private static void sendTransactionsToListener(
     StoredBlock block,
     NewBlockType blockType,
     BlockChainListener listener,
     int relativityOffset,
     List<Transaction> transactions,
     boolean clone,
     Set<Sha256Hash> falsePositives)
     throws VerificationException {
   for (Transaction tx : transactions) {
     try {
       if (listener.isTransactionRelevant(tx)) {
         if (clone) tx = new Transaction(tx.params, tx.bitcoinSerialize());
         listener.receiveFromBlock(tx, block, blockType, relativityOffset++);
     } catch (ScriptException e) {
       // We don't want scripts we don't understand to break the block chain so just note that this
       // tx was
       // not scanned here and continue.
       log.warn("Failed to parse a script: " + e.toString());
     } catch (ProtocolException e) {
       // Failed to duplicate tx, should never happen.
       throw new RuntimeException(e);
 /** Returns true if this output is to a key, or an address we have the keys for, in the wallet. */
 public boolean isWatched(Wallet wallet) {
   try {
     Script script = getScriptPubKey();
     return wallet.isWatchedScript(script);
   } catch (ScriptException e) {
     // Just means we didn't understand the output of this transaction: ignore it.
     log.debug("Could not parse tx output script: {}", e.toString());
     return false;
 /** Returns true if any connected wallet considers any transaction in the block to be relevant. */
 private boolean containsRelevantTransactions(Block block) {
   // Does not need to be locked.
   for (Transaction tx : block.transactions) {
     try {
       for (final ListenerRegistration<BlockChainListener> registration : listeners) {
         if (registration.executor != Threading.SAME_THREAD) continue;
         if (registration.listener.isTransactionRelevant(tx)) return true;
     } catch (ScriptException e) {
       // We don't want scripts we don't understand to break the block chain so just note that this
       // tx was
       // not scanned here and continue.
       log.warn("Failed to parse a script: " + e.toString());
   return false;
 /** Returns true if this output is to a key, or an address we have the keys for, in the wallet. */
 public boolean isMine(Wallet wallet) {
   try {
     Script script = getScriptPubKey();
     if (script.isSentToRawPubKey()) {
       byte[] pubkey = script.getPubKey();
       return wallet.isPubKeyMine(pubkey);
     if (script.isPayToScriptHash()) {
       return wallet.isPayToScriptHashMine(script.getPubKeyHash());
     } else {
       byte[] pubkeyHash = script.getPubKeyHash();
       return wallet.isPubKeyHashMine(pubkeyHash);
   } catch (ScriptException e) {
     // Just means we didn't understand the output of this transaction: ignore it.
     log.debug("Could not parse tx output script: {}", e.toString());
     return false;