  * @param srcWriter
  * @param type
  * @param parentVariable
  * @param added
  * @param iocContainerVariable
  * @param configurations
 private static void injectFields(
     SourcePrinter srcWriter,
     JClassType type,
     String parentVariable,
     Set<String> added,
     String iocContainerVariable,
     Map<String, IocConfig<?>> configurations) {
   for (JField field : type.getFields()) {
     String fieldName = field.getName();
     if (!added.contains(fieldName)) {
       JType fieldType = field.getType();
       if ((fieldType.isPrimitive() == null)) {
         String injectionExpression =
             getFieldInjectionExpression(field, iocContainerVariable, configurations);
         if (injectionExpression != null) {
           if (JClassUtils.isPropertyVisibleToWrite(type, field, false)) {
             if (JClassUtils.hasSetMethod(field, type)) {
               String setterMethodName =
                   "set" + Character.toUpperCase(fieldName.charAt(0)) + fieldName.substring(1);
               JMethod method = type.findMethod(setterMethodName, new JType[] {field.getType()});
               if (method.getAnnotation(Inject.class)
                   == null) // Annotated methods are handled apart
                         + " field_"
                         + fieldName
                         + " = "
                         + injectionExpression
                         + ";");
                     parentVariable + "." + setterMethodName + "(field_" + fieldName + ");");
             } else {
                   parentVariable + "." + fieldName + " = " + injectionExpression + ";");
           } else {
             throw new IoCException(
                 "IoC Error Field ["
                     + field.getName()
                     + "] from class ["
                     + type.getQualifiedSourceName()
                     + "] is not a writeable property.");
  private Set<String> getEditorFieldCleanupExpressions() {
    Set<String> result = new LinkedHashSet<>();

    for (JClassType typeCandidate : model.getEditorType().getFlattenedSupertypeHierarchy()) {
      JClassType classType = typeCandidate.isClass();

      if (classType != null) {
        for (JField field : classType.getFields()) {
          JClassType fieldClassOrInterfaceType = field.getType().isClassOrInterface();

          if (fieldClassOrInterfaceType != null
              // field type assignable to HasCleanup ..
              && fieldClassOrInterfaceType.isAssignableTo(hasCleanupType)
              // .. but not assignable to Model
              && !fieldClassOrInterfaceType.isAssignableTo(baseModelType)) {
                    "getEditor().%s", //$NON-NLS-1$

    return result;
 private static String getFieldInjectionExpression(
     JField field, String iocContainerVariable, Map<String, IocConfig<?>> configurations) {
   Inject inject = field.getAnnotation(Inject.class);
   if (inject != null) {
     JType fieldType = field.getType();
     if (!field.isStatic()) {
       if (fieldType.isClassOrInterface() != null) {
         String fieldTypeName = fieldType.getQualifiedSourceName();
         IocConfigImpl<?> iocConfig = (IocConfigImpl<?>) configurations.get(fieldTypeName);
         if (iocConfig != null) {
           if (inject
               .equals(org.cruxframework.crux.core.client.ioc.Inject.Scope.DEFAULT)) {
             return iocContainerVariable
                 + ".get"
                 + fieldTypeName.replace('.', '_')
                 + "("
                 + Scope.class.getCanonicalName()
                 + "."
                 + iocConfig.getScope().name()
                 + ", null)";
           return iocContainerVariable
               + ".get"
               + fieldTypeName.replace('.', '_')
               + "("
               + Scope.class.getCanonicalName()
               + "."
               + getScopeName(inject.scope())
               + ", "
               + EscapeUtils.quote(inject.subscope())
               + ")";
         } else {
           return "GWT.create(" + fieldTypeName + ".class)";
       } else {
         throw new IoCException(
             "Error injecting field ["
                 + field.getName()
                 + "] from type ["
                 + field.getEnclosingType().getQualifiedSourceName()
                 + "]. Primitive fields can not be handled by ioc container.");
     } else {
       throw new IoCException(
           "Error injecting field ["
               + field.getName()
               + "] from type ["
               + field.getEnclosingType().getQualifiedSourceName()
               + "]. Static fields can not be handled by ioc container.");
   return null;
  public String init(
      TypeOracle oracle,
      JField targetWidgetField,
      JType targetType,
      JField targetEntityMember,
      JField targetEntityField,
      String variable,
      List<JField> fields) {
    JClassType widgetCollectionType = targetWidgetField.getType().isClassOrInterface();
    JClassType entityCollectionType = targetEntityMember.getType().isClassOrInterface();

    JParameterizedType paramaterizedType = widgetCollectionType.isParameterized();

    if (paramaterizedType == null) {
      throw new RuntimeException(
          "cannot generateGetField mappers for collection of widgets (the collection is not properly parameterized: eg. List<Widget>)");

    JClassType widgetType = paramaterizedType.getTypeArgs()[0];
    varName =
            + targetWidgetField.getName()
            + "Mapper";

    if (compiledTemplate == null) {
      InputStream istream = this.getClass().getResourceAsStream("CollectionFMGenerator.mv");
      compiledTemplate = TemplateCompiler.compileTemplate(istream, null);

    Map vars = new HashMap();
    vars.put("typeOracle", oracle);
    vars.put("targetWidgetField", targetWidgetField);
    vars.put("targetEntityField", targetEntityField);
    vars.put("targetEntityMember", targetEntityMember);
    vars.put("widgetType", widgetType);
    vars.put("entityCollectionType", entityCollectionType);
    vars.put("widgetCollectionType", widgetCollectionType);
    vars.put("varName", varName);

    return String.valueOf(TemplateRuntime.execute(compiledTemplate, vars));