 * A plugin coloring a node and it's stroke. This plugin must be the last one, because it can return
 * false based on the color and the visibility. If it is not, after becoming invisible, a node could
 * not be shown again by a plugin comming later.
 * @author Yohann Coppel
public class NodeColorPlugin<E> implements NodeRenderingPlugin {

  protected boolean isColorEnabled = true;
  protected boolean seedColoring = false;

  private int nodeNumber = 0;
  private int maxDegree = 0;
  private double maxImportance = 0;

  private final Graph<GraphNode, E> graph;
  private Map<GraphNode, Double> importances;

  private ColorMap cm = new ColorMap(ColorMapDefJet.CM, 256);
  private NodeColors nodeColors = NodeColors.getDefault();

  public NodeColorPlugin(Graph<GraphNode, E> graph, Map<GraphNode, Double> importances) {
    this.graph = graph;
    this.importances = importances;
    this.nodeNumber = 0;

  public void dryRun(NodeRenderingProperty p) {

    // find maximum degree
    int degree = graph.getPredecessorCount(p.node);
    maxDegree = Math.max(maxDegree, degree);

    // find maximum importance
    Double impObj = importances.get(p.node);
    double importance = (null == impObj) ? 0.0 : impObj.doubleValue();
    maxImportance = Math.max(maxImportance, importance);

    // store costly informations to retrieve at each frame.
    p.pluginStore.put(this, new NodeColorData(importance, degree));

  public boolean apply(NodeRenderingProperty p) {
    if (!isColorEnabled) {
      p.targetFillColor = NodeColors.getDefaultColor();
      return true;
    NodeColorData vals = (NodeColorData) p.pluginStore.get(this);

    Color color = guessColor(p);

    if (p.isSelected()) {
      p.targetStrokeColor = Color.red;
      p.targetFillColor = color.darker().darker();
      return true;
    if (seedColoring && vals.degree == 0) {
      p.targetStrokeColor = Color.green;
      p.targetFillColor = Color.green; // c.brighter().brighter();
      return true;
    p.targetFillColor = color;
    p.targetStrokeColor = Color.blue;
    return true;

   * Returns a <code>Color</code> which would be used as the node color under normal circumstances
   * (e.g. node is not selected)
   * @param p Contains various display properties for the node in question.
   * @return <code>Color</code> to be used as display color.
  private Color guessColor(NodeRenderingProperty p) {
    if (p.overriddenColor != null) {
      return p.overriddenColor;
    } else {
      NodeColorData vals = (NodeColorData) p.pluginStore.get(this);
      float voltagePercent = (float) (vals.importance / maxImportance);
      float degreePercent = ((float) vals.degree) / maxDegree;
      return nodeColors.getColor(p.node, cm, voltagePercent, degreePercent);

  public void preFrame(float elapsedTime) {}

  public void postFrame() {}

  public boolean keyPressed(int keycode, char character, boolean ctrl, boolean alt, boolean shift) {
    return false;

  // Object for saving in node

  private class NodeColorData {
    double importance;
    int degree;

    public NodeColorData(double importance, int degree) {
      this.importance = importance;
      this.degree = degree;

  // Rendering attributes

  /** Normally set from Eclipse workspace preference {@code NodePreferencesIds.NODE_COLOR_ON} */
  public void setColor(boolean on) {
    this.isColorEnabled = on;

   * Normally set from Eclipse workspace preference {@code
   * NodePreferencesIds.NODE_ROOT_HIGHLIGHT_ON}
  public void setSeedColoring(boolean on) {
    this.seedColoring = on;

  /** Normally set from Eclipse workspace preference {@code NodePreferencesIds.NODE_COLOR} */
  public void setColorMode(NodeColors color) {
    this.nodeColors = color;