/** * Decode the data within the viewfinder rectangle, and time how long it took. For efficiency, * reuse the same reader objects from one decode to the next. * * @param data The YUV preview frame. * @param width The width of the preview frame. * @param height The height of the preview frame. */ private void decode(byte[] data, int width, int height) { long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); Result rawResult = null; PlanarYUVLuminanceSource source = activity.getCameraManager().buildLuminanceSource(data, width, height); if (source != null) { BinaryBitmap bitmap = new BinaryBitmap(new HybridBinarizer(source)); try { rawResult = multiFormatReader.decodeWithState(bitmap); } catch (ReaderException re) { // continue } finally { multiFormatReader.reset(); } } Handler handler = activity.getHandler(); if (rawResult != null) { // Don't log the barcode contents for security. long end = System.currentTimeMillis(); Log.d(TAG, "Found barcode in " + (end - start) + " ms"); if (handler != null) { Message message = Message.obtain(handler, R.id.decode_succeeded, rawResult); Bundle bundle = new Bundle(); bundleThumbnail(source, bundle); message.setData(bundle); message.sendToTarget(); } } else { if (handler != null) { Message message = Message.obtain(handler, R.id.decode_failed); message.sendToTarget(); } } }
@Override public void handleMessage(Message message) { if (message.what == R.id.zxing_decode_succeeded) { state = State.SUCCESS; Bundle bundle = message.getData(); Bitmap barcode = null; float scaleFactor = 1.0f; if (bundle != null) { byte[] compressedBitmap = bundle.getByteArray(DecodeThread.BARCODE_BITMAP); if (compressedBitmap != null) { barcode = BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray(compressedBitmap, 0, compressedBitmap.length, null); // Mutable copy: barcode = barcode.copy(Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888, true); } scaleFactor = bundle.getFloat(DecodeThread.BARCODE_SCALED_FACTOR); } activity.handleDecode((Result) message.obj, barcode, scaleFactor); } else if (message.what == R.id .zxing_decode_failed) { // We're decoding as fast as possible, so when one decode fails, // start another. state = State.PREVIEW; cameraManager.requestPreviewFrame(decodeThread.getHandler(), R.id.zxing_decode); } else if (message.what == R.id.zxing_return_scan_result) { activity.setResult(Activity.RESULT_OK, (Intent) message.obj); activity.finish(); } }
/** * Decode the data within the viewfinder rectangle, and time how long it took. For efficiency, * reuse the same reader objects from one decode to the next. * * @param data The YUV preview frame. * @param width The width of the preview frame. * @param height The height of the preview frame. */ private void decode(byte[] data, int width, int height) { long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); Result rawResult = null; PlanarYUVLuminanceSource source = CameraManager.get().buildLuminanceSource(data, width, height); BinaryBitmap bitmap = new BinaryBitmap(new HybridBinarizer(source)); try { rawResult = multiFormatReader.decodeWithState(bitmap); } catch (ReaderException re) { // continue } finally { multiFormatReader.reset(); } if (rawResult != null) { long end = System.currentTimeMillis(); Log.d(TAG, "Found barcode (" + (end - start) + " ms):\n" + rawResult.toString()); Message message = Message.obtain(activity.getHandler(), R.id.decode_succeeded, rawResult); Bundle bundle = new Bundle(); bundle.putParcelable(DecodeThread.BARCODE_BITMAP, source.renderCroppedGreyscaleBitmap()); message.setData(bundle); // Log.d(TAG, "Sending decode succeeded message..."); message.sendToTarget(); } else { Message message = Message.obtain(activity.getHandler(), R.id.decode_failed); message.sendToTarget(); } }
@Override public void handleMessage(Message message) { if (message.what == R.id.restart_preview) { restartPreviewAndDecode(); } else if (message.what == R.id.decode_succeeded) { state = State.SUCCESS; Bundle bundle = message.getData(); Bitmap barcode = null; float scaleFactor = 1.0f; if (bundle != null) { byte[] compressedBitmap = bundle.getByteArray(DecodeThread.BARCODE_BITMAP); if (compressedBitmap != null) { barcode = BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray(compressedBitmap, 0, compressedBitmap.length, null); // Mutable copy: barcode = barcode.copy(Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888, true); } scaleFactor = bundle.getFloat(DecodeThread.BARCODE_SCALED_FACTOR); } activity.handleDecode((Result) message.obj, barcode, scaleFactor); } else if (message.what == R.id.decode_failed) { // We're decoding as fast as possible, so when one decode fails, // start another. state = State.PREVIEW; cameraManager.requestPreviewFrame(decodeThread.getHandler(), R.id.decode); } else if (message.what == R.id.return_scan_result) { activity.setResult(Activity.RESULT_OK, (Intent) message.obj); activity.finish(); } else if (message.what == R.id.launch_product_query) { String url = (String) message.obj; Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW); intent.addFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_WHEN_TASK_RESET); intent.setData(Uri.parse(url)); ResolveInfo resolveInfo = activity.getPackageManager().resolveActivity(intent, PackageManager.MATCH_DEFAULT_ONLY); String browserPackageName = null; if (resolveInfo != null && resolveInfo.activityInfo != null) { browserPackageName = resolveInfo.activityInfo.packageName; Log.d(TAG, "Using browser in package " + browserPackageName); } // Needed for default Android browser / Chrome only apparently if ("com.android.browser".equals(browserPackageName) || "com.android.chrome".equals(browserPackageName)) { intent.setPackage(browserPackageName); intent.addFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK); intent.putExtra(Browser.EXTRA_APPLICATION_ID, browserPackageName); } try { activity.startActivity(intent); } catch (ActivityNotFoundException ignored) { Log.w(TAG, "Can't find anything to handle VIEW of URI " + url); } } }
private void restartPreviewAndDecode() { if (state == State.SUCCESS) { state = State.PREVIEW; cameraManager.requestPreviewFrame(decodeThread.getHandler(), R.id.decode); activity.drawViewfinder(); } }
@Override public void handleButtonPress(int index) { if (index == 0) { WifiParsedResult wifiResult = (WifiParsedResult) getResult(); WifiManager wifiManager = (WifiManager) getActivity().getSystemService(Context.WIFI_SERVICE); if (wifiManager == null) { Log.w(TAG, "No WifiManager available from device"); return; } final Activity activity = getActivity(); activity.runOnUiThread( new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { Toast.makeText( activity.getApplicationContext(), R.string.wifi_changing_network, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT) .show(); } }); new WifiConfigManager(wifiManager) .executeOnExecutor(AsyncTask.THREAD_POOL_EXECUTOR, wifiResult); parent.restartPreviewAfterDelay(0L); } }
private void restartPreviewAndDecode() { if (state == State.SUCCESS) { state = State.PREVIEW; CameraManager.get().requestPreviewFrame(decodeThread.getHandler(), R.id.decode); CameraManager.get().requestAutoFocus(this, R.id.auto_focus); activity.drawViewfinder(); } }
@Override public void handleMessage(Message message) { if (message.what == fakeR.getId("id", "restart_preview")) { Log.d(TAG, "Got restart preview message"); restartPreviewAndDecode(); } else if (message.what == fakeR.getId("id", "decode_succeeded")) { Log.d(TAG, "Got decode succeeded message"); state = State.SUCCESS; Bundle bundle = message.getData(); Bitmap barcode = bundle == null ? null : (Bitmap) bundle.getParcelable(DecodeThread.BARCODE_BITMAP); activity.handleDecode((Result) message.obj, barcode); } else if (message.what == fakeR.getId("id", "decode_failed")) { // We're decoding as fast as possible, so when one decode fails, start another. state = State.PREVIEW; cameraManager.requestPreviewFrame(decodeThread.getHandler(), fakeR.getId("id", "decode")); } else if (message.what == fakeR.getId("id", "return_scan_result")) { Log.d(TAG, "Got return scan result message"); activity.setResult(Activity.RESULT_OK, (Intent) message.obj); activity.finish(); } else if (message.what == fakeR.getId("id", "launch_product_query")) { Log.d(TAG, "Got product query message"); String url = (String) message.obj; Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW); intent.addFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_WHEN_TASK_RESET); intent.setData(Uri.parse(url)); ResolveInfo resolveInfo = activity.getPackageManager().resolveActivity(intent, PackageManager.MATCH_DEFAULT_ONLY); String browserPackageName = null; if (resolveInfo.activityInfo != null) { browserPackageName = resolveInfo.activityInfo.packageName; Log.d(TAG, "Using browser in package " + browserPackageName); } // Needed for default Android browser only apparently if ("com.android.browser".equals(browserPackageName)) { intent.setPackage(browserPackageName); intent.addFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK); intent.putExtra(Browser.EXTRA_APPLICATION_ID, browserPackageName); } try { activity.startActivity(intent); } catch (ActivityNotFoundException anfe) { Log.w(TAG, "Can't find anything to handle VIEW of URI " + url); } } }
/** * Decode the data within the viewfinder rectangle, and time how long it took. For efficiency, * reuse the same reader objects from one decode to the next. * * @param data The YUV preview frame. * @param width The width of the preview frame. * @param height The height of the preview frame. */ private void decode(byte[] data, int width, int height) { byte[] rotatedData = new byte[data.length]; for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) rotatedData[x * height + height - y - 1] = data[x + y * width]; } int tmp = width; // Here we are swapping, that's the difference to #11 width = height; height = tmp; long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); Result rawResult = null; PlanarYUVLuminanceSource source = activity.getCameraManager().buildLuminanceSource(rotatedData, width, height); if (source != null) { BinaryBitmap bitmap = new BinaryBitmap(new HybridBinarizer(source)); try { rawResult = multiFormatReader.decodeWithState(bitmap); } catch (ReaderException re) { // continue } finally { multiFormatReader.reset(); } } Handler handler = activity.getHandler(); if (rawResult != null) { // Don't log the barcode contents for security. long end = System.currentTimeMillis(); Log.d(TAG, "Found barcode in " + (end - start) + " ms"); if (handler != null) { Message message = Message.obtain(handler, R.id.decode_succeeded, rawResult); Bundle bundle = new Bundle(); bundleThumbnail(source, bundle); message.setData(bundle); message.sendToTarget(); } } else { if (handler != null) { Message message = Message.obtain(handler, R.id.decode_failed); message.sendToTarget(); } } }
@Override public void handleMessage(Message message) { switch (message.what) { case R.id.auto_focus: // Log.d(TAG, "Got auto-focus message"); // When one auto focus pass finishes, start another. This is the closest thing to // continuous AF. It does seem to hunt a bit, but I'm not sure what else to do. if (state == State.PREVIEW) { CameraManager.get().requestAutoFocus(this, R.id.auto_focus); } break; case R.id.restart_preview: Log.d(TAG, "Got restart preview message"); restartPreviewAndDecode(); break; case R.id.decode_succeeded: Log.d(TAG, "Got decode succeeded message"); state = State.SUCCESS; Bundle bundle = message.getData(); Bitmap barcode = bundle == null ? null : (Bitmap) bundle.getParcelable(DecodeThread.BARCODE_BITMAP); activity.handleDecode((Result) message.obj, barcode); break; case R.id.decode_failed: // We're decoding as fast as possible, so when one decode fails, start another. state = State.PREVIEW; CameraManager.get().requestPreviewFrame(decodeThread.getHandler(), R.id.decode); break; case R.id.return_scan_result: Log.d(TAG, "Got return scan result message"); activity.setResult(Activity.RESULT_OK, (Intent) message.obj); activity.finish(); break; case R.id.launch_product_query: Log.d(TAG, "Got product query message"); String url = (String) message.obj; Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW, Uri.parse(url)); intent.addFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_WHEN_TASK_RESET); activity.startActivity(intent); break; } }
CaptureActivityHandler( CaptureActivity activity, Collection<BarcodeFormat> decodeFormats, String characterSet) { this.activity = activity; decodeThread = new DecodeThread( activity, decodeFormats, characterSet, new ViewfinderResultPointCallback(activity.getViewfinderView())); decodeThread.start(); state = State.SUCCESS; // Start ourselves capturing previews and decoding. CameraManager.get().startPreview(); restartPreviewAndDecode(); }