  public byte[] contentsToByteArray(@NotNull final VirtualFile file, boolean cacheContent)
      throws IOException {
    InputStream contentStream = null;
    boolean reloadFromDelegate;
    boolean outdated;
    int fileId;
    synchronized (myInputLock) {
      fileId = getFileId(file);
      outdated = checkFlag(fileId, MUST_RELOAD_CONTENT) || FSRecords.getLength(fileId) == -1L;
      reloadFromDelegate = outdated || (contentStream = readContent(file)) == null;

    if (reloadFromDelegate) {
      final NewVirtualFileSystem delegate = getDelegate(file);

      final byte[] content;
      if (outdated) {
        // in this case, file can have out-of-date length. so, update it first (it's needed for
        // correct contentsToByteArray() work)
        // see IDEA-90813 for possible bugs
        FSRecords.setLength(fileId, delegate.getLength(file));
        content = delegate.contentsToByteArray(file);
      } else {
        // a bit of optimization
        content = delegate.contentsToByteArray(file);
        FSRecords.setLength(fileId, content.length);

      ApplicationEx application = (ApplicationEx) ApplicationManager.getApplication();
      // we should cache every local files content
      // because the local history feature is currently depends on this cache,
      // perforce offline mode as well
      if ((!delegate.isReadOnly()
              // do not cache archive content unless asked
              cacheContent && !application.isInternal() && !application.isUnitTestMode())
          && content.length <= PersistentFSConstants.FILE_LENGTH_TO_CACHE_THRESHOLD) {
        synchronized (myInputLock) {
          writeContent(file, new ByteSequence(content), delegate.isReadOnly());
          setFlag(file, MUST_RELOAD_CONTENT, false);

      return content;
    } else {
      try {
        final int length = (int) file.getLength();
        assert length >= 0 : file;
        return FileUtil.loadBytes(contentStream, length);
      } catch (IOException e) {
        throw FSRecords.handleError(e);