@Override public List<Node> getSubjects(Node predicate, Node object) { Model graph = null; GraphConnection graphConnection = null; try { graphConnection = openGraph(); graph = graphConnection.getGraph(); graph.enterCriticalSection(Lock.READ); SimpleSelector selector = getJenaSelector(graph, new StatementImpl(null, predicate, object)); ResIterator it = graph.listSubjectsWithProperty(selector.getPredicate(), selector.getObject()); List<Node> res = new ArrayList<Node>(); while (it.hasNext()) { res.add(getNXRelationsNode(it.nextResource().asNode())); } return res; } finally { if (graph != null) { graph.leaveCriticalSection(); } if (graphConnection != null) { graphConnection.close(); } } }
private String getConfigsUriFromPrefix(String pre) { ResIterator subjects = config.listSubjectsWithProperty(EYE.prefix, config.createLiteral(pre)); if (subjects.hasNext()) { StmtIterator uris = config.listStatements(subjects.nextResource(), EYE.nsURI, (RDFNode) null); if (uris.hasNext()) return uris.nextStatement().getObject().asNode().getLiteralLexicalForm(); } return null; // Return null otherwise }
/** * Index all the resources in a Jena Model to ES * * @param model the model to index * @param bulkRequest a BulkRequestBuilder * @param getPropLabel if set to true all URI property values will be indexed as their label. The * label is taken as the value of one of the properties set in {@link #uriDescriptionList}. */ private void addModelToES(Model model, BulkRequestBuilder bulkRequest, boolean getPropLabel) { long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); long bulkLength = 0; HashSet<Property> properties = new HashSet<Property>(); StmtIterator it = model.listStatements(); while (it.hasNext()) { Statement st = it.nextStatement(); Property prop = st.getPredicate(); String property = prop.toString(); if (rdfPropList.isEmpty() || (isWhitePropList && rdfPropList.contains(property)) || (!isWhitePropList && !rdfPropList.contains(property)) || (normalizeProp.containsKey(property))) { properties.add(prop); } } ResIterator resIt = model.listSubjects(); while (resIt.hasNext()) { Resource rs = resIt.nextResource(); Map<String, ArrayList<String>> jsonMap = getJsonMap(rs, properties, model, getPropLabel); bulkRequest.add( client.prepareIndex(indexName, typeName, rs.toString()).setSource(mapToString(jsonMap))); bulkLength++; // We want to execute the bulk for every DEFAULT_BULK_SIZE requests if (bulkLength % EEASettings.DEFAULT_BULK_SIZE == 0) { BulkResponse bulkResponse = bulkRequest.execute().actionGet(); // After executing, flush the BulkRequestBuilder. bulkRequest = client.prepareBulk(); if (bulkResponse.hasFailures()) { processBulkResponseFailure(bulkResponse); } } } // Execute remaining requests if (bulkRequest.numberOfActions() > 0) { BulkResponse response = bulkRequest.execute().actionGet(); // Handle failure by iterating through each bulk response item if (response.hasFailures()) { processBulkResponseFailure(response); } } // Show time taken to index the documents logger.info( "Indexed {} documents on {}/{} in {} seconds", bulkLength, indexName, typeName, (System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime) / 1000.0); }
@Override protected List<Resource> getModelTargetConnections() { final Resource property = getResource(); final List<Resource> list = new ArrayList<Resource>(); final ResIterator iterator = property.getModel().listSubjectsWithProperty(Schema.destination, property); while (iterator.hasNext()) { list.add(iterator.nextResource()); } return list; }
public ArrayList<String> getOrganizations() { long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); ArrayList<String> organizations = new ArrayList<String>(); Resource organization = ontModel.getResource(ORGANIZATION_CLASS); ResIterator iter = ontModel.listSubjectsWithProperty(RDF.type, organization); if (iter.hasNext()) { LOGGER.info("Organizations were found in the database"); LOGGER.debug("The database contains these organizations:"); while (iter.hasNext()) { Resource organizationResource = iter.nextResource(); String organizationUri = organizationResource.getURI(); LOGGER.debug(organizationUri); // String organizationId = // organizationResource.getProperty(ontModel.getProperty(ORGID)).getString(); // System.out.println(" " + organizationId); organizations.add(organizationUri); // System.out.println(" -" + // iter.nextResource().getProperty(ontModel.getProperty("http://www.smartdeveloperhub.org/vocabulary/organization#id")).getString()); // System.out.println(" -" + // iter.nextResource().getProperty(ontModel.getProperty("http://www.w3.org/ns/org#classification")).getResource().getURI()); } } else { LOGGER.info("No organizations were found in the database"); } long stopTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); long elapsedTime = stopTime - startTime; // System.out.println("Load organizations, elapsed time (ms):"+elapsedTime); LOGGER.debug("- Load organizations, elapsed time (ms)..: {}", elapsedTime); return organizations; }
private void processPermanentURIRequest(VitroRequest vreq, ModelMaker maker) { String modelName = vreq.getParameter("modelName"); String oldModel = vreq.getParameter("oldModel"); String newModel = vreq.getParameter("newModel"); String oldNamespace = vreq.getParameter("oldNamespace"); String newNamespace = vreq.getParameter("newNamespace"); String dNamespace = vreq.getParameter("defaultNamespace"); newNamespace = (newNamespace == null || newNamespace.isEmpty()) ? oldNamespace : newNamespace; newNamespace = (dNamespace != null) ? dNamespace : newNamespace; if (modelName != null) { Model m = maker.getModel(modelName); List<String> namespaceList = new ArrayList<>(); ResIterator resItr = m.listResourcesWithProperty((Property) null); if (resItr != null) { while (resItr.hasNext()) { String namespace = resItr.nextResource().getNameSpace(); if (!namespaceList.contains(namespace)) { namespaceList.add(namespace); } } } else { namespaceList.add("no resources present"); } String defaultNamespace = vreq.getUnfilteredWebappDaoFactory().getDefaultNamespace(); vreq.setAttribute("modelName", modelName); vreq.setAttribute("defaultNamespace", defaultNamespace); vreq.setAttribute("namespaceList", namespaceList); vreq.setAttribute("title", "Permanent URI"); vreq.setAttribute("bodyJsp", PERMANENT_URI); } else if (oldModel != null) { JenaIngestUtils utils = new JenaIngestUtils(); utils.doPermanentURI(oldModel, newModel, oldNamespace, newNamespace, maker, vreq); vreq.setAttribute("title", "Ingest Menu"); vreq.setAttribute("bodyJsp", INGEST_MENU_JSP); } }
public Collection<PropertyInstance> getAllPropInstByVClasses(List<VClass> vclasses) { List<PropertyInstance> propInsts = new ArrayList<PropertyInstance>(); if (vclasses == null || vclasses.isEmpty()) { return propInsts; } Collections.sort( vclasses, new VClassHierarchyRanker(this.getWebappDaoFactory().getVClassDao())); OntModel ontModel = getOntModelSelector().getTBoxModel(); try { ontModel.enterCriticalSection(Lock.READ); // map object property URI to an array of two resources: // the first is the "allValuesFrom" resource and the second is // "someValuesFrom" Map<String, Resource[]> applicableProperties = new HashMap<String, Resource[]>(); try { for (VClass vclass : vclasses) { if (vclass.isAnonymous()) { continue; } String VClassURI = vclass.getURI(); OntClass ontClass = getOntClass(ontModel, VClassURI); if (ontClass != null) { List<OntClass> relatedClasses = new ArrayList<OntClass>(); relatedClasses.addAll(ontClass.listEquivalentClasses().toList()); relatedClasses.addAll(ontClass.listSuperClasses().toList()); for (OntClass relatedClass : relatedClasses) { // find properties in restrictions if (relatedClass.isRestriction()) { // TODO: check if restriction is something like // maxCardinality 0 or allValuesFrom owl:Nothing, // in which case the property is NOT applicable! Restriction rest = (Restriction) relatedClass.as(Restriction.class); OntProperty onProperty = rest.getOnProperty(); if (onProperty != null && onProperty.canAs(ObjectProperty.class)) { Resource[] ranges = new Resource[2]; if (rest.isAllValuesFromRestriction()) { ranges[0] = (rest.asAllValuesFromRestriction()).getAllValuesFrom(); } else if (rest.isSomeValuesFromRestriction()) { ranges[1] = (rest.asSomeValuesFromRestriction()).getSomeValuesFrom(); } updatePropertyRangeMap(applicableProperties, onProperty.getURI(), ranges); } } } // find properties with class in domain ResIterator pit = ontModel.listSubjectsWithProperty(RDFS.domain, ontClass); while (pit.hasNext()) { Resource prop = pit.nextResource(); if (prop.getNameSpace() != null && !NONUSER_NAMESPACES.contains(prop.getNameSpace())) { StmtIterator rangeSit = prop.listProperties(RDFS.range); Resource rangeRes = null; while (rangeSit.hasNext()) { Statement s = rangeSit.nextStatement(); if (s.getObject().isURIResource()) { rangeRes = (Resource) s.getObject(); } } Resource[] ranges = new Resource[2]; ranges[0] = rangeRes; updatePropertyRangeMap(applicableProperties, prop.getURI(), ranges); } } } } } catch (Exception e) { log.error( "Unable to get applicable properties " + "by examining property restrictions and domains", e); } // make the PropertyInstance objects for (String propertyURI : applicableProperties.keySet()) { ObjectProperty op = ontModel.getObjectProperty(propertyURI); if (op == null) { continue; } String domainURIStr = getURIStr(op.getDomain()); Resource[] foundRanges = applicableProperties.get(propertyURI); Resource rangeRes = (foundRanges[0] != null) ? foundRanges[0] : (op.getRange() == null && foundRanges[1] != null) ? foundRanges[1] : op.getRange(); PropertyInstance pi = new PropertyInstance(); if (rangeRes != null) { String rangeClassURI; if (rangeRes.isAnon()) { rangeClassURI = PSEUDO_BNODE_NS + rangeRes.getId().toString(); } else { rangeClassURI = (String) rangeRes.getURI(); } pi.setRangeClassURI(rangeClassURI); try { pi.setRangeClassName( getWebappDaoFactory().getVClassDao().getVClassByURI(rangeClassURI).getName()); // pi.setRangeClassName(getLabel(getOntModel().getOntResource(rangeClassURI))); } catch (NullPointerException e) { /* probably a union or intersection - need to handle this somehow */ } } else { pi.setRangeClassURI(OWL.Thing.getURI()); // TODO see above } pi.setDomainClassURI(domainURIStr); try { pi.setDomainClassName( getWebappDaoFactory().getVClassDao().getVClassByURI(domainURIStr).getName()); // pi.setDomainClassName(getLabel(getOntModel().getOntResource(op.getDomain().getURI()))); } catch (NullPointerException e) { /* probably a union or intersection - need to handle this somehow */ } pi.setSubjectSide(true); pi.setPropertyURI(op.getURI()); pi.setPropertyName(getLabelOrId(op)); // TODO pi.setRangePublic(getLabelOrId(op)); pi.setDomainPublic(getLabelOrId(op)); propInsts.add(pi); } } finally { ontModel.leaveCriticalSection(); } Collections.sort(propInsts, new PropInstSorter()); return propInsts; }
public void doctorModel(Model report, Model m, Model config) { this.input = m; this.repair = report; this.output = this.input; this.config = config; ResIterator it = repair.listSubjectsWithProperty(EYE.repairType, EYE.replaceNamespace); while (it.hasNext()) { /* * We are able to make one or more of the following assumptions; * (1) o The Prefix is probably desired \\ * (3) o The URI is likely misspelt ===> Work these with the precedence specified * (2) o The URI is right, but the user mistakenly used a 'reserved' prefix // */ Resource curr = it.nextResource(); String prefix = repair .listObjectsOfProperty(curr, EYE.onPrefix) .nextNode() .asNode() .getLiteralLexicalForm(); String currUri = output.getNsPrefixURI(prefix); String configsUri = getConfigsUriFromPrefix(prefix); String configsPre = null; if (currUri != null) configsPre = getConfigsPrefixFromUri(currUri); if (configsUri != null) // Change the URI to a preferred one changeNsUri(currUri, configsUri); else if (configsPre != null) // Use that URI, but set the prefix according to config changeNsPrefix(prefix, configsPre); else // Use the 'expected' URI output.setNsPrefix( prefix, repair .listObjectsOfProperty(curr, EYE.expected) .nextNode() .asNode() .getLiteralLexicalForm()); } it = repair.listSubjectsWithProperty(EYE.repairType, EYE.removeDuplicatePrefixes); while (it.hasNext()) { Resource curr = it.nextResource(); NodeIterator it2 = repair.listObjectsOfProperty(curr, EYE.onPrefix); String uri = repair .listObjectsOfProperty(curr, EYE.multiplePrefixesForNamespace) .nextNode() .asNode() .getLiteralLexicalForm(); if (it2.hasNext()) { boolean oneKept = false; while (it2.hasNext()) { RDFNode curra = it2.nextNode(); if (m.getNsPrefixURI(curra.asNode().getLiteralLexicalForm()) != null) if (m.getNsPrefixURI(curra.asNode().getLiteralLexicalForm()) .equals(uri)) // The prefix is still used in the model { if (oneKept) m.removeNsPrefix(curra.asNode().getLiteralLexicalForm()); else oneKept = true; } } } } }