public Object getFromCache( LocalUserDetail user, APIResourceCredentials credentials, String cacheKey) { if (null != subscriptionStore && null != subscriptionStore.getBySubscriptionId(user.getUserId()) && null != entityCache) { return entityCache.get(credentials, cacheKey); } else { return null; } }
public void evictUpdatedResourcesFromCache( String subscriberId, InputStream updateMessageStream, String serverSignature) throws FitbitAPIException { try { if (null == serverSignature) { throw new FitbitAPISecurityException("Missing signature."); } String updateMessage = APIUtil.inputStreamToString(updateMessageStream); String ourSignature = APIUtil.generateSignature(updateMessage, subscriberSecret); if (null == ourSignature || !ourSignature.equals(serverSignature)) { throw new FitbitAPISecurityException("Signatures do not match, given " + serverSignature); } UpdateNotification notification = new UpdateNotification(new JSONArray(updateMessage)); int i = 0; for (UpdatedResource resource : notification.getUpdatedResources()) { //noinspection UnnecessaryParentheses,ValueOfIncrementOrDecrementUsed "Processing update notification " + (++i) + " for subscription " + resource.getSubscriptionId()); LocalSubscriptionDetail sub = subscriptionStore.getBySubscriptionId(resource.getSubscriptionId()); if (null == sub) { "Nothing known about subscription " + resource.getSubscriptionId() + ", creating placeholder."); sub = new LocalSubscriptionDetail( new SubscriptionDetail( subscriberId, resource.getSubscriptionId(), resource.getOwner(), resource.getCollectionType()), false);; } sub.setLastUpdateNotificationDate(new Date()); APIResourceCredentials credentials = credentialsCache.getResourceCredentials( new LocalUserDetail(resource.getSubscriptionId())); String cacheKeyWithUserId = APIUtil.constructFullUrl( client.getApiBaseUrl(), client.getApiVersion(), resource.getOwner(), resource.getCollectionType(), resource.getDate(), APIFormat.JSON); Activities entity = (Activities) entityCache.get(credentials, cacheKeyWithUserId); if (null != entity) {"Evicting entity " + cacheKeyWithUserId); entityCache.remove(credentials, cacheKeyWithUserId); } else {"There is no cached version of entity " + cacheKeyWithUserId); } String cacheKeyWithPlaceholder = APIUtil.constructFullUrl( client.getApiBaseUrl(), client.getApiVersion(), FitbitUser.CURRENT_AUTHORIZED_USER, resource.getCollectionType(), resource.getDate(), APIFormat.JSON); entity = (Activities) entityCache.get(credentials, cacheKeyWithPlaceholder); if (null != entity) {"Evicting entity " + cacheKeyWithPlaceholder); entityCache.remove(credentials, cacheKeyWithPlaceholder); } else {"There is no cached version of entity " + cacheKeyWithPlaceholder); } } } catch (IOException e) { throw new FitbitAPIException("Notification stream is malformed: " + e, e); } catch (JSONException e) { throw new FitbitAPIException("Unable to parse update message: " + e, e); } }