public Notification( @NotNull String groupDisplayId, @NotNull Icon icon, @Nullable String title, @Nullable String subtitle, @Nullable String content, @NotNull NotificationType type, @Nullable NotificationListener listener) { myGroupId = groupDisplayId; myTitle = StringUtil.notNullize(title); myContent = StringUtil.notNullize(content); myType = type; myListener = listener; myTimestamp = System.currentTimeMillis(); myIcon = icon; mySubtitle = subtitle; LOG.assertTrue( isTitle() || isContent(), "Notification should have title: " + title + " and/or subtitle and/or content groupId: " + myGroupId); id = String.valueOf(System.currentTimeMillis()) + "." + String.valueOf(System.identityHashCode(this)); }
private boolean handshake() { boolean res; long started = System.currentTimeMillis(); do { try { res = myPydevConsoleCommunication.handshake(); } catch (XmlRpcException ignored) { res = false; } if (res) { break; } else { long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); if (now - started > APPROPRIATE_TO_WAIT) { break; } else { try { Thread.sleep(100); } catch (InterruptedException ignored) { } } } } while (true); return res; }
public static InputEvent getInputEvent(String actionName) { final Shortcut[] shortcuts = KeymapManager.getInstance().getActiveKeymap().getShortcuts(actionName); KeyStroke keyStroke = null; for (Shortcut each : shortcuts) { if (each instanceof KeyboardShortcut) { keyStroke = ((KeyboardShortcut) each).getFirstKeyStroke(); if (keyStroke != null) break; } } if (keyStroke != null) { return new KeyEvent( JOptionPane.getRootFrame(), KeyEvent.KEY_PRESSED, System.currentTimeMillis(), keyStroke.getModifiers(), keyStroke.getKeyCode(), keyStroke.getKeyChar(), KeyEvent.KEY_LOCATION_STANDARD); } else { return new MouseEvent( JOptionPane.getRootFrame(), MouseEvent.MOUSE_PRESSED, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, false, MouseEvent.BUTTON1); } }
/** * @param groupDisplayId this should be a human-readable, capitalized string like "Facet * Detector". It will appear in "Notifications" configurable. * @param title notification title * @param content notification content * @param type notification type * @param listener notification lifecycle listener */ public Notification( @NotNull String groupDisplayId, @NotNull String title, @NotNull String content, @NotNull NotificationType type, @Nullable NotificationListener listener) { myGroupId = groupDisplayId; myTitle = title; myContent = content; myType = type; myListener = listener; myTimestamp = System.currentTimeMillis(); LOG.assertTrue( isContent(), "Notification should have content, title: " + title + ", groupId: " + myGroupId); id = String.valueOf(System.currentTimeMillis()) + "." + String.valueOf(hashCode()); }
private static int readInt(Scanner s, Process process) throws ExecutionException { long started = System.currentTimeMillis(); while (System.currentTimeMillis() - started < PORTS_WAITING_TIMEOUT) { if (s.hasNextLine()) { String line = s.nextLine(); try { return Integer.parseInt(line); } catch (NumberFormatException ignored) { continue; } } try { Thread.sleep(200); } catch (InterruptedException ignored) { } if (process.exitValue() != 0) { String error; try { error = "Console process terminated with error:\n" + StreamUtil.readText(process.getErrorStream()); } catch (Exception ignored) { error = "Console process terminated with exit code " + process.exitValue(); } throw new ExecutionException(error); } else { break; } } throw new ExecutionException("Couldn't read integer value from stream"); }
public void showPreview(@Nullable ResourceItem element) { CardLayout layout = (CardLayout) myPreviewPanel.getLayout(); if (element == null || element.getGroup().getType() == ResourceType.ID) {, NONE); return; } try { VirtualFile file = element.getFile(); if (file == null) { String value = element.getPreviewString(); if (value == null) { java.util.List<ResourceElement> resources = element.getPreviewResources(); if (resources == null) { long time = System.currentTimeMillis(); resources = myManager.findValueResources( element.getGroup().getType().getName(), element.toString()); if (ApplicationManagerEx.getApplicationEx().isInternal()) { System.out.println("Time: " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - time)); // XXX } int size = resources.size(); if (size == 1) { value = getResourceElementValue(resources.get(0)); element.setPreviewString(value); } else if (size > 1) { resources = new ArrayList<ResourceElement>(resources); Collections.sort( resources, new Comparator<ResourceElement>() { @Override public int compare(ResourceElement element1, ResourceElement element2) { PsiDirectory directory1 = element1.getXmlTag().getContainingFile().getParent(); PsiDirectory directory2 = element2.getXmlTag().getContainingFile().getParent(); if (directory1 == null && directory2 == null) { return 0; } if (directory2 == null) { return 1; } if (directory1 == null) { return -1; } return directory1.getName().compareTo(directory2.getName()); } }); DefaultComboBoxModel model = new DefaultComboBoxModel(); String defaultSelection = null; for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { ResourceElement resource = resources.get(i); PsiDirectory directory = resource.getXmlTag().getContainingFile().getParent(); String name = directory == null ? "unknown-" + i : directory.getName(); model.addElement(name); if (defaultSelection == null && "values".equalsIgnoreCase(name)) { defaultSelection = name; } } element.setPreviewResources(resources, model, defaultSelection); showComboPreview(element); return; } else {, NONE); return; } } else { showComboPreview(element); return; } } if (value == null) {, NONE); return; } myTextArea.setText(value);, TEXT); } else if (ImageFileTypeManager.getInstance().isImage(file)) { Icon icon = element.getPreviewIcon(); if (icon == null) { icon = new SizedIcon(100, 100, new ImageIcon(file.getPath())); element.setPreviewIcon(icon); } myImageComponent.setIcon(icon);, IMAGE); } else if (file.getFileType() == XmlFileType.INSTANCE) { String value = element.getPreviewString(); if (value == null) { value = new String(file.contentsToByteArray()); element.setPreviewString(value); } myTextArea.setText(value); myTextArea.setEditable(false);, TEXT); } else {, NONE); } } catch (IOException e) {, NONE); } }
public static long measure(@NotNull Runnable actionToMeasure) { long start = System.currentTimeMillis();; long finish = System.currentTimeMillis(); return finish - start; }
public void assertTiming() { assert expectedMs != 0 : "Must call .expect() before run test"; if (COVERAGE_ENABLED_BUILD) return; while (true) { attempts--; long start; try { if (setup != null); start = System.currentTimeMillis();; } catch (Throwable throwable) { throw new RuntimeException(throwable); } long finish = System.currentTimeMillis(); long duration = finish - start; int expectedOnMyMachine = expectedMs; if (adjustForCPU) { expectedOnMyMachine = adjust(expectedOnMyMachine, Timings.CPU_TIMING, Timings.ETALON_CPU_TIMING); expectedOnMyMachine = usesAllCPUCores ? expectedOnMyMachine * 8 / JobSchedulerImpl.CORES_COUNT : expectedOnMyMachine; } if (adjustForIO) { expectedOnMyMachine = adjust(expectedOnMyMachine, Timings.IO_TIMING, Timings.ETALON_IO_TIMING); } // Allow 10% more in case of test machine is busy. String logMessage = message; if (duration > expectedOnMyMachine) { int percentage = (int) (100.0 * (duration - expectedOnMyMachine) / expectedOnMyMachine); logMessage += ": " + percentage + "% longer"; } logMessage += ". Expected: " + formatTime(expectedOnMyMachine) + ". Actual: " + formatTime(duration) + "." + Timings.getStatistics(); final double acceptableChangeFactor = 1.1; if (duration < expectedOnMyMachine) { int percentage = (int) (100.0 * (expectedOnMyMachine - duration) / expectedOnMyMachine); logMessage = percentage + "% faster. " + logMessage;; System.out.println("SUCCESS: " + logMessage); } else if (duration < expectedOnMyMachine * acceptableChangeFactor) { TeamCityLogger.warning(logMessage, null); System.out.println("WARNING: " + logMessage); } else { // try one more time if (attempts == 0) { // try { // Object result = // Class.forName("com.intellij.util.ProfilingUtil").getMethod("captureCPUSnapshot").invoke(null); // System.err.println("CPU snapshot captured in '"+result+"'"); // } // catch (Exception e) { // } throw new AssertionFailedError(logMessage); } System.gc(); System.gc(); System.gc(); String s = "Another epic fail (remaining attempts: " + attempts + "): " + logMessage; TeamCityLogger.warning(s, null); System.err.println(s); // if (attempts == 1) { // try { // // Class.forName("com.intellij.util.ProfilingUtil").getMethod("startCPUProfiling").invoke(null); // } // catch (Exception e) { // } // } continue; } break; } }