public void testTypingDoesNotInterfereWithDuplicates() throws Exception { SliceTreeStructure treeStructure = configureTree("DupSlice"); SliceNode root = (SliceNode) treeStructure.getRootElement(); List<SliceNode> nodes = new ArrayList<SliceNode>(); expandNodesTo(root, nodes); for (int i = 0; i < nodes.size() - 1; i++) { SliceNode node = nodes.get(i); assertNull(node.getDuplicate()); } SliceNode last = nodes.get(nodes.size() - 1); assertNotNull(last.getDuplicate()); type(" xx"); PsiDocumentManager.getInstance(getProject()).commitAllDocuments(); backspace(); backspace(); PsiDocumentManager.getInstance(getProject()).commitAllDocuments(); nodes.clear(); expandNodesTo(root, nodes); for (int i = 0; i < nodes.size() - 1; i++) { SliceNode node = nodes.get(i); assertNull(node.getDuplicate()); } assertNotNull(last.getDuplicate()); }
public void testLeafExpressionsMoreComplex() throws Exception { SliceTreeStructure treeStructure = configureTree("Duplicate"); SliceNode root = (SliceNode) treeStructure.getRootElement(); Collection<PsiElement> leaves = SliceLeafAnalyzer.calcLeafExpressions(root, treeStructure, SliceLeafAnalyzer.createMap()); assertNotNull(leaves); assertEquals(2, leaves.size()); List<PsiElement> list = new ArrayList<PsiElement>(leaves); Collections.sort( list, new Comparator<PsiElement>() { @Override public int compare(PsiElement o1, PsiElement o2) { return o1.getText().compareTo(o2.getText()); } }); assertTrue(list.get(0) instanceof PsiLiteralExpression); assertEquals(false, ((PsiLiteral) list.get(0)).getValue()); assertTrue(list.get(1) instanceof PsiLiteralExpression); assertEquals(true, ((PsiLiteral) list.get(1)).getValue()); }
private static void checkStructure(final SliceNode root, @NonNls String dataExpected) { List<SliceNode> actualNodes = new ArrayList<SliceNode>((Collection) root.getChildren()); Collections.sort(actualNodes, SliceTreeBuilder.SLICE_NODE_COMPARATOR); Object[] actualStrings = ContainerUtil.map2Array( actualNodes, new Function<SliceNode, Object>() { @Override public Object fun(SliceNode node) { return node.toString(); } }); String[] childrenExpected = dataExpected.length() == 0 ? ArrayUtil.EMPTY_STRING_ARRAY : dataExpected.split("\n"); String curChildren = ""; String curNode = null; int iactual = 0; for (int iexp = 0; iexp <= childrenExpected.length; iexp++) { String e = iexp == childrenExpected.length ? null : childrenExpected[iexp]; boolean isTopLevel = e == null || e.charAt(0) != ' '; if (isTopLevel) { if (curNode != null) { assertTrue(iactual < actualStrings.length); Object actual = actualStrings[iactual]; assertEquals(curNode, actual); checkStructure(actualNodes.get(iactual), curChildren); iactual++; } curNode = e; curChildren = ""; } else { curChildren += StringUtil.trimStart(e, " ") + "\n"; } } assertEquals(actualNodes.size(), iactual); }
private static AllowedValues parseBeanInfo(@NotNull PsiModifierListOwner owner) { PsiMethod method = null; if (owner instanceof PsiParameter) { PsiParameter parameter = (PsiParameter) owner; PsiElement scope = parameter.getDeclarationScope(); if (!(scope instanceof PsiMethod)) return null; PsiElement nav = scope.getNavigationElement(); if (!(nav instanceof PsiMethod)) return null; method = (PsiMethod) nav; if (method.isConstructor()) { // not a property, try the @ConstructorProperties({"prop"}) PsiAnnotation annotation = AnnotationUtil.findAnnotation(method, "java.beans.ConstructorProperties"); if (annotation == null) return null; PsiAnnotationMemberValue value = annotation.findAttributeValue("value"); if (!(value instanceof PsiArrayInitializerMemberValue)) return null; PsiAnnotationMemberValue[] initializers = ((PsiArrayInitializerMemberValue) value).getInitializers(); PsiElement parent = parameter.getParent(); if (!(parent instanceof PsiParameterList)) return null; int index = ((PsiParameterList) parent).getParameterIndex(parameter); if (index >= initializers.length) return null; PsiAnnotationMemberValue initializer = initializers[index]; if (!(initializer instanceof PsiLiteralExpression)) return null; Object val = ((PsiLiteralExpression) initializer).getValue(); if (!(val instanceof String)) return null; PsiMethod setter = PropertyUtil.findPropertySetter( method.getContainingClass(), (String) val, false, false); if (setter == null) return null; // try the @beaninfo of the corresponding setter method = (PsiMethod) setter.getNavigationElement(); } } else if (owner instanceof PsiMethod) { PsiElement nav = owner.getNavigationElement(); if (!(nav instanceof PsiMethod)) return null; method = (PsiMethod) nav; } if (method == null) return null; PsiClass aClass = method.getContainingClass(); if (aClass == null) return null; if (PropertyUtil.isSimplePropertyGetter(method)) { List<PsiMethod> setters = PropertyUtil.getSetters(aClass, PropertyUtil.getPropertyNameByGetter(method)); if (setters.size() != 1) return null; method = setters.get(0); } if (!PropertyUtil.isSimplePropertySetter(method)) return null; PsiDocComment doc = method.getDocComment(); if (doc == null) return null; PsiDocTag beaninfo = doc.findTagByName("beaninfo"); if (beaninfo == null) return null; String data = StringUtil.join( beaninfo.getDataElements(), new Function<PsiElement, String>() { @Override public String fun(PsiElement element) { return element.getText(); } }, "\n"); int enumIndex = StringUtil.indexOfSubstringEnd(data, "enum:"); if (enumIndex == -1) return null; data = data.substring(enumIndex); int colon = data.indexOf(":"); int last = colon == -1 ? data.length() : data.substring(0, colon).lastIndexOf("\n"); data = data.substring(0, last); List<PsiAnnotationMemberValue> values = new ArrayList<PsiAnnotationMemberValue>(); for (String line : StringUtil.splitByLines(data)) { List<String> words = StringUtil.split(line, " ", true, true); if (words.size() != 2) continue; String ref = words.get(1); PsiExpression constRef = JavaPsiFacade.getElementFactory(aClass.getProject()) .createExpressionFromText(ref, aClass); if (!(constRef instanceof PsiReferenceExpression)) continue; PsiReferenceExpression expr = (PsiReferenceExpression) constRef; values.add(expr); } if (values.isEmpty()) return null; PsiAnnotationMemberValue[] array = values.toArray(new PsiAnnotationMemberValue[values.size()]); return new AllowedValues(array, false); }