  public void info() throws DockerException {
    // Make sure that there is at least one container for the assertion
    // TODO extract this into a shared method
    if (dockerClient.listContainersCmd().withShowAll(true).exec().size() == 0) {
      CreateContainerResponse container =
              .withCmd("touch", "/test")

      LOG.info("Created container: {}", container);
      assertThat(container.getId(), not(isEmptyOrNullString()));


    Info dockerInfo = dockerClient.infoCmd().exec();


    assertTrue(dockerInfo.getContainers() > 0);
    assertTrue(dockerInfo.getImages() > 0);
    assertTrue(dockerInfo.getNFd() > 0);
    assertTrue(dockerInfo.getNGoroutines() > 0);
    assertTrue(dockerInfo.getNCPU() > 0);
  /** @param args */
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    DockerClient dockerClient = getDockerClient("");
    Info info = dockerClient.infoCmd().exec();
    System.out.println("Client info: {}" + info.toString());

    int imgCount = info.getImages();
    System.out.println("imgCount1: {}" + dockerClient.listImagesCmd().exec().size());

    // This should be an image that is not used by other repositories
    // already
    // pulled down, preferably small in size. If tag is not used pull will
    // download all images in that repository but tmpImgs will only
    // deleted 'latest' image but not images with other tags
    String testImage = "";

    System.out.println("Removing image: {}" + testImage);

    try {
    } catch (NotFoundException e) {
      // just ignore if not exist

    info = dockerClient.infoCmd().exec();
    System.out.println("Client info: {}" + info.toString());

    imgCount = info.getImages();
    System.out.println("imgCount2: {}" + dockerClient.listImagesCmd().exec().size());

    System.out.println("Pulling image: {}" + testImage);

        .exec(new PullImageResultCallback())

    info = dockerClient.infoCmd().exec();
    System.out.println("Client info after pull, {}" + info.toString());

    assertThat(imgCount, lessThanOrEqualTo(info.getImages()));

    InspectImageResponse inspectImageResponse = dockerClient.inspectImageCmd(testImage).exec();
    System.out.println("Image Inspect: {}" + inspectImageResponse.toString());
    assertThat(inspectImageResponse, notNullValue());