private void setupPanels(@Nullable ProjectTemplate template) { restorePanel(myNamePathComponent, 4); restorePanel(myModulePanel, myWizardContext.isCreatingNewProject() ? 8 : 6); restorePanel(myExpertPanel, myWizardContext.isCreatingNewProject() ? 1 : 0); mySettingsStep = myModuleBuilder == null ? null : myModuleBuilder.modifySettingsStep(this); String description = null; if (template != null) { description = template.getDescription(); if (StringUtil.isNotEmpty(description)) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("<html><body><font "); sb.append(SystemInfo.isMac ? "" : "face=\"Verdana\" size=\"-1\"").append('>'); sb.append(description).append("</font></body></html>"); description = sb.toString(); myDescriptionPane.setText(description); } } myExpertPlaceholder.setVisible( !(myModuleBuilder instanceof TemplateModuleBuilder) && myExpertPanel.getComponentCount() > 0); for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { myModulePanel.getComponent(i).setVisible(!(myModuleBuilder instanceof EmptyModuleBuilder)); } myDescriptionPanel.setVisible(StringUtil.isNotEmpty(description)); mySettingsPanel.revalidate(); mySettingsPanel.repaint(); }
@NotNull private static String findMainClass(VirtualFile gradleHome, VirtualFile script, Project project) { final String userDefined = System.getProperty("gradle.launcher.class"); if (StringUtil.isNotEmpty(userDefined)) { return userDefined; } VirtualFile launcher = gradleHome.findFileByRelativePath("bin/gradle"); if (launcher == null) { launcher = gradleHome.findFileByRelativePath("bin/gradle.bat"); } if (launcher != null) { try { final String text = StringUtil.convertLineSeparators(VfsUtilCore.loadText(launcher)); final Matcher matcher = MAIN_CLASS_NAME_PATTERN.matcher(text); if (matcher.find()) { String candidate =; if (StringUtil.isNotEmpty(candidate)) { return candidate; } } } catch (IOException ignored) { } } final PsiFile grFile = PsiManager.getInstance(project).findFile(script); if (grFile != null && JavaPsiFacade.getInstance(project) .findClass("org.gradle.BootstrapMain", grFile.getResolveScope()) != null) { return "org.gradle.BootstrapMain"; } return "org.gradle.launcher.GradleMain"; }
protected boolean doSetIcon( DefaultMutableTreeNode node, @Nullable String path, Component component) { if (StringUtil.isNotEmpty(path) && !new File(path).isFile()) { Messages.showErrorDialog( component, IdeBundle.message("error.file.not.found.message", path), IdeBundle.message("title.choose.action.icon")); return false; } String actionId = getActionId(node); if (actionId == null) return false; final AnAction action = ActionManager.getInstance().getAction(actionId); if (action != null && action.getTemplatePresentation() != null) { if (StringUtil.isNotEmpty(path)) { Image image = null; try { image = ImageLoader.loadFromStream( VfsUtil.convertToURL(VfsUtil.pathToUrl(path.replace(File.separatorChar, '/'))) .openStream()); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.debug(e); } Icon icon = new File(path).exists() ? IconLoader.getIcon(image) : null; if (icon != null) { if (icon.getIconWidth() > EmptyIcon.ICON_18.getIconWidth() || icon.getIconHeight() > EmptyIcon.ICON_18.getIconHeight()) { Messages.showErrorDialog( component, IdeBundle.message("custom.icon.validation.message"), IdeBundle.message("title.choose.action.icon")); return false; } node.setUserObject(Pair.create(actionId, icon)); mySelectedSchema.addIconCustomization(actionId, path); } } else { node.setUserObject(Pair.create(actionId, null)); mySelectedSchema.removeIconCustomization(actionId); final DefaultMutableTreeNode nodeOnToolbar = findNodeOnToolbar(actionId); if (nodeOnToolbar != null) { editToolbarIcon(actionId, nodeOnToolbar); node.setUserObject(nodeOnToolbar.getUserObject()); } } return true; } return false; }
public static void addTypeAndClassifierAndVersion( @NotNull InsertionContext context, @NotNull MavenDomDependency dependency, @NotNull String groupId, @NotNull String artifactId) { if (!StringUtil.isEmpty(dependency.getVersion().getStringValue())) return; Project project = context.getProject(); if (!isInsideManagedDependency(dependency)) { MavenDomProjectModel model = DomUtil.<MavenDomProjectModel>getFileElement(dependency).getRootElement(); MavenDomDependency managedDependency = findManagedDependency(model, project, groupId, artifactId); if (managedDependency != null) { if (dependency.getClassifier().getXmlTag() == null && dependency.getType().getXmlTag() == null) { String classifier = managedDependency.getClassifier().getRawText(); if (StringUtil.isNotEmpty(classifier)) { dependency.getClassifier().setStringValue(classifier); } String type = managedDependency.getType().getRawText(); if (StringUtil.isNotEmpty(type)) { dependency.getType().setStringValue(type); } } return; } } MavenProjectIndicesManager manager = MavenProjectIndicesManager.getInstance(project); Set<String> versions = manager.getVersions(groupId, artifactId); if (versions.size() == 1) { dependency.getVersion().setStringValue(ContainerUtil.getFirstItem(versions)); return; } dependency.getVersion().setStringValue(""); int versionPosition = dependency.getVersion().getXmlTag().getValue().getTextRange().getStartOffset(); context.getEditor().getCaretModel().moveToOffset(versionPosition); if (versions.size() > 0) { invokeCompletion(context, CompletionType.BASIC); } }
@Override protected JComponent getRowPresentation( ParameterTableModelItemBase<ParameterInfoImpl> item, boolean selected, final boolean focused) { final JPanel panel = new JPanel(new BorderLayout()); final String typeText = item.typeCodeFragment.getText(); final String separator = StringUtil.repeatSymbol(' ', getTypesMaxLength() - typeText.length() + 1); String text = typeText + separator + item.parameter.getName(); final String defaultValue = item.defaultValueCodeFragment.getText(); String tail = ""; if (StringUtil.isNotEmpty(defaultValue)) { tail += " default value = " + defaultValue; } if (item.parameter.isUseAnySingleVariable()) { if (StringUtil.isNotEmpty(defaultValue)) { tail += ";"; } tail += " Use any var."; } if (!StringUtil.isEmpty(tail)) { text += " //" + tail; } final EditorTextField field = new EditorTextField(" " + text, getProject(), getFileType()) { @Override protected boolean shouldHaveBorder() { return false; } }; Font font = EditorColorsManager.getInstance().getGlobalScheme().getFont(EditorFontType.PLAIN); font = new Font(font.getFontName(), font.getStyle(), 12); field.setFont(font); if (selected && focused) { panel.setBackground(UIUtil.getTableSelectionBackground()); field.setAsRendererWithSelection( UIUtil.getTableSelectionBackground(), UIUtil.getTableSelectionForeground()); } else { panel.setBackground(UIUtil.getTableBackground()); if (selected && !focused) { panel.setBorder(new DottedBorder(UIUtil.getTableForeground())); } } panel.add(field, BorderLayout.WEST); return panel; }
@NotNull public PsiReference[] getReferences() { ProgressManager.checkCanceled(); final ASTNode startTagName = XmlChildRole.START_TAG_NAME_FINDER.findChild(this); if (startTagName == null) return PsiReference.EMPTY_ARRAY; final ASTNode endTagName = XmlChildRole.CLOSING_TAG_NAME_FINDER.findChild(this); List<PsiReference> refs = new ArrayList<PsiReference>(); String prefix = getNamespacePrefix(); TagNameReference startTagRef = TagNameReference.createTagNameReference(this, startTagName, true); refs.add(startTagRef); if (prefix.length() > 0) { refs.add(createPrefixReference(startTagName, prefix, startTagRef)); } if (endTagName != null) { TagNameReference endTagRef = TagNameReference.createTagNameReference(this, endTagName, false); refs.add(endTagRef); prefix = XmlUtil.findPrefixByQualifiedName(endTagName.getText()); if (StringUtil.isNotEmpty(prefix)) { refs.add(createPrefixReference(endTagName, prefix, endTagRef)); } } // ArrayList.addAll() makes a clone of the collection //noinspection ManualArrayToCollectionCopy for (PsiReference ref : ReferenceProvidersRegistry.getReferencesFromProviders(this, XmlTag.class)) { refs.add(ref); } return ContainerUtil.toArray(refs, new PsiReference[refs.size()]); }
private boolean hideAutopopupIfMeaningless() { if (!myLookup.isLookupDisposed() && isAutopopupCompletion() && !myLookup.isSelectionTouched() && !myLookup.isCalculating()) { myLookup.refreshUi(true); final List<LookupElement> items = myLookup.getItems(); for (LookupElement item : items) { if (!myLookup.itemPattern(item).equals(item.getLookupString())) { return false; } if (item.isValid()) { final LookupElementPresentation presentation = new LookupElementPresentation(); item.renderElement(presentation); if (StringUtil.isNotEmpty(presentation.getTailText())) { return false; } } } myLookup.hideLookup(false); LOG.assertTrue(CompletionServiceImpl.getCompletionService().getCurrentCompletion() == null); CompletionServiceImpl.setCompletionPhase(new CompletionPhase.EmptyAutoPopup(this)); return true; } return false; }
@Override public boolean shouldCreateStub(ASTNode node) { PsiElement element = node.getPsi(); return element instanceof PerlMooseAugmentStatement && element.isValid() && StringUtil.isNotEmpty(((PerlMooseAugmentStatement) element).getSubName()); }
public void setText(String value) { try { XmlText text = null; if (StringUtil.isNotEmpty(value)) { final XmlText[] texts = getTextElements(); if (texts.length == 0) { text = (XmlText) myTag.add( XmlElementFactory.getInstance(myTag.getProject()).createDisplayText("x")); } else { text = texts[0]; } text.setValue(value); } if (myElements.length > 0) { for (final XmlTagChild child : myElements) { if (child != text) { child.delete(); } } } } catch (IncorrectOperationException e) { LOG.error(e); } }
private static Collection<FqName> computeSuggestions(@NotNull JetSimpleNameExpression element) { final PsiFile file = element.getContainingFile(); if (!(file instanceof JetFile)) { return Collections.emptyList(); } final String referenceName = element.getReferencedName(); if (!StringUtil.isNotEmpty(referenceName)) { return Collections.emptyList(); } assert referenceName != null; List<FqName> result = Lists.newArrayList(); result.addAll(getClassNames(referenceName, (JetFile) file)); result.addAll(getJetTopLevelFunctions(referenceName, element, file.getProject())); result.addAll(getJetExtensionFunctions(referenceName, element, file.getProject())); return Collections2.filter( result, new Predicate<FqName>() { @Override public boolean apply(@Nullable FqName fqName) { assert fqName != null; return ImportInsertHelper.doNeedImport( new ImportPath(fqName, false), null, (JetFile) file); } }); }
protected static void setRunnerPath( Project project, GeneralCommandLine commandLine, PythonRunParams config) { String interpreterPath = getInterpreterPath(project, config); if (StringUtil.isNotEmpty(interpreterPath)) { commandLine.setExePath(FileUtil.toSystemDependentName(interpreterPath)); } }
public TestDataReferenceCollector(@Nullable String testDataPath, String testName) { if (StringUtil.isNotEmpty(testDataPath) && StringUtil.endsWithChar(testDataPath, File.separatorChar)) { testDataPath += File.separatorChar; } myTestDataPath = testDataPath; myTestName = testName; }
private boolean matches(@NotNull String text) { if (isUnitTest) { final SpeedSearchComparator comparator = mySpeedSearch.getComparator(); return StringUtil.isNotEmpty(myTestSearchFilter) && comparator.matchingFragments(myTestSearchFilter, text) != null; } return mySpeedSearch.matchingFragments(text) != null; }
@Override public Iterable<TextRange> matchingFragments(@NotNull String text) { if (!isPopupActive()) return null; final SpeedSearchComparator comparator = getComparator(); final String recentSearchText = comparator.getRecentSearchText(); return StringUtil.isNotEmpty(recentSearchText) ? comparator.matchingFragments(recentSearchText, text) : null; }
public static void addJavaHome(@NotNull JavaParameters params, @NotNull Module module) { final Sdk sdk = ModuleRootManager.getInstance(module).getSdk(); if (sdk != null && sdk.getSdkType() instanceof JavaSdkType) { String path = StringUtil.trimEnd(sdk.getHomePath(), File.separator); if (StringUtil.isNotEmpty(path)) { params.addEnv("JAVA_HOME", FileUtil.toSystemDependentName(path)); } } }
public static void openTipInBrowser( String tipFileName, JEditorPane browser, Class providerClass) { TipAndTrickBean tip = TipAndTrickBean.findByFileName(tipFileName); if (tip == null && StringUtil.isNotEmpty(tipFileName)) { tip = new TipAndTrickBean(); tip.fileName = tipFileName; } openTipInBrowser(tip, browser); }
public String suggestBranchName(Task task) { if (task.isIssue() && StringUtil.isNotEmpty(task.getNumber())) { return task.getId().replace(' ', '-'); } else { String summary = task.getSummary(); List<String> words = StringUtil.getWordsIn(summary); String[] strings = ArrayUtil.toStringArray(words); return StringUtil.join(strings, 0, Math.min(2, strings.length), "-"); } }
private static void suggestCollectionUtilities( CompletionParameters parameters, final CompletionResultSet result, PsiElement position) { if (StringUtil.isNotEmpty(result.getPrefixMatcher().getPrefix())) { for (ExpectedTypeInfo info : JavaSmartCompletionContributor.getExpectedTypes(parameters)) { new CollectionsUtilityMethodsProvider( position, info.getType(), info.getDefaultType(), result) .addCompletions(true); } } }
public boolean satisfies(@NotNull PsiElement element, @NotNull ResolveState state) { final String name = PsiUtilCore.getName(element); if (StringUtil.isNotEmpty(name) && (myMatcher == null || myMatcher.value(name))) { if (myFilter.isClassAcceptable(element.getClass()) && myFilter.isAcceptable( new CandidateInfo(element, state.get(PsiSubstitutor.KEY)), myElement)) { return true; } } return false; }
@NotNull private static XmlFileHeader calcXmlFileHeader(final PsiFile file) { // if (file.getFileType() == XmlFileType.INSTANCE) { // VirtualFile virtualFile = file.getVirtualFile(); // if (virtualFile instanceof VirtualFileWithId) { // ObjectStubTree tree = StubTreeLoader.getInstance().readFromVFile(file.getProject(), // virtualFile); // if (tree != null) { // return ((FileStub)tree.getRoot()).getHeader(); // } // } // } if (file instanceof XmlFile && file.getNode().isParsed()) { final XmlDocument document = ((XmlFile) file).getDocument(); if (document != null) { String publicId = null; String systemId = null; final XmlProlog prolog = document.getProlog(); if (prolog != null) { final XmlDoctype doctype = prolog.getDoctype(); if (doctype != null) { publicId = doctype.getPublicId(); systemId = doctype.getSystemId(); if (systemId == null) { systemId = doctype.getDtdUri(); } } } final XmlTag tag = document.getRootTag(); if (tag != null) { String localName = tag.getLocalName(); if (StringUtil.isNotEmpty(localName)) { if (tag.getPrevSibling() instanceof PsiErrorElement) { return XmlFileHeader.EMPTY; } String psiNs = tag.getNamespace(); return new XmlFileHeader( localName, psiNs == XmlUtil.EMPTY_URI || Comparing.equal(psiNs, systemId) ? null : psiNs, publicId, systemId); } } } return XmlFileHeader.EMPTY; } if (!file.isValid()) return XmlFileHeader.EMPTY; return NanoXmlUtil.parseHeader(file); }
@NotNull @Override public GrReferenceListStub createStub(@NotNull T psi, StubElement parentStub) { List<String> refNames = new ArrayList<>(); for (GrCodeReferenceElement element : psi.getReferenceElementsGroovy()) { final String name = GrStubUtils.getReferenceName(element); if (StringUtil.isNotEmpty(name)) { refNames.add(name); } } return new GrReferenceListStub(parentStub, this, ArrayUtil.toStringArray(refNames)); }
@Nullable public static String getReferenceSignature( FunctionReference functionReference, char trimKey, int equalParameterCount) { String refSignature = functionReference.getSignature(); if (StringUtil.isEmpty(refSignature)) { return null; } PsiElement[] parameters = functionReference.getParameters(); if (parameters.length != equalParameterCount) { return null; } PsiElement parameter = parameters[0]; // we already have a string value if ((parameter instanceof StringLiteralExpression)) { String param = ((StringLiteralExpression) parameter).getContents(); if (StringUtil.isNotEmpty(param)) { return refSignature + trimKey + param; } return null; } // whitelist here; we can also provide some more but think of performance // Service::NAME, $this->name and Entity::CLASS; if (parameter instanceof PhpReference && (parameter instanceof ClassConstantReference || parameter instanceof FieldReference)) { String signature = ((PhpReference) parameter).getSignature(); if (StringUtil.isNotEmpty(signature)) { return refSignature + trimKey + signature; } return null; } return null; }
private void updateRightPanel() { setOKActionEnabled(myCurrentTemplateItem != null); String description = myCurrentTemplateItem != null ? myCurrentTemplateItem.getDescription() : null; if (StringUtil.isNotEmpty(description)) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("<html><body><font face=\"Verdana\" "); sb.append(SystemInfo.isMac ? "" : "size=\"-1\"").append('>'); sb.append(description).append("</font></body></html>"); description = sb.toString(); } myDescriptionPane.setText(description); myDescriptionPanel.setVisible(description != null); JComponent component = myCurrentTemplateItem != null ? myCurrentTemplateItem.getSettings() : null; myTemplateSettings.removeAll(); if (component != null) { myTemplateSettings.add( component, new GridConstraints( 0, 0, 1, 1, GridConstraints.ANCHOR_NORTHWEST, GridConstraints.FILL_BOTH, GridConstraints.SIZEPOLICY_CAN_SHRINK | GridConstraints.SIZEPOLICY_CAN_GROW, GridConstraints.SIZEPOLICY_CAN_SHRINK | GridConstraints.SIZEPOLICY_CAN_GROW, null, null, null)); myTemplateSettings.add( myProjectFormatPanel.getPanel(), new GridConstraints( 1, 0, 1, 1, GridConstraints.ANCHOR_NORTHWEST, GridConstraints.FILL_HORIZONTAL, GridConstraints.SIZEPOLICY_CAN_SHRINK | GridConstraints.SIZEPOLICY_CAN_GROW, GridConstraints.SIZEPOLICY_FIXED, null, null, null, 1)); } if (myCurrentTemplateItem != null) myCurrentTemplateItem.setNewProjectPath(myProjectPath.getPath()); myTemplateSettingsHolder.setVisible(component != null); }
public static String[] getAnnotationNames(PsiModifierListOwner psi) { List<String> annoNames = ContainerUtil.newArrayList(); final PsiModifierList modifierList = psi.getModifierList(); if (modifierList instanceof GrModifierList) { for (GrAnnotation annotation : ((GrModifierList) modifierList).getRawAnnotations()) { final String name = annotation.getShortName(); if (StringUtil.isNotEmpty(name)) { annoNames.add(name); } } } return ArrayUtil.toStringArray(annoNames); }
@Override public boolean isApplicable(PsiFile file, int offset, boolean wrapping) { PostfixTemplatesSettings settings = PostfixTemplatesSettings.getInstance(); if (wrapping || file == null || settings == null || !settings.isPostfixTemplatesEnabled() || PsiUtilCore.getLanguageAtOffset(file, offset) != JavaLanguage.INSTANCE) { return false; } return StringUtil.isNotEmpty( computeTemplateKeyWithoutContextChecking(file.getText(), offset + 1)); }
public static void addJavaHome(@NotNull JavaParameters params, @NotNull Module module) { final Sdk sdk = ModuleUtilCore.getSdk(module, JavaModuleExtensionImpl.class); if (sdk != null && sdk.getSdkType() instanceof JavaSdkType) { String path = StringUtil.trimEnd(sdk.getHomePath(), File.separator); if (StringUtil.isNotEmpty(path)) { Map<String, String> env = params.getEnv(); if (env == null) { env = new HashMap<String, String>(); params.setEnv(env); } env.put("JAVA_HOME", FileUtil.toSystemDependentName(path)); } } }
private static boolean reportError(ErrorState state, PsiBuilder builder_, boolean force) { String expectedText = state.getExpectedText(builder_); boolean notEmpty = StringUtil.isNotEmpty(expectedText); if (force || notEmpty) { final String gotText = builder_.eof() ? "unexpected end of file" : notEmpty ? "got '" + builder_.getTokenText() + "'" : "'" + builder_.getTokenText() + "' unexpected"; builder_.error(expectedText + gotText); return true; } return false; }
@Nullable private static String getQuickNavigateInfo(PsiElement element) { final String name = ElementDescriptionUtil.getElementDescription(element, UsageViewShortNameLocation.INSTANCE); if (StringUtil.isEmpty(name)) return null; final String typeName = ElementDescriptionUtil.getElementDescription(element, UsageViewTypeLocation.INSTANCE); final PsiFile file = element.getContainingFile(); final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); if (StringUtil.isNotEmpty(typeName)) sb.append(typeName).append(" "); sb.append("\"").append(name).append("\""); if (file != null && file.isPhysical()) { sb.append(" [").append(file.getName()).append("]"); } return sb.toString(); }
public static boolean isEnabled(VirtualFile virtualFile) { boolean enabled = true; if (virtualFile != null) { // FileMode mode = modeFromFile(virtualFile); /*if (mode != null) { enabled = false; } else*/ if (!virtualFile.isDirectory()) { FileType fileType = FileTypeManager.getInstance().getFileTypeByFile(virtualFile); if (StringUtil.isNotEmpty(virtualFile.getExtension()) && fileType.isBinary()) { enabled = false; } } } return enabled; }
private static boolean reportError( PsiBuilder builder, ErrorState state, Frame frame, IElementType elementType, boolean force, boolean advance) { String expectedText = state.getExpectedText(builder); boolean notEmpty = StringUtil.isNotEmpty(expectedText); if (force || notEmpty || advance) { String gotText = builder.eof() ? "unexpected end of file" : notEmpty ? "got '" + builder.getTokenText() + "'" : "'" + builder.getTokenText() + "' unexpected"; String message = expectedText + gotText; if (advance) { PsiBuilder.Marker mark = builder.mark(); builder.advanceLexer(); mark.error(message); } else if (!force) { PsiBuilder.Marker extensionMarker = null; IElementType extensionTokenType = null; PsiBuilderImpl.ProductionMarker latestDoneMarker = elementType == null ? null : (PsiBuilderImpl.ProductionMarker) builder.getLatestDoneMarker(); if (latestDoneMarker != null && frame.position >= latestDoneMarker.getStartIndex() && frame.position <= latestDoneMarker.getEndIndex()) { extensionMarker = ((PsiBuilder.Marker) latestDoneMarker).precede(); extensionTokenType = latestDoneMarker.getTokenType(); ((PsiBuilder.Marker) latestDoneMarker).drop(); } builder.error(message); if (extensionMarker != null) extensionMarker.done(extensionTokenType); } else { builder.error(message); } builder.eof(); // skip whitespaces frame.errorReportedAt = builder.rawTokenIndex(); return true; } return false; }