstalledPlugins( InstalledPluginsTableModel pluginsModel, Set<IdeaPluginDescriptor> disabled, Set<IdeaPluginDescriptor> disabledDependants, List<PluginNode> list) { if (!disabled.isEmpty() || !disabledDependants.isEmpty()) { String message = ""; if (disabled.size() == 1) { message += "Updated plugin '" + disabled.iterator().next().getName() + "' is disabled."; } else if (!disabled.isEmpty()) { message += "Updated plugins " + StringUtil.join( disabled, new Function<IdeaPluginDescriptor, String>() { @Override public String fun(IdeaPluginDescriptor pluginDescriptor) { return pluginDescriptor.getName(); } }, ", ") + " are disabled."; } if (!disabledDependants.isEmpty()) { message += "<br>"; message += "Updated plugin" + (list.size() > 1 ? "s depend " : " depends ") + "on disabled"; if (disabledDependants.size() == 1) { message += " plugin '" + disabledDependants.iterator().next().getName() + "'."; } else { message += " plugins " + StringUtil.join( disabledDependants, new Function<IdeaPluginDescriptor, String>() { @Override public String fun(IdeaPluginDescriptor pluginDescriptor) { return pluginDescriptor.getName(); } }, ", ") + "."; } } message += " Disabled plugins " + (disabled.isEmpty() ? "and plugins which depend on disabled " : "") + "won't be activated after restart."; int result; if (!disabled.isEmpty() && !disabledDependants.isEmpty()) { result = Messages.showYesNoCancelDialog( XmlStringUtil.wrapInHtml(message), CommonBundle.getWarningTitle(), "Enable all", "Enable updated plugin" + (disabled.size() > 1 ? "s" : ""), CommonBundle.getCancelButtonText(), Messages.getQuestionIcon()); if (result == Messages.CANCEL) return false; } else { message += "<br>Would you like to enable "; if (!disabled.isEmpty()) { message += "updated plugin" + (disabled.size() > 1 ? "s" : ""); } else { //noinspection SpellCheckingInspection message += "plugin dependenc" + (disabledDependants.size() > 1 ? "ies" : "y"); } message += "?"; result = Messages.showYesNoDialog( XmlStringUtil.wrapInHtml(message), CommonBundle.getWarningTitle(), Messages.getQuestionIcon()); if (result == Messages.NO) return false; } if (result == Messages.YES) { disabled.addAll(disabledDependants); pluginsModel.enableRows(disabled.toArray(new IdeaPluginDescriptor[disabled.size()]), true); } else if (result == Messages.NO && !disabled.isEmpty()) { pluginsModel.enableRows(disabled.toArray(new IdeaPluginDescriptor[disabled.size()]), true); } return true; } return false; }