public void ambiguousDefaultSet(MixinReference reference, List<ASTCssNode> possibleMixins) { addError( reference, "Ambiguous use of `default()` found when matching reference " + reference.getFinalName() + ". Matched mixins using default are located at " + printer.toNodesPositions(possibleMixins)); }
public void wrongDetachedRulesetReference(DetachedRulesetReference reference, Expression value) { addError( reference, "Detached ruleset reference \"" + reference.getVariable().getName() + "\" does not evaluate to detached ruleset. It resolved to expression defined at " + printer.toPosition(value)); }
public void stringInterpolationNotSupported(HiddenTokenAwareTree errorNode, Expression value) { addError( errorNode, "String interpolation does not requeted expression type. Requested expression was defined at " + printer.toPosition(value)); }
private CompilationError createUndefinedNamespace(MixinReference reference) { return createUndefinedNamespace(printer.toString(reference), reference); }
public void mixinsCycle(List<MixinReference> cycle) { addError( cycle.get(0), "Cyclic references among mixins: " + printer.toMixinReferencesString(cycle)); }
public void variablesCycle(List<Variable> cycle) { addError( cycle.get(0), "Cyclic references among variables: " + printer.toVariablesString(cycle)); }