  public static Preset finalize(Preset empty, AnalysisScope scope, IClassHierarchy cha) {
    Preset p = empty;
    p.scfg.cha = cha;

    // The preliminary settings of WALAs AnalysisOptions
        new DefaultInstantiationBehavior(cha));
    Util.addDefaultSelectors(p.options, cha);
    Util.addDefaultBypassLogic(p.options, scope, Util.class.getClassLoader(), cha); // ??

    // No changes to the settings of AndroidEntypointManager...
    // p.aem
    // p.entrypointLocatorFlags = EnumSet.of(LocatorFlags.EP_HEURISTIC, LocatorFlags.WITH_SUPER,
    //        LocatorFlags.INCLUDE_CALLBACKS, LocatorFlags.CB_HEURISTIC);
    p.entrypointLocatorFlags =
            LocatorFlags.EP_HEURISTIC, LocatorFlags.CB_HEURISTIC, LocatorFlags.INCLUDE_CALLBACKS);

    // The following selectors will be injected when Joana generates its new
    // AnalysisOptions
    // TODO: Add ReflectionContext ?
    p.ctxSel = new DefaultContextSelector(p.options, p.scfg.cha);
    p.ctxIpr = new DefaultSSAInterpreter(p.options, p.scfg.cache);
    p.instKeys = new ZeroXInstanceKeys(p.options, p.scfg.cha, p.ctxIpr, ZeroXInstanceKeys.NONE);

    return p;
   * Default settings as described below.
   * <p>These settings contain: * a relatively basic setting for the context-sensitivity * no
   * entrypoints have been set(!)
   * @return a bunch of settings
  public static Preset makeDefault(AnalysisScope scope, IClassHierarchy cha) {
    final Preset p = new Preset(scope);

    // The following settings are used by Joana. Based on them new settings of
    // WALAs AnalysisOptions will be generated by Joana.
    p.scfg.cache = new AnalysisCache((IRFactory<IMethod>) new DexIRFactory());
    p.scfg.cha = cha;

    // On external stuff. These settings have little effect on the result.
    p.scfg.ext = makeStandardExternalCallCheck();
    p.scfg.accessPath = false; // Setting this to true overrides other settings

    // On debugging
    p.scfg.showTypeNameInValue = false; // on true: Second type-inference often breaks
    p.scfg.debugManyGraphsDotOutput = false;

    p.scfg.immutableNoOut = Main.IMMUTABLE_NO_OUT;
    p.scfg.immutableStubs = Main.IMMUTABLE_STUBS;
    p.scfg.ignoreStaticFields = Main.IGNORE_STATIC_FIELDS;

    // What to considder
    // p.scfg.exceptions = ExceptionAnalysis.ALL_NO_ANALYSIS;
    p.scfg.exceptions = ExceptionAnalysis.IGNORE_ALL;
    p.scfg.staticInitializers =
        StaticInitializationTreatment.SIMPLE; // Do not use ACCURATE: Is defunct

    // Precision
    p.scfg.pts = PointsToPrecision.INSTANCE_BASED;

    p.scfg.prunecg = Main.DEFAULT_PRUNE_CG;
    // p.scfg.fieldPropagation = FieldPropagation.OBJ_GRAPH;   // Do not use OBJ_TREE: Is outdated
    // p.scfg.fieldPropagation = FieldPropagation.OBJ_GRAPH_SIMPLE_PROPAGATION;
    p.scfg.fieldPropagation = FieldPropagation.OBJ_GRAPH_NO_FIELD_MERGE;
    p.scfg.computeInterference = false;

    // The preliminary settings of WALAs AnalysisOptions
        new DefaultInstantiationBehavior(cha));
    Util.addDefaultSelectors(p.options, cha);
    Util.addDefaultBypassLogic(p.options, scope, Util.class.getClassLoader(), cha); // ??

    // No changes to the settings of AndroidEntypointManager...
    // p.aem
    // p.entrypointLocatorFlags = EnumSet.of(LocatorFlags.EP_HEURISTIC, LocatorFlags.WITH_SUPER,
    //        LocatorFlags.INCLUDE_CALLBACKS, LocatorFlags.CB_HEURISTIC);
    p.entrypointLocatorFlags =
            LocatorFlags.EP_HEURISTIC, LocatorFlags.CB_HEURISTIC, LocatorFlags.INCLUDE_CALLBACKS);

    // The following selectors will be injected when Joana generates its new
    // AnalysisOptions
    // TODO: Add ReflectionContext ?
    p.ctxSel = new DefaultContextSelector(p.options, p.scfg.cha);
    p.ctxIpr = new DefaultSSAInterpreter(p.options, p.scfg.cache);
    p.instKeys = new ZeroXInstanceKeys(p.options, p.scfg.cha, p.ctxIpr, ZeroXInstanceKeys.NONE);


    // XXX TEMP:

    return p;