public void init(HorizontalSplitPanel panel) {
      this.panel = panel;

      DOM.setStyleAttribute(panel.getElement(), "position", "relative");



      // Right now, both panes are stacked on top of each other
      // on either the left side or the right side of the containing
      // panel. This happens because both panes have position:absolute
      // and no left/top values. The panes will be on the left side
      // if the directionality is LTR, and on the right side if the
      // directionality is RTL. In the LTR case, we need to snap the
      // right pane to the right of the container, and in the RTL case,
      // we need to snap the left pane to the left of the container.
      if (LocaleInfo.getCurrentLocale().isRTL()) {
        setLeft(panel.getElement(LEFT), "0px");
      } else {
        setRight(panel.getElement(RIGHT), "0px");
 public void init(HorizontalSplitPanel panel) {
   this.panel = panel;
   final String fullSize = "100%";
   setHeight(panel.container, fullSize);
   setHeight(panel.getElement(LEFT), fullSize);
   setHeight(panel.getElement(RIGHT), fullSize);
   setHeight(panel.getSplitElement(), fullSize);
     * Set the splitter's position in units of pixels.
     * <p>px represents the splitter's position as a distance of px pixels from the left edge of the
     * container. This is true even in a bidi environment. Callers of this method must be aware of
     * this constraint.
    public void setSplitPositionUsingPixels(int px) {
      final Element splitElem = panel.getSplitElement();

      final int rootElemWidth = getOffsetWidth(panel.container);
      final int splitElemWidth = getOffsetWidth(splitElem);

      // This represents an invalid state where layout is incomplete. This
      // typically happens before DOM attachment, but I leave it here as a
      // precaution because negative width/height style attributes produce
      // errors on IE.
      if (rootElemWidth < splitElemWidth) {

      // Compute the new right side width.
      int newRightWidth = rootElemWidth - px - splitElemWidth;

      // Constrain the dragging to the physical size of the panel.
      if (px < 0) {
        px = 0;
        newRightWidth = rootElemWidth - splitElemWidth;
      } else if (newRightWidth < 0) {
        px = rootElemWidth - splitElemWidth;
        newRightWidth = 0;

      final Element rightElem = panel.getElement(RIGHT);

      // Set the width of the left side.
      setWidth(panel.getElement(LEFT), px + "px");

      // Move the splitter to the right edge of the left element.
      setLeft(splitElem, px + "px");

      // Move the right element to the right of the splitter.
      setLeft(rightElem, (px + splitElemWidth) + "px");

      updateRightWidth(rightElem, newRightWidth);
    public void init(HorizontalSplitPanel panel) {
      this.panel = panel;

      final Element elem = panel.getElement();

      // Prevents inherited text-align settings from interfering with the
      // panel's layout. The setting we choose must be bidi-sensitive,
      // as left-alignment is the default with LTR directionality, and
      // right-alignment is the default with RTL directionality.
      if (LocaleInfo.getCurrentLocale().isRTL()) {
      } else {

      DOM.setStyleAttribute(elem, "position", "relative");

       * Technically, these are snapped to the top and bottom, but IE doesn't
       * provide a reliable way to make that happen, so a resize listener is
       * wired up to control the height of these elements.


      if (LocaleInfo.getCurrentLocale().isRTL()) {
        // Snap the left pane to the left edge of the container. We
        // only need to do this when layout is RTL; if we don't, the
        // left pane will overlap the right pane.
        setLeft(panel.getElement(LEFT), "0px");
 public void setSplitPosition(String pos) {
   final Element leftElem = panel.getElement(LEFT);
   setWidth(leftElem, pos);