public Map<String, String> getUriToDocument( FileDownloadNotificationProperties properties, String identifier, List<User> users) { if (properties == null || ListUtil.isEmpty(users)) { return null; } Map<String, String> uris = new HashMap<String, String>(users.size()); for (User user : users) { uris.put(user.getId(), properties.getUrl()); } return uris; }
public Collection<Phone> getPhones() { IWContext iwc = getIwc(); if (!iwc.isLoggedOn()) { return Collections.emptyList(); } User user = iwc.getCurrentUser(); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Collection<Phone> phones = user.getPhones(); if (ListUtil.isEmpty(phones)) { return Collections.emptyList(); } return phones; }
public Collection<Email> getEmails() { IWContext iwc = getIwc(); if (!iwc.isLoggedOn()) { return Collections.emptyList(); } User user = iwc.getCurrentUser(); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Collection<Email> emails = user.getEmails(); if (ListUtil.isEmpty(emails)) { return Collections.emptyList(); } return emails; }
public Table getListTable(IWContext iwc) throws RemoteException { Table table = new Table(2, this.USERS_PER_PAGE + 1); table.setCellspacing(0); table.setCellpadding(2); table.setWidth(Table.HUNDRED_PERCENT); table.setHorizontalZebraColored( IWConstants.DEFAULT_INTERFACE_COLOR, IWConstants.DEFAULT_LIGHT_INTERFACE_COLOR); int row = 1; int rowHeight = 12; table.setHeight(table.getRows() * rowHeight); table.add(getTitleText(localize("user", "User")), 1, row); table.add(getTitleText(localize("personal_id", "Personal ID")), 2, row); table.setRowColor(row, IWConstants.DEFAULT_DARK_INTERFACE_COLOR); table.setHeight(row, rowHeight); if (this.users != null) { /** Calculating page....starts */ int start = this.currentPage * this.USERS_PER_PAGE; Iterator iter = this.users.iterator(); for (int i = 0; i < start; i++) { if (iter.hasNext()) {; } } /** Calculating page....ends */ int counter = 0; User user; Link link; String pId; while (iter.hasNext() && counter < this.USERS_PER_PAGE) { ++counter; ++row; table.setHeight(row, rowHeight); user = (User); pId = user.getPersonalID(); if (pId == null) { pId = "-"; } link = getLink(getText(user.getName()), iwc); link.addParameter(this.PARAMETER_USER_ID, user.getPrimaryKey().toString()); table.add(link, 1, row); table.add(getText(pId), 2, row); } } return table; }
public Table getListTable(IWContext iwc) throws RemoteException { Table table = new Table(3, this.USERS_PER_PAGE + 1); table.setCellspacing(0); table.setCellpadding(2); table.setWidth("100%"); table.setHorizontalZebraColored("#C1C3B4", "#FFFFFF"); int row = 1; int rowHeight = 12; table.setHeight(table.getRows() * rowHeight); table.add(getTitleText(localize("user", "User")), 1, row); table.add(getTitleText(localize("school", "School")), 2, row); table.add(getTitleText(localize("personal_id", "Personal ID")), 3, row); table.setRowColor(row, "#74858D"); table.setHeight(row, rowHeight); if (this.users != null) { int start = this.currentPage * this.USERS_PER_PAGE; Iterator iter = this.users.iterator(); for (int i = 0; i < start; i++) { if (iter.hasNext()) {; } } String pId; for (int counter = 0; iter.hasNext() && counter < this.USERS_PER_PAGE; table.add(getText(pId), 3, row)) { counter++; row++; table.setHeight(row, rowHeight); User user = (User); pId = user.getPersonalID(); if (pId == null) { pId = "-"; } Link link = getLink(getText(user.getName()), iwc); link.addParameter(this.PARAMETER_USER_ID, user.getPrimaryKey().toString()); table.add(link, 1, row); table.add(getText(getSchoolName(user)), 2, row); } } return table; }
public School getProvider() throws RemoteException { if (getUserContext().isLoggedOn()) { User user = getUserContext().getCurrentUser(); Object userID = user.getPrimaryKey(); if (this.iUserPK != null && this.iUserPK.equals(userID)) { if (this.iProvider != null) { return this.iProvider; } else { return getSchoolIDFromUser(user); } } else { this.iUserPK = userID; return getSchoolIDFromUser(user); } } else { return null; } }
/* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see is.idega.idegaweb.member.presentation.UserEditor#getCommune( */ protected Commune getCommune(IWContext iwc, User user) { try { if (user != null) { CommuneUserBusiness communeUserService = getCommuneUserService(iwc); Group communeGroup = communeUserService.getRootCitizenGroup(); Integer ID = communeGroup != null ? (Integer) communeGroup.getPrimaryKey() : new Integer(-1); if (user.getPrimaryGroupID() == ID.intValue() || user.hasRelationTo(communeGroup)) { if (super.showDefaultCommuneOption) { return getCommuneBusiness(iwc).getCommuneHome().findDefaultCommune(); } else { return null; } } } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(System.err); } return null; }
public void main(IWContext iwc) throws Exception { _iwc = iwc; userID = iwc.getUserId(); if (userID > 0) { user = ((UserBusiness) IBOLookup.getServiceInstance(iwc, UserBusiness.class)).getUser(userID); } imageCircleD = getBundle(iwc).getImage("circleDown.gif"); imageCircleU = getBundle(iwc).getImage("circleUp.gif"); imageBgVert = getBundle(iwc).getImage("bgbeigeVert.gif"); imageBgVertOut = getBundle(iwc).getImage("bgbeigeVert1.gif"); // add(getOverviewForm(iwc)); if (user != null && user.getDateOfBirth() != null) age = new Age(user.getDateOfBirth()); else if (user != null && user.getPersonalID() != null) age = new Age(PIDChecker.getInstance().getDateFromPersonalID(user.getPersonalID())); add(getOverviewForm()); }
public Object addComment(CommentsViewerProperties properties) { if (properties == null || properties.getEntryId() == null) { LOGGER.warning("Properties are not provided or entry ID is unknown: " + properties); return null; } try { boolean hasFullRightsForComments = hasFullRightsForComments(properties.getIdentifier()); CommentHome commentHome = getCommentHome(); Comment comment = commentHome.create(); comment.setEntryId(properties.getEntryId()); comment.setCommentHolder(String.valueOf(properties.getIdentifier())); boolean hasReplyToId = properties.getReplyForComment() == null ? false : properties.getReplyForComment() < 0 ? false : true; boolean privateComment = hasReplyToId || !hasFullRightsForComments; comment.setPrivateComment(privateComment); comment.setReplyForCommentId(properties.getReplyForComment()); comment.setAnnouncedToPublic(hasFullRightsForComments && !privateComment); User author = getLoggedInUser(); if (author != null) { comment.setAuthorId(Integer.valueOf(author.getId())); }; addAttachment(properties, comment); return comment.getPrimaryKey(); } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "Error creating " + Comment.class, e); } return null; }
public String getUserNameDWR(String personalID, String localeStr) { try { if (personalID != null && !personalID.trim().equals("")) { UserHome uHome = (UserHome) IDOLookup.getHome(User.class); User user = uHome.findByPersonalID(personalID); return user.getName(); } else { return ""; } } catch (IDOLookupException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (FinderException e) { } try { IWContext iwc = IWContext.getInstance(); Locale locale = iwc.getCurrentLocale(); IWResourceBundle iwrb = getBundle().getResourceBundle(locale); return iwrb.getLocalizedString("landsmot.user_not_found", "User not found"); } catch (UnavailableIWContext e) { return "User not found"; } }
/** * @see * com.idega.presentation.ui.AbstractChooserWindow#displaySelection(com.idega.presentation.IWContext) */ public void displaySelection(IWContext iwc) { String uId = iwc.getParameter(this.PARAMETER_USER_ID); if (uId != null) { try { User user = getUserHome().findByPrimaryKey(new Integer(uId)); Page page = getParentPage(); page.setOnLoad(SELECT_FUNCTION_NAME + "('" + user.getName() + "','" + uId + "')"); } catch (RemoteException e) { } catch (FinderException e) { } } else { init(iwc); addTitle(this.iwrb.getLocalizedString("select_a_user", "Select a user"), TITLE_STYLECLASS); this.form.maintainParameter(SCRIPT_PREFIX_PARAMETER); this.form.maintainParameter(SCRIPT_SUFFIX_PARAMETER); this.form.maintainParameter(DISPLAYSTRING_PARAMETER_NAME); this.form.maintainParameter(VALUE_PARAMETER_NAME); Table mainTable = new Table(1, 4); mainTable.setStyleClass(this.mainTableStyle); mainTable.setWidth(Table.HUNDRED_PERCENT); mainTable.setBorder(0); mainTable.add(getHeaderTable(iwc), 1, 1); mainTable.add(getNavigationTable(iwc), 1, 3); try { mainTable.add(getListTable(iwc), 1, 4); } catch (RemoteException r) { throw new RuntimeException(r.getMessage()); } this.form.add(mainTable); add(this.form, iwc); } }
Collection<Object> ejbFindAllCommentsForUser(User author, String commentHolder) throws FinderException { Table table = new Table(this); SelectQuery query = new SelectQuery(table); query.addColumn(new Column(table, getIDColumnName())); query.addCriteria( new MatchCriteria(new Column(table, COLUMN_AUTHOR), MatchCriteria.EQUALS, author.getId())); query.addCriteria( new MatchCriteria( new Column(table, COLUMN_COMMENT_HOLDER), MatchCriteria.EQUALS, commentHolder)); addNotDeletedCriteria(query, table); return this.idoFindPKsByQuery(query); }
public String getUriToAttachment(String commentId, ICFile attachment, User user) { URIUtil uri = new URIUtil(IWMainApplication.getDefaultIWMainApplication().getMediaServletURI()); uri.setParameter( MediaWritable.PRM_WRITABLE_CLASS, IWMainApplication.getEncryptedClassName(CommentAttachmentDownloader.class)); uri.setParameter(ArticleCommentAttachmentStatisticsViewer.COMMENT_ID_PARAMETER, commentId); uri.setParameter( ArticleCommentAttachmentStatisticsViewer.COMMENT_ATTACHMENT_ID_PARAMETER, attachment.getPrimaryKey().toString()); if (user != null) { uri.setParameter(LoginBusinessBean.PARAM_LOGIN_BY_UNIQUE_ID, user.getUniqueId()); uri.setParameter(LoginBusinessBean.LoginStateParameter, LoginBusinessBean.LOGIN_EVENT_LOGIN); } return uri.getUri(); }
public Table getPupilTable(IWContext iwc, User pupil) { // *** Search Table *** START - the uppermost table Table table = new Table(); table.setWidth("100%"); table.setBorder(0); table.setCellpadding(2); table.setCellspacing(0); this.transGIF.setHeight("1"); this.transGIF.setWidth("1"); int row = 1; int col = 1; // add empty space row table.add(this.transGIF, col++, row); table.add(this.transGIF, col++, row); table.add(this.transGIF, col++, row); table.add(this.transGIF, col++, row); table.add(this.transGIF, col++, row); // Set COLUMN WIDTH for column 1 to 5 table.setWidth(1, row, "100"); // table.setWidth(2, row, "70"); // table.setWidth(3, row, "70"); // table.setWidth(4, row, "70"); // table.setWidth(5, row, "104"); row++; col = 1; // *** HEADING Pupil *** Text pupilTxt = new Text(localize(KEY_PUPIL_HEADING, "Pupil")); pupilTxt.setFontStyle(STYLE_UNDERLINED_SMALL_HEADER); table.add(pupilTxt, col++, row); table.setRowHeight(row, "20"); table.setRowVerticalAlignment(row, Table.VERTICAL_ALIGN_BOTTOM); row++; col = 1; // empty space row table.add(this.transGIF, col, row); table.setRowHeight(row, "5"); col = 1; row++; // Personal Id Number table.add(getSmallHeader(localize(KEY_PERSONAL_ID_LABEL, "Personal id: ")), col++, row); if (pupil != null) { table.add(getSmallText(pupil.getPersonalID()), col++, row); } row++; col = 1; // Last Name table.add(getSmallHeader(localize(KEY_LAST_NAME_LABEL, "Last name: ")), col++, row); Table nameTable = new Table(); col = 1; nameTable.setCellpadding(0); nameTable.setCellspacing(0); if (pupil != null) { nameTable.add(getSmallText(pupil.getLastName()), col++, 1); } // First Name nameTable.add(getSmallHeader(localize(KEY_FIRST_NAME_LABEL, "First name: ")), col++, 1); if (pupil != null) { nameTable.add(getSmallText(pupil.getFirstName()), col++, 1); } nameTable.setWidth(1, 1, "100"); nameTable.setWidth(2, 1, "100"); nameTable.setWidth(3, 1, "100"); table.add(nameTable, 2, row); table.mergeCells(2, row, 5, row); row++; col = 1; // Address and Phone table.add(getSmallHeader(localize(KEY_ADDRESS_LABEL, "Address: ")), col++, row); row++; col = 1; table.add(getSmallHeader(localize(KEY_PHONE_LABEL, "Phone: ")), col++, row); if (pupil != null) { try { // pupil address Address address = getUserBusiness(iwc).getUsersMainAddress(pupil); StringBuffer aBuf = new StringBuffer(address.getStreetAddress()); aBuf.append(", "); aBuf.append(address.getPostalCode().getPostalAddress()); row--; table.add(getSmallText(aBuf.toString()), col, row); row++; // Get pupil phones Collection phones = pupil.getPhones(); int i = 0; int phonesSize = phones.size(); StringBuffer pBuf = new StringBuffer(); for (Iterator iter = phones.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); i++) { Phone phone = (Phone); pBuf.append(phone.getNumber()); if (i < phonesSize - 1) { pBuf.append(", "); } } pBuf.append(" "); table.add(getSmallText(pBuf.toString()), col, row); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } row++; col = 1; return table; }
private Table2 getRaceParticipantListForEvent( IWContext iwc, List eventParticipants, RaceEvent raceEvent) throws RemoteException { Table2 table = new Table2(); table.setStyleClass("raceParticipantTable"); table.setStyleClass("ruler"); table.setWidth("100%"); table.setCellpadding(0); table.setCellspacing(0); TableRowGroup group = table.createHeaderRowGroup(); TableRow row = group.createRow(); TableCell2 cell = row.createHeaderCell(); cell.setStyleClass("firstColumn"); cell.setStyleClass("raceNumber"); cell.add( new Text(getResourceBundle().getLocalizedString("race_participant_list.race_number", "#"))); cell = row.createHeaderCell(); cell.setStyleClass("name"); cell.add( new Text(getResourceBundle().getLocalizedString("", "Name"))); cell = row.createHeaderCell(); cell.setStyleClass("raceVehicle"); cell.add( new Text( getResourceBundle() .getLocalizedString("race_participant_list.race_vehicle", "Race vehicle"))); cell = row.createHeaderCell(); cell.setStyleClass("raceVehicleSubtype"); cell.add( new Text( getResourceBundle() .getLocalizedString("race_participant_list.race_vehicle_subtype", "Subtype"))); cell = row.createHeaderCell(); cell.setStyleClass("raceEngineCC"); cell.add( new Text( getResourceBundle() .getLocalizedString("race_participant_list.race_engine_CC", "Engine CC"))); cell = row.createHeaderCell(); cell.setStyleClass("raceEngine"); cell.add( new Text( getResourceBundle().getLocalizedString("race_participant_list.race_engine", "Engine"))); cell = row.createHeaderCell(); cell.setStyleClass("raceTeam"); cell.add( new Text( getResourceBundle().getLocalizedString("race_participant_list.race_team", "Team"))); cell = row.createHeaderCell(); cell.setStyleClass("raceSponsor"); cell.add( new Text( getResourceBundle() .getLocalizedString("race_participant_list.race_sponsor", "Sponsor"))); group = table.createBodyRowGroup(); int iRow = 1; if (!ListUtil.isEmpty(eventParticipants)) { Iterator iter = eventParticipants.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { Participant participant = (Participant); if (participant == null) { getLogger().warning("Participant is unknown for race event: " + raceEvent); continue; } row = group.createRow(); User user = null; RaceUserSettings settings = null; try { user = participant.getUser(); settings = this.getRaceBusiness(iwc).getRaceUserSettings(user); } catch (Exception e) { getLogger() .log( Level.WARNING, "Error getting settings for participant " + participant + ", user: "******"" : "(ID: " + user.getId() + ")") + ". Race event: " + raceEvent, e); } if (user == null) { getLogger() .warning( "User can not be found for participant " + participant + ", race event: " + raceEvent); } if (settings == null) { getLogger() .warning( "Settings can not be found for participant " + participant + ", race event: " + raceEvent); } if (iRow == 1) { row.setStyleClass("firstRow"); } else if (!iter.hasNext()) { row.setStyleClass("lastRow"); } cell = row.createCell(); cell.setStyleClass("firstColumn"); cell.setStyleClass("raceNumber"); cell.add(new Text(participant.getRaceNumber() != null ? participant.getRaceNumber() : "")); cell = row.createCell(); cell.setStyleClass("name"); cell.add(new Text(user != null ? user.getName() : "")); cell = row.createCell(); cell.setStyleClass("raceVehicle"); String raceVehicleString = ""; if (settings != null && settings.getVehicleType() != null) { raceVehicleString = getResourceBundle() .getLocalizedString( settings.getVehicleType().getLocalizationKey(), settings.getVehicleType().getLocalizationKey()); } cell.add(new Text(raceVehicleString)); cell = row.createCell(); cell.setStyleClass("raceVehicleSubtype"); String raceVehicleSubtypeString = ""; if (settings != null && settings.getVehicleSubType() != null) { raceVehicleSubtypeString = getResourceBundle() .getLocalizedString( settings.getVehicleSubType().getLocalizationKey(), settings.getVehicleSubType().getLocalizationKey()); } cell.add(new Text(raceVehicleSubtypeString)); cell = row.createCell(); cell.setStyleClass("raceEngineCC"); cell.add( new Text( settings == null ? "" : settings.getEngineCC() != null ? settings.getEngineCC() : "")); cell = row.createCell(); cell.setStyleClass("raceEngine"); cell.add( new Text( settings == null ? "" : settings.getEngine() != null ? settings.getEngine() : "")); cell = row.createCell(); cell.setStyleClass("raceTeam"); cell.add( new Text(settings == null ? "" : settings.getTeam() != null ? settings.getTeam() : "")); StringBuffer sponsorString = new StringBuffer(""); if (settings != null && settings.getSponsor() != null) { if (settings.getSponsor().length() > 30) { sponsorString.append(settings.getSponsor().substring(0, 30)); } else { sponsorString.append(settings.getSponsor()); } } cell = row.createCell(); cell.setStyleClass("raceSponsor"); cell.add(new Text(sponsorString.toString())); if (iRow % 2 == 0) { row.setStyleClass("evenRow"); } else { row.setStyleClass("oddRow"); } iRow++; } } else { getLogger().warning("Participants not provided"); } return table; }
/** * @param updateName * @param user */ public User handleNames( User user, String firstName, String middleName, String lastName, String preferredNameIndex, boolean store) { boolean updateName = false; if (firstName == null || firstName.trim().equals("")) { if (user.getFirstName() != null) { firstName = user.getFirstName(); } else { firstName = ""; } } /* * Setting middleName as "", required for the rest of the code */ if (middleName != null && !middleName.equals("")) { firstName = firstName + " " + middleName; middleName = ""; } else { middleName = ""; } if (lastName == null || lastName.trim().equals("")) { if (user.getLastName() != null) { lastName = user.getLastName(); } else { lastName = ""; } } if (preferredNameIndex == null) { preferredNameIndex = "10"; } StringBuffer fullname = new StringBuffer(); /* * Preferred name handling. */ if (preferredNameIndex != null) { fullname.append(firstName).append(" ").append(middleName).append(" ").append(lastName); int index = Integer.parseInt(preferredNameIndex); int refName1 = index / 10; int refName2 = index % 10; if (refName2 > 0) { String fullName = fullname.toString(); String preferredName1 = getValueAtIndexFromNameString(refName1, fullName); String preferredName2 = getValueAtIndexFromNameString(refName2, fullName); firstName = preferredName1 + " " + preferredName2; firstName = TextSoap.findAndReplace(firstName, " ", " "); /* * Remember MIDDLE NAME is always "" in the beginning. Removing * lastName since last name should only be changed when moving * name to firstName */ middleName = TextSoap.findAndCut(fullName, lastName); middleName = TextSoap.findAndCut(middleName, preferredName1); middleName = TextSoap.findAndCut(middleName, preferredName2); middleName = TextSoap.findAndReplace(middleName, " ", " "); lastName = TextSoap.findAndCut(lastName, preferredName2); lastName = TextSoap.findAndReplace(lastName, " ", " "); updateName = true; } else if (refName1 > 0) { String fullName = fullname.toString(); String preferredName = getValueAtIndexFromNameString(refName1, fullName); if (middleName.equals("")) { middleName = firstName; } else { if (middleName.startsWith(" ")) { middleName = firstName + middleName; } else { middleName = firstName + " " + middleName; } } firstName = preferredName; middleName = TextSoap.findAndCut(middleName, preferredName); middleName = TextSoap.findAndReplace(middleName, " ", " "); if (refName1 > 1 && !lastName.equals(preferredName)) { lastName = TextSoap.findAndCut(lastName, preferredName); lastName = TextSoap.findAndReplace(lastName, " ", " "); } updateName = true; } } if (lastName.startsWith("Van ") && !updateName) { StringBuffer half = new StringBuffer(); half.append(firstName).append(" ").append(middleName); String halfName = half.toString(); firstName = getValueAtIndexFromNameString(1, halfName); middleName = halfName.substring( Math.min(halfName.indexOf(" ") + 1, halfName.length()), halfName.length()); middleName = TextSoap.findAndReplace(middleName, " ", " "); updateName = true; } /* * Needed because createUser uses the method setFullName that splits the * name with it's own rules */ if (updateName) { if (firstName != null) { if (firstName.endsWith(" ")) { firstName = firstName.substring(0, firstName.length() - 1); } } if (middleName != null) { if (middleName.startsWith(" ")) { middleName = middleName.substring(1, middleName.length()); } if (middleName.endsWith(" ")) { middleName = middleName.substring(0, middleName.length() - 1); } } if (lastName != null) { if (lastName.startsWith(" ")) { lastName = lastName.substring(1, lastName.length()); } if (lastName.endsWith(" ")) { lastName = lastName.substring(0, lastName.length() - 1); } } user.setFirstName(firstName); user.setMiddleName(middleName); user.setLastName(lastName); } if (store) { try {; } catch (IDOStoreException e) { throw e; } } return user; }
private void updatePreferences(IWContext iwc) throws Exception { LoginTable loginTable = LoginDBHandler.getUserLogin(((Integer) user.getPrimaryKey()).intValue()); String login = loginTable.getUserLogin(); String currentPassword = iwc.getParameter(PARAMETER_CURRENT_PASSWORD); String newPassword1 = iwc.getParameter(PARAMETER_NEW_PASSWORD); String newPassword2 = iwc.getParameter(PARAMETER_NEW_PASSWORD_REPEATED); String errorMessage = null; boolean updatePassword = false; try { // if authorized by bank id we allow the user change his preferences if (authorizedByBankID(iwc)) { } else if (requirePasswordVerification && !LoginDBHandler.verifyPassword(login, currentPassword)) { throw new Exception(localize(KEY_PASSWORD_INVALID, DEFAULT_PASSWORD_INVALID)); } // Validate new password if (!newPassword1.equals("") || !newPassword2.equals("")) { if (newPassword1.equals("")) { throw new Exception(localize(KEY_PASSWORD_EMPTY, DEFAULT_PASSWORD_EMPTY)); } if (newPassword2.equals("")) { throw new Exception( localize(KEY_PASSWORD_REPEATED_EMPTY, DEFAULT_PASSWORD_REPEATED_EMPTY)); } if (!newPassword1.equals(newPassword2)) { throw new Exception(localize(KEY_PASSWORDS_NOT_SAME, DEFAULT_PASSWORDS_NOT_SAME)); } if (newPassword1.length() < MIN_PASSWORD_LENGTH) { throw new Exception(localize(KEY_PASSWORD_TOO_SHORT, DEFAULT_PASSWORD_TOO_SHORT)); } for (int i = 0; i < newPassword1.length(); i++) { char c = newPassword1.charAt(i); boolean isPasswordCharOK = false; if ((c >= 'a') && (c <= 'z')) { isPasswordCharOK = true; } else if ((c >= 'A') && (c <= 'Z')) { isPasswordCharOK = true; } else if ((c >= '0') && (c <= '9')) { isPasswordCharOK = true; } else if ((c == 'Œ') || (c == 'Š') || (c == 'š')) { isPasswordCharOK = true; } else if ((c == '?') || (c == '€') || (c == '…')) { isPasswordCharOK = true; } if (!isPasswordCharOK) { throw new Exception(localize(KEY_PASSWORD_CHAR_ILLEGAL, DEFAULT_PASSWORD_CHAR_ILLEGAL)); } } updatePassword = true; } } catch (Exception e) { errorMessage = e.getMessage(); } if (errorMessage != null) { add(getErrorText(" " + errorMessage)); } else { // Ok to update preferences // UserBusiness ub = (UserBusiness) IBOLookup.getServiceInstance(iwc, UserBusiness.class); if (updatePassword) { LoginDBHandler.updateLogin( ((Integer) user.getPrimaryKey()).intValue(), login, newPassword1); } } drawForm(iwc); if (errorMessage == null) { add(new Break()); add(getLocalizedText(KEY_PREFERENCES_SAVED, DEFAULT_PREFERENCES_SAVED)); } }
private void drawForm(IWContext iwc) { Form form = new Form(); Table T = new Table(); T.setCellpadding(2); T.setCellspacing(2); T.setBorder(0); form.add(T); Table table = new Table(); // table.setWidth(getWidth()); table.setCellpadding(2); table.setCellspacing(2); table.setBorder(0); T.add(table, 1, 1); T.setWidth(2, 1, "20"); T.setVerticalAlignment(1, 1, Table.VERTICAL_ALIGN_BOTTOM); T.setVerticalAlignment(3, 1, Table.VERTICAL_ALIGN_BOTTOM); int row = 1; String personalID = PersonalIDFormatter.format( user.getPersonalID(), iwc.getIWMainApplication().getSettings().getApplicationLocale()); table.add(new Break(2), 1, row); table.add(getSmallHeader(localize(KEY_PID, DEFAULT_PID)), 1, row); if (user.getPersonalID() != null) { table.add(getSmallText(personalID), 2, row); table.setVerticalAlignment(1, row, Table.VERTICAL_ALIGN_BOTTOM); table.setVerticalAlignment(2, row, Table.VERTICAL_ALIGN_BOTTOM); } row++; table.add(getSmallHeader(localize(KEY_LOGIN, DEFAULT_LOGIN)), 1, row); LoginTable loginTable = LoginDBHandler.getUserLogin(((Integer) user.getPrimaryKey()).intValue()); if (loginTable != null) { table.add(new HiddenInput(PARAMETER_OLD_LOGIN, loginTable.getUserLogin()), 2, row); table.add(getSmallText(loginTable.getUserLogin()), 2, row); table.setVerticalAlignment(1, row, Table.VERTICAL_ALIGN_BOTTOM); table.setVerticalAlignment(2, row, Table.VERTICAL_ALIGN_BOTTOM); } String valueCurrentPassword = iwc.getParameter(PARAMETER_CURRENT_PASSWORD) != null ? iwc.getParameter(PARAMETER_CURRENT_PASSWORD) : ""; String valueNewPassword = iwc.getParameter(PARAMETER_NEW_PASSWORD) != null ? iwc.getParameter(PARAMETER_NEW_PASSWORD) : ""; String valueNewPasswordRepeated = iwc.getParameter(PARAMETER_NEW_PASSWORD_REPEATED) != null ? iwc.getParameter(PARAMETER_NEW_PASSWORD_REPEATED) : ""; // Text tLogin = getSmallHeader(localize(KEY_LOGIN, DEFAULT_LOGIN)); Text tCurrentPassword = getSmallHeader(localize(KEY_CURRENT_PASSWORD, DEFAULT_CURRENT_PASSWORD)); Text tNewPassword = getSmallHeader(localize(KEY_NEW_PASSWORD, DEFAULT_NEW_PASSWORD)); Text tNewPasswordRepeated = getSmallHeader(localize(KEY_NEW_PASSWORD_REPEATED, DEFAULT_NEW_PASSWORD_REPEATED)); PasswordInput tiCurrentPassword = (PasswordInput) getStyledInterface(new PasswordInput(PARAMETER_CURRENT_PASSWORD)); if (valueCurrentPassword != null) { tiCurrentPassword.setValue(valueCurrentPassword); } PasswordInput tiNewPassword = (PasswordInput) getStyledInterface(new PasswordInput(PARAMETER_NEW_PASSWORD)); if (valueNewPassword != null) { tiNewPassword.setValue(valueNewPassword); } PasswordInput tiNewPasswordRepeated = (PasswordInput) getStyledInterface(new PasswordInput(PARAMETER_NEW_PASSWORD_REPEATED)); if (valueNewPasswordRepeated != null) { tiNewPasswordRepeated.setValue(valueNewPasswordRepeated); } SubmitButton sbUpdate = (SubmitButton) getStyledInterface( new SubmitButton( localize(KEY_UPDATE, DEFAULT_UPDATE), PARAMETER_FORM_SUBMIT, "true")); row++; table.setHeight(row, 12); if (requirePasswordVerification) { row++; table.add(tCurrentPassword, 1, row); table.add(tiCurrentPassword, 2, row); } row++; table.add(tNewPassword, 1, row); table.add(tiNewPassword, 2, row); row++; table.add(tNewPasswordRepeated, 1, row); table.add(tiNewPasswordRepeated, 2, row); row++; table.setHeight(row, 12); row++; table.mergeCells(1, row, 2, row); table.setAlignment(1, row, Table.HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_RIGHT); table.add(Text.NON_BREAKING_SPACE, 1, row); table.add(sbUpdate, 1, row); add(form); }
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") protected void processRequest(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp, boolean isPost) throws ServletException, IOException { ServerManager manager = getServerManager(); IWMainApplication iwma = IWMainApplication.getIWMainApplication(req); // extract the parameters from the request ParameterList requestParameters = new ParameterList(req.getParameterMap()); OpenIDServerBean serverBean = ELUtil.getInstance().getBean("openIDServerBean"); ParameterList sessionStoredParameterList = serverBean.getParameterList(); if (sessionStoredParameterList != null) { if (!requestParameters.hasParameter(OpenIDConstants.PARAMETER_OPENID_MODE)) { sessionStoredParameterList.addParams(requestParameters); requestParameters = sessionStoredParameterList; } } String mode = requestParameters.hasParameter(OpenIDConstants.PARAMETER_OPENID_MODE) ? requestParameters.getParameterValue(OpenIDConstants.PARAMETER_OPENID_MODE) : null; String realm = requestParameters.hasParameter(OpenIDConstants.PARAMETER_REALM) ? requestParameters.getParameterValue(OpenIDConstants.PARAMETER_REALM) : null; if (realm != null) { serverBean.setReturnUrl(realm); realm = getRealmName(realm); serverBean.setRealm(realm); } Message response; String responseText = null; try { if (OpenIDConstants.PARAMETER_ASSOCIATE.equals(mode)) { // --- process an association request --- response = manager.associationResponse(requestParameters); responseText = response.keyValueFormEncoding(); } else if (OpenIDConstants.PARAMETER_CHECKID_SETUP.equals(mode) || OpenIDConstants.PARAMETER_CHECKID_IMMEDIATE.equals(mode)) { IWContext iwc = new IWContext(req, resp, getServletContext()); boolean goToLogin = doRedirectToLoginPage(manager, requestParameters, iwc, realm); if (!goToLogin) { serverBean.setParameterList(null); serverBean.setServerUrl(null); serverBean.setDoRedirect(null); serverBean.setUsername(null); // interact with the user and obtain data needed to continue User user = iwc.getCurrentUser(); String userSelectedClaimedId = getUserSelectedClaimedId(iwc, user); // --- process an authentication request --- AuthRequest authReq = AuthRequest.createAuthRequest(requestParameters, manager.getRealmVerifier()); storeRequestedAttributesToSession(iwc, authReq); Boolean authenticatedAndApproved = isAuthenticatedAndApproved(iwc, user, authReq); String opLocalId = null; // if the user chose a different claimed_id than the one in request if (userSelectedClaimedId != null && !userSelectedClaimedId.equals(authReq.getClaimed())) { opLocalId = userSelectedClaimedId; } response = manager.authResponse( requestParameters, opLocalId, userSelectedClaimedId, authenticatedAndApproved.booleanValue(), false); // Sign after we added extensions. if (response instanceof DirectError) { directResponse(resp, response.keyValueFormEncoding()); return; } else if (response instanceof AuthFailure) { redirectToAuthorisationPage(req, resp, requestParameters, serverBean); return; } else { String[] extensionsToSign = prepareResponse(serverBean, response, iwc, user, authReq); boolean signExtensions = iwma.getSettings().getBoolean(OpenIDConstants.PROPERTY_SIGN_EXTENSIONS, false); AuthSuccess success = (AuthSuccess) response; if (signExtensions) { success.setSignExtensions(extensionsToSign); } // Sign the auth success message. // This is required as AuthSuccess.buildSignedList has a `todo' tag now. manager.sign(success); // caller will need to decide which of the following to use: // option1: GET HTTP-redirect to the return_to URL // cleanUpBeforeReturning(iwc, loginExpireHandle); // Clean up before returning serverBean.invalidate(); getDAO().createLogEntry(user.getUniqueId(), realm, ""); resp.sendRedirect(response.getDestinationUrl(true)); return; // option2: HTML FORM Redirection // RequestDispatcher dispatcher = // getServletContext().getRequestDispatcher("formredirection.jsp"); // httpReq.setAttribute("parameterMap", response.getParameterMap()); // httpReq.setAttribute("destinationUrl", response.getDestinationUrl(false)); // dispatcher.forward(request, response); // return null; } } else { redirectToLoginPage(req, resp, requestParameters, serverBean, manager); return; } } else if (OpenIDConstants.PARAMETER_CHECK_AUTHENTICATION.equals(mode)) { // --- processing a verification request --- response = manager.verify(requestParameters); responseText = response.keyValueFormEncoding(); } else { // --- error response --- response = DirectError.createDirectError("Unknown request"); responseText = response.keyValueFormEncoding(); serverBean.invalidate(); } } catch (MessageException me) { me.printStackTrace(); responseText = me.getMessage(); serverBean.invalidate(); } catch (AssociationException ae) { ae.printStackTrace(); responseText = ae.getMessage(); serverBean.invalidate(); } catch (ServerException se) { se.printStackTrace(); responseText = se.getMessage(); serverBean.invalidate(); } // return the result to the user directResponse(resp, responseText); }
/** * Send message and e-mail to all administrators for schools belonging to the specified * operational fields. * * @param subject the message subject * @param body the message body * @param operationalFields the operational field ids * @param onlyHomeCommune if true then messages are only sent to home commune schools * @return a collection of {school_name, headmaster} * @throws NoticeException if incomplete parameters or technical send error */ public Collection sendNotice( String subject, String body, String[] operationalFields, boolean onlyHomeCommune) throws NoticeException { if (body.equals("")) { throw new NoticeException(KEY_EMPTY_BODY, DEFAULT_EMPTY_BODY); } if (body.length() > 4000) { body = body.substring(0, 4000); } if (operationalFields == null) { throw new NoticeException(KEY_OPERATIONAL_FIELDS_EMPTY, DEFAULT_OPERATIONAL_FIELDS_EMPTY); } Map schoolCategories = new HashMap(); for (int i = 0; i < operationalFields.length; i++) { schoolCategories.put(operationalFields[i], operationalFields[i]); } int homeCommuneId = 0; try { CommuneHome communeHome = (CommuneHome) getIDOHome(Commune.class); Commune homeCommune = communeHome.findDefaultCommune(); homeCommuneId = ((Integer) homeCommune.getPrimaryKey()).intValue(); } catch (Exception e) { } Collection c = new ArrayList(); try { SchoolBusiness sb = getSchoolBusiness(); SchoolCategory childCareCategory = sb.getCategoryChildcare(); String childCareCategoryId = childCareCategory.getCategory(); HashMap messageReceivers = new HashMap(); HashMap emailReceivers = new HashMap(); Collection schoolTypes = sb.findAllSchoolTypes(); Iterator iter = schoolTypes.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { SchoolType st = (SchoolType); String sc = st.getSchoolCategory(); if (!schoolCategories.containsKey(sc)) { continue; } int schoolTypeId = ((Integer) st.getPrimaryKey()).intValue(); Collection schools = sb.findAllSchoolsByType(schoolTypeId); Iterator iter2 = schools.iterator(); while (iter2.hasNext()) { School school = (School); if (onlyHomeCommune) { if (school.getCommuneId() != homeCommuneId) { continue; } } Collection users = sb.getSchoolUsers(school); Iterator iter3 = users.iterator(); while (iter3.hasNext()) { SchoolUser schoolUser = (SchoolUser); User user = schoolUser.getUser(); Provider provider = new Provider(school); if (!sc.equals(childCareCategoryId) || (!school.getCentralizedAdministration() && !provider.getPaymentByInvoice())) { if (messageReceivers.get(user.getPrimaryKey()) == null) { String[] s = new String[2]; s[0] = school.getName(); s[1] = user.getName(); c.add(s); boolean sendEMail = true; Email email = getUserBusiness().getUserMail(user); String emailAddress = null; if (email != null) { emailAddress = email.getEmailAddress(); } if (emailAddress != null) { if (emailReceivers.get(emailAddress) != null) { sendEMail = false; } emailReceivers.put(emailAddress, user); } Message message = getMessageBusiness() .createUserMessage( null, user, null, null, subject, body, body, false, null, false, sendEMail);; messageReceivers.put(user.getPrimaryKey(), user); } } } } } } catch (RemoteException e) { throw new NoticeException(KEY_SYSTEM_ERROR, DEFAULT_SYSTEM_ERROR); } return c; }
/* (non-Javadoc) * @see java.util.Comparator#compare(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object) */ public int compare(User user1, User user2) { Name name1 = new Name(user1.getFirstName(), user1.getMiddleName(), user1.getLastName()); Name name2 = new Name(user2.getFirstName(), user2.getMiddleName(), user2.getLastName()); return, name2.getName(iLocale)); }
private Table getPlacementTable(IWContext iwc) throws RemoteException { Table table = new Table(); // table.setColor("#DDDDDD"); table.setBorder(0); table.setWidth(Table.HUNDRED_PERCENT); table.setCellpadding(1); table.setCellspacing(2); int col = 1; int row = 1; // *** HEADING Placements *** Text pupilTxt = new Text(localize(KEY_PLACEMENTS_HEADING, "Placements")); pupilTxt.setFontStyle(STYLE_UNDERLINED_SMALL_HEADER); table.add(pupilTxt, col++, row); table.setRowHeight(row, "40"); table.setRowVerticalAlignment(row, Table.VERTICAL_ALIGN_BOTTOM); table.mergeCells(col, row, table.getColumns(), row); col = 1; row++; // empty space row table.add(this.transGIF, col, row); table.setRowHeight(row, "10"); col = 1; row++; // *** Column headings *** table.add(getLocalizedSmallHeader(KEY_NUMBER, "No."), col, row); table.setAlignment(col++, row, Table.HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_CENTER); table.add(getLocalizedSmallHeader(KEY_SCHOOL_TYPE, "School type"), col, row); table.setAlignment(col++, row, Table.HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_CENTER); table.add(getLocalizedSmallHeader(KEY_PROVIDER, "Provider"), col, row); table.setAlignment(col++, row, Table.HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_CENTER); table.add(getLocalizedSmallHeader(KEY_SCHOOL_YEAR, "School year"), col, row); table.setAlignment(col++, row, Table.HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_CENTER); table.add(getLocalizedSmallHeader(KEY_STUDY_PATH, "Study path"), col, row); table.setAlignment(col++, row, Table.HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_CENTER); table.add(getLocalizedSmallHeader(KEY_SCHOOL_GROUP, "School group"), col, row); table.setAlignment(col++, row, Table.HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_CENTER); table.add(getLocalizedSmallHeader(KEY_START_DATE, "Start date"), col, row); table.setAlignment(col++, row, Table.HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_CENTER); table.add(getLocalizedSmallHeader(KEY_END_DATE, "End date"), col, row); table.setAlignment(col++, row, Table.HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_CENTER); table.add(getLocalizedSmallHeader(KEY_REGISTRATOR, "Registrator"), col, row); table.setAlignment(col++, row, Table.HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_CENTER); table.add(getLocalizedSmallHeader(KEY_REGISTRATION_CREATED_DATE, "Created date"), col, row); table.setAlignment(col++, row, Table.HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_CENTER); table.add(getLocalizedSmallHeader(KEY_PLACEMENT_PARAGRAPH_SHORT, "Par"), col, row); table.setAlignment(col++, row, Table.HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_CENTER); table.add(getLocalizedSmallHeader(KEY_NOTES, "Notes"), col, row); table.setAlignment(col++, row, Table.HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_CENTER); table.add(Text.getNonBrakingSpace(), col, row); table.setAlignment(col++, row, Table.HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_CENTER); table.add(Text.getNonBrakingSpace(), col, row); table.setAlignment(col++, row, Table.HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_CENTER); table.setRowColor(row, getHeaderColor()); table.setRowHeight(row, "18"); row++; // Loop placements Collection placements = null; try { if (this.pupil != null) { placements = getSchoolBusiness(iwc) .getSchoolClassMemberHome() .findAllOrderedByRegisterDate(this.pupil); } } catch (FinderException e) { } if (placements != null && placements.size() > 0) { int zebra = 0; int rowNum = 0; table.add(new HiddenInput(PARAM_REMOVE_PLACEMENT, "-1"), 1, 1); for (Iterator iter = placements.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { rowNum++; SchoolClassMember plc = (SchoolClassMember); col = 1; // Row number table.add(getSmallText(String.valueOf(rowNum)), col++, row); // School type try { table.add(getSmallText(plc.getSchoolType().getName()), col++, row); } catch (Exception e) { col++; } // Provider try { table.add(getSmallText(plc.getSchoolClass().getSchool().getName()), col++, row); } catch (Exception e) { col++; } // School year try { table.add(getSmallText(plc.getSchoolYear().getName()), col++, row); } catch (Exception e) { col++; } // Study path try { if (plc.getStudyPathId() != -1) { SchoolStudyPathHome home = (SchoolStudyPathHome) IDOLookup.getHome(SchoolStudyPath.class); SchoolStudyPath sp = home.findByPrimaryKey(new Integer(plc.getStudyPathId())); table.add(getSmallText(sp.getCode()), col, row); } } catch (Exception e) { } col++; // School type try { table.add(getSmallText(plc.getSchoolClass().getSchoolClassName()), col++, row); } catch (Exception e) { col++; } // Start date try { String dateStr = getCentralPlacementBusiness(iwc).getDateString(plc.getRegisterDate(), "yyyy-MM-dd"); table.add(getSmallText(dateStr), col++, row); } catch (Exception e) { col++; } // End date try { String dateStr = getCentralPlacementBusiness(iwc).getDateString(plc.getRemovedDate(), "yyyy-MM-dd"); table.add(getSmallText(dateStr), col++, row); } catch (Exception e) { col++; } // Registrator try { int registratorID = plc.getRegistratorId(); User registrator = getUserBusiness(iwc).getUser(registratorID); if (registrator != null) { Name name = new Name( registrator.getFirstName(), registrator.getMiddleName(), registrator.getLastName()); table.add( getSmallText(name.getName(iwc.getApplicationSettings().getDefaultLocale(), false)), col++, row); } } catch (Exception e) { col++; } // Created date try { String dateStr = getCentralPlacementBusiness(iwc) .getDateString(plc.getRegistrationCreatedDate(), "yyyy-MM-dd"); table.add(getSmallText(dateStr), col++, row); } catch (Exception e) { col++; } // Placement paragraph try { if (plc.getPlacementParagraph() != null) { table.add(getSmallText(plc.getPlacementParagraph()), col++, row); } else { col++; } } catch (Exception e) { col++; } // Notes try { if (plc.getNotes() != null) { table.add(getSmallText(plc.getNotes()), col++, row); } else { col++; } } catch (Exception e) { col++; } // Pupil overview button try { // Get Pupil overview button String plcId = ((Integer) plc.getPrimaryKey()).toString(); String schClassId = String.valueOf(plc.getSchoolClassId()); Link editButt = new Link(this.getEditIcon(localize(KEY_TOOLTIP_PUPIL_OVERVIEW, "Pupil overview"))); editButt.setWindowToOpen(PlacementHistoryEditPlacement.class); editButt.setParameter( SchoolAdminOverview.PARAMETER_METHOD, String.valueOf(SchoolAdminOverview.METHOD_OVERVIEW)); editButt.addParameter( SchoolAdminOverview.PARAMETER_METHOD, String.valueOf(SchoolAdminOverview.METHOD_OVERVIEW)); editButt.addParameter(SchoolAdminOverview.PARAMETER_SHOW_ONLY_OVERVIEW, "true"); editButt.addParameter(SchoolAdminOverview.PARAMETER_SHOW_NO_CHOICES, "true"); editButt.addParameter(SchoolAdminOverview.PARAMETER_PAGE_ID, getParentPage().getPageID()); editButt.addParameter( SchoolAdminOverview.PARAMETER_USER_ID, String.valueOf(plc.getClassMemberId())); editButt.addParameter(SchoolAdminOverview.PARAMETER_SCHOOL_CLASS_ID, schClassId); editButt.addParameter(SchoolAdminOverview.PARAMETER_SCHOOL_CLASS_MEMBER_ID, plcId); editButt.addParameter( SchoolAdminOverview.PARAMETER_RESOURCE_PERMISSION, SchoolAdminOverview.PARAMETER_RESOURCE_PERM_VALUE_CENTRAL_ADMIN); editButt.addParameter( SchoolAdminOverview.PARAMETER_FROM_CENTRAL_PLACEMENT_EDITOR, "true"); if (plc.getRemovedDate() != null) { editButt.addParameter( SchoolAdminOverview.PARAMETER_SCHOOL_CLASS_MEMBER_REMOVED_DATE, plc.getRemovedDate().toString()); } table.add(editButt, col, row); table.setAlignment(col++, row, Table.HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_CENTER); } catch (Exception e) { col++; } // Remove button try { // Get remove button Image delImg = getDeleteIcon(localize(KEY_TOOLTIP_REMOVE_PLC, "Delete placement")); int plcID = ((Integer) plc.getPrimaryKey()).intValue(); SubmitButton delButt = new SubmitButton(delImg); delButt.setValueOnClick(PARAM_REMOVE_PLACEMENT, String.valueOf(plcID)); delButt.setSubmitConfirm( localize( KEY_CONFIRM_REMOVE_PLC_MSG, "Do you really want to erase this school placement and its resource placements?")); delButt.setToolTip(localize(KEY_TOOLTIP_REMOVE_PLC, "Delete school placement")); table.add(delButt, col, row); table.setAlignment(col, row, Table.HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_CENTER); } catch (Exception e) { } String zebraColor = zebra % 2 == 0 ? getZebraColor2() : getZebraColor1(); table.setRowColor(row, zebraColor); col = 2; row++; // Resources String rscStr = getResourceBusiness(iwc).getResourcesStringXtraInfo(plc); if (!("".equals(rscStr))) { table.add( getSmallText("<i>" + localize(KEY_RESOURCES, "Resources") + ":</i> "), col, row); table.add(getSmallText("<i>" + rscStr + "</i>"), col, row); table.setRowColor(row, zebraColor); table.mergeCells(col, row, table.getColumns(), row); row++; } zebra++; } } col = 1; // empty space row table.add(this.transGIF, col, row); table.setRowHeight(row, "20"); return table; }
/* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see is.idega.idegaweb.member.presentation.UserEditor#presentateUserRelations(com.idega.presentation.IWContext) */ protected void presentUserRelations(IWContext iwc) throws RemoteException { Table relationsTable = new Table(); relationsTable.setCellspacing(4); relationsTable.setWidth(Table.HUNDRED_PERCENT); int row = 1; if (user != null) { addSeperator(iwrb.getLocalizedString("mbe.user_relations", "User relations")); CommuneFamilyService familyService = getFamilyService(iwc); // parent handling relationsTable.add(getHeader(iwrb.getLocalizedString("mbe.parents", "Parents")), 1, row++); Collection parents = null; try { parents = familyService.getParentsFor(user); if (parents != null && !parents.isEmpty()) { for (Iterator iter = parents.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { User parent = (User); relationsTable.add(getRelatedUserLink(parent), 1, row); relationsTable.add( PersonalIDFormatter.format(parent.getPersonalID(), iwc.getCurrentLocale()), 2, row++); } } } catch (Exception e1) { } row++; // partner handling relationsTable.add(getHeader(iwrb.getLocalizedString("mbe.spouse", "Spouse")), 1, row++); User partner = null; try { partner = familyService.getSpouseFor(this.user); } catch (NoSpouseFound e) { } catch (Exception e) { } if (partner != null) { relationsTable.add(getRelatedUserLink(partner), 1, row); relationsTable.add( PersonalIDFormatter.format(partner.getPersonalID(), iwc.getCurrentLocale()), 2, row++); } row++; // cohabitant handling relationsTable.add( getHeader(iwrb.getLocalizedString("mbe.cohabitant", "Cohabitant")), 1, row++); User cohabitant = null; try { cohabitant = familyService.getCohabitantFor(this.user); } catch (NoCohabitantFound e) { } if (cohabitant != null) { relationsTable.add(getRelatedUserLink(cohabitant), 1, row); relationsTable.add( PersonalIDFormatter.format(cohabitant.getPersonalID(), iwc.getCurrentLocale()), 2, row++); } row++; // biological children handling relationsTable.add( getHeader(iwrb.getLocalizedString("mbe.parential_children", "Parential children")), 1, row++); Collection children = null; Collection custodianChildren = null; Text star = new Text(" *"); star.setStyleClass(STYLENAME_HEADER); try { children = familyService.getChildrenFor(user); custodianChildren = familyService.getChildrenInCustodyOf(user); if (custodianChildren != null && !custodianChildren.isEmpty()) { for (Iterator iter = custodianChildren.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { User child = (User); relationsTable.add(getRelatedUserLink(child), 1, row); if (children != null && !children.contains(child)) { relationsTable.add(star, 1, row); } relationsTable.add( PersonalIDFormatter.format(child.getPersonalID(), iwc.getCurrentLocale()), 2, row++); row++; } } } catch (Exception e2) { } } relationsTable.setWidth(1, "300"); row++; Text infoText = new Text( iwrb.getLocalizedString( "person_is_only_custodian", "* Not child, person is only custodian")); infoText.setStyleClass(STYLENAME_TEXT); relationsTable.add(infoText, 1, row++); row++; relationsTable.setAlignment(2, row, Table.HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_RIGHT); relationsTable.add(getEditButton(iwc, ACTION_EDIT_RELATIONS), 2, row); addToMainPart(relationsTable); }
/* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see is.idega.idegaweb.member.presentation.UserEditor#presentateUserRelations(com.idega.presentation.IWContext) */ protected void editUserRelations(IWContext iwc) throws RemoteException { Table relationsTable = new Table(); relationsTable.setWidth(Table.HUNDRED_PERCENT); relationsTable.setCellspacing(4); int row = 1; if (user != null) { addSeperator(iwrb.getLocalizedString("mbe.user_relations", "User relations")); CommuneFamilyService familyService = getFamilyService(iwc); // partner handling relationsTable.add(getHeader(iwrb.getLocalizedString("mbe.spouse", "Spouse")), 1, row); User partner = null; try { partner = familyService.getSpouseFor(this.user); } catch (NoSpouseFound e) { } catch (Exception e) { } if (partner != null) { relationsTable.add(getRelatedUserLink(partner), 2, row); relationsTable.add( getDisconnectorLink( familyService.getSpouseRelationType(), null, (Integer) user.getPrimaryKey(), (Integer) partner.getPrimaryKey(), getDeleteIcon( iwrb.getLocalizedString( "mbe.remove_spouse_relation", "Remove spouse relationship"))), 3, row); } // cohabitant handling relationsTable.add( getHeader(iwrb.getLocalizedString("mbe.cohabitant", "Cohabitant")), 5, row); User cohabitant = null; try { cohabitant = familyService.getCohabitantFor(this.user); } catch (NoCohabitantFound e) { } if (cohabitant != null) { relationsTable.add(getRelatedUserLink(cohabitant), 6, row); relationsTable.add( getDisconnectorLink( familyService.getCohabitantRelationType(), null, (Integer) user.getPrimaryKey(), (Integer) cohabitant.getPrimaryKey(), getDeleteIcon( iwrb.getLocalizedString( "mbe.remove_cohabitant_relation", "Remove cohabitant relationship"))), 7, row); } row++; // parent handling int parentStartRow = row, custodianStartRow = row; relationsTable.add(getHeader(iwrb.getLocalizedString("mbe.parents", "Parents")), 1, row); Collection parents = null; try { parents = familyService.getParentsFor(user); if (parents != null && !parents.isEmpty()) { for (Iterator iter = parents.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { User parent = (User); relationsTable.add(getRelatedUserLink(parent), 2, parentStartRow); String relationType = familyService.getParentRelationType(); relationsTable.add( getDisconnectorLink( null, relationType, (Integer) user.getPrimaryKey(), (Integer) parent.getPrimaryKey(), getDeleteIcon( iwrb.getLocalizedString( "mbe.remove_parent_relation", "Remove parent relationship"))), 3, parentStartRow); parentStartRow++; } } } catch (Exception e1) { } // custodians handling relationsTable.add( getHeader(iwrb.getLocalizedString("mbe.custodians", "Custodians")), 5, custodianStartRow); Collection custodians = null; try { custodians = familyService.getCustodiansFor(user, false); if (custodians != null && !custodians.isEmpty()) { for (Iterator iter = custodians.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { User custodian = (User); relationsTable.add(getRelatedUserLink(custodian), 6, custodianStartRow); String relationType = familyService.getCustodianRelationType(); relationsTable.add( getDisconnectorLink( null, relationType, (Integer) user.getPrimaryKey(), (Integer) custodian.getPrimaryKey(), getDeleteIcon( iwrb.getLocalizedString( "mbe.remove_custodian_relation", "Remove custodian relationship"))), 7, custodianStartRow); custodianStartRow++; } } } catch (Exception e1) { } row = Math.max(custodianStartRow, parentStartRow) + 1; // biological children handling relationsTable.add( getHeader(iwrb.getLocalizedString("mbe.parential_children", "Parential children")), 1, row); Collection children = null; int childrowstart = row; try { children = familyService.getChildrenFor(user); if (children != null && !children.isEmpty()) { for (Iterator iter = children.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { User child = (User); relationsTable.add(getRelatedUserLink(child), 2, row); relationsTable.add( getDisconnectorLink( familyService.getParentRelationType(), null, (Integer) user.getPrimaryKey(), (Integer) child.getPrimaryKey(), getDeleteIcon( iwrb.getLocalizedString( "mbe.remove_child_relation", "Remove child relationship"))), 3, row); row++; } } } catch (Exception e2) { } // custody children handling row = childrowstart; relationsTable.add( getHeader(iwrb.getLocalizedString("mbe.custody_children", "Custody children")), 5, row); try { children = familyService.getChildrenInCustodyOf(user); if (children != null && !children.isEmpty()) { for (Iterator iter = children.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { User child = (User); relationsTable.add(getRelatedUserLink(child), 6, row); relationsTable.add( getDisconnectorLink( familyService.getCustodianRelationType(), null, (Integer) user.getPrimaryKey(), (Integer) child.getPrimaryKey(), getDeleteIcon( iwrb.getLocalizedString( "mbe.remove_child_relation", "Remove child relationship"))), 7, row); row++; } } } catch (NoChildrenFound e3) { // e3.printStackTrace(); } catch (RemoteException e3) { e3.printStackTrace(); } catch (EJBException e3) { e3.printStackTrace(); } } relationsTable.setWidth(2, "150"); relationsTable.setWidth(6, "150"); row++; relationsTable.mergeCells(1, row, relationsTable.getColumns(), row); relationsTable.setAlignment(1, row, Table.HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_RIGHT); relationsTable.add(getCancelButton(iwc), 1, row); addToMainPart(relationsTable); presentButtons(iwc); presentButtonRegister(iwc); }
/** Stores one placement. */ protected boolean storeUserInfo(int row) throws RemoteException { User user = null; SchoolType schoolType = null; School school = null; String providerName = getUserProperty(COLUMN_PROVIDER_NAME); if (providerName == null) { errorLog.put(new Integer(row), "The name of the high school is empty."); return false; } String schoolClassName = getUserProperty(COLUMN_SCHOOL_CLASS); if (schoolClassName == null) { errorLog.put(new Integer(row), "The class name is empty."); return false; } String schoolYearName = getUserProperty(COLUMN_SCHOOL_YEAR); if (schoolYearName == null) { errorLog.put(new Integer(row), "The school year is empty."); } String studyPathCode = getUserProperty(COLUMN_STUDY_PATH); if (studyPathCode == null) { studyPathCode = ""; } String personalId = getUserProperty(COLUMN_PERSONAL_ID); if (personalId == null) { errorLog.put(new Integer(row), "The personal id is empty."); return false; } String studentName = getUserProperty(COLUMN_STUDENT_NAME); if (studentName == null) { studentName = ""; } String studentFirstName = ""; String studentLastName = ""; if (studentName.length() > 0) { int cutPos = studentName.indexOf(','); if (cutPos != -1) { studentFirstName = studentName.substring(cutPos + 1).trim(); studentLastName = studentName.substring(0, cutPos).trim(); } } String homeCommuneCode = getUserProperty(COLUMN_HOME_COMMUNE); if (homeCommuneCode == null) { homeCommuneCode = ""; } String address = getUserProperty(COLUMN_ADDRESS); if (address == null) { address = ""; } String coAddress = getUserProperty(COLUMN_CO_ADDRESS); if (coAddress == null) { coAddress = ""; } String zipCode = getUserProperty(COLUMN_ZIP_CODE); if (zipCode == null) { zipCode = ""; } String zipArea = getUserProperty(COLUMN_ZIP_AREA); if (zipArea == null) { zipArea = ""; } String highSchoolType = getUserProperty(COLUMN_HIGH_SCHOOL_TYPE); if (highSchoolType == null) { errorLog.put(new Integer(row), "The high school type is empty."); return false; } // user boolean isNewUser = false; try { user = communeUserBusiness.getUserHome().findByPersonalID(personalId); } catch (FinderException e) { println("User not found for PIN : " + personalId + " CREATING"); try { user = communeUserBusiness.createSpecialCitizenByPersonalIDIfDoesNotExist( studentFirstName, "", studentLastName, personalId, getGenderFromPin(personalId), getBirthDateFromPin(personalId)); isNewUser = true; } catch (Exception e2) { e2.printStackTrace(); return false; } } if (isNewUser) { try { Commune homeCommune = communeHome.findByCommuneCode(homeCommuneCode); Integer communeId = (Integer) homeCommune.getPrimaryKey(); communeUserBusiness.updateCitizenAddress( ((Integer) user.getPrimaryKey()).intValue(), address, zipCode, zipArea, communeId); } catch (FinderException e) { errorLog.put(new Integer(row), "Commune not found: " + homeCommuneCode); return false; }; } // school type String typeKey = null; String schoolYearPrefix = "G"; if (highSchoolType.equals("GY")) { typeKey = LOC_KEY_HIGH_SCHOOL; } else { typeKey = LOC_KEY_SPECIAL_HIGH_SCHOOL; schoolYearPrefix += "S"; } try { schoolType = schoolTypeHome.findByTypeKey(typeKey); } catch (FinderException e) { errorLog.put( new Integer(row), "School type: " + highSchoolType + " not found in database (key = " + typeKey + ")."); return false; } // school try { school = schoolHome.findBySchoolName(providerName); } catch (FinderException e) { errorLog.put(new Integer(row), "Cannot find school with name '" + providerName + "'"); return false; } // school type boolean hasSchoolType = false; try { Iterator schoolTypeIter = schoolBusiness.getSchoolRelatedSchoolTypes(school).values().iterator(); while (schoolTypeIter.hasNext()) { SchoolType st = (SchoolType); if (st.getPrimaryKey().equals(schoolType.getPrimaryKey())) { hasSchoolType = true; break; } } } catch (Exception e) { } if (!hasSchoolType) { errorLog.put( new Integer(row), "School type '" + highSchoolType + "' not found in high school: " + providerName); return false; } // school year SchoolYear schoolYear = null; schoolYearName = schoolYearPrefix + schoolYearName; try { schoolYear = schoolYearHome.findByYearName(schoolYearName); } catch (FinderException e) { errorLog.put(new Integer(row), "School year: " + schoolYearName + " not found in database."); } boolean schoolYearFoundInSchool = false; Map m = schoolBusiness.getSchoolRelatedSchoolYears(school); try { schoolYearFoundInSchool = m.containsKey(schoolYear.getPrimaryKey()); } catch (Exception e) { } if (!schoolYearFoundInSchool) { errorLog.put( new Integer(row), "School year: '" + schoolYearName + "' not found in school: '" + providerName + "'."); return false; } // study path SchoolStudyPath studyPath = null; try { studyPath = studyPathHome.findByCode(studyPathCode); } catch (Exception e) { errorLog.put(new Integer(row), "Cannot find study path: " + studyPathCode); return false; } // school Class SchoolClass schoolClass = null; try { int schoolId = ((Integer) school.getPrimaryKey()).intValue(); int seasonId = ((Integer) season.getPrimaryKey()).intValue(); Collection c = schoolClassHome.findBySchoolAndSeason(schoolId, seasonId); Iterator iter = c.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { SchoolClass sc = (SchoolClass); if (sc.getName().equals(schoolClassName)) { schoolClass = sc; break; } } if (schoolClass == null) { throw new FinderException(); } } catch (Exception e) { println( "School Class not found, creating '" + schoolClassName + "' for high school '" + providerName + "'."); int schoolId = ((Integer) school.getPrimaryKey()).intValue(); int schoolTypeId = ((Integer) schoolType.getPrimaryKey()).intValue(); int seasonId = ((Integer) season.getPrimaryKey()).intValue(); try { schoolClass = schoolClassHome.create(); schoolClass.setSchoolClassName(schoolClassName); schoolClass.setSchoolId(schoolId); schoolClass.setSchoolTypeId(schoolTypeId); schoolClass.setSchoolSeasonId(seasonId); schoolClass.setValid(true);; schoolClass.addSchoolYear(schoolYear); } catch (Exception e2) { } if (schoolClass == null) { errorLog.put(new Integer(row), "Could not create school Class: " + schoolClassName); return false; } } // school Class member int schoolClassId = ((Integer) schoolClass.getPrimaryKey()).intValue(); SchoolClassMember member = null; Timestamp registerDate = firstDayInCurrentMonth; try { Collection placements = schoolClassMemberHome.findByStudent(user); if (placements != null) { Iterator placementsIter = placements.iterator(); while (placementsIter.hasNext()) { SchoolClassMember placement = (SchoolClassMember); SchoolType st = placement.getSchoolClass().getSchoolType(); String stKey = ""; if (st != null) { stKey = st.getLocalizationKey(); } if (stKey.equals(LOC_KEY_HIGH_SCHOOL) || stKey.equals(LOC_KEY_SPECIAL_HIGH_SCHOOL)) { if (placement.getRemovedDate() == null) { int scId = placement.getSchoolClassId(); int studyPathId = placement.getStudyPathId(); int newStudyPathId = ((Integer) studyPath.getPrimaryKey()).intValue(); int schoolYearId = placement.getSchoolYearId(); int newSchoolYearId = ((Integer) schoolYear.getPrimaryKey()).intValue(); if ((scId == schoolClassId) && (studyPathId == newStudyPathId) && (schoolYearId == newSchoolYearId)) { member = placement; } else { IWTimestamp t1 = new IWTimestamp(placement.getRegisterDate()); t1.setAsDate(); IWTimestamp t2 = new IWTimestamp(firstDayInCurrentMonth); t2.setAsDate(); if (t1.equals(t2)) { try { PlacementImportDate p = null; try { p = placementImportDateHome.findByPrimaryKey(placement.getPrimaryKey()); } catch (FinderException e) { } if (p != null) { p.remove(); } placement.remove(); } catch (RemoveException e) { log(e); } } else { placement.setRemovedDate(lastDayInPreviousMonth);; } registerDate = firstDayInCurrentMonth; } } } } } } catch (FinderException f) { } if (member == null) { try { member = schoolClassMemberHome.create(); } catch (CreateException e) { errorLog.put( new Integer(row), "School Class member could not be created for personal id: " + personalId); return false; } member.setSchoolClassId(((Integer) schoolClass.getPrimaryKey()).intValue()); member.setClassMemberId(((Integer) user.getPrimaryKey()).intValue()); member.setRegisterDate(registerDate); member.setRegistrationCreatedDate(IWTimestamp.getTimestampRightNow()); member.setSchoolYear(((Integer) schoolYear.getPrimaryKey()).intValue()); member.setSchoolTypeId(((Integer) schoolType.getPrimaryKey()).intValue()); member.setStudyPathId(((Integer) studyPath.getPrimaryKey()).intValue());; } PlacementImportDate p = null; try { p = placementImportDateHome.findByPrimaryKey(member.getPrimaryKey()); } catch (FinderException e) { } if (p == null) { try { p = placementImportDateHome.create(); p.setSchoolClassMemberId(((Integer) member.getPrimaryKey()).intValue()); } catch (CreateException e) { errorLog.put( new Integer(row), "Could not create import date from school class member: " + member.getPrimaryKey()); return false; } } p.setImportDate(today);; return true; }
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private void storeRequestedAttributesToSession(IWContext iwc, AuthRequest authReq) { if (authReq.hasExtension(AxMessage.OPENID_NS_AX)) { MessageExtension ext; try { ext = authReq.getExtension(AxMessage.OPENID_NS_AX); if (ext instanceof FetchRequest) { FetchRequest fetchReq = (FetchRequest) ext; OpenIDServerBean serverBean = ELUtil.getInstance().getBean("openIDServerBean"); Map<String, String> allAttributes = (Map<String, String>) fetchReq.getAttributes(); Map<String, String> required = (Map<String, String>) fetchReq.getAttributes(true); List<AuthorizedAttribute> allAttributesList = new ArrayList<AuthorizedAttribute>(); List<AuthorizedAttribute> requiredAttributesList = new ArrayList<AuthorizedAttribute>(); List<AuthorizedAttribute> optionalAttributesList = new ArrayList<AuthorizedAttribute>(); String realm = serverBean.getRealm(); for (String alias : allAttributes.keySet()) { ExchangeAttribute attribute = getDAO().getExchangeAttribute(alias, allAttributes.get(alias)); if (attribute != null) { User user = iwc.getCurrentUser(); AuthorizedAttribute aattr = getDAO().getAuthorizedAttributes(user.getUniqueId(), realm, attribute); if (aattr == null) { aattr = new AuthorizedAttribute(); aattr.setExchangeAttribute(attribute); aattr.setRealm(realm); aattr.setUserUUID(user.getUniqueId()); aattr.setIsAllowed(true); } allAttributesList.add(aattr); if (required.containsKey(alias) && attribute.getType().equals(required.get(alias))) { requiredAttributesList.add(aattr); } else { optionalAttributesList.add(aattr); } } else { LOGGER.warning( "Requesting unknown exchange attribute: " + alias + " : " + allAttributes.get(alias)); // throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Requesting unknown exchange attribute."); } } serverBean.setRequestedAttributes(allAttributesList); serverBean.setRequiredAttributes(requiredAttributesList); serverBean.setOptionalAttributes(optionalAttributesList); return; } else /*if (ext instanceof StoreRequest)*/ { // TODO implement? throw new UnsupportedOperationException("TODO"); } } catch (MessageException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } if (authReq.hasExtension(SRegMessage.OPENID_NS_SREG11)) { try { MessageExtension ext = authReq.getExtension(SRegMessage.OPENID_NS_SREG11); if (ext instanceof SRegRequest) { SRegRequest sregReq = (SRegRequest) ext; List<String> all = sregReq.getAttributes(); List<String> required = sregReq.getAttributes(true); List<String> optional = sregReq.getAttributes(false); List<AuthorizedAttribute> allAttributesList = new ArrayList<AuthorizedAttribute>(); List<AuthorizedAttribute> requiredAttributesList = new ArrayList<AuthorizedAttribute>(); List<AuthorizedAttribute> optionalAttributesList = new ArrayList<AuthorizedAttribute>(); OpenIDServerBean serverBean = ELUtil.getInstance().getBean("openIDServerBean"); String realm = serverBean.getRealm(); User user = iwc.getCurrentUser(); for (String alias : all) { ExchangeAttribute attribute = getDAO().getExchangeAttribute(alias); if (attribute != null) { AuthorizedAttribute aattr = getDAO().getAuthorizedAttributes(user.getUniqueId(), realm, attribute); if (aattr == null) { aattr = new AuthorizedAttribute(); aattr.setExchangeAttribute(attribute); aattr.setRealm(realm); aattr.setUserUUID(user.getUniqueId()); aattr.setIsAllowed(true); } allAttributesList.add(aattr); if (required.contains(alias)) { requiredAttributesList.add(aattr); } if (optional.contains(alias)) { optionalAttributesList.add(aattr); } } } serverBean.setRequestedAttributes(allAttributesList); serverBean.setRequiredAttributes(requiredAttributesList); serverBean.setOptionalAttributes(optionalAttributesList); return; } } catch (MessageException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }
/* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see is.idega.idegaweb.member.presentation.UserEditor#isAllowPersonalIdEdit( */ public boolean isAllowPersonalIdEdit(User user) { if (user != null && user.getPersonalID() != null) { if (user.getPersonalID().indexOf("TF") != -1) return true; } return false; }
public String getPlacementString(SchoolClassMember placement, User user, IWResourceBundle iwrb) { // Placement StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(""); try { // add school name buf.append(placement.getSchoolClass().getSchool().getName()); } catch (Exception e) { } try { // school year SchoolYear theYear = placement.getSchoolYear(); if (theYear != null) { buf.append( ", " + iwrb.getLocalizedString( CentralPlacementEditorConstants.KEY_SCHOOL_YEAR, "school year") + " " + theYear.getName()); } } catch (Exception e) { } try { // add school group buf.append( ", " + iwrb.getLocalizedString(CentralPlacementEditorConstants.KEY_SCHOOL_GROUP, "group") + " " + placement.getSchoolClass().getSchoolClassName()); } catch (Exception e) { } try { // add study path if (placement.getStudyPathId() != -1) { SchoolStudyPathHome home = (SchoolStudyPathHome) IDOLookup.getHome(SchoolStudyPath.class); SchoolStudyPath sp = home.findByPrimaryKey(new Integer(placement.getStudyPathId())); buf.append( ", " + iwrb.getLocalizedString( CentralPlacementEditorConstants.KEY_STUDY_PATH, "Study path") + " " + sp.getCode()); } } catch (Exception e) { } try { // add language if (placement.getLanguage() != null && !("-1").equals(placement.getLanguage())) { buf.append( ", " + iwrb.getLocalizedString(CentralPlacementEditorConstants.KEY_LANGUAGE, "Language") + " " + iwrb.getLocalizedString(placement.getLanguage(), "")); } } catch (Exception e) { } try { // add native language if (user.getNativeLanguage() != null) { buf.append( ", " + iwrb.getLocalizedString( CentralPlacementEditorConstants.KEY_NATIVE_LANGUAGE, "Native language") + " " + user.getNativeLanguage()); } } catch (Exception e) { } return buf.toString(); }
private MemoryFileBuffer writeXls(IWContext iwc) throws IOException { MemoryFileBuffer buffer = new MemoryFileBuffer(); MemoryOutputStream mos = new MemoryOutputStream(buffer); HSSFWorkbook wb = new HSSFWorkbook(); HSSFSheet sheet = wb.createSheet("Rejected students list"); int rowNum = 0; HSSFRow row = sheet.createRow((short) rowNum++); fillHeaderRow(wb, sheet, row); // retrieve data Collection schoolChoices = getSchoolChoices(iwc); // fill data into rows if (!schoolChoices.isEmpty()) { User applicant; School school; Address address; Phone phone; SchoolChoice choice; String name = null; for (Iterator iter = schoolChoices.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { choice = (SchoolChoice); row = sheet.createRow((short) rowNum++); try { applicant = getUserBusiness(iwc).getUser(choice.getChildId()); school = getSchoolCommuneBusiness(iwc) .getSchoolBusiness() .getSchool(new Integer(choice.getCurrentSchoolId())); address = getUserBusiness(iwc).getUsersMainAddress(applicant); name = getSchoolCommuneBusiness(iwc).getUserBusiness().getNameLastFirst(applicant, true); row.createCell((short) 0).setCellValue(name); if (applicant.getPersonalID() != null) { row.createCell((short) 1) .setCellValue(PersonalIDFormatter.format(applicant.getPersonalID(), this.locale)); } String emails = this.getParentsEmails(iwc, applicant); if (emails != null) { row.createCell((short) 2).setCellValue(emails); } if (address != null) { row.createCell((short) 3).setCellValue(address.getStreetAddress()); row.createCell((short) 4).setCellValue(address.getPostalCode().getPostalCode()); row.createCell((short) 5).setCellValue(address.getCity()); } try { phone = getUserBusiness(iwc).getUsersHomePhone(applicant); // getUserBusiness(iwc).getUsers if (phone != null && phone.getNumber() != null) { row.createCell((short) 6).setCellValue(phone.getNumber()); } } catch (NoPhoneFoundException npfe) { npfe.printStackTrace(); } String genderString = null; if (PIDChecker.getInstance().isFemale(applicant.getPersonalID())) { genderString = this.iwrb.getLocalizedString("school.girl", "Girl"); } else { genderString = this.iwrb.getLocalizedString("school.boy", "Boy"); } row.createCell((short) 7).setCellValue(genderString); if (school != null) { String schoolName = school.getName(); row.createCell((short) 8).setCellValue(schoolName); } String rejectionDateString = getLocalizedTimestamp(iwc, getRejectionTimestamp(iwc, choice)); if (rejectionDateString != null) { row.createCell((short) 9).setCellValue(rejectionDateString); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(System.err); } } } wb.write(mos); buffer.setMimeType("application/x-msexcel"); return buffer; }
protected String getAttributeValue(IWContext iwc, User user, String alias, String type) { if (OpenIDConstants.ATTRIBUTE_ALIAS_EMAIL.equals(alias) || OpenIDConstants.ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_EMAIL.equals(type)) { Email email = null; try { email = getUserBusiness(iwc).getUsersMainEmail(user); } catch (NoEmailFoundException e) { /*No action...*/ } catch (RemoteException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return (email != null ? email.getEmailAddress() : ""); } else if (OpenIDConstants.ATTRIBUTE_ALIAS_PERSONAL_ID.equals(alias) || OpenIDConstants.ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_PERSONAL_ID.equals(type)) { return (user.getPersonalID() != null ? user.getPersonalID() : ""); } else if (OpenIDConstants.ATTRIBUTE_ALIAS_FULL_NAME.equals(alias) || OpenIDConstants.ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_FULL_NAME.equals(type)) { return user.getName(); } else if (OpenIDConstants.ATTRIBUTE_ALIAS_DATE_OF_BIRTH.equals(alias) || OpenIDConstants.ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_DATE_OF_BIRTH.equals(type)) { return (user.getDateOfBirth() != null ? new IWTimestamp(user.getDateOfBirth()).toSQLDateString() : ""); } else if (OpenIDConstants.ATTRIBUTE_ALIAS_GENDER.equals(alias) || OpenIDConstants.ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_GENDER.equals(type)) { return (user.getGender() != null ? (user.getGender().isMaleGender() ? "M" : "F") : ""); } else if (OpenIDConstants.ATTRIBUTE_ALIAS_NICKNAME.equals(alias) || OpenIDConstants.ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_FRIENDLY_NAME.equals(type)) { return LoginDBHandler.getUserLogin(user).getUserLogin(); } else if (OpenIDConstants.ATTRIBUTE_ALIAS_POSTCODE.equals(alias) || OpenIDConstants.ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_POSTAL_CODE.equals(type)) { try { Address address = getUserBusiness(iwc).getUsersMainAddress(user); if (address != null) { PostalCode postal = address.getPostalCode(); return postal != null ? postal.getPostalCode() : ""; } } catch (RemoteException re) { re.printStackTrace(); } } else if (OpenIDConstants.ATTRIBUTE_ALIAS_COUNTRY.equals(alias) || OpenIDConstants.ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_COUNTRY.equals(type)) { try { Address address = getUserBusiness(iwc).getUsersMainAddress(user); if (address != null) { return address.getCountry().getIsoAbbreviation(); } } catch (RemoteException re) { re.printStackTrace(); } } else if (OpenIDConstants.ATTRIBUTE_ALIAS_LANGUAGE.equals(alias) || OpenIDConstants.ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_LANGUAGE.equals(type)) { if (user.getPreferredLocale() != null) { Locale locale = LocaleUtil.getLocale(user.getPreferredLocale()); return locale.getLanguage() + "-" + locale.getCountry(); } else { try { Address address = getUserBusiness(iwc).getUsersMainAddress(user); if (address != null) { Country country = address.getCountry(); return country.getIsoAbbreviation().toLowerCase() + "-" + country.getIsoAbbreviation(); } } catch (RemoteException re) { re.printStackTrace(); } } } else if (OpenIDConstants.ATTRIBUTE_ALIAS_TIMEZONE.equals(alias) || OpenIDConstants.ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_TIMEZONE.equals(type)) { try { Address address = getUserBusiness(iwc).getUsersMainAddress(user); if (address != null) { Country country = address.getCountry(); Locale locale = new Locale(country.getIsoAbbreviation().toLowerCase(), country.getIsoAbbreviation()); Calendar calendar = new GregorianCalendar(locale); return calendar.getTimeZone().getDisplayName(Locale.ENGLISH); } } catch (RemoteException re) { re.printStackTrace(); } } return ""; }