public static String toJson(
     Object target,
     Type targetType,
     boolean isSerializeNulls,
     Double version,
     String datePattern,
     boolean excludesFieldsWithoutExpose) {
   if (target == null) return EMPTY_JSON;
   GsonBuilder builder = new GsonBuilder();
   if (isSerializeNulls) builder.serializeNulls();
   if (version != null) builder.setVersion(version.doubleValue());
   if (TextUtils.isEmpty(datePattern)) datePattern = DEFAULT_DATE_PATTERN;
   if (excludesFieldsWithoutExpose) builder.excludeFieldsWithoutExposeAnnotation();
   String result = EMPTY;
   Gson gson = builder.create();
   try {
     if (targetType != null) {
       result = gson.toJson(target, targetType);
     } else {
       result = gson.toJson(target);
   } catch (Exception ex) {
     if (target instanceof Collection
         || target instanceof Iterator
         || target instanceof Enumeration
         || target.getClass().isArray()) {
       result = EMPTY_JSON_ARRAY;
     } else result = EMPTY_JSON;
   return result;
  static {
    // Initialize httpclient
    HttpParams params = new BasicHttpParams();
    HttpConnectionParams.setConnectionTimeout(params, HTTP_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT);

    ThreadSafeClientConnManager connectionManager = new ThreadSafeClientConnManager();

    httpClient = new ContentEncodingHttpClient(connectionManager, params);

    // Initialize GSON
    GsonBuilder gsonBuilder = new GsonBuilder();
    gsonBuilder.registerTypeAdapter(ImageImpl.class, new MovieImageDeserializer());
    gson = gsonBuilder.create();
 static {
   gsonBuilder = new GsonBuilder();
文件: 项目: xialei/sys
 * @author Roger.xia
 *     <p>We use this class to convert Object to JSON string and reverse.
 *     <p>This implementation is currently based on GSON.
public class JSONUtil {

  private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger("JSONUtil.class");

  public static final String EMPTY_JSON = "{}";
  public static final String EMPTY_JSON_ARRAY = "[]";

  private JSONUtil() {}

  private static final GsonBuilder builder = new GsonBuilder();

  private static final Gson gson = builder.serializeNulls().create();

   * by default,this method allows serialize null-value properties
   * @param src
   * @return
  public static String toJson(Object src) {
    if (src == null) {
      return EMPTY_JSON;
    return gson.toJson(src);

   * default is medium : Mar 8, 2013 12:00:00 AM
   * @param obj
   * @param dateFormat Note that this pattern must abide by the convention provided by
   *     SimpleDateFormat class.
   * @return
  public static String toJson(Object obj, String dateFormat) {
    if (obj == null) {
      return EMPTY_JSON;
    } else if (StringUtils.isBlank(dateFormat)) {
      return gson.toJson(obj);

    try {
      return builder.setDateFormat(dateFormat).create().toJson(obj);
    } catch (Exception e) {

      logger.error("Exception for toJson(obj, dateFormat) : " + e.getMessage());
      return gson.toJson(obj);

  public static String toJson(Object target, Type targetType) {

    String result = EMPTY_JSON;

    if (target == null) return result;

    try {
      if (targetType != null) {
        result = gson.toJson(target, targetType);
      } else {
        result = gson.toJson(target);
    } catch (Exception ex) {
          "JSONUtil.toJson(target, targetType) exception, return empty json, exception for "
              + target.toString()
              + " : "
              + ex.getMessage());
      if (target instanceof Collection
          || target instanceof Iterator
          || target instanceof Enumeration
          || target.getClass().isArray()) {
        result = EMPTY_JSON_ARRAY;
      } else result = EMPTY_JSON;
    return result;

   * to covert a string to a class
   * @param json
   * @param classOfT
   * @return
  public static <T> T fromJson(String json, Class<T> classOfT) {
    return gson.fromJson(json, classOfT);

  public static <T> T fromJson(String json, Type type) {
    return gson.fromJson(json, type);

   * to covert a JsonElement to a class
   * @param json
   * @param classOfT
   * @return
  public static <T> T fromJson(JsonElement jsonElem, Class<T> classOfT) {
    return gson.fromJson(jsonElem, classOfT);

   * convert json string to list
   * @param jsonStr
   * @param type
   * @return
  public static List<?> jsonToList(String json, Type type) {
    List<?> objList = gson.fromJson(json, type);
    return objList;

   * convert json to map
   * @param jsonStr
   * @return
  public static Map<?, ?> jsonToMap(String json) {
    Type type = new TypeToken<Map<?, ?>>() {}.getType();
    Map<?, ?> objMap = gson.fromJson(json, type);
    return objMap;

  public static void main(String[] args) {
    Map<String, Object> obj = new HashMap<String, Object>();
    obj.put("k1", "k1v");
    obj.put("k2", 2);
    try {
      obj.put("k3", DateUtil.parseDate("03/08/2013"));
    } catch (ParseException e) {
    System.out.println(JSONUtil.toJson(obj, "yyyy-MM-dd"));