     value = "Get all documents",
     notes = "All documents that are avaliable",
     response = DocumentDTO.class,
     responseContainer = "List")
 public List<DocumentDTO> documentIndex() {
   return documentRepository
      value = "Documentation for specific documents",
      notes = "Gets all documentation in all documents with matching name and version",
      response = DocumentationItemDTO.class,
      responseContainer = "List")
  public List<DocumentationItemDTO> searchDocumentation(
      @ApiParam(value = "Max number of results", required = false, defaultValue = "50")
          int maxResults,
      @ApiParam(value = "Search Term for documentation", required = false)
          String searchTerm) {
    List<Document> allDocs = documentRepository.getAllDocuments();

    return getDocumentation(allDocs, searchTerm, maxResults);