@Test public void testBuckPyIgnorePaths() throws IOException { ProjectWorkspace workspace = TestDataHelper.createProjectWorkspaceForScenario( this, "buck_py_ignore_paths", temporaryFolder); workspace.setUp(); ProcessResult result = workspace.runBuckCommand("test", "--all"); result.assertExitCode("buck test --all should exit cleanly", 0); }
@Test public void testIfCommandExitsZeroThenGenruleFails() throws IOException { assumeTrue( "This genrule uses the 'bash' argument, which is not supported on Windows. ", Platform.detect() != Platform.WINDOWS); ProjectWorkspace workspace = TestDataHelper.createProjectWorkspaceForScenario( this, "genrule_failing_command", temporaryFolder); workspace.setUp(); ProcessResult buildResult = workspace.runBuckCommand("build", "//:fail"); buildResult.assertExitCode(1); // We make sure that we failed for the right reason. assertThat( buildResult.getStderr(), containsString("BUILD FAILED: //:fail failed on step \"genrule\" with exit code 1")); }