protected String resolveLaunchUrl( IResourceResolver resourceResolver, SDBGLaunchConfigWrapper launchConfig) throws CoreException { String url; if (launchConfig.getShouldLaunchFile()) { IResource resource = launchConfig.getApplicationResource(); if (resource == null) { throw new CoreException( new Status( IStatus.ERROR, SDBGDebugCorePlugin.PLUGIN_ID, "HTML file could not be found")); } if (resource instanceof IFile) { url = resourceResolver.getUrlForResource(resource); } else { url = resource.getLocationURI().toString(); } } else { url = launchConfig.getUrl(); } return launchConfig.appendQueryParams(url); }
public WebkitDebugTarget connect( ILaunch launch, ILaunchConfiguration configuration, IResourceResolver resourceResolver, IDeviceChooser deviceChooser, IBrowserTabChooser browserTabChooser, IProgressMonitor monitor) throws CoreException { try { SDBGLaunchConfigWrapper launchConfig = new SDBGLaunchConfigWrapper(configuration); LogTimer timer = new LogTimer("Chrome debug connect"); try { timer.startTask("connect"); try { launchConfig.markAsLaunched(); List<? extends IDeviceInfo> devices = adbManager.getDevices(); if (devices.isEmpty()) { throw new DebugException( new Status( IStatus.ERROR, SDBGDebugCorePlugin.PLUGIN_ID, "No USB-attached Android devices found.\n\nPlease make sure you have enabled USB debugging on your device and you have attached it to the PC via USB.")); } IDeviceInfo device = deviceChooser.chooseDevice(devices); if (device != null) { int port = NetUtils.findUnusedPort(DEVTOOLS_PORT_NUMBER); MobileBrowserUtils.addChromiumForward(adbManager, device.getId(), port); try { final String url = launchConfig.getUrl(); boolean launchTab = launchConfig.isLaunchTabWithUrl() && url != null && url.length() > 0; if (launchTab) { MobileBrowserUtils.launchChromeBrowser(adbManager, device.getId()); IBrowserTabInfo tab = getChromiumTab( null /*runtimeProcess*/, new IBrowserTabChooser() { @Override public IBrowserTabInfo chooseTab(List<? extends IBrowserTabInfo> tabs) throws CoreException { for (IBrowserTabInfo tab : tabs) { if (tab.getUrl() != null && tab.getUrl().toLowerCase().contains(url.toLowerCase())) { return tab; } } return null; } }, "", port, 10 * 1000L /*maxStartupDelay*/, null /*output*/); if (tab == null) { MobileBrowserUtils.launchChromeBrowser( adbManager, device.getId(), launchConfig.getUrl()); } } return connectToChromiumDebug( "Mobile Chrome Remote Connection", launch, launchConfig, null /*url*/, monitor, null /*runtimeProcess*/, timer, true /*enableBreakpoints*/, "", port, launchTab ? 10 * 1000L : 0L /*maxStartupDelay*/, null /*browserOutput*/, null /*processDescription*/, resourceResolver, browserTabChooser, true /*remote*/); } catch (IOException e) { adbManager.removeAllForwards(); throw new CoreException( new Status( IStatus.ERROR, SDBGDebugCorePlugin.PLUGIN_ID, "Unable to connect to debugger in Chrome: " + e.getMessage(), e)); } catch (CoreException e) { adbManager.removeAllForwards(); throw e; } } else { throw new DebugException( new Status( IStatus.INFO, SDBGDebugCorePlugin.PLUGIN_ID, "No Android device was chosen. Connection cancelled.")); } } finally { timer.stopTask(); } } finally { timer.stopTimer(); } } catch (CoreException e) { DebugPlugin.getDefault().getLaunchManager().removeLaunch(launch); throw e; } }