private String getParentsEmails(IWContext iwc, User child) throws RemoteException { String emails = null; Email email; try { Collection parents = getMemberFamilyLogic(iwc).getCustodiansFor(child); if (parents != null && !parents.isEmpty()) { Iterator iterPar = parents.iterator(); while (iterPar.hasNext()) { User parent = (User); try { email = getCommuneUserBusiness(iwc).getUsersMainEmail(parent); if (email != null && email.getEmailAddress() != null && !email.getEmailAddress().equals(" ")) { if (emails != null) { emails = emails + ", " + email.getEmailAddress(); } else { emails = email.getEmailAddress(); } } } catch (NoEmailFoundException nef) { nef.printStackTrace(); } } } } catch (NoCustodianFound ncf) { } return emails; }
protected List<String> getEmails(Collection<User> users) { if (ListUtil.isEmpty(users)) { return null; } UserBusiness userBusiness = getUserBusiness(); if (userBusiness == null) { return null; } List<String> emails = new ArrayList<String>(users.size()); for (User user : users) { Email email = getEmail(user); String emailAddress = email == null ? null : email.getEmailAddress(); if (!StringUtil.isEmpty(emailAddress) && !emails.contains(emailAddress)) { emails.add(emailAddress); } } return emails; }
protected String getUserMail(Integer userId) { if (userId == null) { return null; } UserBusiness userBusiness = getUserBusiness(); if (userBusiness == null) { return null; } User user = null; try { user = userBusiness.getUser(userId); } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "Error getting user by id: " + userId, e); } if (user == null) { return null; } Email email = getEmail(user); return email == null ? null : email.getEmailAddress(); }
protected String getAttributeValue(IWContext iwc, User user, String alias, String type) { if (OpenIDConstants.ATTRIBUTE_ALIAS_EMAIL.equals(alias) || OpenIDConstants.ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_EMAIL.equals(type)) { Email email = null; try { email = getUserBusiness(iwc).getUsersMainEmail(user); } catch (NoEmailFoundException e) { /*No action...*/ } catch (RemoteException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return (email != null ? email.getEmailAddress() : ""); } else if (OpenIDConstants.ATTRIBUTE_ALIAS_PERSONAL_ID.equals(alias) || OpenIDConstants.ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_PERSONAL_ID.equals(type)) { return (user.getPersonalID() != null ? user.getPersonalID() : ""); } else if (OpenIDConstants.ATTRIBUTE_ALIAS_FULL_NAME.equals(alias) || OpenIDConstants.ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_FULL_NAME.equals(type)) { return user.getName(); } else if (OpenIDConstants.ATTRIBUTE_ALIAS_DATE_OF_BIRTH.equals(alias) || OpenIDConstants.ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_DATE_OF_BIRTH.equals(type)) { return (user.getDateOfBirth() != null ? new IWTimestamp(user.getDateOfBirth()).toSQLDateString() : ""); } else if (OpenIDConstants.ATTRIBUTE_ALIAS_GENDER.equals(alias) || OpenIDConstants.ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_GENDER.equals(type)) { return (user.getGender() != null ? (user.getGender().isMaleGender() ? "M" : "F") : ""); } else if (OpenIDConstants.ATTRIBUTE_ALIAS_NICKNAME.equals(alias) || OpenIDConstants.ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_FRIENDLY_NAME.equals(type)) { return LoginDBHandler.getUserLogin(user).getUserLogin(); } else if (OpenIDConstants.ATTRIBUTE_ALIAS_POSTCODE.equals(alias) || OpenIDConstants.ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_POSTAL_CODE.equals(type)) { try { Address address = getUserBusiness(iwc).getUsersMainAddress(user); if (address != null) { PostalCode postal = address.getPostalCode(); return postal != null ? postal.getPostalCode() : ""; } } catch (RemoteException re) { re.printStackTrace(); } } else if (OpenIDConstants.ATTRIBUTE_ALIAS_COUNTRY.equals(alias) || OpenIDConstants.ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_COUNTRY.equals(type)) { try { Address address = getUserBusiness(iwc).getUsersMainAddress(user); if (address != null) { return address.getCountry().getIsoAbbreviation(); } } catch (RemoteException re) { re.printStackTrace(); } } else if (OpenIDConstants.ATTRIBUTE_ALIAS_LANGUAGE.equals(alias) || OpenIDConstants.ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_LANGUAGE.equals(type)) { if (user.getPreferredLocale() != null) { Locale locale = LocaleUtil.getLocale(user.getPreferredLocale()); return locale.getLanguage() + "-" + locale.getCountry(); } else { try { Address address = getUserBusiness(iwc).getUsersMainAddress(user); if (address != null) { Country country = address.getCountry(); return country.getIsoAbbreviation().toLowerCase() + "-" + country.getIsoAbbreviation(); } } catch (RemoteException re) { re.printStackTrace(); } } } else if (OpenIDConstants.ATTRIBUTE_ALIAS_TIMEZONE.equals(alias) || OpenIDConstants.ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_TIMEZONE.equals(type)) { try { Address address = getUserBusiness(iwc).getUsersMainAddress(user); if (address != null) { Country country = address.getCountry(); Locale locale = new Locale(country.getIsoAbbreviation().toLowerCase(), country.getIsoAbbreviation()); Calendar calendar = new GregorianCalendar(locale); return calendar.getTimeZone().getDisplayName(Locale.ENGLISH); } } catch (RemoteException re) { re.printStackTrace(); } } return ""; }
/** * Send message and e-mail to all administrators for schools belonging to the specified * operational fields. * * @param subject the message subject * @param body the message body * @param operationalFields the operational field ids * @param onlyHomeCommune if true then messages are only sent to home commune schools * @return a collection of {school_name, headmaster} * @throws NoticeException if incomplete parameters or technical send error */ public Collection sendNotice( String subject, String body, String[] operationalFields, boolean onlyHomeCommune) throws NoticeException { if (body.equals("")) { throw new NoticeException(KEY_EMPTY_BODY, DEFAULT_EMPTY_BODY); } if (body.length() > 4000) { body = body.substring(0, 4000); } if (operationalFields == null) { throw new NoticeException(KEY_OPERATIONAL_FIELDS_EMPTY, DEFAULT_OPERATIONAL_FIELDS_EMPTY); } Map schoolCategories = new HashMap(); for (int i = 0; i < operationalFields.length; i++) { schoolCategories.put(operationalFields[i], operationalFields[i]); } int homeCommuneId = 0; try { CommuneHome communeHome = (CommuneHome) getIDOHome(Commune.class); Commune homeCommune = communeHome.findDefaultCommune(); homeCommuneId = ((Integer) homeCommune.getPrimaryKey()).intValue(); } catch (Exception e) { } Collection c = new ArrayList(); try { SchoolBusiness sb = getSchoolBusiness(); SchoolCategory childCareCategory = sb.getCategoryChildcare(); String childCareCategoryId = childCareCategory.getCategory(); HashMap messageReceivers = new HashMap(); HashMap emailReceivers = new HashMap(); Collection schoolTypes = sb.findAllSchoolTypes(); Iterator iter = schoolTypes.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { SchoolType st = (SchoolType); String sc = st.getSchoolCategory(); if (!schoolCategories.containsKey(sc)) { continue; } int schoolTypeId = ((Integer) st.getPrimaryKey()).intValue(); Collection schools = sb.findAllSchoolsByType(schoolTypeId); Iterator iter2 = schools.iterator(); while (iter2.hasNext()) { School school = (School); if (onlyHomeCommune) { if (school.getCommuneId() != homeCommuneId) { continue; } } Collection users = sb.getSchoolUsers(school); Iterator iter3 = users.iterator(); while (iter3.hasNext()) { SchoolUser schoolUser = (SchoolUser); User user = schoolUser.getUser(); Provider provider = new Provider(school); if (!sc.equals(childCareCategoryId) || (!school.getCentralizedAdministration() && !provider.getPaymentByInvoice())) { if (messageReceivers.get(user.getPrimaryKey()) == null) { String[] s = new String[2]; s[0] = school.getName(); s[1] = user.getName(); c.add(s); boolean sendEMail = true; Email email = getUserBusiness().getUserMail(user); String emailAddress = null; if (email != null) { emailAddress = email.getEmailAddress(); } if (emailAddress != null) { if (emailReceivers.get(emailAddress) != null) { sendEMail = false; } emailReceivers.put(emailAddress, user); } Message message = getMessageBusiness() .createUserMessage( null, user, null, null, subject, body, body, false, null, false, sendEMail);; messageReceivers.put(user.getPrimaryKey(), user); } } } } } } catch (RemoteException e) { throw new NoticeException(KEY_SYSTEM_ERROR, DEFAULT_SYSTEM_ERROR); } return c; }