/** @return The standard Linker configuration with 'testOptions' added to the argument list. */ public final LinkerDef getTestLinker( final AbstractCompileMojo mojo, final CCTask task, final String os, final String prefix, final String type) throws MojoFailureException, MojoExecutionException { final LinkerDef linker = getLinker(mojo, task, os, prefix, type); if (this.testOptions != null) { for (final Iterator i = this.testOptions.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) { final LinkerArgument arg = new LinkerArgument(); arg.setValue((String) i.next()); linker.addConfiguredLinkerArg(arg); } } return linker; }
private void createLibrary(final Project antProject, final Library library) throws MojoExecutionException, MojoFailureException { getLog().debug("Creating Library " + library); // configure task final CCTask task = new CCTask(); task.setCommandLogLevel(this.commandLogLevel); task.setProject(antProject); task.setDecorateLinkerOptions(this.decorateLinkerOptions); // subsystem final SubsystemEnum subSystem = new SubsystemEnum(); subSystem.setValue(library.getSubSystem()); task.setSubsystem(subSystem); // set max cores task.setMaxCores(getMaxCores(getAOL())); // outtype final OutputTypeEnum outTypeEnum = new OutputTypeEnum(); final String type = library.getType(); outTypeEnum.setValue(type); task.setOuttype(outTypeEnum); // stdc++ task.setLinkCPP(library.linkCPP()); // fortran task.setLinkFortran(library.linkFortran()); task.setLinkFortranMain(library.linkFortranMain()); // outDir File outDir; if (type.equals(Library.EXECUTABLE)) { outDir = getLayout() .getBinDirectory( getTargetDirectory(), getMavenProject().getArtifactId(), getMavenProject().getVersion(), getAOL().toString()); } else { outDir = getLayout() .getLibDirectory( getTargetDirectory(), getMavenProject().getArtifactId(), getMavenProject().getVersion(), getAOL().toString(), type); } outDir.mkdirs(); // outFile // FIXME NAR-90 we could get the final name from layout final File outFile = new File(outDir, getOutput(getAOL(), type)); getLog().debug("NAR - output: '" + outFile + "'"); task.setOutfile(outFile); // object directory File objDir = new File(getTargetDirectory(), "obj"); objDir = new File(objDir, getAOL().toString()); objDir.mkdirs(); task.setObjdir(objDir); // failOnError, libtool task.setFailonerror(failOnError(getAOL())); task.setLibtool(useLibtool(getAOL())); // runtime final RuntimeType runtimeType = new RuntimeType(); runtimeType.setValue(getRuntime(getAOL())); task.setRuntime(runtimeType); // IDL, MC, RC compilations should probably be 'generate source' type // actions, seperate from main build. // Needs resolution of handling for generate sources. // Order is somewhat important here, IDL and MC generate outputs that are // (often) included in the RC compilation if (getIdl() != null) { final CompilerDef idl = getIdl().getCompiler(Compiler.MAIN, null); if (idl != null) { task.addConfiguredCompiler(idl); } } if (getMessage() != null) { final CompilerDef mc = getMessage().getCompiler(Compiler.MAIN, null); if (mc != null) { task.addConfiguredCompiler(mc); } } if (getResource() != null) { final CompilerDef res = getResource().getCompiler(Compiler.MAIN, null); if (res != null) { task.addConfiguredCompiler(res); } } // Darren Sargent Feb 11 2010: Use Compiler.MAIN for "type"...appears the // wrong "type" variable was being used // since getCompiler() expects "main" or "test", whereas the "type" variable // here is "executable", "shared" etc. // add C++ compiler if (getCpp() != null) { final CompilerDef cpp = getCpp().getCompiler(Compiler.MAIN, null); if (cpp != null) { task.addConfiguredCompiler(cpp); } } // add C compiler if (getC() != null) { final CompilerDef c = getC().getCompiler(Compiler.MAIN, null); if (c != null) { task.addConfiguredCompiler(c); } } // add Fortran compiler if (getFortran() != null) { final CompilerDef fortran = getFortran().getCompiler(Compiler.MAIN, null); if (fortran != null) { task.addConfiguredCompiler(fortran); } } // end Darren // add javah include path final File jniDirectory = getJavah().getJniDirectory(); if (jniDirectory.exists()) { task.createIncludePath().setPath(jniDirectory.getPath()); } // add java include paths getJava().addIncludePaths(task, type); final List<NarArtifact> dependencies = getNarArtifacts(); // add dependency include paths for (final Object element : dependencies) { // FIXME, handle multiple includes from one NAR final NarArtifact narDependency = (NarArtifact) element; final String binding = narDependency.getNarInfo().getBinding(getAOL(), Library.STATIC); getLog().debug("Looking for " + narDependency + " found binding " + binding); if (!binding.equals(Library.JNI)) { final File unpackDirectory = getUnpackDirectory(); final File include = getLayout() .getIncludeDirectory( unpackDirectory, narDependency.getArtifactId(), narDependency.getBaseVersion()); getLog().debug("Looking for include directory: " + include); if (include.exists()) { task.createIncludePath().setPath(include.getPath()); } else { throw new MojoExecutionException("NAR: unable to locate include path: " + include); } } } // add linker final LinkerDef linkerDefinition = getLinker().getLinker(this, antProject, getOS(), getAOL().getKey() + ".linker.", type); task.addConfiguredLinker(linkerDefinition); // add dependency libraries // FIXME: what about PLUGIN and STATIC, depending on STATIC, should we // not add all libraries, see NARPLUGIN-96 if (type.equals(Library.SHARED) || type.equals(Library.JNI) || type.equals(Library.EXECUTABLE)) { final List depLibOrder = getDependencyLibOrder(); List depLibs = dependencies; // reorder the libraries that come from the nar dependencies // to comply with the order specified by the user if (depLibOrder != null && !depLibOrder.isEmpty()) { final List tmp = new LinkedList(); for (final Iterator i = depLibOrder.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) { final String depToOrderName = (String) i.next(); for (final Iterator j = depLibs.iterator(); j.hasNext(); ) { final NarArtifact dep = (NarArtifact) j.next(); final String depName = dep.getGroupId() + ":" + dep.getArtifactId(); if (depName.equals(depToOrderName)) { tmp.add(dep); j.remove(); } } } tmp.addAll(depLibs); depLibs = tmp; } for (final Iterator i = depLibs.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) { final NarArtifact dependency = (NarArtifact) i.next(); // FIXME no handling of "local" // FIXME, no way to override this at this stage final String binding = dependency.getNarInfo().getBinding(getAOL(), Library.NONE); getLog().debug("Using Binding: " + binding); AOL aol = getAOL(); aol = dependency.getNarInfo().getAOL(getAOL()); getLog().debug("Using Library AOL: " + aol.toString()); if (!binding.equals(Library.JNI) && !binding.equals(Library.NONE) && !binding.equals(Library.EXECUTABLE)) { final File unpackDirectory = getUnpackDirectory(); final File dir = getLayout() .getLibDirectory( unpackDirectory, dependency.getArtifactId(), dependency.getBaseVersion(), aol.toString(), binding); getLog().debug("Looking for Library Directory: " + dir); if (dir.exists()) { final LibrarySet libSet = new LibrarySet(); libSet.setProject(antProject); // FIXME, no way to override final String libs = dependency.getNarInfo().getLibs(getAOL()); if (libs != null && !libs.equals("")) { getLog().debug("Using LIBS = " + libs); libSet.setLibs(new CUtil.StringArrayBuilder(libs)); libSet.setDir(dir); task.addLibset(libSet); } } else { getLog().debug("Library Directory " + dir + " does NOT exist."); } // FIXME, look again at this, for multiple dependencies we may need to // remove duplicates final String options = dependency.getNarInfo().getOptions(getAOL()); if (options != null && !options.equals("")) { getLog().debug("Using OPTIONS = " + options); final LinkerArgument arg = new LinkerArgument(); arg.setValue(options); linkerDefinition.addConfiguredLinkerArg(arg); } final String sysLibs = dependency.getNarInfo().getSysLibs(getAOL()); if (sysLibs != null && !sysLibs.equals("")) { getLog().debug("Using SYSLIBS = " + sysLibs); final SystemLibrarySet sysLibSet = new SystemLibrarySet(); sysLibSet.setProject(antProject); sysLibSet.setLibs(new CUtil.StringArrayBuilder(sysLibs)); task.addSyslibset(sysLibSet); } } } } // Add JVM to linker getJava().addRuntime(task, getJavaHome(getAOL()), getOS(), getAOL().getKey() + ".java."); // execute try { task.execute(); } catch (final BuildException e) { throw new MojoExecutionException("NAR: Compile failed", e); } // FIXME, this should be done in CPPTasks at some point if (getRuntime(getAOL()).equals("dynamic") && getOS().equals(OS.WINDOWS) && getLinker().getName(null, null).equals("msvc") && !getLinker().getVersion().startsWith("6.")) { final String libType = library.getType(); if (libType.equals(Library.JNI) || libType.equals(Library.SHARED)) { final String dll = outFile.getPath() + ".dll"; final String manifest = dll + ".manifest"; final int result = NarUtil.runCommand( "mt.exe", new String[] {"/manifest", manifest, "/outputresource:" + dll + ";#2"}, null, null, getLog()); if (result != 0) { throw new MojoFailureException("MT.EXE failed with exit code: " + result); } } else if (libType.equals(Library.EXECUTABLE)) { final String exe = outFile.getPath() + ".exe"; final String manifest = exe + ".manifest"; final int result = NarUtil.runCommand( "mt.exe", new String[] {"/manifest", manifest, "/outputresource:" + exe + ";#1"}, null, null, getLog()); if (result != 0) { throw new MojoFailureException("MT.EXE failed with exit code: " + result); } } } }
public final LinkerDef getLinker( final AbstractCompileMojo mojo, final CCTask task, final String os, final String prefix, final String type) throws MojoFailureException, MojoExecutionException { Project antProject = task.getProject(); if (this.name == null) { throw new MojoFailureException("NAR: Please specify a <Name> as part of <Linker>"); } final LinkerDef linker = new LinkerDef(); linker.setProject(antProject); final LinkerEnum linkerEnum = new LinkerEnum(); linkerEnum.setValue(this.name); linker.setName(linkerEnum); // tool path if (this.toolPath != null) { linker.setToolPath(this.toolPath); } else if ("msvc".equalsIgnoreCase(name)) { linker.setToolPath(mojo.getMsvc().getToolPath()); } // incremental, map linker.setIncremental(this.incremental); linker.setMap(this.map); // Add definitions (Window only) if (os.equals(OS.WINDOWS) && getName(null, null).equals("msvc") && (type.equals(Library.SHARED) || type.equals(Library.JNI))) { final Set defs = new HashSet(); try { if (mojo.getC() != null) { final List cSrcDirs = mojo.getC().getSourceDirectories(); for (final Iterator i = cSrcDirs.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) { final File dir = (File) i.next(); if (dir.exists()) { defs.addAll(FileUtils.getFiles(dir, "**/*.def", null)); } } } } catch (final IOException e) { } try { if (mojo.getCpp() != null) { final List cppSrcDirs = mojo.getCpp().getSourceDirectories(); for (final Iterator i = cppSrcDirs.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) { final File dir = (File) i.next(); if (dir.exists()) { defs.addAll(FileUtils.getFiles(dir, "**/*.def", null)); } } } } catch (final IOException e) { } try { if (mojo.getFortran() != null) { final List fortranSrcDirs = mojo.getFortran().getSourceDirectories(); for (final Iterator i = fortranSrcDirs.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) { final File dir = (File) i.next(); if (dir.exists()) { defs.addAll(FileUtils.getFiles(dir, "**/*.def", null)); } } } } catch (final IOException e) { } for (final Iterator i = defs.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) { final LinkerArgument arg = new LinkerArgument(); arg.setValue("/def:" + i.next()); linker.addConfiguredLinkerArg(arg); } } // FIXME, this should be done in CPPTasks at some point, and may not be // necessary, but was for VS 2010 beta 2 if (os.equals(OS.WINDOWS) && getName(null, null).equals("msvc") && !getVersion(mojo).startsWith("6.") && (type.equals(Library.SHARED) || type.equals(Library.JNI) || type.equals(Library.EXECUTABLE))) { final LinkerArgument arg = new LinkerArgument(); if (isGenerateManifest()) arg.setValue("/MANIFEST"); else arg.setValue("/MANIFEST:NO"); linker.addConfiguredLinkerArg(arg); if (isGenerateManifest()) { final LinkerArgument arg2 = new LinkerArgument(); arg2.setValue("/MANIFESTFILE:" + task.getOutfile() + ".manifest"); linker.addConfiguredLinkerArg(arg2); } } // Add options to linker if (this.options != null) { for (final Iterator i = this.options.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) { final LinkerArgument arg = new LinkerArgument(); arg.setValue((String) i.next()); linker.addConfiguredLinkerArg(arg); } } if (this.optionSet != null) { final String[] opts = this.optionSet.split("\\s"); for (final String opt : opts) { final LinkerArgument arg = new LinkerArgument(); arg.setValue(opt); linker.addConfiguredLinkerArg(arg); } } if (!this.clearDefaultOptions) { final String option = NarProperties.getInstance(mojo.getMavenProject()).getProperty(prefix + "options"); if (option != null) { final String[] opt = option.split(" "); for (final String element : opt) { final LinkerArgument arg = new LinkerArgument(); arg.setValue(element); linker.addConfiguredLinkerArg(arg); } } } // record the preference for nar dependency library link order if (this.narDependencyLibOrder != null) { final List libOrder = new LinkedList(); final String[] lib = this.narDependencyLibOrder.split(","); for (final String element : lib) { libOrder.add(element.trim()); } mojo.setDependencyLibOrder(libOrder); } // Add Libraries to linker if (this.libs != null || this.libSet != null) { if (this.libs != null) { for (final Iterator i = this.libs.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) { final Lib lib = (Lib) i.next(); lib.addLibSet(mojo, linker, antProject); } } if (this.libSet != null) { addLibraries(this.libSet, linker, antProject, false); } } else { final String libsList = NarProperties.getInstance(mojo.getMavenProject()).getProperty(prefix + "libs"); addLibraries(libsList, linker, antProject, false); } // Add System Libraries to linker if (this.sysLibs != null || this.sysLibSet != null) { if (this.sysLibs != null) { for (final Iterator i = this.sysLibs.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) { final SysLib sysLib = (SysLib) i.next(); linker.addSyslibset(sysLib.getSysLibSet(antProject)); } } if (this.sysLibSet != null) { addLibraries(this.sysLibSet, linker, antProject, true); } } else { final String sysLibsList = NarProperties.getInstance(mojo.getMavenProject()).getProperty(prefix + "sysLibs"); addLibraries(sysLibsList, linker, antProject, true); } mojo.getMsvc().configureLinker(linker); return linker; }