public static void closeAndDisposeProjectAndCheckThatNoOpenProjects( @NotNull Project projectToClose, @NotNull List<Throwable> exceptions) { try { ProjectManagerEx projectManager = ProjectManagerEx.getInstanceEx(); if (projectManager instanceof ProjectManagerImpl) { for (Project project : projectManager.closeTestProject(projectToClose)) { exceptions.add( new IllegalStateException( "Test project is not disposed: " + project + ";\n created in: " + getCreationPlace(project))); try { ((ProjectManagerImpl) projectManager).closeProject(project, false, true, false); } catch (Throwable e) { exceptions.add(e); } } } } catch (Throwable e) { exceptions.add(e); } finally { AccessToken token = WriteAction.start(); try { Disposer.dispose(projectToClose); } catch (Throwable e) { exceptions.add(e); } finally { token.finish(); } } }
public boolean tryToSetUpGroovyFacetOnTheFly(final Module module) { final Project project = module.getProject(); final Library[] libraries = getAllSDKLibraries(project); if (libraries.length > 0) { final Library library = libraries[0]; int result = Messages.showOkCancelDialog( GroovyBundle.message( "", module.getName(), library.getName(), getSDKLibVersion(library)), GroovyBundle.message(""), JetgroovyIcons.Groovy.Groovy_32x32); if (result == Messages.OK) { AccessToken accessToken = WriteAction.start(); try { ModifiableRootModel model = ModuleRootManager.getInstance(module).getModifiableModel(); LibraryOrderEntry entry = model.addLibraryEntry(libraries[0]); LibrariesUtil.placeEntryToCorrectPlace(model, entry); model.commit(); return true; } finally { accessToken.finish(); } } } return false; }
void disposeIndicator() { // our offset map should be disposed under write action, so that duringCompletion (read action) // won't access it after disposing AccessToken token = WriteAction.start(); try { Disposer.dispose(this); } finally { token.finish(); } }
@Nullable private PsiType inferClosureReturnType() { final ExtractClosureHelperImpl mockHelper = new ExtractClosureHelperImpl( myInfo, "__test___n_", false, new TIntArrayList(), false, 0, false, false, false); final PsiType returnType; final AccessToken token = WriteAction.start(); try { returnType = ExtractClosureProcessorBase.generateClosure(mockHelper).getReturnType(); } finally { token.finish(); } return returnType; }
private void insertString(VirtualFile file, int offset, @NotNull CharSequence s) throws InterruptedException { final Document document = FileDocumentManager.getInstance().getDocument(file); assertNotNull(document); AccessToken token = WriteAction.start(); try { document.insertString(offset, s); } finally { token.finish(); } semaphore.down(); PsiDocumentManager.getInstance(myProject).commitAllDocuments(); FileDocumentManager.getInstance().saveAllDocuments(); await(); }
@Override protected void moveOffsetAfter(boolean success) { RangeMarker exprMarker = getExprMarker(); final AccessToken accessToken = WriteAction.start(); try { Document document = myEditor.getDocument(); // todo restore original expression if not success PsiDocumentManager.getInstance(myProject).commitDocument(document); if (exprMarker != null && exprMarker.isValid()) { myEditor.getCaretModel().moveToOffset(exprMarker.getStartOffset()); myEditor.getScrollingModel().scrollToCaret(ScrollType.MAKE_VISIBLE); exprMarker.dispose(); } } finally { accessToken.finish(); } }
protected void deleteClassFile(final String className) throws IOException { AccessToken token = WriteAction.start(); try { if (useJps()) { //noinspection ConstantConditions touch( JavaPsiFacade.getInstance(getProject()) .findClass(className) .getContainingFile() .getVirtualFile()); } else { //noinspection ConstantConditions findClassFile(className).delete(this); } } finally { token.finish(); } }
private static boolean undoEvents( LookupImpl lookup, @NotNull final LinkedList<EditorChangeAction> events) { AccessToken token = WriteAction.start(); try { return lookup.performGuardedChange( new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { for (EditorChangeAction event : events) { event.performUndo(); } } }, events.toString()); } finally { token.finish(); } }
public static VirtualFile createTestProjectStructure( String tempName, Module module, String rootPath, Collection<File> filesToDelete, boolean addProjectRoots) throws IOException { File dir = FileUtil.createTempDirectory(tempName, null, false); filesToDelete.add(dir); VirtualFile vDir = LocalFileSystem.getInstance() .refreshAndFindFileByPath(dir.getCanonicalPath().replace(File.separatorChar, '/')); assert vDir != null && vDir.isDirectory() : dir; PlatformTestCase.synchronizeTempDirVfs(vDir); EdtTestUtil.runInEdtAndWait( () -> { AccessToken token = WriteAction.start(); try { if (rootPath != null) { VirtualFile vDir1 = LocalFileSystem.getInstance() .findFileByPath(rootPath.replace(File.separatorChar, '/')); if (vDir1 == null) { throw new Exception(rootPath + " not found"); } VfsUtil.copyDirectory(null, vDir1, vDir, null); } if (addProjectRoots) { addSourceContentToRoots(module, vDir); } } finally { token.finish(); } }); return vDir; }
@Override public void updateProjectStructure(final @NotNull Module module) { if (!MvcModuleStructureUtil.isEnabledStructureUpdate()) return; final VirtualFile root = findAppRoot(module); if (root == null) return; AccessToken token = WriteAction.start(); try { MvcModuleStructureUtil.updateModuleStructure( module, createProjectStructure(module, false), root); if (hasSupport(module)) { MvcModuleStructureUtil.updateAuxiliaryPluginsModuleRoots(module, this); MvcModuleStructureUtil.updateGlobalPluginModule(module.getProject(), this); } } finally { token.finish(); } final Project project = module.getProject(); ChangeListManager.getInstance(project) .addFilesToIgnore(IgnoredBeanFactory.ignoreUnderDirectory(getUserHomeGriffon(), project)); }
public static VirtualFile[] configureByFiles( @Nullable VirtualFile rawProjectRoot, VirtualFile[] files, @Nullable VirtualFile[] auxiliaryFiles, Module module, @Nullable TripleFunction<ModifiableRootModel, VirtualFile, List<String>, Void> moduleInitializer) throws Exception { return WriteAction.compute( () -> { VirtualFile dummyRoot = VirtualFileManager.getInstance().findFileByUrl("temp:///"); //noinspection ConstantConditions dummyRoot.refresh(false, false); final VirtualFile sourceDir = dummyRoot.createChildDirectory(DesignerTests.class, "s"); assert sourceDir != null; final IndexableFileSet indexableFileSet = new IndexableFileSet() { @Override public boolean isInSet(@NotNull final VirtualFile file) { return file.getFileSystem() == sourceDir.getFileSystem(); } @Override public void iterateIndexableFilesIn( @NotNull final VirtualFile file, @NotNull final ContentIterator iterator) { if (file.isDirectory()) { for (VirtualFile child : file.getChildren()) { iterateIndexableFilesIn(child, iterator); } } else { iterator.processFile(file); } } }; FileBasedIndex.getInstance().registerIndexableSet(indexableFileSet, module.getProject()); Disposer.register( module, new Disposable() { @Override public void dispose() { FileBasedIndex.getInstance().removeIndexableSet(indexableFileSet); ApplicationManager.getApplication() .runWriteAction( () -> { try { sourceDir.delete(null); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } }); } }); final ModifiableRootModel rootModel = ModuleRootManager.getInstance(module).getModifiableModel(); VirtualFile[] toFiles = copyFiles(files, sourceDir, rawProjectRoot); if (auxiliaryFiles != null) { copyFiles(auxiliaryFiles, sourceDir, rawProjectRoot); } rootModel.addContentEntry(sourceDir).addSourceFolder(sourceDir, false); final List<String> libs = new ArrayList<>(); if (moduleInitializer != null) {, sourceDir, libs); } rootModel.commit(); for (String path : libs) { VirtualFile virtualFile = path.charAt(0) != '/' ? getFile("lib", path) : getFile(path); FlexTestUtils.addLibrary( module, path, virtualFile.getParent().getPath(), virtualFile.getName(), null, null); } return toFiles; }); }
@Override public void actionPerformed(AnActionEvent e) { DataContext dataContext = e.getDataContext(); final Editor editor = CommonDataKeys.EDITOR.getData(dataContext); PsiFile file = CommonDataKeys.PSI_FILE.getData(dataContext); final Project project = file.getProject(); PsiDocumentManager.getInstance(project).commitAllDocuments(); final TextRange selection = new TextRange( editor.getSelectionModel().getSelectionStart(), editor.getSelectionModel().getSelectionEnd()); PsiElement current = file.findElementAt(selection.getStartOffset()); int startOffset = selection.getStartOffset(); while (current instanceof PsiWhiteSpace) { current = current.getNextSibling(); if (current == null) break; startOffset = current.getTextRange().getStartOffset(); } if (startOffset >= selection.getEndOffset()) startOffset = selection.getStartOffset(); final PsiElement[] psiElements = PsiTreeUtil.collectElements( file, new PsiElementFilter() { @Override public boolean isAccepted(PsiElement element) { return selection.contains(element.getTextRange()) && element.getReferences().length > 0; } }); final Document document = EditorFactory.getInstance() .createDocument( editor.getDocument().getText().substring(startOffset, selection.getEndOffset())); final boolean isXml = file.getLanguage().is(StdLanguages.XML); final int offsetDelta = startOffset; new WriteCommandAction.Simple(project, (String) null) { @Override protected void run() throws Throwable { Map<RangeMarker, String> rangeToText = new HashMap<RangeMarker, String>(); for (PsiElement element : psiElements) { for (PsiReference reference : element.getReferences()) { if (!(reference instanceof PsiQualifiedReference) || ((PsiQualifiedReference) reference).getQualifier() == null) { String canonicalText = reference.getCanonicalText(); LOG.assertTrue(canonicalText != null, reference.getClass()); TextRange referenceRange = reference.getRangeInElement(); final TextRange elementTextRange = element.getTextRange(); LOG.assertTrue(elementTextRange != null, elementTextRange); final TextRange range = elementTextRange.cutOut(referenceRange).shiftRight(-offsetDelta); final String oldText = document.getText(range); // workaround for Java references: canonicalText contains generics, and we need to cut // them off because otherwise // they will be duplicated int pos = canonicalText.indexOf('<'); if (pos > 0 && !oldText.contains("<")) { canonicalText = canonicalText.substring(0, pos); } if (isXml) { // strip namespace prefixes pos = canonicalText.lastIndexOf(':'); if (pos >= 0 && pos < canonicalText.length() - 1 && !oldText.contains(":")) { canonicalText = canonicalText.substring(pos + 1); } } if (!canonicalText.equals(oldText)) { rangeToText.put(document.createRangeMarker(range), canonicalText); } } } } for (Map.Entry<RangeMarker, String> entry : rangeToText.entrySet()) { document.replaceString( entry.getKey().getStartOffset(), entry.getKey().getEndOffset(), entry.getValue()); } } }.execute(); final TemplateImpl template = new TemplateImpl( TemplateListPanel.ABBREVIATION, document.getText(), TemplateSettings.USER_GROUP_NAME); template.setToReformat(true); PsiFile copy; AccessToken token = WriteAction.start(); try { copy = TemplateManagerImpl.insertDummyIdentifier(editor, file); } finally { token.finish(); } Set<TemplateContextType> applicable = TemplateManagerImpl.getApplicableContextTypes(copy, startOffset); for (TemplateContextType contextType : TemplateManagerImpl.getAllContextTypes()) { template.getTemplateContext().setEnabled(contextType, applicable.contains(contextType)); } final LiveTemplatesConfigurable configurable = new LiveTemplatesConfigurable(); ShowSettingsUtil.getInstance() .editConfigurable( project, configurable, () -> configurable.getTemplateListPanel().addTemplate(template)); }