@Override protected void complete(final int time) { new CodeCompletionHandlerBase(type, false, false, true) .invokeCompletion(getProject(), getEditor(), time, false); Lookup lookup = LookupManager.getActiveLookup(myEditor); myItems = lookup == null ? null : lookup.getItems().toArray(LookupElement.EMPTY_ARRAY); myPrefix = lookup == null ? null : lookup.itemPattern(lookup.getItems().get(0)); }
public void update(final AnActionEvent e) { final EditorEx editor = myLanguageConsole.getConsoleEditor(); final Lookup lookup = LookupManager.getActiveLookup(editor); e.getPresentation() .setEnabled( !editor.isRendererMode() && !myProcessHandler.isProcessTerminated() && (lookup == null || !(lookup.isCompletion() && lookup.isFocused()))); }
private static void addCurrentlySelectedItemToTop( Lookup lookup, List<LookupElement> items, LinkedHashSet<LookupElement> model) { if (!lookup.isSelectionTouched()) { LookupElement lastSelection = lookup.getCurrentItem(); if (ContainerUtil.indexOfIdentity(items, lastSelection) >= 0) { model.add(lastSelection); } } }
private void adjustPositionForLookup(@NotNull Lookup lookup) { if (!myHint.isVisible() || myEditor.isDisposed()) { Disposer.dispose(this); return; } IdeTooltip tooltip = myHint.getCurrentIdeTooltip(); if (tooltip != null) { JRootPane root = myEditor.getComponent().getRootPane(); if (root != null) { Point p = tooltip.getShowingPoint().getPoint(root.getLayeredPane()); if (lookup.isPositionedAboveCaret()) { if (Position.above == tooltip.getPreferredPosition()) { myHint.pack(); myHint.updatePosition(Position.below); myHint.updateLocation(p.x, p.y + tooltip.getPositionChangeY()); } } else { if (Position.below == tooltip.getPreferredPosition()) { myHint.pack(); myHint.updatePosition(Position.above); myHint.updateLocation(p.x, p.y - tooltip.getPositionChangeY()); } } } } }
private void invokeCompletion(final ExpressionContext context) { final Project project = context.getProject(); final Editor editor = context.getEditor(); final PsiFile psiFile = editor != null ? PsiUtilBase.getPsiFileInEditor(editor, project) : null; Runnable runnable = () -> { if (project.isDisposed() || editor == null || editor.isDisposed() || psiFile == null || !psiFile.isValid()) return; // it's invokeLater, so another completion could have started if (CompletionServiceImpl.getCompletionService().getCurrentCompletion() != null) return; CommandProcessor.getInstance() .executeCommand( project, () -> { // if we're in some completion's insert handler, make sure our new completion // isn't treated as the second invocation CompletionServiceImpl.setCompletionPhase(CompletionPhase.NoCompletion); invokeCompletionHandler(project, editor); Lookup lookup = LookupManager.getInstance(project).getActiveLookup(); if (lookup != null) { lookup.addLookupListener( new MyLookupListener(context, myCheckCompletionChar)); } }, "", null); }; ApplicationManager.getApplication().invokeLater(runnable); }
public static StatisticsUpdate collectStatisticChanges(LookupElement item, final Lookup lookup) { applyLastCompletionStatisticsUpdate(); final StatisticsInfo base = StatisticsWeigher.getBaseStatisticsInfo(item, null); if (base == StatisticsInfo.EMPTY) { return new StatisticsUpdate(StatisticsInfo.EMPTY); } StatisticsUpdate update = new StatisticsUpdate( StatisticsWeigher.composeStatsWithPrefix(base, lookup.itemPattern(item), true)); ourPendingUpdate = update; Disposer.register( update, new Disposable() { @Override public void dispose() { //noinspection AssignmentToStaticFieldFromInstanceMethod ourPendingUpdate = null; } }); return update; }
@Override public Result acceptChar(char c, final int prefixLength, final Lookup lookup) { if (!lookup.getPsiFile().getLanguage().isKindOf(JavaLanguage.INSTANCE)) { return null; } LookupElement item = lookup.getCurrentItem(); if (item == null) return null; final Object o = item.getObject(); if (c == '!') { if (o instanceof PsiVariable) { if (PsiType.BOOLEAN.isAssignableFrom(((PsiVariable) o).getType())) return Result.SELECT_ITEM_AND_FINISH_LOOKUP; } if (o instanceof PsiMethod) { final PsiType type = ((PsiMethod) o).getReturnType(); if (type != null && PsiType.BOOLEAN.isAssignableFrom(type)) return Result.SELECT_ITEM_AND_FINISH_LOOKUP; } if (o instanceof PsiKeyword && ((PsiKeyword) o).textMatches(PsiKeyword.INSTANCEOF)) { return Result.SELECT_ITEM_AND_FINISH_LOOKUP; } return null; } if (c == '.' && isWithinLiteral(lookup)) return Result.ADD_TO_PREFIX; if (c == ':') { PsiFile file = lookup.getPsiFile(); PsiDocumentManager.getInstance(file.getProject()) .commitDocument(lookup.getEditor().getDocument()); PsiElement leaf = file.findElementAt(lookup.getEditor().getCaretModel().getOffset() - 1); if (PsiUtil.getLanguageLevel(file).isAtLeast(LanguageLevel.JDK_1_8)) { PsiStatement statement = PsiTreeUtil.getParentOfType(leaf, PsiStatement.class); if (statement == null || statement.getTextRange().getStartOffset() != leaf.getTextRange().getStartOffset()) { // not typing a statement label return Result.SELECT_ITEM_AND_FINISH_LOOKUP; } } if (PsiTreeUtil.getParentOfType(leaf, PsiSwitchLabelStatement.class) != null || PsiTreeUtil.getParentOfType(leaf, PsiConditionalExpression.class) != null) { return Result.SELECT_ITEM_AND_FINISH_LOOKUP; } return Result.HIDE_LOOKUP; } if (c == '[' || c == ']' || c == ')' || c == '>') return CharFilter.Result.SELECT_ITEM_AND_FINISH_LOOKUP; if (c == '<' && o instanceof PsiClass) return Result.SELECT_ITEM_AND_FINISH_LOOKUP; if (c == '(') { if (o instanceof PsiClass) { if (PsiJavaPatterns.psiElement() .afterLeaf(PsiKeyword.NEW) .accepts(lookup.getPsiElement())) { return Result.SELECT_ITEM_AND_FINISH_LOOKUP; } return Result.HIDE_LOOKUP; } if (o instanceof PsiType) { return Result.HIDE_LOOKUP; } } if ((c == ',' || c == '=') && o instanceof PsiVariable) { int lookupStart = lookup.getLookupStart(); String name = ((PsiVariable) o).getName(); if (lookupStart >= 0 && name != null && name.equals(lookup.itemPattern(item))) { return Result.HIDE_LOOKUP; } } if (c == '#' && PsiTreeUtil.getParentOfType(lookup.getPsiElement(), PsiDocComment.class) != null) { if (o instanceof PsiClass) { return Result.SELECT_ITEM_AND_FINISH_LOOKUP; } } if (c == '(' && PsiKeyword.RETURN.equals(item.getLookupString())) { return Result.HIDE_LOOKUP; } return null; }
private static boolean isWithinLiteral(final Lookup lookup) { PsiElement psiElement = lookup.getPsiElement(); return psiElement != null && psiElement.getParent() instanceof PsiLiteralExpression; }