private static void createValueResource(
     @NotNull PsiFile file,
     @NotNull AndroidFacet facet,
     @NotNull PsiDirectory dir,
     @NotNull final String resName,
     @NotNull final String value,
     @NotNull final ResourceType type,
     @NotNull final String oldTagText) {
   final String filename = file.getName();
   final List<String> dirNames = Collections.singletonList(dir.getName());
   final Module module = facet.getModule();
   final AtomicReference<PsiElement> openAfter = new AtomicReference<PsiElement>();
   final WriteCommandAction<Void> action =
       new WriteCommandAction<Void>(
           facet.getModule().getProject(), "Override Resource " + resName, file) {
         protected void run(@NotNull Result<Void> result) {
           List<ResourceElement> elements = Lists.newArrayListWithExpectedSize(1);
           // AndroidResourceUtil.createValueResource will create a new resource value in the given
           // resource
           // folder (and record the corresponding tags added in the elements list passed into it).
           // However, it only creates a new element and sets the name attribute on it; it does not
           // transfer attributes, child content etc. Therefore, we use this utility method first
           // to
           // create the corresponding tag, and then *afterwards* we will replace the tag with a
           // text copy
           // from the resource tag we are overriding. We do this all under a single write lock
           // such
           // that it becomes a single atomic operation.
               module, resName, type, filename, dirNames, value, elements);
           if (elements.size() == 1) {
             final XmlTag tag = elements.get(0).getXmlTag();
             if (tag != null && tag.isValid()) {
               try {
                 XmlTag tagFromText =
                 PsiElement replaced = tag.replace(tagFromText);
               } catch (IncorrectOperationException e) {
                 // The user tried to override an invalid XML fragment: don't attempt to do a
                 // replacement in that case
   PsiElement tag = openAfter.get();
   if (tag != null) {
     NavigationUtil.openFileWithPsiElement(tag, true, true);