private static void addToCache( PersistentHashMap<String, Set<String>> cache, String key, String value) throws IOException { Set<String> values = cache.get(key); if (values == null) values = new THashSet<String>(); values.add(value); cache.put(key, values); }
public Set<String> read(DataInput s) throws IOException { int count = s.readInt(); Set<String> result = new THashSet<String>(count); while (count-- > 0) { result.add(s.readUTF()); } return result; }
public void save(DataOutput s, Set<String> set) throws IOException { s.writeInt(set.size()); for (String each : set) { s.writeUTF(each); } }
private static void removeStaleJarFilesIfNeeded( File snapshotInfoFile, PersistentHashMap<String, CacheLibraryInfo> info) throws IOException { File versionFile = getVersionFile(snapshotInfoFile); long lastModified = versionFile.lastModified(); if ((System.currentTimeMillis() - lastModified) < 30 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000L) { return; } // snapshotInfo is persistent mapping of project library path -> jar snapshot path // Stale jars are the jars that do not exist with registered paths, to remove them: // - Take all snapshot library files in jar directory // - Collect librarySnapshot -> projectLibraryPaths and existing projectLibraryPath -> // librarySnapshot // - Remove all projectLibraryPaths that doesn't exist from persistent mapping // - Remove jar library snapshots that have no projectLibraryPath Set<String> availableLibrarySnapshots = new THashSet<String>( Arrays.asList( snapshotInfoFile .getParentFile() .list( new FilenameFilter() { @Override public boolean accept(File dir, String name) { int lastDotPosition = name.lastIndexOf('.'); if (lastDotPosition == -1) return false; String extension = name.substring(lastDotPosition + 1); if (extension.length() != 40 || !consistsOfHexLetters(extension)) return false; return true; } private boolean consistsOfHexLetters(String extension) { for (int i = 0; i < extension.length(); ++i) { if (Character.digit(extension.charAt(i), 16) == -1) return false; } return true; } }))); final List<String> invalidLibraryFilePaths = ContainerUtil.newArrayList(); final List<String> allLibraryFilePaths = ContainerUtil.newArrayList(); MultiMap<String, String> jarSnapshotFileToLibraryFilePaths = new MultiMap<String, String>(); Set<String> validLibraryFilePathToJarSnapshotFilePaths = ContainerUtil.newTroveSet(); info.processKeys(new CommonProcessors.CollectProcessor<String>(allLibraryFilePaths)); for (String filePath : allLibraryFilePaths) { CacheLibraryInfo libraryInfo = info.get(filePath); if (libraryInfo == null) continue; jarSnapshotFileToLibraryFilePaths.putValue(libraryInfo.mySnapshotPath, filePath); if (new File(filePath).exists()) { validLibraryFilePathToJarSnapshotFilePaths.add(filePath); } else { invalidLibraryFilePaths.add(filePath); } } for (String invalidLibraryFilePath : invalidLibraryFilePaths) {"removing stale library reference:" + invalidLibraryFilePath); info.remove(invalidLibraryFilePath); } for (Map.Entry<String, Collection<String>> e : jarSnapshotFileToLibraryFilePaths.entrySet()) { for (String libraryFilePath : e.getValue()) { if (validLibraryFilePathToJarSnapshotFilePaths.contains(libraryFilePath)) { availableLibrarySnapshots.remove(e.getKey()); break; } } } for (String availableLibrarySnapshot : availableLibrarySnapshots) { File librarySnapshotFileToDelete = new File(snapshotInfoFile.getParentFile(), availableLibrarySnapshot);"removing stale library snapshot:" + librarySnapshotFileToDelete); FileUtil.delete(librarySnapshotFileToDelete); } saveVersion( versionFile); // time stamp will change to start another time interval when stale jar // files are tracked }