public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { BriefLogFormatter.init(); System.out.println("=== DNS ==="); printDNS(); System.out.println("=== Version/chain heights ==="); ArrayList<InetAddress> addrs = new ArrayList<InetAddress>(); for (InetSocketAddress peer : dnsPeers) addrs.add(peer.getAddress()); System.out.println("Scanning " + addrs.size() + " peers:"); final NetworkParameters params = MainNetParams.get(); final Object lock = new Object(); final long[] bestHeight = new long[1]; List<ListenableFuture<TCPNetworkConnection>> futures = Lists.newArrayList(); for (final InetAddress addr : addrs) { final ListenableFuture<TCPNetworkConnection> future = TCPNetworkConnection.connectTo( params, new InetSocketAddress(addr, params.getPort()), 1000 /* timeout */); futures.add(future); // Once the connection has completed version handshaking ... Futures.addCallback( future, new FutureCallback<TCPNetworkConnection>() { public void onSuccess(TCPNetworkConnection conn) { // Check the chain height it claims to have. VersionMessage ver = conn.getVersionMessage(); long nodeHeight = ver.bestHeight; synchronized (lock) { long diff = bestHeight[0] - nodeHeight; if (diff > 0) { System.out.println("Node is behind by " + diff + " blocks: " + addr); } else if (diff == 0) { System.out.println("Node " + addr + " has " + nodeHeight + " blocks"); bestHeight[0] = nodeHeight; } else if (diff < 0) { System.out.println("Node is ahead by " + Math.abs(diff) + " blocks: " + addr); bestHeight[0] = nodeHeight; } } conn.close(); } public void onFailure(Throwable throwable) { System.out.println("Failed to talk to " + addr + ": " + throwable.getMessage()); } }); } // Wait for every tried connection to finish. Futures.successfulAsList(futures).get(); }
public Importer(NetworkParameters params, Jelectrum jelly, BlockStore block_store) throws { this.jelly = jelly; this.params = params; this.file_db = jelly.getDB(); this.block_store = (MapBlockStore) block_store; Config config = jelly.getConfig(); config.require("block_save_threads"); config.require("transaction_save_threads"); block_queue = new LinkedBlockingQueue<Block>(32); tx_queue = new LinkedBlockingQueue<TransactionWork>(4096); transaction_cache = new LRUCache<Sha256Hash, Transaction>(100000); in_progress = new LRUCache<Sha256Hash, Semaphore>(1024); save_thread_list = new LinkedList<StatusContext>(); for (int i = 0; i < config.getInt("block_save_threads"); i++) { BlockSaveThread t = new BlockSaveThread(); save_thread_list.add(t); t.start(); } for (int i = 0; i < config.getInt("transaction_save_threads"); i++) { TransactionSaveThread t = new TransactionSaveThread(); save_thread_list.add(t); t.start(); } putInternal(params.getGenesisBlock()); // checkConsistency(); }
public void checkConsistency() throws { StoredBlock head = block_store.getChainHead(); StoredBlock curr_block = head; Sha256Hash genisis_hash = params.getGenesisBlock().getHash(); int checked = 0; while (true) { Sha256Hash curr_hash = curr_block.getHeader().getHash(); if (curr_block.getHeight() % 10000 == 0) { System.out.println("Block: " + curr_block.getHeight()); } if (!file_db.getBlockMap().containsKey(curr_hash)) { throw new RuntimeException("Missing block: " + curr_hash); } checked++; // if (checked > 20) return; if (curr_hash.equals(genisis_hash)) return; curr_block = curr_block.getPrev(block_store); } }
private void parsePaymentRequest(Protos.PaymentRequest request) throws PaymentRequestException { try { if (request == null) throw new PaymentRequestException("request cannot be null"); if (!request.hasPaymentDetailsVersion()) throw new PaymentRequestException.InvalidVersion("No version"); if (request.getPaymentDetailsVersion() != 1) throw new PaymentRequestException.InvalidVersion( "Version 1 required. Received version " + request.getPaymentDetailsVersion()); paymentRequest = request; if (!request.hasSerializedPaymentDetails()) throw new PaymentRequestException("No PaymentDetails"); paymentDetails = Protos.PaymentDetails.newBuilder() .mergeFrom(request.getSerializedPaymentDetails()) .build(); if (paymentDetails == null) throw new PaymentRequestException("Invalid PaymentDetails"); if (!paymentDetails.hasNetwork()) params = MainNetParams.get(); else params = NetworkParameters.fromPmtProtocolID(paymentDetails.getNetwork()); if (params == null) throw new PaymentRequestException.InvalidNetwork( "Invalid network " + paymentDetails.getNetwork()); if (paymentDetails.getOutputsCount() < 1) throw new PaymentRequestException.InvalidOutputs("No outputs"); for (Protos.Output output : paymentDetails.getOutputsList()) { if (output.hasAmount()) totalValue = totalValue.add(BigInteger.valueOf(output.getAmount())); } // This won't ever happen in practice. It would only happen if the user provided outputs // that are obviously invalid. Still, we don't want to silently overflow. if (totalValue.compareTo(BigInteger.valueOf(Long.MAX_VALUE)) > 0) throw new PaymentRequestException.InvalidOutputs("The outputs are way too big."); } catch (InvalidProtocolBufferException e) { throw new PaymentRequestException(e); } }
/** * Parses a wallet from the given stream, using the provided Wallet instance to load data into. * This is primarily used when you want to register extensions. Data in the proto will be added * into the wallet where applicable and overwrite where not. */ public Wallet readWallet(InputStream input) throws IOException { Protos.Wallet walletProto = parseToProto(input); // System.out.println(TextFormat.printToString(walletProto)); NetworkParameters params = NetworkParameters.fromID(walletProto.getNetworkIdentifier()); Wallet wallet = new Wallet(params); readWallet(walletProto, wallet); return wallet; }
public class Constants { public static final NetworkParameters NETWORK_PARAMETERS = MainNetParams.get(); private static final String FILENAME_NETWORK_SUFFIX = NETWORK_PARAMETERS.getId().equals(NetworkParameters.ID_MAINNET) ? "" : "-testnet"; public static final String WALLET_FILENAME_PROTOBUF = "hardwarewallet" + FILENAME_NETWORK_SUFFIX; public static final String INI_KEY_FILENAME = "ini" + FILENAME_NETWORK_SUFFIX; public static final Charset UTF_8 = Charset.forName("UTF-8"); public static final Charset US_ASCII = Charset.forName("US-ASCII"); }
public void run() { PeerDiscovery peerDiscovery = new DnsDiscovery(NetworkParameters.prodNet()); try { while (true) { InetSocketAddress addresses[] = peerDiscovery.getPeers(); // InetSocketAddress addresses[]={new InetSocketAddress("localhost",8333)}; System.out.println("peers " + addresses.length); NetworkConnection conn; Peer peer; System.out.println("connecting to peers"); for (InetSocketAddress a : addresses) { try { System.out.println("Trying " + a); conn = new NetworkConnection( a.getAddress(), Bitten.networkParameters, blockChain.getChainHead().getHeight(), 3000); System.out.println("after network connection"); peer = new Peer(Bitten.networkParameters, conn, blockChain); System.out.println("starting chain download"); peer.start(); peer.startBlockChainDownload(); while (true) { if (!peer.running()) { System.out.println("peer stopped!"); break; } sleep(1000); } } catch (IOException e) { System.out.println(e); continue; } catch (ProtocolException e) { continue; } catch (InterruptedException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); continue; } } } } catch (PeerDiscoveryException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } }
public static void main(String[] args) throws AddressFormatException { Node lenode = Node.getInstance(); NodeWallet lewallet = lenode.getWallet(); BigInteger leinteger = BigInteger.valueOf(20000000); System.out.print(leinteger); NetworkParameters netParams = NetworkParameters.testNet(); // leaddress.equals("mipcBbFg9gMiCh81Kj8tqqdgoZub1ZJRfn"); Address targetAddress = new Address(netParams, "mipcBbFg9gMiCh81Kj8tqqdgoZub1ZJRfn"); // Address.getParametersFromAddress("mipcBbFg9gMiCh81Kj8tqqdgoZub1ZJRfn"); lewallet.setBalance(targetAddress, leinteger); // BigInteger result = lewallet.getBalance(leaddress); System.out.print(targetAddress.toString()); }
@Test public void testReplayManagerSyncSingleWallet() throws Exception { // Get the system property runFunctionalTest to see if the functional // tests need running. String runFunctionalTests = System.getProperty(Constants.RUN_FUNCTIONAL_TESTS_PARAMETER); if (Boolean.TRUE.toString().equalsIgnoreCase(runFunctionalTests)) { // Date format is UTC with century, T time separator and Z for UTC // timezone. formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'", Locale.ENGLISH); formatter.setTimeZone(TimeZone.getTimeZone("UTC")); // Initialise replay manager ReplayManager replayManager = ReplayManager.INSTANCE; assertNotNull(replayManager); replayManager.initialise(controller, true); String replayWalletPath = multiBitDirectory.getAbsolutePath() + File.separator + "replay.wallet"; // Create a new wallet. Wallet replayWallet = new Wallet(NetworkParameters.prodNet()); // Add in the replay key. DumpedPrivateKey replayDumpedPrivateKey = new DumpedPrivateKey(NetworkParameters.prodNet(), REPLAY1_PRIVATE_KEY); ECKey replayKey = replayDumpedPrivateKey.getKey(); replayKey.setCreationTimeSeconds(formatter.parse(START_OF_REPLAY_PERIOD).getTime() / 1000); log.debug("replayPrivateKey getCreationTimeSeconds = " + replayKey.getCreationTimeSeconds()); replayWallet.addKey(replayKey); WalletData perWalletModelData = new WalletData(); perWalletModelData.setWalletInfo( new WalletInfoData(replayWalletPath, replayWallet, MultiBitWalletVersion.PROTOBUF)); perWalletModelData.setWallet(replayWallet); perWalletModelData.setWalletFilename(replayWalletPath); perWalletModelData.setWalletDescription("testReplayManagerSyncSingleWallet test"); controller.getModel().getPerWalletModelDataList().add(perWalletModelData); log.debug("Replay wallet before replay = \n" + replayWallet.toString()); assertEquals(BALANCE_AT_START, replayWallet.getBalance()); log.debug("Replaying blockchain"); // Create a ReplayTask to replay the replay wallet from the // START_OF_REPLAY_PERIOD. List<WalletData> perWalletModelDataList = new ArrayList<WalletData>(); perWalletModelDataList.add(perWalletModelData); ReplayTask replayTask = new ReplayTask( perWalletModelDataList, formatter.parse(START_OF_REPLAY_PERIOD), ReplayTask.UNKNOWN_START_HEIGHT); replayManager.offerReplayTask(replayTask); // Run for a while. log.debug("Twiddling thumbs for 60 seconds ..."); Thread.sleep(60000); log.debug("... 60 seconds later."); // Check the wallet - there should be some transactions in there. if (replayWallet.getTransactions(true).size() > 0) { // We are done. } else { // Run for a while longer. log.debug("Twiddling thumbs for another 60 seconds ..."); Thread.sleep(60000); log.debug("... 60 seconds later."); if (replayWallet.getTransactions(true).size() > 0) { // We are done. } else { if (simpleViewSystem.getNumberOfBlocksDownloaded() > 0) { // Well it tried but probably got a slow connection - // give it a pass. } else { fail("No blocks were downloaded on replay"); } } } // Print out replay wallet after replay. log.debug("Replay wallet after replay = \n" + replayWallet); } else { log.debug( "Not running functional test: ReplayManagerTest#testReplayManagerSyncSingleWallet. Add '-DrunFunctionalTests=true' to run"); } }
@Test public void testReplayMiningTransaction() throws Exception { // Get the system property runFunctionalTest to see if the functional tests need running. String runFunctionalTests = System.getProperty(Constants.RUN_FUNCTIONAL_TESTS_PARAMETER); if (Boolean.TRUE.toString().equalsIgnoreCase(runFunctionalTests)) { // Date format is UTC with century, T time separator and Z for UTC timezone. formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'", Locale.ENGLISH); formatter.setTimeZone(TimeZone.getTimeZone("UTC")); File multiBitDirectory = createMultiBitRuntime(); // Set the application data directory to be the one we just created. ApplicationDataDirectoryLocator applicationDataDirectoryLocator = new ApplicationDataDirectoryLocator(multiBitDirectory); log.debug("applicationDataDirectoryLocator = " + applicationDataDirectoryLocator); // Create MultiBit controller. final CreateControllers.Controllers controllers = CreateControllers.createControllers(applicationDataDirectoryLocator); log.debug("Creating Bitcoin service"); // Create the MultiBitService that connects to the bitcoin network. MultiBitService multiBitService = new MultiBitService(controllers.bitcoinController); log.debug("multiBitService = " + multiBitService); controllers.bitcoinController.setMultiBitService(multiBitService); // Add the simple view system (no Swing). SimpleViewSystem simpleViewSystem = new SimpleViewSystem(); controllers.coreController.registerViewSystem(simpleViewSystem); log.debug("simpleViewSystem = " + simpleViewSystem); ReplayManager.INSTANCE.initialise(controllers.bitcoinController); // // MultiBit runtime is now setup and running. // String miningWalletPath = multiBitDirectory.getAbsolutePath() + File.separator + "mining.wallet"; // Create a new wallet. Wallet miningWallet = new Wallet(NetworkParameters.prodNet()); // Add in the mining key that has the coinbase transactions. DumpedPrivateKey miningPrivateKey = new DumpedPrivateKey(NetworkParameters.prodNet(), MINING_PRIVATE_KEY); miningWallet.addKey(miningPrivateKey.getKey()); WalletData perWalletModelData = new WalletData(); perWalletModelData.setWalletInfo( new WalletInfoData(miningWalletPath, MultiBitWalletVersion.PROTOBUF)); perWalletModelData.setWallet(miningWallet); perWalletModelData.setWalletFilename(miningWalletPath); perWalletModelData.setWalletDescription("testReplayMiningTransaction test"); // Save the new wallet. controllers .bitcoinController .getFileHandler() .savePerWalletModelData(perWalletModelData, true); // Get the multibitService to load it up and hook it up to the blockchain. controllers.bitcoinController.getMultiBitService().addWalletFromFilename(miningWalletPath); controllers.bitcoinController.getModel().setActiveWalletByFilename(miningWalletPath); log.debug("Mining wallet = \n" + miningWallet.toString()); assertEquals(BALANCE_AT_START, miningWallet.getBalance()); // Wait for a peer connection. log.debug("Waiting for peer connection. . . "); while (!simpleViewSystem.isOnline()) { Thread.sleep(1000); } log.debug("Now online."); log.debug("Replaying blockchain"); // multiBitService.replayBlockChain(formatter.parse(START_OF_REPLAY_PERIOD)); List<WalletData> perWalletModelDataList = new ArrayList<WalletData>(); perWalletModelDataList.add( controllers.bitcoinController.getModel().getActivePerWalletModelData()); ReplayTask replayTask = new ReplayTask( perWalletModelDataList, formatter.parse(START_OF_REPLAY_PERIOD), ReplayTask.UNKNOWN_START_HEIGHT); ReplayManager.INSTANCE.offerReplayTask(replayTask); // Run for a minute. log.debug("Twiddling thumbs for a minute ..."); Thread.sleep(60000); log.debug("... one minute later."); // Check new balance on wallet - estimated balance should be at least the // expected (may have later tx too).. log.debug( "Mining wallet estimated balance is:\n" + controllers .bitcoinController .getModel() .getActiveWallet() .getBalance(BalanceType.ESTIMATED) .toString()); log.debug( "Mining wallet spendable balance is:\n" + controllers.bitcoinController.getModel().getActiveWallet().getBalance().toString()); log.debug( "Mining wallet is:\n" + controllers.bitcoinController.getModel().getActiveWallet().toString()); assertTrue( "Estimated balance of mining wallet is incorrect", BALANCE_AFTER_REPLAY.compareTo( controllers .bitcoinController .getModel() .getActiveWallet() .getBalance(BalanceType.ESTIMATED)) <= 0); // assertTrue("Available balance of mining wallet is incorrect", // BigInteger.ZERO.compareTo(controller.getModel().getActiveWallet().getBalance()) == 0); // See if the first transaction is a coinbase. miningWallet = controllers.bitcoinController.getModel().getActiveWallet(); Set<Transaction> transactions = miningWallet.getTransactions(true); assertTrue("Transactions are missing", !(transactions == null || transactions.isEmpty())); Transaction transaction = transactions.iterator().next(); assertNotNull("First transaction is null", transaction); System.out.println("First transaction before roundtrip\n" + transaction); assertTrue( "The first transaction in the wallet is not a coinbase but it should be", transaction.isCoinBase()); // Force save the wallet, reload it and check the transaction is still coinbase. controllers .bitcoinController .getFileHandler() .savePerWalletModelData(perWalletModelData, true); WalletData rebornPerWalletModelData = controllers.bitcoinController.getFileHandler().loadFromFile(new File(miningWalletPath)); assertNotNull("No reborn perWalletModelData", rebornPerWalletModelData); ; assertNotNull("No reborn wallet", rebornPerWalletModelData.getWallet()); Wallet rebornMiningWallet = rebornPerWalletModelData.getWallet(); // See if the first transaction in the reborn wallet is a coinbase. Set<Transaction> rebornTransactions = rebornMiningWallet.getTransactions(true); assertTrue( "No reborn transactions", !(rebornTransactions == null || rebornTransactions.isEmpty())); Transaction rebornTransaction = rebornTransactions.iterator().next(); assertNotNull("No reborn first transaction", rebornTransaction); System.out.println("First transaction after roundtrip\n" + rebornTransaction); assertTrue( "The first transaction in the wallet is not a coinbase but it should be", rebornTransaction.isCoinBase()); // Tidy up. multiBitService.getPeerGroup().stop(); controllers .bitcoinController .getFileHandler() .deleteWalletAndWalletInfo( controllers.bitcoinController.getModel().getActivePerWalletModelData()); } else { log.debug( "Not running functional test: MiningCoinBaseTransactionsSeenTest#testReplayMiningTransaction. Add '-DrunFunctionalTests=true' to run"); } }